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Austrian Society of Engineers and Architects IAV 1848

L LA AT TI IN NO OV VI IC C, , T T[ [i ih ho o] ]; ; J JO OK KA AN NO OV VI IC C, , S S[ [i im mo o] ] & & R RO OG GI IC C, , M M[ [i ir ro os sl la av v] ]

This Publication has to be referred as:
Latinovic, T.; Jokanovic, S. & Rogic, M. (2008). A Genetic Fuzzy Real-
Time Expert System in Tobacco Industry Banjaluka (2008). 0743-0744,
Annals of DAAAM for 2008 & Proceedings of the 19th International
DAAAM Symposium, ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, ISSN 1726-9679, pp 372,
Editor B. Katalinic, Published by DAAAM International, Vienna, Austria
Annals of DAAAM for 2008 & Proceedings of the 19th International DAAAM Symposium, ISSN 1726-9679
ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, Editor B. Katalinic, Published by DAAAM International, Vienna, Austria 2008
Make Harmony Between Technology and Nature, and Your Mind will Fly Free as a Bird

LATINOVIC, T[iho]; JOKANOVIC, S[imo] & ROGIC, M[iroslav]

Abstract: This paper presents an approach to modeling genetic
fuzzy real-time expert diagnostic system for PLC controlled
manufacturing system in Tobacco Industry in Banjaluka. The
knowledge is the description of the functional and operational
logic embodied in the PLC. A more usable form compared to
that held in the mind of manufacturing system designers
themselves. These approaches to modeling inspired by
biological evolution are called evolutionary computation. It
contains the design and engineering knowledge about the
manufacturing system to be diagnosed.
Key words: Genetic, Fuzzy, Expert System, PLC

In modern production systems we need automation and
flexibility. Many complex manufacturing systems are
controlled by Programmable Logical Controllers (PLC) (J.
Jarvis a & D. Jarvis 1996). This is because that PLCs are
adaptable, modular, user-friendly and acquired at low cost.
However, because of PLCs inflexible programming system,
their capability in fault detection and diagnosis is limited.
Therefore, automatic algorithms and intelligent system
approaches need to be investigated to improve the efficiency of
diagnosing complex PLC controlled manufacturing systems.
In this paper, we employ knowledge-based techniques to
implement. The diagnostic system is constructed mainly by
associating the machine states (indicated by PLC signals) with
the possible faults. The association which is represented as
diagnostic knowledge in the diagnostic system, is acquired by
an artificial method or using model-based methods.


Fig.1. the model for a PLC controlled manufacturing system

In a manufacturing system, PLC is used to control the
behaviors of the system. The operating actions of the system
and the sequence of these actions were edited beforehand into
the control program by the manufacturer.
The control program sets a series of operations of the
manufacturing system, which tells the PLC how to control a
The control loop of a PLC and the overall model of a PLC
controlled manufacturing system can be described as in Fig. 1
(J. Jarvis a & D. Jarvis 1997).
From Fig. 1 we can know that, when diagnosing a PLC
controlled manufacturing system, we always have to consider
both of its two sub-systems, i.e., the control system (PLC) and
the physical system (the system being controlled), which are
linked by wiring diagrams. These wiring diagrams are
maintained separately from the PLC program and the pneumatic
and hydraulic circuit diagrams those typically constitute the
documentation for the physical system. Usually in order to
understand the behavior of the manufacturing system, we need
to understand how both of its two sub-systems behave and how
they interact with each other (J. Jarvis a & D. Jarvis 1996). The
features of the evolutionary computation are that its search or
optimization is conducted
(1) Based on multiple searching points or solution candidates
(population based search),
(2) Using operations inspired by biological evolution, such as
crossover and mutation,
(3) Based on probabilistic search and probabilistic operations,
(4) Using little information of searching space, such as
deferential information mentioned in section 3.3. Typical
paradigms which consist of the evolutionary computation
include GA (genetic algorithm), ES (evolution strategies),
EP (evolutionary programming), and GP (genetic
Fig. 2 is the general structure of a knowledge-based real-time
diagnostic system for PLC controlled manufacturing systems. It
is the extension of an existing diagnostic system we developed
for a Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) (W. Hu, 1995).
The system can continuously acquire data from the PLC,
identify possible faults, search for their causes and suggest
corrective actions
4.1 Artificial knowledge acquisition
In a PLC controlled manufacturing system, there are some
alarms for the purpose of self-protection of the system. These
alarms protect the manufacturing system from working in an
error condition. Knowledge about such a fault alarm can be
described as fault < (signal, state) {, (signal, state)}
Where {} means it may be the combination of multiple signals.

Fig. 2. The general structure of the diagnostics systems

4.2 Model-based knowledge acquisition the behavior of a
PLC controlled manufacturing system is defined in its PLC
program (Z. S. Matthias 1996).
4.3 Model based on PLC control logic. In this model, all
variables associated with PLC control logic are described in a
binary form.
4.4 Model based on PLC control sequence. This model
consists of a certain number of system states and state changes
in the PLC control sequence.
4.5 Model based on logic programming. This model was first
developed and used in REVISE (J. J. Alferes & L. M. Pereira,
1996), a non-monotonic reasoning system that revises extended
logic programs (C. V. Damasio, Luis Moniz Pereira, & Michael
Schroeder, 1997).
When the manufacturing system fails to work, diagnostic
reasoning is performed and produces a diagnostic report in the
end. The reasoning mechanisms are:
5.1 Diagnostic reasoning for logic control faults having had
the logical expression at a fault state of the machine using the
logical diagnosis model. (T. Latinovi, Z. Konjevi, D.
Obradovi, K. Bonjak, 2004)
5.2 Diagnostic reasoning for sequential control faults
Under normal operating conditions, the PLC controls the
manufacturing system according to the sequence of actions. At
the same time, each step in the control sequence is monitored
by the watch-dog-timer in PLC. (T. Latinovic, K. Bosnjak, M.
Ostoja, T. Mladen, 2001)
5.3 Diagnostic reasoning based on logic programming

Fig. 3 The flow of Genetic Algorithm data

Fig. 3 shows the flows of Genetic algorithm process and data,
respectively. Six possible solutions are expressed in bit code in
Fig. 3. These evaluation values are fitness values.
Manufacturing systems present an important domain of
diagnostic application. The development of automated
diagnostic techniques and systems can help to minimize
downtime and maintain an efficient output. The knowledge-
based genetic fuzzy expert real-time diagnostic system is
developed to meet this need.( Hideyuki TAKAGI,997). It can
continuously acquire data from the PLC, identify possible faults,
search for their causes and suggest corrective actions.
In Tobacco Factory in Banjaluka this system is implemented in
Mollins Mark 5 machine for cigarette making.
From the authors point of view, future work will concentrate to
Refine the diagnostic knowledge acquisition methods
and reasoning algorithms, so as to improve the
efficiency of the diagnostic system.
Investigate models that incorporate PLC control on
continuous processes of the manufacturing systems,
implementing a systematic integrated methodology
for prediction, monitoring and diagnosis.
Define an embedded diagnosis system approach
which will integrate the diagnostic models in the
PLCs, so that faults can be diagnosed in real time.

C. V. Damasio, Luis Moniz Pereira, & Michael Schroeder,
"REVISE: Logic Programming and Diagnosis," Proc. of the
Conf. on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic
Reasoning LPNMR97, 1997, LNAI 1265, Springer-Verlag
Hideyuki TAKAGI Introduction to Fuzzy Systems, Neural
Networks, and Genetic Algorithms, Kyushu Institute of
J. Jarvis a & D. Jarvis, "Life Cycle Support for PLC Controlled
Manufacturing Systems", in A. Storr and D.H. Jarvis (Eds),
Software Engineering for Manufacturing Systems: Methods
and CASE Tools, Chapman & Hall, 1996.
J. Jarvis and D. Jarvis, "Simulation of a PLC-Controlled
Assembly Line," Proc. of 9th European Simulation
Symposium, 1997, pp. 342-346.
J. J. Alferes & L. M. Pereira, Reasoning with Logic
Programming, 1996, LNAI 1111, Springer-Verlag.
T. Latinovi, Z. Konjevi, D. Obradovi, K. Bonjak "PQM
(Process Quality Model) for the analysis, improvement and
control of supply chain systems in tobacco factory (15
international conference on systems science) , Poland,
2004, p. 4-353 4-259
T. Latinovic, K. Bosnjak, M. Ostoja, T. Mladen: Expert system
like auditor for prediction failure and efect analysis in
industrial systems (DEMI 2001, conference Banja Luka,
Bosnia and Herzegovina), p 371- 376
W. Hu, Research on a Quality-Control-Based Fault Diagnosis
System in a Flexible Manufacturing Environment, PhD
Thesis, Huazhong Uni. Of Sci. & Tech., 1995.
Z. S. Matthias, "Model-based Diagnosis of PLC Controlled
Assembly Equipment," Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. On Data and
Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering
(DKSME96), Tampe (Arizona), USA. 1996, pp. 11-22.

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