Security Council: United Nations

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United Nations


Security Council Provisional
29 August 2014
Original: English
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
draft resolution
The Security Council,
Reiterating its ri!ar" resonsi#ilit" $or the !aintenan%e o$ international ea%e
and se%urit" and, in this %onte&t, the need to ro!ote and ensure rese%t $or the
rin%iles and rules o$ international hu!anitarian la',
Recalling Se%urit" (oun%il resolution 1)02 *200+, on the Prote%tion o$
-u!anitarian Personnel, its resolutions 126) *1999,, 1296 *2000,, 16.4 *2006,,
1.+/ *2006, and 1/94 *2009, on the rote%tion o$ %ivilians in ar!ed %on$li%t, as
'ell as other relevant resolutions and state!ents o$ its President on rote%tion o$
%ivilians in ar!ed %on$li%t and on rote%tion o$ United Nations ersonnel, asso%iated
ersonnel and hu!anitarian ersonnel in %on$li%t 0ones,
Recalling the 1eneva (onventions o$ 1949 and their Additional Proto%ols o$ 19..,
and the o#ligation o$ arties to ar!ed %on$li%t to rese%t and ensure rese%t $or
international hu!anitarian la' in all %ir%u!stan%es,
Recalling the (onvention on the Sa$et" o$ United Nations and Asso%iated
Personnel, and its Otional Proto%ol,
Recalling all relevant 1eneral Asse!#l" resolutions, in%luding resolutions 6//101
entitled Safety and security of humanitarian personnel and protection of United
Nations personnel, and 6//102 entitled Strengthening the Coordination of
humanitarian emergency assistance of the United Nations,
Reaffirming the need $or all arties to ar!ed %on$li%t to rese%t the hu!anitarian
rin%iles o$ hu!anit", neutralit", i!artialit" and indeenden%e in order to ensure
the rovision o$ hu!anitarian assistan%e, the sa$et" o$ %ivilians re%eiving assistan%e
and the se%urit" o$ hu!anitarian ersonnel and United Nations and its asso%iated
Recalling the in%lusion o$ atta%2s intentionall" dire%ted against ersonnel involved
in a hu!anitarian assistan%e or ea%e2eeing !ission in a%%ordan%e 'ith the
(harter, as long as the" are entitled to the rote%tion given to %ivilians or %ivilian
o#3e%ts under the international la' o$ ar!ed %on$li%t, as a 'ar %ri!e in the 4o!e
Statute o$ the 5nternational (ri!inal (ourt,
Emphasizing the resonsi#ilit" o$ States to %o!l" 'ith their relevant o#ligations
to end i!unit" and to thoroughl" investigate and rose%ute ersons resonsi#le $or
geno%ide, %ri!es against hu!anit" and 'ar %ri!es, in order to revent these %ri!es,
146)9/64 *E,
avoid their re%urren%e and see2 sustaina#le ea%e, 3usti%e, truth and re%on%iliation,
and, in this regard, rea$$ir!ing the need to end i!unit" $or serious violations o$
international hu!anitarian la', in%luding those involving atta%2s against
hu!anitarian ersonnel,
Stressing that the $ight against i!unit" and to ensure a%%ounta#ilit" $or geno%ide,
%ri!es against hu!anit", 'ar %ri!es and other egregious %ri!es has #een
strengthened through the 'or2 on and rose%ution o$ these %ri!es in the
international %ri!inal 3usti%e s"ste!, ad ho% and !i&ed tri#unals as 'ell as
se%iali0ed %ha!#ers in national tri#unals7 and re%ognising in this regard the
%ontri#ution o$ the 5nternational (ri!inal (ourt, in a%%ordan%e 'ith the rin%ile o$
%o!le!entarit" to national %ri!inal 3urisdi%tions as set out in the 4o!e Statute,
to'ards holding a%%ounta#le those resonsi#le $or su%h %ri!es, and reiterating its
%all on the i!ortan%e o$ State %ooeration 'ith these %ourts and tri#unals in
a%%ordan%e 'ith the States8 rese%tive o#ligations,
Recalling that the ri!ar" resonsi#ilit" under international la' $or the se%urit"
and rote%tion o$ hu!anitarian ersonnel and United Nations and asso%iated
ersonnel lies 'ith the 1overn!ent hosting a United Nations oeration %ondu%ted
under the (harter o$ the United Nations or its agree!ents 'ith relevant
Gravely concerned at the gro'ing nu!#er o$ a%ts o$ violen%e in !an" arts o$ the
'orld against national and international ersonnel o$ hu!anitarian organisations,
United Nations ersonnel and its asso%iated ersonnel, and hu!anitarian assets,
in%luding hu!anitarian sulies, $a%ilities and transorts, in arti%ular deli#erate
atta%2s 'hi%h are in violation o$ international hu!anitarian la', as 'ell as other
ali%a#le international la' and the adverse i!a%t o$ su%h violen%e, in%luding on
hu!anitarian a%%ess, e&a%er#ated #" the resen%e o$ ar!ed a%tors, in%luding non6
state ar!ed grous, terrorist and %ri!inal net'or2s, and their a%tivities,
19 Reaffirms the o#ligation o$ all arties involved in an ar!ed %on$li%t to
%o!l" 'ith international hu!anitarian la', in arti%ular their o#ligations under the
1eneva (onventions o$ 1949 and the o#ligations ali%a#le to the! under the
Additional Proto%ols thereto o$ 19.., to ensure the rese%t and rote%tion o$ all
hu!anitarian ersonnel and United Nations and asso%iated ersonnel, as 'ell as
'ith the rules and rin%iles o$ international hu!an rights la' and re$ugee la'7
29 Strongly condemns all $or!s o$ violen%e and inti!idation, in%luding, inter
alia, !urder, rae and se&ual assault, ar!ed ro##er", a#du%tion, hostage6ta2ing,
2idnaing, harass!ent and illegal arrest and detention to 'hi%h those arti%iating
in hu!anitarian oerations are in%reasingl" e&osed, as 'ell as atta%2s on
hu!anitarian %onvo"s and a%ts o$ destru%tion and looting o$ their assets7
+9 Urges all arties involved in an ar!ed %on$li%t to allo' $ull uni!eded
a%%ess #" hu!anitarian ersonnel to all eole in need o$ assistan%e, and to !a2e
availa#le, as $ar as ossi#le, all ne%essar" $a%ilities $or their oerations, and to
ro!ote the sa$et", se%urit" and $reedo! o$ !ove!ent o$ hu!anitarian ersonnel
and United Nations and its asso%iated ersonnel and their assets7
49 Urges States to ensure that %ri!es against hu!anitarian ersonnel do not
re!ain ununished, a$$ir!ing the need $or States to ensure that eretrators o$
atta%2s %o!!itted on their territor" against su%h ersonnel do not oerate 'ith
2 / +
i!unit", and that eretrators o$ su%h a%ts are #rought to 3usti%e, as rovided $or #"
national la's and o#ligations under international la'7
)9 Reaffirms the o#ligation o$ all hu!anitarian ersonnel and United Nations
and its asso%iated ersonnel to o#serve and rese%t the la's o$ the %ountr" in 'hi%h
the" are oerating, in a%%ordan%e 'ith international la' and the (harter o$ the
United Nations, and underlines the i!ortan%e $or hu!anitarian organi0ations to
uhold the rin%iles o$ hu!anit", neutralit", i!artialit" and indeenden%e in their
hu!anitarian a%tivities7
69 Expresses its determination to ta2e aroriate stes in order to ensure the
sa$et" and se%urit" o$ hu!anitarian ersonnel and United Nations and its asso%iated
ersonnel, in%luding, inter alia, #":
*a, Ensuring that the !andates o$ relevant UN ea%e2eeing oerations %an,
'here aroriate and on a %ase6#"6%ase #asis, hel to %ontri#ute to a se%ure
environ!ent to ena#le the deliver" o$ hu!anitarian assistan%e #" hu!anitarian
organisations, in a%%ordan%e 'ith hu!anitarian rin%iles7
*#, Requesting the Se%retar"61eneral to see2 the in%lusion o$, and that host
%ountries in%lude, 2e" rovisions o$ the (onvention on the Sa$et" o$ United Nations
and Asso%iated Personnel, in%luding, a!ong others, those regarding the revention
o$ atta%2s against !e!#ers o$ United Nations oerations, the esta#lish!ent o$ su%h
atta%2s as %ri!es unisha#le #" la' and the rose%ution or e&tradition o$ o$$enders,
in $uture as 'ell as, i$ ne%essar", in e&isting status6o$6$or%es, status6o$6!issions and
host %ountr" agree!ents negotiated #et'een the United Nations and those %ountries,
!ind$ul o$ the i!ortan%e o$ the ti!el" %on%lusion o$ su%h agree!ents7
*%, Encouraging the Se%retar"61eneral, in a%%ordan%e 'ith his rerogatives
under the (harter o$ the United Nations, to #ring to the attention o$ the Se%urit"
(oun%il situations in 'hi%h hu!anitarian assistan%e is una#le to rea%h eole in
need as a %onse:uen%e o$ violen%e dire%ted against hu!anitarian ersonnel and
United Nations and its asso%iated ersonnel7
*d, ssuing the de%laration o$ e&%etional ris2 $or the uroses o$ arti%le 1 *%, *ii,
o$ the (onvention on the Sa$et" o$ United Nations and Asso%iated Personnel, in
situations 'here in its assess!ent %ir%u!stan%es 'ould suort su%h a de%laration,
and inviting the Se%retar"61eneral to advise the Se%urit" (oun%il, 'here in his
assess!ent %ir%u!stan%es 'ould suort su%h a de%laration7
*e, Calling uon all States to %onsider #e%o!ing arties to the (onvention on
the Sa$et" o$ United Nations and Asso%iated Personnel and its Otional Proto%ol,
and urging States arties to ta2e stes to ena#le its e$$e%tive i!le!entation7
.9 Requests the Se%retar"61eneral to in%lude in all his %ountr"6se%i$i% situation
reorts, and other relevant reorts 'hi%h address the rote%tion o$ %ivilians, the
issue o$ the sa$et" and se%urit" o$ hu!anitarian ersonnel and United Nations and
its asso%iated ersonnel, in%luding re%ording se%i$i% a%ts o$ violen%e against su%h
ersonnel, re!edial a%tions ta2en to revent si!ilar in%idents and a%tions ta2en to
identi$" and hold a%%ounta#le those 'ho %o!!it su%h a%ts, and to rovide the
Se%urit" (oun%il 'ith re%o!!endations on !easures to revent si!ilar in%idents,
ensure a%%ounta#ilit" and enhan%e the sa$et" and se%urit" o$ su%h ersonnel9
+ / +

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