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Exercise no. 1 : Georefrencing

Submitted by : Praveen Kalura R. No. 141868
Step 1 : Add the layer residing in map coordinates (target data) and the raster you want
to georeference.
Go to file menu> Add Data>> ENTER

Step 2: Open Notepad.

Step 3 : Create two columns X, Y (where X = Longitude, Y = Latitude).

Step 4 : Key in the X, Y Value of four corner points in Decimal degree in a way that your
file should appear as illustrated in the picture below. Do not press ENTER Key
after adding last co-ordinate.


Step 5 : Click File on the Menu and click Save as and then scroll to the D:\2014
batch\141868\new folder
and save your text file by the name 56N7.txt. Close the file by clicking CLOSE
button of Notepad Window.

Step 6: To convert text file into point locations, In ArcMap click on Tools\Add X, Y data.


Step 7 : Add XY data dialog box will appear, click on folder icon to browse the text file
you created in the earlier step. The XY data dialog box should show X & Y in X
field and Y Field respectively

Step 8 :Click on the edit button to provide a geographic coordinate system to your data.

Step 9 :A Spatial reference property dialog box will open where you can define your
Geographic coordinate system.

Step 10 : Click on Select button and browse to Geographic Coordinate system\Asia\
Everest India and Nepal for your projection system.

Step 11 :Click Apply and OK to Spatial reference property dialog box.



Step 12 :Four Point features will appear on your ArcMap as shown below.

Step 13 :Click on Coordinate System tab, for defining a New Projected coordinate
system click on New Projected Coordinate System.


Step 14 : A New Projected Coordinate System window will open type in the following
details in the Projected Coordinate System window
Step 15 : Projection name: Select Polyconic from the drop-down menu.
Central Meridian: 79.375 (Longitude)
Origin of latitude: 18.375 (Latitude)

Step 16 : For geographic coordinate system click onSelect tab and browse to Geographic
Coordinate system\Asia\ Everest India and Nepal.Click ADD.

Step 17 : Click OK to New Project Co-Ordinate System Window. Click Apply and OK to
Data Frame Property Box.

Step 18 :Note: Next Step is necessary if you have the data in different datums. In case
datum of the data is same then skip the step no. 15.

Step 19 : On the data frame property window click Transformation. A Geographic
coordinate system transformation window will open, Click New on this window
to open New Geographic transformation window. Click OK without making

Step 20 : Click Apply & OK to Geographic coordinate system transformation window for
transforming your data.

Step 21 : Right click on the new1.txt Events in the Table of Content, in context menu
click Data\Export data.


Step 22 : In Export data window click use the second option i.e. The Data Frame
and specify the Output Path & Name for you frame data
(D:\2014batch\141868\Export_Output4.shp). Click OK

Step 23 : From the Georeferencing toolbar, click the Layer dropdown arrow and select
the raster layer you want to georeference.

Step 24 : Click the Control Points button to add control points.

Step 25 : To add a link, click the mouse pointer over a known location on the raster
(Source),then over a known location on the target data using Zoom to layer
option. You may find it useful to use a Magnification Window to add your links in.


Step 26 : Click View Link Table to evaluate the transformation. You can examine the
Residual Error for each link and the RMS Error.

Step 27 : Click Georeferencing tool and click Rectify, using default save the rectified
image at a desired location on your hard disc D:\ the D:\2014
batch\141868\new\ 56N7.img.


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