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The Filipino and Chinese Multi-Cultural Socio-Civic Student Organization
University of Santo Tomas
Espaa, Manila

The SCARLET Apprentice
Application Form

Full Name: Nickname:
College/Major and Major: Yr. Level:
Cellphone number: E-mail address:
Twitter: Facebook:

Describe yourself using 3 adjectives:
Rate according to importance. 1 being the most important.
Family Friends School Organization Academics
List 3 strengths and 5 weaknesses from the chart on page 3:
Strengths Weaknesses
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

Answer the questions in maximum of 2 sentence each.
Why did you join Scarlet?

Why are you interested in this apprenticeship?

Among this officer positions; president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, p.r.o. prof dev. which
would you choose, why?

Give the importance of teamwork.

Give the importance of time management?

In making big decisions, do you: decide immediately, think about it for a few hours, or sleep on it?

What will you do if someone you trust tells your secret to other people?

When was the last time you told someone that you like what you feel about him/her?

An officer asks you to do something youre not comfortable doing, what will you do?

You werent able to do your task for the simple reason that you forgot to do it. How will you explain
to your officer?

Give the importance of honesty.

Strength Weakness
1. Forceful 1. Fearful
2. Enthusiastic 2. Obstructive
3. Spontaneous 3. Pushy
4. Trustworthy 4. Loose-tongued
5. Respectful 5. Mistrustful
6. Tolerant 6. Undisciplined
7. Observant 7. Sloppy
8. Optimistic 8. Rude
9. Caring 9. Contemptuous
10. Generous 10. Short-sighted
11. Practical 11. Passive
12. Considerate 12. Aggressive
13. Self-assured 13. Bossy
14. Inspiring 14. Chaotic
15. Adventurous 15. Cynical
16. Lively 16. Blunt
17. Persuasive 17. Stand-offish
18. Serious 18. Vague
19. Idealistic 19. Inflexible
20. Warm 20. Moody
21. Humorous 21. Indifferent
22. Friendly 22. Intolerant
23. Determined 23. Wasteful
24. Patient 24. Stubborn
25. Orderly 25. Reckless
26. Disciplined 26. Inhibited
27. Ambitious 27. Naive
28. Dedicated 28. Greedy
29. Flexible 29. Fanatical
30. Logical 30. Dull
31. Open 31. Arrogant
32. Accurate 32. Lazy
33. Independent 33. Selfish
34. Intelligent 34. Complaining
35. Tactful 35. Impatient
36. Creative 36. Hard
37. Honest 37. Shallow
38. Straightforward 38. Strict
39. Appreciative 39. Shy
40. Versatile 40. Prejudiced

General Guidelines:

1. Only Thomasian students are qualified to apply for Apprenticeship.
2. Fill out all items correctly and honestly. Leaving of blanks should be avoided. Any intended
misrepresentation in this form means disqualification to apply.
3. Please send this form through e-mail to this address: or at facebook
via Ian Joseph Hong.
4. Please submit the following at the college of science org room (besides CS journal and Biology
faculty room) after being confirmed for personal interview.
a. Photocopy of Registration Form
b. First semester schedule
5. All qualified applicants will undergo an interview which will be the basis of acceptance as a
Scarlet Apprentice.
6. If you have any questions/concerns regarding the Scarlet Apprenticeship, feel free to contact:
Ian Joseph Hong, Scarlet Science HR at 09327272996

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