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11 Review of pathology


1. Which is the most commonly used fxative in
histopathological specimens? (AI 2011)
(a) Glutaraldehyde
(b) Formaldehyde
(c) Alcohol
(d) Picric acid
2. Caspases are associated with which of the
following? (AIIMS May 2010)
(a) Hydopic degeneration
(b) Collagen hyalinization
(c) Embryogenesis
(d) Fatty degeneration
3. Caspases are seen in which of the following?
(a) Cell division (AI 2010)
(b) Apoptosis
(c) Necrosis
(d) Infammation
4. Light microscopic characteristic feature of
apoptosis is: (AI 2010)
(a) Intact cell membrane
(b) Eosinophilic cytoplasm
(c) Nuclear moulding
(d) Condensation of the nucleus
5. Coagulative necrosis is found in which infection?
(a) TB (AI 2009, AIIMS May 10)
(b) Sarcoidosis
(c) Gangrene
(d) Fungal infection
6. Psammoma bodies are seen in all except:
(a) Follicular carcinoma of thyroid (AI 2011,09)
(b) Papillary carcinoma of thyroid
(c) Serous cystadenoma of ovary
(d) Meningioma
7. Ageing is due to: (AI 2009)
(a) Accumulated m utations in somatic cells
(b) Accumulation of free radicals
(c) Decreased cross linking of collagen
(d) Decreased antioxidants
8. Organelle which plays a pivotal role in apoptosis
is: (AI 2011, 09, AIIMS May 2010)
(a) Cytoplasm (b) Golgi complex
(c) Mitochondria (d) Nucleus
9. Oxygen dependent killing is done through
(a) NADPH oxidase (AI 2007)
(b) Superoxide dismutase
(c) Catalase
(d) Glutathione peroxidase
10. All of the following statements are true regarding
reversible cell injury, except
(a) Formation of amorphous densities in the mito-
chondrial matrix (AI 2005)
(b) Diminished generation of adenosine triphosphate
(c) Formation of blebs in the plasma membrane.
(d) Detachment of ribosomes from the granular endo-
plasmic reticulum.
11. Fibrinoid necrosis may be observed in all of the
following, except: (AI 2005)
(a) Malignant hypertension
(b) Polyarteritis nodosa
(c) Diabetic glomerulosclerosis
(d) Aschoffs nodule
12. In apoptosis, Apaf-I is activated by release of
which of the following substances from the
mitochondria? (AI 2005)
(a) Bcl-2
(b) Bax
(c) Bcl-XL
(d) Cytochrome C
13. Which of the following is an anti-apoptotic gene?
(a) C-myc (AI 2004)
(b) p 53
(c) bcl-2
(d) bax
14. The most abundant glycoprotein present in
basement membrane is: (AI 2004)
(a) Laminin
(b) Fibronectin
(c) Collagen type 4
(d) Heparan sulphate
15. Enzyme that protects the brain from free radical
injury is: (AI 2001)
(a) Myeloperoxidase
(b) Superoxide dismutase
(c) MAO
(d) Hydroxylase
16. Annexin V on non-permeable cell is indicative of:
(a) Apoptosis (AIIMS May 2009)
(b) Necrosis
(c) Cell entering replication phase
(d) Cell cycle arrest
17. True about metastatic calcifcation is
(a) Calcium level is normal (AIIMS May 2009)
(b) Occur in dead and dying tissue
(c) Occur in damaged heart valve
(d) Mitochondria involved earliest
18. Increased incidence of cancer in old age is due to
(a) Telomerase reactivation (AIIMS May 2009)
(b) Telomerase deactivation
(c) Inactivation of protooncogene
(d) Increase in apoptosis
Review of pathology

19. Both hyperplasia and hypertrophy are seen in?
(a) Breast enlargement during lactation
(b) Uterus during pregnancy (AIIMS May 2009)
(c) Skeletal muscle enlargement during exercise
(d) Left ventricular hypertrophy during heart failure
20. Which of the following helps in generating oxygen
burst in the neutrophils? (AIIMS Nov 2008)
(a) NADPH oxidase
(b) Superoxide dismutase
(c) Catalase
(d) Glutathione peroxidase
21. Stain not used for lipid (AIIMS Nov 2007)
(a) Oil red O
(b) Congo red
(c) Sudan III
(d) Sudan black
22. Acridine orange is a fuorescent dye used to bind
(a) DNA and RNA (AIIMS Nov 2007)
(b) Protein
(c) Lipid
(d) Carbohydrates
23. PAS stains the following except (AIIMS Nov 2007)
(a) Glycogen
(b) Lipids
(c) Fungal cell wall
(d) Basement membrane of bacteria
24. All are components of basement membrane
except (AIIMS Nov 2007)
(a) Nidogen
(b) Laminin
(c) Entactin
(d) Rhodopsin
25. Ultra-structural fnding of irreversible injury
(a) Ribosomal detachment from endoplasmic reticu-
lum (AIIMS Nov 2007)
(b) Amorphous densities in mitochondria
(c) Formation of phagolysosomes
(d) Cell swelling
26. Caspases are involved in (AIIMS Nov 2007)
(a) Necrosis
(b) Apoptosis
(c) Atherosclerosis
(d) Infammation
27. True about Apoptosis are all except:
(a) Infammation is present (AIIMS May 2007)
(b) Chromosomal breakage
(c) Clumping of chromatin
(d) Cell shrinkage
28. The following is an antiapoptotic gene
(a) Bax (AIIMS Nov 2006)
(b) Bad
(c) Bcl-X
(d) Bim
29. Cytosolic cytochrome C plays an important
function in (AIIMS Nov 2006)
(a) Apoptosis (b) Cell necrosis
(c) Electron transport chain
(d) Cell division
30. Which of the following pigments are involved in
free radical injury? (AIIMS Nov 2006)
(a) Lipofuscin
(b) Melanin
(c) Bilirubin
(d) Hematin
31. Most pathognomic sign of irreversible cell injury
(AIIMS Nov 2006)
(a) Amorphous densities in mitochondria
(b) Swelling of the cell membrane
(c) Ribosomes detached from endoplasmic reticulum
(d) Clumping of nuclear chromatin
32. Which of the following is not a common site for
metastatic calcifcation? (AIIMS Nov 2005)
(a) Gastric mucosa
(b) Kidney
(c) Parathyroid
(d) Lung
33. Internucleosomal cleavage of DNA is characteristic
of (AIIMS Nov 2005)
(a) Reversible cell injury
(b) Irreversible cell injury
(c) Necrosis
(d) Apoptosis
34. Programmed cell death is known as:
(a) Cytolysis (AIIMS Nov 2005)
(b) Apoptosis
(c) Necrosis
(d) Proptosis
35. Ladder pattern of DNA electrophoresis in
apoptosis is caused by the action of the following
enzyme: (AIIMS Nov 2004)
(a) Endonuclease
(b) Transglutaminase
(c) DNAse
(d) Caspase
36. Calcifcation of soft tissues without any disturbance
of calcium metabolism is called
(a) Inotrophic calcifcation (AIIMS Nov 2004)
(b) Monotrophic calcifcation
(c) Dystrophic calcifcation
(d) Calcium induced calcifcation
37. The light brown perinuclear pigment seen on H
& E staining of the cardiac muscle fbres in the
grossly normal appearing heart of an 83 year old
man at autopsy is due to deposition as:
(a) Hemosiderin (AIIMS May 2003)
(b) Lipochrome
(c) Cholesterol metabolite
(d) Anthracotic pigment
38. Dystrophic calcifcation is seen in:
(a) Rickets (AIIMS Nov 2002)
(b) Hyperparathyroidism
(c) Atheromatous plaque
(d) Vitamin A intoxication
13 Review of pathology

39. The Fenton reaction leads to free radical generation
when: (AIIMS Nov 2002)
(a) Radiant energy is absorbed by water
(b) Hydrogen peroxide is formed by Myeloperoxi-
(c) Ferrous ions are converted to ferric ions
(d) Nitric oxide is converted to peroxynitrite anion
40. Which fnding on electron microscopy indicates
irreversible cell injury? (AIIMS Nov 2002)
(a) Dilatation of endoplasmic reticulum
(b) Dissociation of ribosomes from rough endoplas-
mic reticulum
(c) Flocculent densities in the mitochondria
(d) Myelin fgures
41. True about apoptosis is all, except:
(AIIMS Nov 2001)
(a) Considerable apoptosis may occur in a tissue be-
fore it becomes apparent in histology
(b) Apoptotic cells appear round mass of the intense-
ly eosinophilic cytoplasm with dense nuclear
chromatin fragments
(c) Apoptosis of cells induce infammatory reaction
(d) Macrophages phagocytose the apoptotic cells and
degrade them
42. True about cell ageing: (AIIMS Nov 2001)
(a) Free radicals injury
(b) Mitochondria are increased
(c) Lipofuscin accumulation in the cell
(d) Size of cell increased
43. Mallory hyaline is seen in: (PGI Dec 2000)
(a) Alcoholic liver disease
(b) Hepatocellular carcinoma
(c) Wilsons disease
(d) I.C.C. (Indian childhood cirrhosis)
(e) Biliary cirrhosis
44. Heterotopic calcifcation occurs in:
(a) Ankylosing spondylitis (PGI Dec 2000)
(b) Reiters syndrome
(c) Forrestiers disease
(d) Rheumatoid arthritis
(e) Gouty arthritis
45. Pigmentation in the liver is caused by all except-
(a) Lipofuscin (PGI Dec 01)
(b) Pseudomelanin
(c) Wilsons disease
(d) Malarial pigment
(e) Bile pigment
46. Morphological changes of apoptosis include
(a) Cytoplasmic blebs (PGI Dec 01)
(b) Infammation
(c) Nuclear fragmentation
(d) Spindle formation
(e) Cell swelling
47. True about apoptosis (PGI June 2003)
(a) Migration of Leukocytes
(b) End products are phagocytosed by macrophage
(c) Intranuclear fragmentation of DNA
(d) Activation of caspases
(e) Annexin V is a marker of apoptotic cell
48. Neutrophil secretes: (PGI Dec 2002)
(a) Superoxide dismutase
(b) Myeloperoxidase
(c) Lysosomal enzyme
(d) Catalase
(e) Cathepsin G
49. Which of the following is the hallmark of
programmed cell death? (Delhi PG 2009 RP)
(a) Apoptosis
(b) Coagulation necrosis
(c) Fibrinoid necrosis
(d) Liquefaction necrosis
50. Which of the following is a peroxisomal free radical
scavenger? (Delhi PG-2006)
(a) Superoxide dismutase
(b) Glutathione peroxidase
(c) Catalase
(d) All of the above
51. Which of the following is an inhibitor of
apoptosis? (Delhi PG-2006)
(a) Bad (b) Bax
(c) Bcl-2 (d) All of the above
52. Inhibitor of apoptosis is: (Delhi PG-2005)
(a) p53 (b) Ras
(c) Myc (d) Bcl-2
53. Apoptosis is associated with all of the following
features except: (Karnataka 2009)
(a) Cell shrinkage
(b) Intact cellular contents
(c) Infammation
(d) Nucleosome size fragmentation of nucleus
54. Liquefactive necrosis is typically seen in
(Karnataka 2006)
(a) Ischemic necrosis of the heart
(b) Ischemic necrosis of the brain
(c) Ischemic necrosis of the intestine
(d) Tuberculosis
55. Wear and tear pigment in the body refers to
(a) Lipochrome (Karnataka 2006)
(b) Melanin
(c) Anthracotic pigment
(d) Hemosiderin
56. All of the following are morphological features of
apoptosis except (Karnataka 2004)
(a) Cell shrinkage
(b) Chromatin condensation
(c) Infammation
(d) Apoptotic bodies
57. Coagulative necrosis as a primary event is most
often seen in all except: (DNB 2000)
(a) Kidneys
(b) CNS
(c) Spleen
(d) Liver
Review of pathology

58. Metastatic calcifcation is most often seen in:
(a) Lymph nodes (DNB - 2000,2004,2006)
(b) Lungs
(c) Kidney
(d) Liver
59. Russell bodies are seen in:
(a) Lymphocytes (DNB - 2000,2006,2007)
(b) Neutrophils
(c) Macrophages
(d) Plasma cells
60. Liquefactive necrosis is seen in:
(a) Heart (DNB- 2002,2004,2006)
(b) Brain
(c) Lung
(d) Spleen
61. Psammoma bodies show which type of
calcifcation: (DNB- 2003,2006)
(a) Metastatic
(b) Dystrophic
(c) Secondary
(d) Any of the above
62. Gamma Gandy bodies contain hemosiderin and:
(a) Na
(DNB- 2003,2006,2007)
(b) Ca
(c) Mg
(d) K
63. Oncocytes are modifed form of which of the
following: (DNB- 2004)
(a) Lysososmes
(b) Endoplasmic reticulum
(c) Mitochondria
(d) None of the above
64. Apoptosis is inhibited by: (DNB- 2007)
(a) Bcl-2 (b) p53
(c) Ras (d) C-myc
66. Organelle that plays a pivotal role in apoptosis:
(a) Endoplasmic reticulum (DNB- 2008)
(b) Golgi complex
(c) Mitochondria
(d) Nucleus
66. Intracellular calcifcation begins in the
(a) Mitochondria (DNB- 2008)
(b) Golgi body
(c) Lysososme
(d) ER
67. Irreversible injury in cell is (UP 2000)
(a) Deposition of Ca
in mitochondria
(b) Swelling
(c) Mitotic fgure
(d) Ribosomal detachment
68. Apoptosis is (UP-98, 2004)
(a) Cell degeneration
(b) Type of cell injury
(c) Cell regeneration
(d) Cell activation
69. Mallory hyaline bodies are seen all Except:
(a) Indian childhood cirrhosis (AI 97) (UP 2004)
(b) Wilsons disease
(c) Alcoholic hepatitis
(d) Crigler-Najjar syndrome
70. Cellular adaptation is maintained even after liver
is partially resected. It is known as:
(a) Hyperplasia (UP 2006)
(b) Hypertrophy
(c) Metaplasia
(d) Dysplasia
71. Russells body are accumulations of:
(a) Cholesterol (UP 2006)
(b) Immunoglobulins
(c) Lipoproteins
(d) Phospholipids
72. Dystrophic calcifcation is seen in: (UP 2006)
(a) Atheroma
(b) Pagets disease
(c) Renal osteodystrophy
(d) Milk-alkali syndrome
73. Pyogenic infection and brain infarction are
associated with (UP 2008)
(a) Coagulative necrosis
(b) Liquefactive necrosis
(c) Caseous necrosis
(d) Fat necrosis
74. In apoptosis initiation: (UP 2008)
(a) The death receptors induce apoptosis when it en-
gaged by fas ligand system
(b) Cytochrome C binds to a protein Apoptosis Acti-
vating (Apaf-1) Factor 1
(c) Apoptosis may be initiated by caspase activation
(d) Apoptosis mediated through DNA damage
75. Necrosis is (RJ 2005)
(a) Cell repair (b) Degeneration
(b) Regeneration (d) Growth
76. Apoptosis is due to (RJ 2005)
(a) Ischemia (b) Programmed cell death
(c) Post trauma (d) All
77. Brown atrophy is due to (AP 2000)
(a) Fatty necrosis (b) Hemosiderin
(c) Lipofuscin (d) Ceruloplasmin
78. Psammoma bodies are typically associated with all
of the following neoplasms except (AP 2001)
(a) Medulloblastoma
(b) Meningioma
(c) Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid
(d) Papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary
79. Transformation of one epithelium to other
epithelium is known as (AP 2001)
(a) Dysplasia (b) Hyperplasia
(c) Neoplasia (d) Metaplasia
80. Coagulative necrosis is seen in all except
(a) Lung (AP 2002)
(b) Liver
15 Review of pathology

(c) Brain
(d) Kidney
81. All are true about metaplasia except (AP 2004)
(a) Slow growth (AIIMS 1996, UP 2002)
(b) Reverse back to normal with appropriate treatment
(c) Irreversible
(d) If persistent may induce cancer transformation
82. The gene for apoptosis is (AP 2005)
(a) Bcl 2
(b) BRCA
(c) RET
(d) MYC
83. About hyperplasia, which of the following
statement is false? (AP 2007)
(a) no of cells
(b) total organ size
(c) Endometrial response to estrogen is an example
(d) All
84. Crookes hyaline body is present in: (Kolkata 2001)
(a) Yellow fever
(b) Basophil cells of the pituitary gland in Cushings
(c) Parkinsonism
(d) Huntingtons disease
85. First cellular change in hypoxia: (Kolkata 2003)
(a) Decreased oxidative phosphorylation in mito-
(b) Cellular swelling
(c) Alteration in cellular membrane permeability
(d) Clumping of nuclear chromatin
86. Example of hypertrophy is: (Kolkata 2004)
(a) Breast in puberty
(b) Uterus during pregnancy
(c) Ovary after menopause
(d) Liver after resection
87. Dystrophic calcifcation is commonly seen in:
(a) Hyperparathyroidism (Kolkata 2005)
(b) Vitamin D defciency
(c) Atheromatous plaque
(d) Lungs
88. Which process makes the bacteria tasty to the
macrophages: (Kolkata 2008)
a) Margination (b) Diapedesis
(c) Opsonisation (d) Chemotaxis
89. About apoptosis, true statement is: (Bihar 2003)
(a) Injury due to hypoxia
(b) Infammatory reaction is present
(c) Councilman bodies is associated with apoptosis
(d) All of these
90. Metastatic calcifcation occurs in all except:
(a) Kidney (Bihar 2005)
(b) Atheroma
(c) Fundus of stomach
(d) Pulmonary veins
91. Gene inhibiting apoptosis is: (Jharkhand 2006)
(a) bcl2 (b) P53
(c) Ras (d) N-myc
92. Fourniers gangrene is seen in:
(a) Nose (Jharkhand 2006)
(b) Scrotal skin
(c) Oral cavity
(d) All are true
93. Coagulative necrosis is seen in: (Jharkhand 2006)
(a) Brain (b) Breast
(c) Liver (d) All
94. Dystrophic calcifcation is: (Jharkhand 2006)
(a) Calcifcation in dead tissue
(b) Calcifcation in living tissue
(c) Calcifcation in dead man
(d) None
110. Will have two statements, assertion and reason.
Read both of them carefully and answer according
to these options.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is
correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is not
the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) Assertion is true and reason is false.
(d) Both assertion and reason are false.
1. Assertion Renal failure is associated with metastatic
Reason Secondary hyperparathyroidism develops
due to increased serum phosphate resulting in
metastatic calcifcation.
2. Assertion TNF- is responsible for promoting cell
survival physiologically.
Reason It acts by stimulating anti-apoptotic genes
of bcl-2 family.
3. Assertion Calorie restriction is associated with
increased longevity.
Reason Histone deacetylase activity of sirtuins
promotes transcription of genes which inhibit free
radical injury.
4. Assertion Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is an anti-
oxidant enzyme in mitochondria
Reason Copper zinc SOD in the cytosol converts

to H
5. Assertion Germ cells have highest telomerase
activity in the body
Reason Telomerase activity helps the germ cells to
retain the ability to divide throughout the life
6. Assertion Excessive iron ingestion is associated
with free radical injury.
Reason Fentons reaction is associated with
conversion of Fe
to Fe
and formation of free
7. Assertion Tuberculosis is the condition associated
with caseous necrosis
Reason This pattern of necrosis is associated with
high lipid concentration of mycobacterial cell wall.
Review of pathology

8. Assertion Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) and Henoch
Schonlein Purpura (HSP) are examples of fbrinoid
Reason Both these conditions have a high
concentration of deposition of fbrin in them.
9. Assertion Restoration of blood supply to ischemic
organs always results in their salvaging from injury.
Reason Ischemia is the commonest cause of cell
10. Assertion The intrinsic pathway of apoptosis is also
called as the mitochondrial pathway.
Reason Cytochrome C released from the
mitochondria is responsible for initiating the intrinsic
11. A patient Fahim presents to the hospital with
jaundice, right upper quadrant pain and fatigue.
He tests positive for hepatitis B surface antigen.
The serum bilirubin levels is 4.8mg/dl (direct is
0.8mg/dl and indirect bilirubin is 4.0mg/dl), AST
levels is 300 U/L, ALT is 325 U/L and alkaline
phosphatase is within normal limits. The elevation
in AST and ALT can be explained by which of the
(a) Bleb formation
(b) Cell membrane rupture
(c) Clumping of nuclear chromatin
(d) Swelling of endoplasmic reticulum
12. An old man Muthoot has diffculty in urination
associated with increased urge and frequency.
He has to get up several times in night to relieve
himself. There is no history of any burning
micturition and lower back pain. On rectal
examination, he has enlarged prostate. Which of
the following represents the most likely change in
the bladder of this patient?
(a) Hyperplasia (b) Atrophy
(c) Hypertrophy (d) Metaplasia
13. An increase in the size of a cell in response to stress
is called as hypertrophy. Which of the following
does not represent the example of smooth muscle
hypertrophy as an adaptive response to the
relevant situation?
(a) Urinary bladder in urine outfow obstruction
(b) Small intestine in intestinal obstruction
(c) Triceps in body builders
(d) None of the above
14. A 23-year-old lady Sweety was driving her car
when she had to apply brakes suddenly. She
suffered from steering wheel injury in the right
breast. After 5 days of pain and tenderness at the
site of trauma, she noticed the presence lump
which was persistent since the day of trauma. Dr.
M. Spartan does an excision biopsy and observed
the presence of an amorphous basophilic material
within the mass. The amorphous material is an
example of
(a) Apocrine metaplasia.
(b) Dystrophic fat necrosis
(c) Enzymatic fat necrosis
(d) Granulomatous infammation
15. A patient Subbu is diagnosed with a cancer. It
was observed that he shows a poor response to a
commonly used anti-cancer drug which acts by
increasing programmed cell death. Inactivation
of which of the following molecules/genes is
responsible for the resistance shown in the tumor
(a) Granzyme and perforin
(b) Bcl-2
(c) p53
(d) Cytochrome P450
16. Dr Maalu Gupta is carrying out an experiment
in which a genetic mutation decreased the cell
survival of a cell culture line. These cells have
clumping of the nuclear chromatin and reduced
size as compared to normal cells. Which of the
following is the most likely involved gene in the
above described situation?
(a) Fas (b) Bax
(c) Bcl-2 (d) Myc
17. A patient Ramu Kaka presented with complaints
of slow progressive breathlessness, redness in the
eyes and skin lesions. His chest X ray had bilateral
hilar lymphadenopathy. His serum ACE levels
were elevated. On doing Kveim test, it came out
to be positive. Final confrmation was done with
a biopsy which demonstrated presence of non-
caseous granuloma. A diagnosis of sarcoidosis
was established. Which of the following statements
regarding calcifcation and sarcoidosis is not true?
(a) The calcifcation in sarcoidosis begins at a cellu-
lar level in mitochondria
(b) There is presence of dystrophic calcifcation
(c) The granulomatous lesions contain macrophages
which cause activation of vitamin D precursors
(d) None of the above
1-20. Read the following statement for questions 8, 9 and
10 carefully and answer the associated questions.
A 50-year old male Braj Singh presented to the
medicine emergency room with retrosternal chest
pain of 15 minutes duration. He also had sweating
and mild dyspnea. The physician immediately gave
him a nitrate tablet to be kept sublingually following
which his chest pain decreased signifcantly.
18. Which of the following best represents the
biochemical change in the myocardial cells of this
patient during the transient hypoxia?
17 Review of pathology

(a) Decreased hydrogen ion concentration
(b) Increase in oxidative phosphorylation
(c) Loss of intracellular Na
and water
(d) Stimulation of anaerobic glycolysis and glycog-
19. Which of the following if accumulated is suggestive
of reversible cell injury due to hypoperfusion of
different organs during this duration of myocardial
(a) Carbon dioxide (b) Creatinine
(c) Lactic acid (d) Troponin I
20. If we presume that the patient has experienced
several similar episodes of pain over the last 10
hours, which of the following ultra-structural
changes would most likely indicate irreversible
myocardial cell injury in this patient?
(a) Myofbril relaxation
(b) Disaggregation of polysomes
(c) Mitochondrial vacuolization
(d) Disaggregation of nuclear granules
21. A 50-year-old male alcoholic, Rajesh presents
with symptoms of liver disease and is found to
have mildly elevated liver enzymes. A liver biopsy
examined with a routine hematoxylin and eosin
(H & E) stain reveals abnormal clear spaces in
the cytoplasm of most of the hepatocytes. Which
of the following materials is most likely forming
cytoplasm spaces?
(a) Calcium (b) Cholesterol
(c) Hemosiderin (d) Lipofuscin
(e) Triglyceride
22. In an evaluation of a 7-year-old boy, Ram who has had
recurrent infections since the frst year of life, fndings
include enlargement of the liver and spleen, lymph
node infammation, and a superfcial dermatitis
resembling eczema. Microscopic examination of a
series of peripheral blood smears taken during the
course of a staphylococcal infection indicates that
the bactericidal capacity of the boys neutrophils is
impaired or absent. Which of the following is the
most likely cause of this childs illness?
(a) Defect in the enzyme NADPH oxidase
(b) Defect in the enzyme adenosine deaminase (ADA)
(c) Defect in the IL-2 receptor
(d) Developmental defect at the pre-B stage
(e) Developmental failure of pharyngeal pouches 3
and 4
23. A 55-year-old man, Vikas develops a thrombus
in his left anterior descending coronary artery.
The area of myocardium supplied by this
vessel is irreversibly injured. The thrombus is
destroyed by the infusion of streptokinase, which
is a plasminogen activator, and the injured area
is reperfused. The patient, however, develops an
arrhythmia and dies. An electron microscopic
(EM) picture taken of the irreversibly injured
myocardium reveals the presence of large, dark,
irregular amorphic densities within mitochondria.
What are these abnormal structures?
(a) Apoptotic bodies (b) Flocculent densities
(c) Myelin fgures (d) Psammoma bodies
(e) Russell bodies
24. An autopsy is performed on a 65-year-old man,
Suresh who died of congestive heart failure.
Sections of the liver reveal yellow-brown granules
in the cytoplasm of most of the hepatocytes. Which
of the following stains would be most useful to
demonstrate with positive staining that these
yellow-brown cytoplasmic granules are in fact
composed of hemosiderin (iron) ?
(a) Oil red O stain (b) Oil red O stain
(c) Periodic acid- Schiff stain
(d) Prussian blue stain
(e) Sudan black B stain (f) Trichrome stain
25. A 36-year-old woman, Geeta presents with
intermittent pelvic pain. Physical examination
reveals a 3-cm mass in the area of her right
ovary. Histologic sections from this ovarian mass
reveal a papillary tumor with multiple, scattered
small, round, laminated calcifcations. Which of
the following is the basic defect producing these
abnormal structures?
(a) Bacterial infection
(b) Dystrophic calcifcation
(c) Enzymatic necrosis
(d) Metastatic calcifcation
(e) Viral infection
26. Which one of the listed statements best describes
the mechanism through which Fas(CD95) initiates
(a) BCL2 product blocks channels
(b) Cytochrome activates Apaf-1
(c) FADD stimulates caspase 8
(d) TNF inhibits Ikb
(e) TRADD stimulates FAD
27. A 28-year-old male executive presents to the doctor
with complaints of heartburn non responsive to
usual medicines undergoes endoscopy with biopsy
of the distal esophagus is taken. What type of
mucosa is normal for the distal esophagus?
(a) Ciliated, columnar epithelium
(b) Keratinized, stratifed, squamous epithelium
(c) Non-keratinized, simple, squamous epitheliu
(d) Non-keratinized, stratifed, squamous epithelium
28. An AIDS patient Khalil develops symptoms of
pneumonia, and Pneumocystis carinii is suspected
as the causative organism. Bronchial lavage is
performed. Which of the following stains would
be most helpful in demonstrating the organisms
cysts on slides made from the lavage fuid?
(a) Alcian blue (b) Hematoxylin and eosin
(c) Methenamine silver (d) Trichrome stain

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