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Veteran Online Journo Takes On Newspaper Giants

BANGALORE, INDIA -- January 26, 2009 -- The journalist who created tabloid-style online
journalism is spearheading a news site that is set to challenge the dominance of the national
and international press by taking them on at their own game, without the print and
distribution overheads.
Mike Magee will launch The News ( today, a site that will deliver
breaking global news in a characteristically punchy and controversial style.

The site will have its hub in !ndia, where editorial operations will be headed by "ubhash #ai.
$e joined Magee after successfully starting and then running %&'(s !ndian news portal. #ai(s
team will include full-time sta) and freelancers from around the world.

Magee launched The #egister (, then the !N*+!#,#
(, selling the latter to .N+ /usiness 0ublications two years ago. !n
March last year, Magee oversaw the launch of the !T ,1aminer in /angalore

Magee said2 3%t a time when multinational and national newspaper groups are cutting sta),
closing o4ces and facing the overhead of print production, distribution costs and declining
readership, we feel we(ve a good chance of taking on the giants by concentrating on sound
journalism and challenging the state of journalism now .3

$e continued2 3% recent article on told a stark truth. 0rint advertising, the piece
said, is evaporating, meaning that in the +5, at least, Northcli)e Media and Trinity are still
tied to classi6ed ad revenues and can(t scale their operations to take advantage of the low-
cost model in the online world.3

!n 7une 899:, Magee(s !N*+!#,# broke the story of a ;ell notebook bursting into <ames in
7apan, a story that was picked up all over the world by broadcast and print outlets. "teve
$amm, from /usiness =eek, covering the story in an article called The /attery #ecall2 % win
for the =eb, said at the time2 3!t has long been said that the !nternet spreads information
like a prairie 6re. !n this case, the =eb helped snu) one out...This story showed just how
potent his >Mike Magee(s? brand of cybermedia can be.3

#ai said2 37ournalism divorced of traditional journalistic values is there for all to see. &nline
journalism of The News variety will bring a breath of fresh air.3
37ournalists these days are frightened little rabbits told to print or pi1ellate press releases
and taught not to challenge power and vested interests,3 said Magee. 3=e will prove that
journalism is not dead and that readers want strong journalism and not wishy-washy pap
dictated to them by multiple vested interests.3 $e added2 3=e don(t follow the news, we
make The News.3
To contact Magee2 HDD EEJ9 E:AK9J (
To contact #ai2 HKJ KK99MAMMJK (
0at Meier-7ohnson CJDJM.BAK.JE99

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