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Brand Preference survey of Ayurveda products among urban women

I am Chandni Kayastha, student of MBA, I am doing this survey as partial fulfillment for the course of
Business Research Methodology. I would be thankful if you fill this questionnaire.
Please tick one for each criteria group:
Education Background Occupation Permanent Address Age Group
1. General Education
2. S.L.C
3. Intermediate Level
4. Bachelor Level
5. Master Level
1. House Wife
2. Student
3. Employed
4. Business
5. Others
(Please Specify)
1. Kathmandu Valley
2. Outside Kathmandu

1. 15-20
2. 20-25
3. 25-30
4. 30-35
5. 35-40
6. 40-45
7. 45-50

Q.1. Which brand of Ayurveda product are you currently using? ( Tick the major one)
1) Himalaya 3) Patanjali 5) Others (Please Specify)..
2) Dabur 4) Ayur

Q.2. Which of the brand have you used till now? ( you can tick more than one)
1) Himalaya 3) Patanjali 5) Others (Please Specify)
2) Dabur 4) Ayur

Q.3. Give rank for the following brands according to your preference ( 1 Most, 4- Least)
1) Himalaya 3) Patanjali
2) Dabur 4) Ayur

Q.4 How long have you been using the current Ayurveda brand?
1) Less than 6 months
2) 6 months 1 year
3) 1 year 2 year
4) Above 2 year

Q.5. Which of the products you used most of the certain brand? ( you can tick as many as you want)

1) Shampoo 3) Face Powder 5) Face Wash

2) Face Cream 4) Conditioner 6) Others (Please Specify)..

Q.6. What are the reason behind using the mentioned Ayurveda brand? (you can tick as many as

1) Affordable 3) Old Brand 5) Others (Please Specify)

2) Range of Products 4) Quality

Q.7. From the Ayurveda brand that you are currently using, please tick as per the factor given below:
Factors Strongly
Agree (4) Strongly
Agree (5)
1. I am satisfied with its product range.
2. I am satisfied with its quality.
3. I am satisfied with its cost.
4. I am satisfied with its availability.
5. I am satisfied with its after sales

6. I am satisfied with its effectiveness.

Q.8. Do you prefer Ayurveda products against other cosmetic products?

1) Yes 2) No

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