CIOB Guide

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You are eligible for the Professional Development Programme (PDP) if you have
satisfied, or are in the process of satisfying, CIOBs academic re!uirements"
PDP is the ne#t stage in gaining your professional !ualification and focuses on
developing and recording your management e#perience and achievements"
On completing PDP, you are eligible for the Professional $evie%, %hich is the final
stage in gaining chartered membership of the CIOB and the right to use the
designation &CIOB"
PDP is a management development programme that ta'es you from being a ne%
graduate to a recognised professional" It is possible to gain the PDP competence
units through a %ide variety of industry roles, ma'ing it transferable bet%een (obs and
employers if necessary"
)hough there are alternative progression routes available, CIOB recommends PDP
as a means of fast trac'ing candidates to corporate membership as progression
relies on proof of competence rather than length of e#perience"
Ryan Jones MCIOB, Project Manager, Essex Heritage Properties
*)he scheme %as e#cellent, fulfilling its aim in providing a basis from %hich all
disciplines %ithin the industry can achieve chartered status" It proves the candidate to
be a competent manager and not (ust a builder or constructor" )he hardest part of the
course is in the interpretation of the targets, %hich give you a massive scope" Its not
until you have got half %ay through the course %hen it all falls into place and you
realise that there is fle#ibility" +rom this point for%ard the rate of assessment
accelerates and before long you are at the intervie%"
- .uide for Candidates
Why do the PDP?
$yan /ones successfully completed PDP and
gained corporate membership in 0112" 3e has
since been promoted"
Eligibility for PDP
)o be eligible for PDP you must be4
fully e#empt from CIOBs academic re!uirements,
in construction5related employment, and
an Incorporated CIOB member,
underta'ing a suitable period of %or' placement %hilst studying for a CIOB
e#empting a%ard, and
a CIOB student member"
PDP Registration
In order to register on PDP you need to4
gain the support of your employer,
complete the PDP registration form ,
send PDP payment details (either company invoicing details, che!ue or
credit card), and
identify and appoint an -ssessor" (If your employer does not have in5house
-ssessors available contact PDP en!uiries for assistance")
$egistration details are available for do%nload from our %ebsite %%%"ciob"org"u'"
6hen CIOB has processed your registration, you %ill receive a Personal
Development $ecord"
7hould you change employer or -ssessor during the course of PDP you must notify
the CIOB" - change of employer may re!uire change to your PDP timetable or the
format of your assessments" CIOB can provide advice and support in these
CIOBs PDP Officer is available to provide candidates %ith advice and support at any
time during completion of PDP"
PDP Candidate Responsibilities
6hilst underta'ing PDP you are responsible for4
6riting regular personal development plans that detail ho% you intend to
achieve the PDP competencies and your o%n career aspirations"
Collecting a Portfolio of 8vidence that proves your competence in the PDP
units (detailed in the $ecord of Competence -chievements)"
6riting a brief claim for your competence in each PDP unit"
&eeting %ith an approved -ssessor every 9 to 2 months for assessment of
your evidence and feedbac' on your competence achievements"
-ttending the CIOB Professional $evie% once all PDP units have been
assessed and certified by your -ssessor"
Candidate Support
- net%or' of support is available to you throughout PDP4
Your Employer generally supports your decision to reach corporate membership and
ma'es available opportunities for training, development and e#perience" Your
employer may also fund your PDP registration and ma'e assessment provision"
Candidates %ithout support are not e#cluded from the PDP" Please contact CIOB to
discuss your situation"
Your Assessor revie%s and assesses evidence of your competence achievements
every 9 to 2 months and helps you set targets for your ne#t meeting" )hey also
provide advice and guidance on your development needs and evidence presentation"
)he -ssessor %ill provide you %ith an induction to PDP %hen you start the
-ll PDP -ssessors must be approved and registered %ith the CIOB"
Your Mentor offers advice on your professional development needs and helps
identify opportunities to meet them" )his feedbac' is used to help put together your
personal development plans" )hough CIOB recommends you have a &entor, it isnt
mandatory" Your -ssessor may also underta'e the role of &entor"
:nli'e your -ssessor, your &entor does not need to be CIOB approved or registered"
CIOB ensures standards of !uality and consistency are met throughout the delivery
and assessment of PDP, via a process of e#ternal verification"
CIOB also provides assistance and advice if you e#perience any difficulties during
the programme"
Your CIOB Branc runs a number of events and activities that can help you meet
your development goals and provide an opportunity for you to net%or' %ith other
professionals" &any of these are free to members"
Personal De!elopment Record
)he Personal Development $ecord is the file in %hich all the information relating to
your PDP and professional achievements is 'ept" )his includes4
Personal Profile" detailing your employment history and professional achievements"
#ualifications and Certificates" detailing your academic achievements and any
further training and development that you have underta'en"
Candidate $uide to PDP" contains all the information you need on PDP, including
advice on %hat you need to do in order to complete the programme"
Record of Competence Acie!ements" records the management competencies
you need to satisfy in order to achieve chartered membership" It details %hat you
need to do for each and provides guidance on suitable evidence" )he -ssessor
certifies this document"
E!idence Matrices" these provide the lin' bet%een the evidence held in your
Portfolio and the units in the $ecord of Competence -chievements"
Competence Claims" you need to produce one claim for each competence unit"
)hese are short documents (a ma#imum of 0 sides of -2) that provide a bac'ground
on ho% you gained the competence" )hey can cover pro(ects you have %or'ed on,
your roles and responsibilities, the development you undertoo' and the evidence this
generated" )he -ssessor certifies these documents"
Personal De!elopment Plans and CPD" you put these plans together but your
-ssessor and &entor %ill also provide input" )he plans help you focus on %hat you
need to achieve, %hen you %ant to achieve it and ho% you plan to do this" You
revie% your achievements at each assessment meeting and use the feedbac' to help
%rite your ne#t development plan"
Assessment Reports" %henever you meet your -ssessor they need to provide you
%ith a record of your meeting, their assessment decisions, any feedbac' on this and
agreed future action" )his information %ill help you put together future development
plans and focus on agreed evidence targets for presentation and assessment at the
ne#t meeting"
E!idence Portfolio
You prove competence by producing evidence that reflects your %or' e#perience,
and responsibilities and capabilities %hich relate to PDP units" 8vidence should
consist of %or'ing documents (not theoretical essays;reports) that sho% your actual
e#perience and competence"
+or e#ample, the follo%ing forms of evidence could be used to prove competence4
Communicating4 minutes of meetings, presentation slides, letters, reports,
%itness testimonies"
%ealt and Safety4 ris' assessments, regulations, on5site training"
Decision Ma&ing4 specialist advice, analyses and recommendations"
Planning 'or&4 %or' programmes, site diaries and plans"
8vidence needs to be stored in your Portfolio and cross5referenced to the PDP units"
In cross5referencing, you may find that one piece of evidence can be used to meet
more than one PDP unit" )his can help reduce the amount of evidence you need to
collect and thus the time ta'en to complete the programme" )he use of a matri# is
helpful in ma'ing the connection bet%een your 8vidence Portfolio and the $ecord of
Competence -chievements"
Your -ssessor is responsible for determining if this evidence meets the re!uirements
of the PDP unit, and certifying your $ecord of Competence -chievements once
satisfied that it does"
If you have collected evidence during periods of %or' e#perience prior to starting the
PDP this may be brought for%ard at your first assessment meeting" Your -ssessor
%ill decide %hether this satisfies PDP re!uirements"
Your -ssessor %ill e#pect you to produce different 'inds of evidence to sho% a
breadth to your e#perience"
6hen your -ssessor has made the decision that your evidence meets the
re!uirements of PDP, they %ill sign the appropriate part of your $ecord of
Competence -chievements" Once this has been signed off you %ill no longer need
to produce evidence for that particular part (or %hole) of the unit"
Competence Assessment
)hroughout the Programme you %ill be receiving regular assessment of your
evidence to determine %hether or not you have reached a level of competence that is
acceptable for corporate membership of the CIOB"
Your -ssessor %ill base decisions on %hether your evidence meets the follo%ing
(alidity" the evidence needs to relate to, and meet the demands of, the PDP
unit to %hich it has been cross5referenced"
Currency" the evidence must sho% that your competence is current" If
enough time has passed to suggest that it might be out of date, or a forgotten
s'ill, your -ssessor may not accept it" In these circumstances the -ssessor
%ill normally as' for more recent evidence to sho% that you are still capable
of that competence"
Autenticity" the evidence must be your o%n %or' and relate to the (ob that
you are doing"
Suitability and sufficiency" there must be enough evidence of the right
standard to satisfy your -ssessor that you have met the demands of the PDP
Claims for Competence
On advice from your -ssessor that you have met the re!uirements of a PDP unit, you
need to ma'e a formal claim for that competence" )his places in conte#t ho% you
%ent about gaining the competence, and %ill later help you in preparing for your
Professional $evie%"
)he claim should be no longer than 0 sides of -2 and needs to refer to4
your role and responsibilities %hilst you %ere gaining the competence,
the %or';pro(ect in %hich you %ere involved,
the development you undertoo' in order to gain the competence, and
the evidence that relates to this competence"
Your -ssessor is also responsible for assessing and approving this document"
Starting PDP
Identify the demands of your current role and PDP"
Build a picture of the s'ills you need to develop by
revie%ing your (ob description, past appraisals and
performance revie%s" - discussion %ith your line
manager may help"
+amiliarise yourself %ith PDP re!uirements as set out in
the $ecord of Competence -chievements" Contact your
-ssessor or &entor if you need advice"
8valuate your current level of s'ills and competences in
the identified areas by revie%ing your past e#perience,
education and training"
-nalyse the gap bet%een your e#isting s'ills levels and
those you need to ac!uire" )he gaps identified are your
development re!uirements"
)he use of a s'ill -udit &atri# can help identify this gap"
+or e#ample4
S&ill or
rating *+ to +,-
rating *+ to +,-
$esearch and
7et personal development ob(ectives to fulfil the
identified gaps" &a'e sure they are realistic and
achievable and that they relate to your professional
aspirations and PDP re!uirements"
Set ob.ecti!es
Identify your
Plan your development for a given time period (952
months)" 7et specific targets that detail the activity you
%ill underta'e to reach your ob(ectives"
Plan development to coincide %ith forthcoming
opportunities and %or' activity"
-void ma'ing your plans over ambitious 5 ensure they
are relevant and achievable" )he follo%ing matri# might
1or de!elopment
Identify the area that you need
to develop for your (ob role and
Ob.ecti!e 7et yourself ob(ectives to give
a clear idea of %hat you %ant
to achieve and %hen you %ant
to achieve it
Strategy Detail ho% you plan to reach
your ob(ectives" +or e#ample4
5 /ob shado%ing
5 Off site training
5 On the (ob training
5 )a'ing on e#tra professional
+ollo% your strategy for meeting your ob(ectives"
$e!uest training, as' for additional responsibility or ne%
e#periences, attend CPD events and;or read relevant
literature according to planned activity" -s' your &entor
for advice and support"
7tore evidence generated in your Portfolio"
$evie% your achievements and reflect on %hether they
met your development ob(ectives"
$ecord your achievements and any evidence that meets
PDP criteria in your Portfolio" Cross reference this %ith
the relevant PDP units"
-ttend an assessment meeting %ith your -ssessor"
$eceive assessment of your evidence and feedbac' on
further development re!uirements"
:se this feedbac' to start the development planning
process again"
Re!ie23 reflect
and record
and feedbac&
Prepare your
Implement your
4e Professional Re!ie2
6hen your -ssessor has assessed and certified all PDP units, and each of your
competence claims, they should sign a Confirmation of Completion +orm and for%ard
this to the CIOB" )his signifies you are ready for the final stage in chartered
membership status" 6e %ill send you the follo%ing documents electronically, to allo%
you to complete the process and prepare for your intervie% (they are also available
on the %ebsite %%%"ciob"org"u')4
-pplication for the Professional $evie%
Candidates .uide to the Professional $evie%
Professional $evie% $eport )emplate"
-s the Professional $evie% application process is electronic, you should ensure %e
have your current email address %hen applying"
In order to apply for the Professional $evie%, you %ill need to submit the follo%ing
-pplication (hard copy)
$eport (electronic)
C@ (electronic)
Current (ob description and position in organisation structure (electronic)
CPD record for the past three years plus one year for%ard development plan
PDP Confirmation of Completion (hard copy)"
Once this documentation has been assessed and approved, you %ill be called for
Contact Information
PDP 8n!uiries
)el" 1,922 ?91>,? or 1,922 ?91>,0
8mail4 pdpAciob"org"u'
CIOB &embership 8n!uiries
)el4 1,922 ?91>1?
8mail4 memen!uiryAciob"org"u'
CIOB membership application forms are available on5line at %%%"ciob"org"u'"
)he Construction Industry )raining Board B +or information on grants
)el" 1,2=< <>><>>
8mail4 grants"sectionAcitb"co"u'
6eb4 %%%"citb"org"u';grant;

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