Mr. Jaspers: By: Sitora Jennings

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By: Sitora Jennings

The one Mr. Jaspers,

My name is Jipper Jaspers, and this is my story:
I grew up on a farm in the south, I did my daily chores fetching eggs for breakfast, milk for our
meals and to make our profit. I had a nice childhood; at least thats how I like to think of it.
Truth is I was abused, my parents were both drug addicts and the never cared for me I learned to
fend for myself when I was five. I would dread going home, I guess thats why Im so smart I
spent all my time there in hope of making my time in the presence of my parents decease. Youre
probably wondering why Im even writing you this letter, well its because after years of abuse
Ive finally discovered what I was put here to do. Put people out of their misery, including
myself. Im not planning on brining my own life to an end if thats what you are thinking. Im
planning on taking the life of the very people who gave me mine then so uncaringly destroyed it
by neglecting and abusing me. I thought parents were to nurture their offspring or so I was told
by so called counselors, apparently the years of college gives them all the answers of how to deal
with parents such as mine. Did they ever take the time to think maybe I didnt want answers,
maybe I wanted results; maybe I wanted to inflict the amount of physical and mental pain onto
them as they inflicted on me. I dont think thats too much to ask. I mean the punishment of
murder is death to why cant the punishment of abuse be abuse?
Anyway I wanted to inform you of how I planned, and executed my plan. Yes I know I
mentioned that I was planning on do this deed but I figured that if I didnt go through with it
before this letter it would be delayed or prevented. That would be a misfortune for me. So my
first act was learning my parents routine, where they went who they talked to and what they did.
You see I had to follow them for a week, in order to lower concern on their whereabouts I had to
make sure I could give a legitimate reason as to why the disappeared to everyone that they come
in contact with. Once I learned their daily, weekly and perhaps monthly routine I being devising
up a vacation for them of course I didnt tell the people they associated. In fact my own lovely
parents did, if you did not put up on my foul played sarcasm Im in forming that sentence was as
such. Anyway my next step was making a fake reward to those idiots stating that they had just
one an all-expense paid trip to Europe. Being the morons they are they feel for it a jump with
exceeded amounts of excitement. Know humans tend to want to rub their fortune in others faces,
they began telling everyone they knew of their luck. I mean it was quite comical how they
should more excitement toward a paper rather than their own offspring. So I waited a week while
word got out. Then the day I told to be the day of departure for the European vacation. I sent a
cab driver to the humble abode and gave directions to an abandoned warehouse.
Now I know what youre thinking the driver is a witness.
Well my friend, not anymore. But that another story for another time.
Back to my plan.
As the stood there dumbfounded, I came out to greet them playing my best content son they
could ever have part. I told the there was a jet waiting for them on the other side. You see this
wasnt just any warehouse, this was a place I spent 20 years of my life making into my own
humble abode. Once I learned how to use construction devices I began my yearlong construction.
Alas I made the warehouse into alets call it a funhouse where I kept my parents for months
on end. As I failed to mention earlier on I had set their vacation to last six months Which in
turn would end with a terrible planes crash as Im sure you heard.
Shall we take a break? Shall I explain why Im telling you all of this? Well I trust you.
And if you were to betray me trustlets just say 123click. Ill let you ponder on what
that means until next time.
I shall finish my story for it is getting quite late and I wish to rest my brain.
Regards Mr. Jaspers

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