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Submitted to

Dr. ATM Nazrul Islam

Ph. D. M sc, MBA
Adjunct Faculty
School Of Businss
Southast !ni"rsity
Submitted by
#rou$% Su$r Moon
Mastr of Businss Administration
Southast !ni"rsity
Nam ID
&amrul Islam 2014010004058
Fatma 'ahman 2014010004018
Farjana Islam 2014010004024
Shahanara &hurshida 2013110001052
Md. &utu(uddin 2013210001090
Group Name- Super
Group Name- Super
26th August, 2014
Dr. ATM Nazrul Islam
Faculty of Oprat!o" Ma"agm"t
#chool Of $us!"ss
#outhast %"!&rs!ty
Subject: Submission of report on Waiting Line Management of
Dar #!r
It !s a grat plasur for us to su'm!t a pro(ct o" )*a!t!"g +!"
Ma"agm"t, as a part!al ful-llm"t of th cours M.T/0112 3Oprat!o"s
Ma"agm"t4. I" ma5!"g th!s trm papr a 6orthy o", 6 ha& tr!7 our
'st to gathr all rl&a"t !"format!o" to 6h!ch 6 coul7 ga!" accss 8 to
focus o" *a!t!"g +!" Ma"agm"t o" $a"5 l!5 %"!t7 9ommrc!al $a"5
+t7. * hop that !t 6!ll mt your :pct7 sta"7ar7.
* co"s!7r7 your rmar5s a"7 !"struct!o"s &ry carfully 6h!l
prpar!"g th!s trm papr. * ha& tr!7 our 'st to follo6 your sch7ul,
format a"7 7!sc!pl!". * tr!7 to focus all th aras rlat7 to th!s trm
papr a"7 6 also us7 your lctur to ful-ll your r;u!rm"ts.
Tha"5 you for your co"s!7rat!o". For a"y furthr clar!-cat!o", 6 6!ll '
mor tha" gla7 to comply.
Tha"5 you.
<amrul Islam _______________________________
Fatma =ahma" _______________________________
Far(a"a Islam _______________________________
#haha"ara <hursh!7a ______________________________
M7.<utu'u77!" _______________________________
Letter of Forar!ing
Letter of Forar!ing
At -rst, 6 ar gratful to "#mig$t% "##a$ for g!&!"g us th opportu"!ty to
carry out th!s rport 6or5. Th mor 6 lar", th mor 6 ar a'l to
gathr 5"o6l7g. O" th complt!o" of our rport o" )Waiting Line
Management, 6 tha"5 "##a$ for 'sto6!"g us 6!th "##a$ 'lss!"g a"7
"a'l!"g us to complt our ass!g"7 tas5 6!thout much "cum'ra"c.
* ar a'solutly gratful to our !"7't7"ss to most ho"ora'l our cours
tachr, &r' "(M Na)ru# *s#am 6ho has pro&!77 us such opportu"!ty 6!th
support, "couragm"t 8 co"struct!& cr!t!c!sms.
F!"ally 6 ar gratful to our 'lo&7 par"ts a"7 fam!ly mm'rs for th!r
!"sp!rat!o" a"7 goo7 6!shs :t"7 to us 7ur!"g th cours of th!s stu7y.
Th 6a!t!"g l!" !s a l!st of customrs 6ho rma!"s 6a!t!"g for gtt!"g crta!"
goo7s or sr&!cs from sr&!c c"tr. %"7rsta"7!"g 6a!t!"g l!"s or ;uus
a"7 lar"!"g ho6 to ma"ag thm !s o" of th most !mporta"t aras !"
oprat!o" ma"agm"t. I" orga"!zat!o"s or !" prso"al l!f, thr ar
:ampls of procsss 6h!ch g"rats 6a!t!"g l!"s or ;uus. #uch 6a!t!"g
l!"s occur 'caus th curr"t sr&!cs fac!l!ty !s !"su>c!"t to pro&!7
sr&!c at that !"sta"c.
?r 6 ar 6or5!"g for a"alys!s of Unite! Commercia# Ban+,s 6a!t!"g l!"
ma"agm"t. * ha& '" loo57 closly that thr !s a s!g"!-ca"t tra!e
o- rgar7!"g th!s ;uu ma"agm"t or 6a!t!"g l!" ma"agm"t. Th!s
tra!e o- !"curr7 costs. #o, 6 "7 to 7c!7 6h!ch 6 shoul7 mor focus
o"@ =7uc!"g costs@@ Or 7l!&r!"g supr!or sr&!cs@@@ Or ca" 6 comply
'oth sr&!cs 8 costs@@@Th goal of ;uu!"g !s ss"t!ally to m!"!m!z total
costs. Thr ar t6o 'as!c catgor!s of cost !" a ;uu!"g s!tuat!o"A / !4 9ost
of customr 6a!t!"g for sr&!c !!4 9ost of sr&!c capac!ty. Th cost of
customr 6a!t!"g !"clu7 th #alar!s pa!7 to mploys 6h!l thy 6a!t for
sr&!cs 3mach!"s 6a!t!"g for tools, th 7r!&r of truc5 6a!t!"g to u"loa74B
a"y loss of 'us!"ss 7u to customr rfus!"g to 6a!t a"7 poss!'ly go!"g
ls6hr !" futur a"7 th cost of spac for 6a!t!"g 3ful co"sum7 'y
pla"s 6a!t!"g to la"74. Th cost of sr&!c capac!ty !"clu7s, th "o of
chc5outs at a suprmar5t, th "o of rpa!r popl to ha"7l ;u!pm"t to
'ra57o6"s tc ca" ' 7-"7 as th costs of ma!"ta!"!"g th a'!l!ty to
pro7uc sr&!c.
Th 6a!t!"g l!" or ;uu ma"agm"t !s a cr!t!cal part of sr&!c !" 'a"5!"g
!"7ustry. It 7als 6!th !ssu of tratm"t of customrs !" s"s r7uc 6a!t
t!m a"7 !mpro&m"t of -"a"c!al sr&!c. Cuu ma"agm"t 7als 6!th
cass 6hr th customr arr!&al !s ra"7omB thrfor, sr&!c r"7r7 to
thm !s also ra"7om.
A 'a"5 ca" r7uc cost a"7 thus !mpro& pro-ta'!l!ty 'y >c!"t ;uu
ma"agm"t. A cost !s assoc!at7 6!th customr 6a!t!"g !" l!" a"7 thr !s
cost assoc!at7 6!th a77!"g "6 cou"trs to r7uc sr&!c t!m. Cuu
ma"agm"t loo5s to a77rss th!s tra7 oD a"7 oDr solut!o"s to
As th 6orl7 tur"s to a glo'al &!llag charactr!z7 'y !"t"s a"7 &r
!"cras!"g compt!t!o", Unite! Commercia# Ban+,s ma"agrs co"t!"u to
:pr!"c 6r"ch!"g cha"gs, 6h!ch thy must 5p up 6!th for sur&!&al.
./ecuti0e Summar%
./ecuti0e Summar%
$a"5 customrs ha& also 'com !"cras!"gly 7ma"7!"g. To7ay, thy
r;u!r h!gh ;ual!ty, lo6 pr!c a"7 !mm7!at sr&!c 7l!&ry a"7 tomorro6,
thy 6a"t a77!t!o"al compo""ts of &alu from th!r chos" 'a"5r. #!"c
sr&!c 7l!&ry !" 'a"5s !s prso"al, customrs ar !thr sr&7
!mm7!atly or (o!" a ;uu 36a!t!"g l!"4 !f th systm !s 'usy. *a!t!"g l!"
!s 6hat 6 "cou"tr &ry6hr.
Particulars Pa) no.
*ttr of Transmittal
-.cuti" Summary
/ha$tr 0 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction 02
1.2 Company profile 03
1.3 Origin of the report 04
1.4 ethodology of the !tudy 05
1.5 "imitation of !tudy 05
/ha$tr 2 1 O$rations ca$acity 0#
2.1 Operation! capacity 0$
2.2 %gora & their operational capacity 0$
2.3 'hy!ical %!!et (tili)ation 09
2.4 *actical capacity 10
2.5 +a!t, friendly & clean 10
/ha$tr 31 Strat)ic ca$acity $lannin) 11
3.1 -trategic capacity planning initiati.e 12
3.2 -trategic capacity implementation 13
3.3 Cour!e of action 14
/ha$tr 41 Su$$ly chain ca$acity
4.1 -upply chain management
4.2 Component! of !upply chain
4.3 ethod of managing !upply chain
4.4 /.aluating !upplier capacity
/ha$tr 51 'tail outlt ca$acity
5.1 0etail outlet capacity planning
5.2 %ggregate retail planning
5.3 -trategie! for meeting demand
'commndation 6 /onclusion
(ab#e of Content
(ab#e of Content

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