NextGen Climate Letter To Governor Rick Scott

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Friday, August 29, 2014

CONTACT: NGC Press Office, 415-802-2423

NextGen Climate Letter to Governor Rick Scott

Today, NextGen Climate Florida State Director Jackie Lee sent the following
letter calling on Governor Rick Scott to release all information about his
relationship with the Koch brothers and their network of donors within 48

The full text of the letter is below:

August 29, 2014

Governor Rick Scott
Office of the Governor
The Capitol
400 S. Monroe St.
Tallahassee, FL 32399

Dear Governor Scott,

Floridians are relying on you to make decisions that will benefit their health
and economic security, not the checkbooks of greedy special interest

But now, thanks to a leaked tape from a meeting that your top donors
surely thought was secret, your true constituents have been exposed, and
the people of Florida now know who you are truly looking out for. In the
secret meeting with representatives of the Koch brothers and other special
interest donors, Phil Cox, the executive director of the Republican
Governors Association (RGA), said they were going to spend more than $20
million to assist your reelection campaign. He then boasted that the
donation would be the largest single expenditure in the RGAs history.

Interestingly enough, the Koch brothers gave nearly $2 million dollars to
the RGA for the 2014 election cycle. Does that name ring a bell to you, Gov.
Scott? Let us refresh your memory. According to the Tampa Bay Times, you
went on a secret policy retreat in 2011 hosted by Charles and David
Koch. Instead of leading efforts to combat wildfires as governor, you
abandoned Floridians to have a meeting with the Koch network that you
called very interesting, and noted that the oil giants were very interested
in what was happening in the state.

Why should the people of Florida think youre going to look out for their
interests over the interests of Big Oil giants and special interest groups this
time around?

Today, we call on your campaign to:

(1) Release the full schedule from your secret meeting in Colorado in 2011
and other meetings you may have attended with the Koch brothers,
including the people you met withso Floridians can know who is
influencing you.

(2) Release all information about what the Koch brothers and their network
of donors have promised you and your campaign, and what promises you
have made to both of them.

NextGen Climate is requesting that you provide voters with this information
within the next 48 hours. The people of Florida deserve a leader who is
honest and open about who is influencing their decisionsand they
deserve to know the truth before they head to the polls this November.


Jackie Lee
State Director
NextGen Climate

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