Sports News Update 20101

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Sports News Update, 2010

Vijender wins silver in Champion o Champions to!rnament
Oympc hero V|ender Sngh broke the bronze |nx and fetched one of Indas
two sver medas at the two-day Champon of Champons nvtatona boxng
tournament n Guangzhou, Chna. The 24-year-od Oympc and Word
Champonshp bronze medast ost 0-6 to Chna's Zhang |n Tng n the n the
mdde weght (75kg) category na.
The other sver meda for Inda came through Oympan Dnesh Kumar, who
setted for sver n 81kg after osng 2-10 to Chnese Meng Fan Long.
Cri&'et &an now (id or 2020 Ol)mpi&s
Crckets push to be a part of the Oympc Games receved a ma|or boost wth
Internatona Oympc Counc (IOC) grantng recognton to Internatona
Crcket Counc (ICC) on February 12, 2010. Ths coud be seen as a rst step
towards crcket becomng Oympc sports. Its Twenty20 verson can now bd
to |on the 2020 Oympc Games though ICC has not made t cear whch
format t w push for.
Crcket was granted the status of a recognsed Oympc sport n 2007, for
sports not n the Oympc programme but whch conform to certan crtera,
pendng a decson for a permanent sot n the Games.
Crcket was part of the 1900 Oympcs n Pars and has not appeared snce
then. The game was part of the 1998 Kuaa Lumpur Commonweath Games
and ts Twenty20 verson s set to feature at Asan Games n Guangzhou,
Sa&hin (e&omes *rst (atsman to hit a do!(le h!ndred in an O+I
Sachn Tendukar rewrote the record books on February 24, 2010, hammerng
the rst doube century n the hstory of one-day crcket to add another
feather to hs we-adorned cap. The capacty crowd at the Captan Roop
Sngh Stadum, Gwaor wtnessed hstory as Tendukar, statstcay the
greatest batsman the game has ever seen, pushed South Afrcan bower
Char Langevedts devery through the oh-sde and ran a snge to acheve a
feat whch no other crcketer has acheved.
One Day Internatona crcket, snce ts 1971 ncepton, had to wat neary
four decades to see a batsman score 200. The prevous best mark was shared
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by Zmbabwean Chares Coventry (194 not out) and Pakstans Saeed Anwar
%op 10 hi,hest individ!al 'no&'s in the histor) o one da) &ri&'et
200*: Sachn Tendukar (Ind) vs South Afrca n Gwaor on February 24, 2010.
194*: Chares Coventry (Zm) vs Bangadesh n Buawayo on August 16, 2009.
194: Saeed Anwar (Pak) vs Inda n Chenna on May 21, 1997.
189*: Vv Rchards (WI) vs Engand n Manchester on May 31, 1984.
189: Sanath |ayasurya (SL) vs Inda n Shar|ah on October 29, 2000.
188*: Gary Krsten (SA) vs Unted Arab Emrates at Rawapnd on February
16, 1996.
186*: Sachn Tendukar (Ind) vs New Zeaand n Hyderabad on November 8,
183*: Mahendra Sngh Dhon (Ind) vs Sr Lanka n |apur on October 31, 2005.
183: Sourav Ganguy (Ind) vs Sr Lanka at Taunton on May 26, 1999.
181*: Matthew Hayden (Aus) vs New Zeaand n Hamton on February 20,
181: Vv Rchards (WI) vs Sr Lanka n Karach on October 13, 1987.
India.So!th /ri&a %est Series
Inda crashed to a humatng nnngs and sx runs defeat n the rst Test
payed n Nagpur. Ths was the rst Test defeat under Mahnder Sngh Dhons
Inda eveed the two-Test seres after wnnng the second Test at Eden
Gardens, Kokata by an nnngs and 58 runs. Wth ths wn Inda managed to
retan the number one Test team tte t receved when t rst topped the
ratngs n December 2009, as aso pocketed a cheque for Rs 78.75 akh.
India.So!th /ri&a One.da) series
Inda eked out one-run vctory n the rst match payed at |apur. Inda,
battng rst, had set a target of 299 runs. South Afrca was bowed out by
Inda for 297. The second match at Gwaor by 153 runs. The hghght of the
match was Sachn Tendukar becomng the rst batsman n the word to ht a
doube century n One-day format.
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Inda ost the thrd and ast match at Ahmedabad by 90 runs thus deprvng
tsef a chance to regster ther rst ever cean sweep aganst South Afrca.
Inda won the seres 2-1. Sachn Tendukar was decared the man-of-the-
/!stralia.0est Indies One.da) series
Austraa defeated West Indes by 113 runs n the rst match payed at
So!th /sian Games, 2010
The 11th edton of South Asan Games (SAG) opened at the Bangabandhu
Natona Stadum, Dhaka, on |anuary 29, 2010. The aquatc show was the
man attracton of the openng ceremony, n whch a concert hosted by Pt.
Rav Shankar and Beates star George Harrson for Bangadeshs
Independence day and the March 7 address of Shekh Mu|bur Rehman were
dspayed on a water screen.
Ths was the thrd tme that the Bangadesh capta hosted the Games, thus
becomng the rst cty to hod the games three tmes.
Athetes from eght countres- Afghanstan, Bangadesh, Bhutan, Inda,
Madves, Nepa, Pakstan and Sr Lanka-competed n 23 dherent sports.
Inda contnued ts domnance wth 175 medas, ncudng 90 god medas.
Pakstan narrowy beat the host to occupy the second spot wth 19 gods,
whe the host Bangadesh capture 18 gods, ncudng the most popuar and
prestgous footba and crcket ttes. Sr Lankas Shehan Abeyptya became
the fastest man whe Pakstans Naseem Hamd was crowned the fastest
woman of the regon.
The ogo of the Games was 'Kutumb', a yng doe, known n Engsh as the
Orenta Magpe Robn. It s the Natona Brd of Bangadesh. The mascot aso
featured a Magpe Robn.
Deh w host the next South Asan Games. Inda was pcked to host the
regona sportng event after Bhutan, whose turn t was to host the next SAG,
expressed ts nabty to stage the meet. Inda has hosted the South Asan
Games twce thus far-n 1987 (Kokata) and n 1995 (Chenna).
0inter Ol)mpi&s, 2010
The 2010 Wnter Oympcs, omcay the 21st Wnter Oympcs, were a ma|or
nternatona mut-sport event hed on February 12-28, 2010, n Vancouver,
Brtsh Coumba, Canada.
Approxmatey 2,600 athetes from 82 natons partcpated n 86 events n
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fteen dscpnes. Cayman Isands, Coomba, Ghana, Montenegro, Pakstan,
Peru and Serba made ther wnter Oympc debuts. Aso |amaca, Mexco and
Morocco returned to the Games after mssng the Turn Games.
The 2010 Wnter Oympcs were the thrd Oympcs hosted by Canada, and
the rst by the provnce of Brtsh Coumba. Prevousy, Canada hosted the
1976 Summer Oympcs n Montrea, Ouebec and the 1988 Wnter Oympcs n
Cagary, Aberta.
Canada topped the medas tay wth 14 god, 7 sver and 5 bronze medas.
Germany was second, foowed by USA.
The 2014 Wnter Oympcs w be hed from February 7 to February 23, 2014
n Soch, Krasnodar Kra, Russa.
/sian %o!r International &rown
Gagan|eet Bhuar scrpted a sensatona come-from-behnd vctory at Asan
tour Internatona crown, payed at Bangkok. Ths was hs second Asan tour
Commonwealth Championships, 2010
Wth 23 god medas, 17 sver and 9 bronze medas, Inda topped the medas
tay of the champonshps hed n Deh n February 2010. Engand was
second n the medas tay, foowed by Austraa.
Senior National Badminton Championship, 56
Chetan Anand camed hs fourth natona tte whe Trupt Murgunde cnched
her maden one by wnnng the mens and womens snges nas. There was
more |oy for Chetan as hs wfe |waa Gutta camed a doube by wnnng both
the womens and mxed doubes nas.
National Senior Championship, 70
Indan Raways squeezed past hosts Pun|ab n mens secton to retan the
mens tte. The womens tte was aso won by Indan Raways who defeated
Deh n na to retan the tte.
0orld %eam &hampionship
Russa won the god wth 24 ponts. Inda trounced Braz n the nnth and ast
round to earn a bronze. The champonshp was hed at Bursa, Turkey.
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Under.18 0orld C!p
Austraa have become the rst team to wn the under-19 word cup thrce.
They defeated Pakstan by 25 runs to wn the 2010 edton. The tournament
was hosted by New Zeaand.
Defendng champons Inda nshed sxth after beng humbed by South Afrca
n the fth pace pay-oh match.
"anji %roph), 2010
Defendng champons Mumba pued oh a thrng sx-run wn over Karnataka
to cnch the coveted trophy for the 39th tme.
9oll) Umri,ar %roph)
Dehs Vdya |an Pubc Schoo has camed the trophy, symbo of supremacy
n schoo crcket, defeatng Presdency Schoo, Bangaore by 54 runs.
Ban,ladesh.Sri 2an'a.India trian,!lar series
Sr Lanka defeated Inda by four wckets to wn the tranguar one-day seres
na. Inda had made 245 battng rst and Sr Lanka surpassed the target
wth nne bas to spare.
Ban,ladesh.India %est series
Inda cnched the rst Test wth an emphatc 113-run vctory to take 1-0 ead
n the two-Test seres.
So!th /ri&a.$n,land %est series
Engands ast par of Graeme Swann and Graham Onons survved 17 bas to
savage a thrng draw n the thrd Test aganst South Afrca and keep ther
sde 1-0 ahead n the seres.
South Afrca won the fourth and na Test at |ohannesburg by an nnngs and
74 runs to eve the seres 1-1.
/!stralia.9a'istan %est series
Austraa competed a remarkabe Test vctory over Pakstan, comng from
206 runs behnd n the rst nnngs to wn the second Test at SCG by 36 runs.
Needng 176 for ts rst vctory n Austraa n 14 years, Pakstan was bunded
out for 139 runs.
Austraa defeated Pakstan by 231 runs n the thrd Test, to wn the three-Test
seres 3-0. Ths was a record-equang 12th successve wn aganst Pakstan.
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The sequence, whch began n November 1999, equas the ongest vctory
strng aganst a team n Test hstory. Shane Watson was decared the Mon of
the seres.
/!stralia.9a'istan One +a) series
Austraa competed a seres whtewash after defeatng Pakstan by two
wckets n the fth and na match, amd aegatons of ba tamperng by
Shahd Afrd. Afrd was subsequenty banned for two T20 matches after
peadng guty to the charges.
Cat&hin, re&ord o +ravid
Rahu Dravd s the rst payer ever to take 100 catches overseas for Inda.
Hs overa tay of 193 catches n 139 Tests s a word record.
3ederation C!p
West Benga cnched the tte by over-comng gant-ker La|ong FC of
Shong. The na was hed at Guwahat, Assam.
"o)al %roph)
Europe survved a dramatc ght-back to beat hoders Asa and wn the Roya
trophy for the thrd tme.
/!stralian Open, 2010
Serena Wams defeated Begums |ustne Henn to wn the women:s
sin,les title for the fth tme and her 12th Grand Sam tte. Wth ths wn
she drew eve wth Be |ean Kngs record of 12 Grand Sam wns.
Roger Federer beat Andy Murray to wn hs fourth Austraan open men:s
title, takng hs own Grand Sam ttes record to 16.
Leander Paes, wth partner Cara Back, won the mi;ed do!(les title< Ths
was hs 11th Grand Sam tte, equang Mahesh Bhupaths record of most
wns by an Indan.
Mke and Bob Bryan won the men:s do!(les title< The women:s do!(les
title was won by Serena and Venus Wams.
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Chennai Open, 2010
Defendng champon Marn Cc of Croata retaned the tte wth a vctory
over Swtzerands Stansas Wawrnka.
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