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SBWP Create Substitute for Workflow Page 1 of 7

SBWP Create Substitute for Workflow

Use this procedure to create a workflow substitute, and to Activate & Deactivate substitutes.
Perform this procedure if you are to be away from work for a planned period (e.g.; vacation), and you
need to have someone perform your approval duties.
The substitute must have the same level of approval authority as you and be within your business area.
Transaction Code: SBWP
Helpful Hints
R/O/C column in tables represents Required, Optional, or Conditional entry.
If you have multiple people who can meet the prerequisites above, then create more than one substitute.
To quickly access your inbox without using the transaction code, click the SAP Business Workplace
button (circled below), from the SAP Easy Access screen.


1. Enter transaction code SBWP in the Command Field (identified below) and click the Enter button
(the green check mark icon), or click the SAP Business Workplace button (identified above).
The Business Workplace of XXXX screen displays.

Business Workplace of XXXX
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2. From the Main Menu line, click on the following Menu Path: Settings Workflow settings
Maintain substitute. The Personal Substitutes screen displays.

Settings Workflow settings Maintain substitute

3. Click on your name to highlight it. Then click the Create Substitute button (identified below). The
User (XXX) screen displays.

Personal Substitutes

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4. As required, complete the following field:
Field R/O/C Description

R This is an alphanumeric string used to search and sort data. Type the last
name of the person you wish to add as a substitute.

Example: johnson to search for Kristen J ohnson

User search window

5. Click the Start Search button (the green check mark). The User (XXX) XXX Entries found list

User (XXX) XXX Entries found

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6. Double-click the individual you wish to use as your substitute, such as Kelly Davis. The Detail
Screen Substitution screen displays.

Detail Screen Substitution

7. As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field R/O/C Description

R Enter the validity date range for this substitution (MM/DD/YYYY).

Example: 08/05/2009 for August 5, 2009 for the possible start
Example: 12/31/9999 for December 31, 9999 for the possible
end date.

NOTE: What you are creating here is a substitute for you in
SAP. Youre simply setting up this person in SAP. When youre
ready, you simply come back to this area to activate and
deactivate this substitution function.

Substitution active C If you need this person to be your substitution now, then select
the Substitution active checkbox to make this active now.

8. Click the Save button (identified above). You have created a substitute for your list of substitutions,
but have not set it to Activated. The Personal Substitutes screen displays.

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Personal Substitutes

9. Click the Continue button (identified below). The Business Workplace of XXXX screen

Business Workplace of XXXX

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Activating and Deactivating a Substitution

10. To activate or deactivate a substitution, follow this Menu Path from the Main Menu line: Settings
Workflow settings Activate/Deactivate Substitute (same as step 2). The Personal
Substitutes screen displays.

Settings Workflow settings Maintain substitute

Personal Substitutes

NOTE: This display shows the substitution as inactive.

11. Click on the name of the substitute (this will highlight the selected name) you wish to activate or
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12. Click the Activate button (the matchstick icon identified below) or the Deactivate button (identified
below). The Substitute Status will change appropriately green for activate and red for deactivate.
The system displays the type of substitution, activation status, the date the current status was
assigned, and the date the current status ends.

Personal Substitutes: Activate or Deactivate

NOTE: This display shows the substitution as active.

13. Click the Continue button (identified by the blue arrow above). The Business Workplace of XXXX
screen displays.

14. Click the Exit button (yellow arrow up icon).

You have created a substitution list, and activated or deactivated the substitution.

Next Steps
You should send your activated substitute(s) an email to advise them that you have created them as your
substitute in SAP and the capacity of the substitution.

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