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Missing Magic Items by DnDChick

Here are some additional magic items a DM can use in their campaign. These a
re converted or adapted from the 1st edition AD&D Dungeon Masters Guide.
Direction: A weapon of direction typically appears to be a normal (or possib
ly magic) weapon of its type. Its magical properties make it function much as a
find the path spell, however, empowering the weapon to show the direction of the
desired way. Once per day the device can be tossed into the air; it will fall a
nd point towards the desired way, and this process can be repeated 7 times durin
g the next 70 minutes.
Caster Level: 11th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, find the path
; Market Price: +3; Converted From: arrow of direction.
Piercing: A piercing weapon is not actually hurled, as once per day, when th
e command word is spoken, the weapon launches itself. It has a range increment o
f 30 feet. The weapon attacks with a ranged attack bonus of +6, and inflicts nor
mal damage. Only weapons with range or that can be thrown can be enchanted with
this special ability.
Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, telekinesis; M
arket Price: +2 bonus; Converted From: javelin of piercing.
Submission: A weapon of this nature appears unremarkable, exactly as any nor
mal weapon of its type. The wielder of a weapon of submission causes any opponen
t struck to make a Will save (DC 15). If the opponent fails to save, he is affec
ted as though by the spell emotions: despair for 2d4 rounds. Thereafter the crea
ture is normal again.
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, emotions; Mark
et Price: +3 bonus; Converted From: trident of submission.
Striking: This weapons enhancement bonus may be increased by +3 twice per d
ay, and by +6 once per day. This effect lasts for one attack, and for that attac
k the weapon acts as a weapon of its raised enhancement, (thus overcoming DR an
d increasing both the attack roll and damage done.)
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, greater magic
weapon; Market Price: +2
Influence: This ring has the effect of providing a +4 insight bonus to Bluff
and Diplomacy checks. The wearer can cast charm person at 11th level strength,
or make a suggestion to any humanoid conversed with. The ring also enables the c
haracter to make use of mass charm enabling them to charm up to 22 hit dice of h
umanoids. Charm person and suggestion are applicable but once per day.
Caster Level: 15th; Prerequisites: Forge Ring, charm person, suggestion; Mar
ket Price: 20,000 gp; Converted From: ring of human influence.
Command: This device has three functions. The three functions are:
*Influence: This power has the effect of providing a +4 insight bonus to Blu
ff and Diplomacy checks. The user can cast charm person at 11th level strength,
or make a suggestion to any humanoid conversed with. The staff also enables the
character to make use of mass charm enabling them to charm up to 22 hit dice of
humanoids. Charm person and suggestion are applicable but once per day. Each use
of suggestion or charm person draws 1 charge from the staff.
*Animal friendship (1 charge per 10 minutes use)
*Control plants (1 charge for each 10 foot square area or 10 minutes of use)
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Staff, animal friendship, charm pers
on, control plants, suggestion; Market Price: WORKING ON THIS; Converted From: s
taff of command.

Curing: This device can be used but once per day on any person, and no funct
ion can be employed more than twice per day. Each function drains 1 charge. The
staff of curing enables the wielder to make use of remove disease, remove blindn
ess, cure serious wounds, and greater restoration.
Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: Craft Rod, remove disease, remove blindne
ss, cure serious wounds, greater restoration; Market Price: WORKING ON THIS; Con
verted From: staff of curing.
Lightning: This staff has two functions that closely resemble arcane spells:
*Shock: As per the shock special abilities for weapons, except use of this f
unction drains 1 charge per use.
*Lightning Bolt: 6d6 damage, Reflex save (DC 14) for half damage. (2 charges
Caster Level: 11th; Prerequisites: Craft Staff, lightning bolt; Market Price
: WORKING ON THIS; Converted From: wand of lightning.
Alchemy Jug: This magical device can pour varying liquids upon command. The
quantity of each liquid is dependent upon the liquid itself. The jug can pour on
ly one kind of liquid on any given day, up to seven times per day. The liquids a
nd quantity of pouring are:
Salt water: 16 gallons
Fresh water: 8 gallons
Beer: 4 gallons
Vinegar: 2 gallons
Wine: 1 gallon
Ammonia: 1 quart
Oil: 1 pint
Alcohol: 4 ounces
Poison: ounce
The jug will pour forth 2 gallons per round, so it will require 8 rounds to
complete one pouring of salt water.
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Create Wondrous Item, create food and wate
r, poison; Market Price: 19,060 gp; Converted From: alchemy jug.
Amulet of Life Protection: This pendant or brooch device serves as a ward fo
r the psyche (or soul). The wearer has a +4 insight bonus to Will saves to resis
t possession by a magic jar spell or any similar mental attack, including demoni
c or diabolic means. If the wearer is slain, the psyche enters the amulet via th
e contingency and trap the soul spells and is protected for one full week. There
after it goes to the plane of its alignment, however. If the amulet is destroyed
during the week, the psyche is utterly and irrevocably annihilated.
Caster Level: 15th; Prerequisites: Create Wondrous Item, contingency, trap t
he soul; Market Price: 84,000 gp; Converted From: amulet of life protection.
Cloak of Protection: Same as a cloak of resistance or as a ring of protectio
n only its a cloak. The prerequisite feat for a cloak of protection is Craft Wond
rous Item rather than Forge Ring.
Horn of Collapsing: This horn appears to be a normal musical instrument, per
haps a bugle, or warning horn of some sort. Proper use of a horn of collapsing e
nables the character to sound it while it is pointed at a roof or ceiling overhe
ad up to 60 feet away. The effect is to collapse a section of roof up to 20 feet
wide and 20 feet long (10-foot radius from the central aiming point). The ceili
ng overhead will collapse, striking with a +15 melee bonus on the target and all
within 10 feet; damage is 2d6+1d6 per story overhead if in a wooden building, 4
d6+1d6 per story overhead in a stone building, and 6d6+1d6 per 10 feet below the

surface if underground.
If it is sounded without first speaking the proper rune, or 10% of the time
in any event, the ceiling above the user will collapse instead. If used outside,
a rain of fist-sized rocks will strike the individual sounding the horn, 2d6 in
number, each causing 1d6 points of damage; Reflex save (DC 15) for half damage.
Caster Level: 14th; Prerequisites: Create Wondrous Item, earthquake; Market
Price: 40,320 gp; Converted From: horn of collapsing.
Net of Entrapment: This is a magical rope net constructed of several ropes o
f entanglement. Each net is 10 feet square and has 3-inch mesh. It can be thrown
with a range increment of 20 feet so as to cover and close upon opponents. It c
an be suspended from a ceiling (or generally overhead) and drop upon a command w
ord. It can be laid upon the floor and likewise close upwards upon command. The
net stretches to as to close over an area of up to a 5-foot cube in the latter c
ase. Its possessor can loosen it on command. Its abilities to attack and entangl
e opponents are identical to those of the rope of entanglement +3.
Caster Level: 12th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, entangle, animate ro
pe, animate objects; Market Price: 63,000 gp; Converted From: net of entrapment.
Rug of Smothering: See animated object in Core Rulebook III.
Saw of Mighty Cutting: This notched adamantine blade is 12 feet long and ove
r 1 foot wide. It requires a 20 or greater strength to operate alone, or two per
sons of 17 or greater strength to work in tandem. The blade will slice through a
2 foot thick hardwood tree in 10 minutes, a 4 foot thick trunk in 30 minutes, o
r a 1 foot diameter tree in but 3 rounds. After 1 hour of cutting with the saw,
the character or characters must rest an hour before doing any further work.
Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, warp wood; Market Pri
ce: 8,000 gp; Converted From: saw of mighty cutting.
Scarab of Insanity: This scarab is absolutely indistinguishable from any oth
er amulet, brooch, or scarab. When displayed and a command word is spoke, all ot
her creatures within 20 feet must make a Will save (DC 17). Those failing the sa
ve are completely insane as per the confusion spell for 10 rounds, unable to cas
t spells or use reasoning of any sort. The scarab can be used 4/day.
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, confusion; Market Pri
ce: 40,320 gp; Converted From: scarab of insanity.
Spade of Colossal Excavation: This digging tool is 8 feet long with a spadelike blade 2 feet wide and 3 feet long. Any character with an 18 strength can us
e this magical shovel to dig great holes. One cubic yard of normal earth can be
excavated in 1 round. Every minute, the user must rest for 5 rounds. Hardpan cla
y takes twice as long, as does gravel. Loose soil takes half as long.
Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, soften earth and ston
e; Market Price: 9,000 gp; Converted From: spade of colossal excavation.
Beaker of Plentiful Potions: This container resembles a jug or flask. It is
a magical beaker with alchemical properties which compound 1d4+1 doses from 1d4+
1 potions of any sort as initially determined by random selection. Different pot
ion sorts are layered in the container, and each pouring takes 1 round and spill
s forth 1 dose of 1 potion type. Roll for each potion contained so as to find wh
at it is--delusion and poison are possible--and record type by order of occurren
ce. Duplication is possible. If the container holds only 2 potions it will dispe
nse them each once per day, 3 times per week; if 3 are contained, it will dispen
se them once each per day, twice a week; and if 4 or 5 are contained it will pou
r each only once per week. Once opened, the beaker will gradually loose the abil
ity to produce potions. This reduction in ability results in the permanent loss
of one potion type per month.
Caster Level: 20th.

Book of Gainful Conjuration: This mystic compilation contains much knowledge

for arcane spell-casters of neutral, chaotic neutral, or lawful neutral alignme
nt. If a character of this class and alignment spends a full week, cloistered an
d undisturbed, pondering its contents, she will gain a +1 inherent bonus to Inte
lligence and experience points sufficient enough to place her exactly at the mid
-point of the next higher level. Arcane spellcasters of any non-neutral alignmen
t loose 2d61,000 experience points for perusing the work. Furthermore, they have
to atone in order to gain further experience.
Nonspellcasters who handle or read the book are unaffected. Divine spellcast
ers who read it have 1 point of Intelligence permanently drained and lose 1d61000
experience points unless they make a Will save (DC 15).
Except as indicated above, the writing in a book of gainful conjuration cann
ot be distinguished from any other magic book, libram, tome, or so on until peru
sed. Once read, the book vanishes, never to be seen again, nor can the same char
acter ever benefit from reading a similar tome a second time.
Caster Level: 19th; Weight: 3lbs.; Converted From: libram of gainful conjura
Book of Ineffable Damnation: This work is exactly like the book of gainful c
onjuration except that it benefits evil arcane spellcasters, and non-evil charac
ters of that class will loose 1 level of experience merely from looking inside o
f its brass-bound covers, in addition to other ill effects of perusing but one l
ine of its contents.
Caster Level: 19th; Weight: 3lbs.; Converted From: libram of ineffable damna
Book of Silver Magic: This mystic text is the reverse of the book of ineffab
le damnation, greatly beneficial to good arcane spellcasters, most baneful to no
n-good ones. Like all magical works of this sort, it vanishes after 1 week of st
udy, and the character having benefited from it can never be so aided again.
Caster Level: 19th; Weight: 3lbs.; Converted From: libram of silver magic.
Book of Skill at Arms: This scholarly study contains expert advice and instr
uction regarding weapon use and various attack and defense modes. Any single fig
hter who reads the book and practices the skills described therein for 1 month w
ill go up to the mid-point of the next higher level. Barbarians, paladins, and r
angers will understand the work, but only gain half the benefit a fighter would
receive. The book disappears after it is read, and the knowledge therein will be
forgotten within 3 months, so it must be acted upon with reasonable expedition.
The character cannot articulate what he has read, nor can it be recorded in any
fashion. Any cleric, druid, rogue, or monk who reads the book will not understa
nd it. If an arcane spellcaster so much as scans a few of its letters, she will
be stunned for 1d610 minutes and loose 1d61,000 experience points as the work is s
o opposed to the arcane profession. Only one perusal of the work will benefit th
e same character.
Caster Level: 19th; Weight: 3lbs.; Converted From: manual of puissant skill
at arms.
Book of Stealthy Pilfering: This guide to expertise at thievery is so learne
d and so erudite that any single rogue who reads it and then spends 1 month ther
eafter practicing the skills therein will gain experience points sufficient to p
lace her at the mid-point of the next higher level. The text disappears after re
ading, but knowledge is retained for 3 months--as with other magical texts of th
is sort, the knowledge cannot be recorded or told of, however. Any additional re
ading of a like book is of no benefit to the same character. Fighters, arcane sp
ellcasters, and monks will not comprehend the work. Clerics, rangers, and paladi
ns who read even a word of the book take 5d4 points of damage, are stunned for a
like number of rounds, and must make a Will save (DC 15) or loose 5d41,000 exper
ience points. In addition, such characters must atone within 1 day or loose 1 po

int of Wisdom.
Caster Level: 19th; Weight: 3lbs.; Converted From: manual of stealthy pilfer
Bucknards Everfull Purse: Appearing as nothing more than a leather pouch or
small bag, this magical poke is most useful to its owner, for each morning it w
ill duplicate certain coins--and possibly gems as well. When found, the purse wi
ll be full of coins. If totally emptied, and left so for more than a few minutes
, the magic of the purse is lost, but if 1 of each type of coin is placed within
the bag, the next morning 26 of each applicable type will be found inside. Buck
nards everfull purse comes in three types
Type I: 26 sp, 26 ep, 26 gp
Type II: 26 cp, 26 ep, 26 pp
Type III: 26 cp, 26 ep, 26 gems*
*Base 10gp gems which may increase to a maximum of 100gp only.
Once the type of bag is first determined by roll, its abilities will not cha
Caster Level: 18th; Converted From: Bucknards everfull purse.
Jewel of Flawlessness: This magical gem appears to be a very fine stone of s
ome sort, but if magic is detected for, its aura will be noted. When a jewel of
flawlessness is placed with other gems, there is a 20% chance that one of the ge
ms (randomly determined) will increase in value by a factor of 1d3+1. The jewel
has from 10-100 facets, and whenever a gem increases in value because of the mag
ic of the jewel of flawlessness, 1 of these facets disappears. When all are gone
, the jewel is a spherical stone of no value.
Caster Level: 20th; Converted From: jewel of flawlessness.
Bag of Beans: This bag is constructed of heavy cloth. It is about 2 feet wid
e and 4 feet long (the size of any other bag or large sack). When it is opened a
nd examined it will reveal several large pebble-like objects. If these objects a
re dumped out of the bag they will each explode for 5d4 points of damage each, a
ll creatures within 10 feet may make a Reflex save (DC#) for half damage. To be
removed safely, the beans in the bag must be taken out by hand; telekinesis will
not work, nor can they be worked out using tools in any way which will not expl
ode them. Each pebble-like bean must be placed in dirt and watered. From each, i
n succession, will spring some creature or object. It is suggested that 1d10+2 b
eans are optimum, and only 1 or 2 will be beneficial, the others being monsters
or useless things. For example:
#1: three shriekers spring up and begin wailing
#2: an ice storm strikes the area
#3: a poisonous raspberry bush with animated runners shoots up, but each of
its 5d4 berries is a gem of 1d4+1100 gp value (or perhaps just worthless glass)
#4: a hole opens in the ground; a purple worm can be below, or a djinni ring
#5: smoke and gasses cover an area of 50-foot radius for 50 minutes, and cre
atures therein cannot see and will be blinded for 1d6 rounds even when they step
out of the cloyd.
#6: a wyvern grows instantly and attacks
#7: poison gas seeps out slowly forming a cloud of 20-foot radius that persi
sts for 10 minutes; while it lasts it might turn some dirt at its center into ma
gic dust (appearance, disappearance, sneezing and choking, etc.)
Thought, imagination and judgment are required with this item.
Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, confusion, greater sh
adow conjuration, summon monster V; Market Price: 6,500 gp; Converted From: bag
of beans.

Bag of Transmuting: This magical sack appears to be a bag of holding of one

of the four quality types. It will perform properly for 1d4+1 uses (or more if t
he usages are made within a few days time). However, at some point the magic fie
ld will waver, and precious metals and gems within the bag will be turned into c
ommon metals and stones of no worth. When emptied, the bag will burst to pour fo
rth these transmuted metals and minerals. Any magic items (other than artifacts
and relics) placed in the bag will become ordinary and dull lead, glass or wood
as appropriate once the transmuting effects have begun; the item gets a Will sav
e (DC 20) to resist the transmutation.
Caster Level: 11th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate [reversed]
, mending [reversed], anti-magic field; Market Price: 50,600 gp; Converted From:
bag of transmuting.
Belt of Femininity/Masculinity: This broad leather band appears to be a norm
al belt used commonly by all sorts of adventurers, but of course it is magical.
If buckled on, it will immediately change the gender of its wearer to the opposi
te. Its magical curse fulfilled, the belt then looses all power. The original ge
nder of the character cannot be restored by any normal means, although a wish mi
ght do so (50% chance), and a powerful being can alter the situation, i.e. it ta
kes a god-like creature to set matters aright with certainty. Fully 10% of these
girdles actually remove all gender from the wearer. (NOTE: There are some Jerry
Springer guests who might find this item a blessing rather than a curse! LOL )
Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, alter self, permanen
cy; Market Price: 8,500 gp; Converted From: girdle of femininity/masculinity.
Bowl of Watery Death: This device exactly resembles a bowl of commanding wat
er elementals, including color, design, magic radiation, etc. However, when it i
s filled with water, the user must make a Will save (DC 17) or be shrunk to Dimi
nutive size and plunged into the center of the bowl. Once in the bowl, the victi
m must make Swim checks (DC10) or be subject to drowning. A trapped character ca
nnot be physically removed from the bowl of watery death except by magical means
. Animal growth, enlarge, or wish are the only spells which will free the victim
, and restore normal size. An enlarge potion poured into the water will have the
same effect; a purify food and drink spell cast at 12th level will allow the vi
ctim another saving throw, i.e. a chance that the curse magic of the bowl works
only briefly.
Caster Level: 12th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph other, red
uce; Market Price: 80,000 gp; Converted From: bowl of watery death.
Brazier of Sleep Smoke: This device is exactly similar to the brazier of com
manding fire elementals. However, when a fire is started within it the burning w
ill cause great clouds of magical smoke to pour forth and fill a 30-foot radius
around the brazier. All creatures within the cloud must make a Will save (DC 14)
or fall into a deep sleep. At the same moment, a fire elemental of Large size w
ill appear and attack the nearest creature. Sleeping creatures can only be awake
ned by means of a dispel magic or remove cruse spell.
Caster Level: 11th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, sleep, summon monste
r VI; Market Price: 80,000; Converted From: brazier of sleep smoke.
Chime of Hunger: This device exactly resembles a chime of opening. When it i
s struck all creatures within 60 feet must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or lose
1d4+1 temporary points of Constitution and be immediately struck with ravenous
hunger. Characters will tear into their rations, ignoring everything else, and e
ven dropping everything they are holding in order to eat. Creatures without food
immediately available will rush to where the chime of hunger sounded and attack
any creatures there in order to kill and eat them. All creatures must eat for a
t least 1 round, but they are then entitled to another save on each successive r
ound until such a roll is made, i.e. the hunger is satisfied. Note: it is recomm
ended that the chime of hunger operate as one of opening for several rounds of u

se before the curse be put into operation.

Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, endurance [reversed];
Market Price: 12,000 gp; Converted From: chime of hunger.
Drums of Deafening: This item is a pair of kettle drums, radiating magic if
so detected, but otherwise unremarkable. If either is struck nothing happens, bu
t if both are sounded together all creatures within 70 feet must make a Fortitud
e save (DC 15) or be permanently deafened and will remain so until a heal spell
or similar cure is used to restore the shattered eardrums. Furthermore, those wi
thin 10 feet of the drums will be stunned by the noise for 2d4 rounds. Each drum
is a hemisphere of about 1 in diameter.
Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, blindness/deafness; M
arket Price: 12,000 gp; Converted From: drums of deafening.
Horn of Bubbles: This musical instrument will radiate magic if detected for.
It appears as a normal horn, or possibly on of the many magical ones. It will s
ound a note and call forth a mass of bubbled which completely surround and blind
the individual who blew the horn for 5d4 rounds. These bubbles will only appear
in the presence of a creature actively seeking to slay the character who winded
the horn, so their appearance may be delayed for a very short or extremely leng
thy period.
Caster Level: 11th; Prerequisites: Create Wondrous Item, contingency, fog cl
oud; Market Price: 35,200 gp; Converted From: horn of bubbles.
Jewel of Attacks: This gleaming gem radiates magic and appears to be a valua
ble item. It is cursed, however, and it doubles the likelihood of encountering w
andering monsters where such a chance exists (i.e. a 1 in 6 chance would become
a 2 in 6 chance). Furthermore, it automatically decreases NPC attitudes to the n
ext least favorable reaction on the NPC Attitudes table. Once picked up, the jew
el of attacks will always magically return to its finder (secreting itself in a
pouch, bag, pack, pocket, etc.) until a remove curse or atonement is cast upon h
Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Items, emotions: hate; Mar
ket Price: 16,000 gp; Converted From: jewel of attacks.
Potion of Delusion: See page 231 of Core Rulebook II, and apply it to a potio
Ring of Contrariness: This magic ring is cursed so as to make its wearer una
ble to agree with any idea or statement or action upon failure of a Will save (D
C 16). Once put on, the ring can be removed only after a remove curse spell is c
ast on the individual wearing it. Because of the curse, the wearer will resist a
ny attempts to cast such a spell. Furthermore, the contrariness ring will have t
he properties of a randomly determined magic ring.
Note that contrariness can never be removed from the ring. The wearer will u
se his own powers, plus those of the ring, to retain it on his finger. The weare
r of the ring will never damage himself. If, for example, other characters sugge
st that the wearer should make certain that attacks upon him are well-defended a
gainst, or that he should not strike his own head, the ring wearer will agree--p
ossibly attacking or striking at the speakers head--because obviously the result
must be contrary in this case.
All prerequisites are as per the ring which powers it duplicates. The contra
riness adds nothing to the Caster Level, or Market Price.
Ring of Delusion: See page 231 of Core Rulebook II, and apply it to an otherw
ise non-magical ring.
Rope of Constriction: This rope exactly resembles a rope of climbing or enta
nglement, but as soon as it is commanded to perform some action, it attacks the
character holding it. It delivers 2d6 points of slam damage per round on a succe

ssful grapple, and it will continue to constrict until a dispel magic is cast up
on it. Note that since it grapples the neck, any creature entwined cannot cast s
pells with a verbal component and must otherwise make a Concentration check (DC
15) to cast any spells at all.
Caster Level: 12th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, entangle, animate ro
pe, animate objects; Market Price: 21,000 gp; Converted From: rope of constricti
Rug of Smothering: See Animated Object in Core Rulebook III.
Scarab Of Enraging Enemies: When one of these devices is displayed and a com
mand uttered, all intelligent hostile creatures within 40 feet must make a Will
save (DC 17) or become enraged. Those that make the save may perform normally; e
nraged enemies will fly into a berserk fury and attack the nearest creature as p
er the emotions: rage spell. The rage will last 1d6+6 rounds, and during this pe
riod, the enraged creatures will continually attack without reason or fear, movi
ng on to attack other creatures nearest them if initial opponents are slain. A s
carab of this type has 1d6+18 charges.
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Items, emotions: rage; Mark
et Price: 10,080 gp; Converted From: scarab of enraging enemies.
Last edited by DnDChick; Sunday, 20th January, 2002 at 07:16 PM.

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