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ModelOff 2012 Questions and Answers

Excel Knowledge Test

Question Appeared in: ModelOff 2012 Finals
Time Allocated: 25 minutes

Name the relevant Excel function for each of the following.
1 !olns several LexL sLrlngs lnLo one LexL sLrlng
2 8eLurns a speclfled number of characLers from Lhe beglnnlng of a LexL sLrlng
3 8eLurns Lhe number of characLers ln a LexL sLrlng
4 8eLurns a speclfled number of characLers from a LexL sLrlng, sLarLlng aL a speclfled poslLlon
3 CaplLallzes Lhe flrsL leLLer of each word ln a LexL sLrlng and converLs all oLher leLLers Lo lowercase
6 8eplaces parL of a LexL sLrlng wlLh a dlfferenL LexL sLrlng
7 8eLurns a speclfled number of characLers from Lhe end of a LexL sLrlng
8 8emoves all exLra spaces from a LexL sLrlng excepL for slngle spaces beLween words
9 8eLurns Lhe serlal number of Lhe daLe LhaL ls a speclfled number of monLhs before or afLer Lhe sLarL
10 8eLurns Lhe serlal number of Lhe lasL day of Lhe monLh before or afLer a speclfled number of
11 8eLurns Lhe number of whole worklng days beLween Lwo daLes.
12 8eLurns Lhe week number ln a year
13 8eLurns Lhe serlal number of Lhe daLe before or afLer a speclfled number of workdays
14 8eLurns Lhe number of years and fracLlon of years beLween Lwo speclfled daLes
13 LxLracLs daLa sLored ln a lvoL1able
16 Looks for a value ln Lhe Lop row of a Lable or array of values and reLurns Lhe value ln Lhe same
column from a row you speclfy
17 8eLurns Lhe value or reference Lo Lhe value of Lhe speclfled row and column of a Lable or range
18 8eLurns Lhe reference speclfled by a LexL sLrlng
19 8eLurns Lhe relaLlve poslLlon of an lLem ln a range of conLlguous cells ln a row or a column LhaL
maLches a speclfled value
20 8eLurns Lhe reference Lo a slngle cell or a range of cells LhaL ls a speclfled number of rows and
columns from a cell or range of cells
21 ConverLs a verLlcal range of cells Lo a horlzonLal range, or vlce versa
22 8eLurns 18uL lf Lhe value ls LexL

ModelOff 2012 Questions and Answers

23 8eLurns Lhe absoluLe value of a number
24 8ounds a number up, Lo Lhe nearesL mulLlple of slgnlflcance
23 8eLurns Lhe posslble number of comblnaLlons for a glven number of lLems
26 8eLurns a number rounded Lo Lhe nearesL even lnLeger away from zero
27 8eLurns e ralsed Lo a power
28 8eLurns Lhe facLorlal of a number
29 8eLurns a number rounded Lowards zero Lo Lhe nearesL mulLlple of a speclfled number
30 8ounds a number down Lo Lhe nearesL lnLeger
31 8eLurns Lhe naLural logarlLhm of a number
32 8eLurns Lhe logarlLhm of a number Lo Lhe base speclfled
33 8eLurns Lhe remalnder afLer a number ls dlvlded by a speclfled dlvlsor
34 8eLurns a number rounded up or down Lo Lhe nearesL mulLlple of a speclfled number
33 8eLurns a number rounded Lo Lhe nearesL odd lnLeger away from zero
36 8eLurns Lhe value of pl
37 8eLurns Lhe resulL of a number ralsed Lo a speclfled power
38 8eLurns a random draw from a unlform dlsLrlbuLlon beLween Lwo speclfled numbers

39 8eLurns Lhe accrued lnLeresL for a securlLy LhaL pays perlodlc lnLeresL
40 8eLurns Lhe depreclaLlon of an asseL for a speclfled perlod uslng Lhe flxed-decllnlng balance meLhod
41 ConverLs Lhe dollar prlce expressed as a fracLlon lnLo a dollar prlce expressed as a declmal number
42 8eLurns Lhe effecLlve annual lnLeresL raLe glven Lhe nomlnal annual lnLeresL raLe and Lhe number of
compoundlng perlods per year
43 8eLurns Lhe fuLure value of a consLanL annulLy
44 8eLurns Lhe lnLeresL paymenL for a speclfled perlod of an annulLy
43 8eLurns Lhe lnLernal raLe of reLurn for a serles of cash flows LhaL occur aL equal lnLervals buL are noL
necessarlly equal
46 8eLurns Lhe modlfled lnLernal raLe of reLurn for a serles of cash flows LhaL occur aL equal lnLervals
buL are noL necessarlly equal
47 8eLurns Lhe prlce per $100 face value of a coupon paylng securlLy aL a speclfled yleld
48 8eLurns Lhe lnLeresL raLe per perlod for a consLanL annulLy
49 8eLurns Lhe lnLernal raLe of reLurn for a serles of cash flows LhaL are noL necessarlly equal or perlodlc
30 8eLurns Lhe presenL value of a serles of unequal fuLure cash flows LhaL occur aL equal lnLervals
sLarLlng one perlod ln Lhe fuLure

ModelOff 2012 Questions and Answers


2 LLl1
3 LLn
4 Mlu
3 8CL8
7 8lCP1
8 18lM
9 LuA1L
10 LCMCn1P
11 nL1WC8kuA?S
12 WLLknuM
13 WC8kuA?
14 ?LA8l8AC
13 CL1lvC1uA1A
16 PLCCku
17 lnuLx
18 lnul8LC1
19 MA1CP
20 CllSL1
21 18AnSCSL
22 lS1Lx1
23 A8S
24 CLlLlnC
23 CCM8ln
26 LvLn
27 Lx
28 lAC1
29 lLCC8
30 ln1
31 Ln
32 LCC
33 MCu
34 M8Cunu
33 Cuu
36 l
37 CWL8
38 8Anu8L1WLLn
39 ACC8ln1
40 u8
41 uCLLA8uL
42 LllLC1
43 lv
44 lM1
43 l88
46 Ml88
47 8lCL
48 8A1L
49 xl88
30 nv

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