05 12 00 Structural Steel Framing

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s Stamp and Initials ........................................................................... Date: ............................

PKG 2- Rev. 0 1 / 15 EPD/C/134/2012

Section 05 12 00 - Structural Steel Framing
1 Part 1 - General
The objective of the specification for steelworks is to produce steel structures capable of
fulfilling its intended function and sustaining the design loads and resists expected attack
from the environment.

The Contractor shall submit samples of all materials proposed for use in the works or
authorized certificates to the Engineer for approval. The Contractor shall include
specifications, tests, name and source of supplier for all materials. The Engineer shall
have access to all the sources of supply for the purpose of inspection and taking samples.

The Contractor shall obtain the Engineers approval in writing for all materials included in
the steelworks before commencement of the works. Any change of materials or source of
supply requires approval by the Engineer in writing. The Engineer has the right to reject
any material, which in his opinion does not
meet the objective for the works.

The Contractor shall submit a Work Method Statement and a description of
manufacturing and placing.

Approvals by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities.

1.1 Sect i on Includes
This section includes all fabrication and erection of steel structures and related work
under the contract such as the following:

1. Temporary bracing structures.

2. Steel structures

3. Fabrication and erection of safety ladders.

4. Covers, attachments and embedded parts for equipment.

5. Support brackets and rods etc. for fenders.

1.2 Appl i cabl e Ameri can/European Standards
ASTM A36 - Structural Steel.
EN 10025- Hot Rolled Products of Structural Steel
ASTM A53 - Hot-Dipped, Zinc coated, Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe.
ASTM A123 - Zinc (Hot Dipped Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel

ASTM A153 - Zinc Coating (Hot Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware.

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PKG 2- Rev. 0 2 / 15 EPD/C/134/2012

ASTM A307 - Carbon Steel Externally Threaded Standard Fasteners.
ASTM A325 - High Strength Bolts for Structural Steel J oints.
ASTM A490 - High Strength Bolts for Structural Steel J oints or equivalent.
ASTM A500 - Cold - Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural
Tubing in Round and Shapes.

ASTM A501 - Hot-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural

AWS A2.0 - Standard Welding Symbols.
AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code.
AISC - Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of
Structural Steel for Buildings.

AISC - Specification for Architectural Exposed Structural Steel.
SSPC - Steel Structures Painting Council.
BS 449 : Specification for the use of structural steel in building

BS 639 : Specification for covered carbon and carbon manganese steel electrodes for
manual metal-arc welding

BS 3692: Specification for IS0 metric precision hexagon bolts, screws and nuts

BS 4360 : Specification for weldable structural steel

BS 4872 : Specification for approval testing of welders when welding procedure
approval is not required

BS 5135 : Process of arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese steels

BS 5950 : Structural use of steelwork in building

1.3 Submi t t al s
Before the commencement of fabrication or erection of any steelwork, the relevant drawings
showing the details of fabrication, provisions for assembly of steelwork and methods of
erection shall be furnished by the Contractor to
obtain the approval of the Engineer.

Where welding is to be used, the Shop Drawings shall give full particulars of
weld preparation and procedure of carrying out the work.

The Drawings shall give full details of templates and directions for installations of anchor

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PKG 2- Rev. 0 3 / 15 EPD/C/134/2012

bolts and inserts and other devices.

Three copies of each Drawing shall be submitted before commencement of fabrication to
enable the Engineer to check the Drawings and no work shall be carried out before
obtaining his approval. All work shall be fabricated in accordance with the approved
Fabrication Drawings bearing remark: Approved with Comments shall be duly corrected
by the Contractor and three copies of the same shall be re- submitted for the final
approval of the Engineer. 0ne copy of each Drawing duly approved by the Engineer will
be returned to enable the Contractor to commence work.

The Engineers approval shall not in any way be deemed to relieve the
Contractor of his obligations under the Contract.

Reproducible prints of all approved fabrication Drawings shall be sent to the Engineer for
distribution whenever requested. 0n completion of the work, the Contractor shall supply the
Engineer with reproducible prints of all as-built fabrication Drawings for record purposes.

1.4 Qual i f i c at i ons
A. Fabricator: Engineer specializing in performing the work of this Section with minimum
5 years (documented) experience.

B. Erector: Engineer specializing in performing the work of this Section with minimum 5
years (documented) experience.

C. Design connections not detailed on the Drawings under direct supervision of a
Professional structural Engineer experienced.

2 Part 2 - Products

2.1 Gener al
All materials shall be new and have the properties as specified and approved.

The materials shall be tested or provided with a satisfactory test certificate from the
manufacturer for approval of the Engineer.

Materials shall be transported and handled in the workshop, on the site or elsewhere in
such a manner as to prevent damage.

All materials shall be stored properly on raised platforms. It shall be kept clean and properly
drained. Structural steel shall be so stored and handled that members are not subjected to
excessive stresses and damage. Long members, such as columns shall be supported so as
to prevent deflection.

Anchor bolts, inserts and other anchorage devices which are to be embedded in concrete
shall be delivered to the Site in time to be installed during the approved construction

Materials not approved shall be removed immediately from the site at the

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PKG 2- Rev. 0 4 / 15 EPD/C/134/2012

Contractors expense.

2.2 St r uct ur al Steel
Structural steelwork shall comply with the requirements of the current European
Standard Specifications. The main publications are listed below:

BS 2989 Hot-Dip Zinc Coated Steel
BS 4360 Weldable Structural Steel
BS 639 Welding Electrodes
BS 3692, 4190 & 4395 Bolts & Nuts
BS 4320 Washers
BS 4848: Part 4 Hot Rolled Angles

All steel beams are S460M, except for section types including and smaller than IPE240,
HEB200 are S355.

The manufacturer shall legibly tag all steel items. The tag shall show the
manufacturers test number, lot number and other applicable data for identification of
the steel.

In the event of the Contractor proposing an alternative National Standard, a chemical
analysis of the proposed material, together with the results of mechanical tests shall be
submitted to the Engineer for approval.

The Contractor shall, if requested, furnish the Engineer with copies of test
certificates showing that all the principal materials comply with the requirements of BS 4360
or other applicable standards. If the Engineer requires further tests to be carried out, the
Contractor shall provide the necessary test- pieces or samples at his cost, and shall
transport them to an approved testing laboratory.

All steel shall be straight, sound, free from defects such as twists, segregation, cracks,
surface flaws, lamination, imperfect edges, and other defects.

2.3 St ai nl ess Steel
Stainless steel bolts, washers, nuts, plates and profiles shall be austenitic stainless
steel A.I.S.I. A4, Type 316. ( If applicable)

2.4 Bol t s
All bolted connections shall be furnished with high strength bolts conforming to ASTM A-
325 with grade as mentioned on the drawings.

2.5 Coat i ng
The coating system for steelwork shall be in accordance with the attached protective
treatment schedule or as existing and in accordance with the Engineers specifications.

3 Part 3 - Execution

3.1 Fabr i cat i on

s Stamp and Initials ........................................................................... Date: ............................

PKG 2- Rev. 0 5 / 15 EPD/C/134/2012

3.1.1 Gen er al
All the steelwork shall be fabricated in shops, duly approved by the Engineer, and
assembled/bolted at site. Before commencement of fabrication of any steelwork, all plates
and sections shall be carefully examined for lamination and other defects likely to affect the
finished structure. Sections and plates shall be straightened and made true by approved
methods so that when assembled the adjacent surfaces at connections will be in close
contact throughout.

Accuracy shall be maintained during fabrication to ensure that all parts fit together properly
during erection. All corresponding parts shall be similar and interchangeable.

All structural steelwork items shall be clearly marked with an erection number. The
Contractor shall show, on the fabrication Drawings, the positions, where the erection
number is to be found and the method of marking it. Metal die- stamps shall not be used for
making erection marks.

The Engineer prior to erection shall inspect all fabricated members. Whenever the
fabrication shop is located far away from the construction site, the Contractor shall be
responsible for informing the Engineer as soon as anystructural member is ready for
inspection, and shall afford all the facilities necessary for inspection by the Engineer.

Any material or workmanship at any stage of construction that in the opinion of the Engineer
does not comply with the specified requirements shall be rejected and not incorporated in
the Works.

The Contractor shall be responsible for any delay caused in the programme by rejection of
any such work.

3.1.2 Temp l at es
Templates used shall be of steel or steel-bushed type wherever considered necessary. In
cases where actual parts have been used as templates for drilling similar pieces, the
Engineer shall decide whether they are fit to be used in the permanent works.

3.1.3 St r ai g h t en i n g
All members shall be reasonably straight and free from twists. If considered necessary,
the same shall be straightened and/or attended to by pressure.

3.1.4 Cl ear an c e
The erection clearance for cleated ends of members connecting steel to steel should not be
greater than 2 mm at each end. The erection clearance at ends of beams without cleats
should not be more than 3 mm at each end; but for practical reasons, if greater clearance is
considered necessary, suitably designed seating or connections shall be provided.

3.1.5 Sh ear i n g , Flame Cutting and Pl ani ng
Shearing or flame cutting may be used at the Contractors discretion provided, a
mechanically controlled cutting torch is used for the flame cutting and the resulting edge is
reasonably clean and straight. Sheared members shall be free from distortion at sheared
edges. Special care shall be taken to remove the burnt edges of high tensile steel when
flame-cutting methods are employed. When gas cutting is adopted, the flame cut edges
shall be machined to a depth of 3

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PKG 2- Rev. 0 6 / 15 EPD/C/134/2012

mm to 5 mm depending on the thickness of the member.

Chipping of angle flanges and edges of plates wherever necessary shall be done without
damaging the parent metal. Chipped edges shall be ground to a neat finish and sharp
corners and hammered rough faces shall be rounded off.

Edge preparation for welding may be done by machine controlled flame cutting with edges
free of burrs, clean and straight.
The butting surfaces at all joints shall be planed so as to butt in close contact throughout
the finished joint.

The ends of all built-up girders and of all columns shall be faced in an end-milling machine
after the members have been completely assembled. Column- caps, bases and roof structure
connections shall be machined.

All flame-cut edges shall be planed, unless they are clean, square and true to shape.

3.1.6 Ho l i n g
Holes for bolts shall be drilled. All holes, except as stated hereunder, shall be drilled to
the required size or sub-punched 3-mm less in diameter and reamed thereafter to the
required size. Thickness of the material for sub-punching shall not be greater than 16
mm. All matching holes for bolts shall register with each other so that a gauge of 0.8 mm
less diameter than the diameter of the hole can pass freely through the members
assembled for bolting in the direction at right angle to such members. All holes for turned
and fitted bolts shall be drilled undersize by 1 mm and after assembly, reamed to a
tolerance of +0.13 mm/- 0.00 mm unless otherwise specified.

Holes in purlins, side sheeting runners, packing plates and lacing bars may be punched
full size, provided the thickness of the material does not exceed 12 mm.

All punching and sub-punching shall be clean and accurate and all drilling shall be free
from burrs.

No holes shall be made by gas cutting process.

3.2 Welding
3.2.1 General
Welding of structural steelwork shall be carried out by the metal arc process and shall
be in accordance with the following Standards.

AWS : American Welding Society
Structural use of steelwork in building : BS 5950

Covered electrodes for the manual metal-arc : BS 639
carbon and carbon manganese steels

Methods of testing fusion-welded joints and weld : BS 709
in steel

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PKG 2- Rev. 0 7 / 15 EPD/C/134/2012

Approval testing of welding procedures : BS 4870

Approval testing of welders working to approved : BS 4871
welding procedures

Approval testing of welders when welding : BS 4872
approval is not required

Metal-arc welding of carbon and carbon : BS 5135

3.2.2 Welding El ectrodes
Welding electrodes shall comply with the used high grade steel S355 & S460 and shall be
chosen so as to produce welds with mechanical properties which are at least equal to those
required for the base material. Welding electrodes shall be kept in a dry state in unbroken
packets and shall be accompanied by the manufacturers certificate of date of manufacture
and guarantee of compliance with BS 639 and the same shall not be used in a damp or
damaged condition.

3.2.3 Welding Plant
Welding plant shall be capable of maintaining the voltage and current specified by the
manufacturer of the electrodes. The Contractor shall supply instruments for verifying the
voltage and current as and when required by the Engineer.

When an automatic process of welding is adopted, the deposited metal must have
mechanical properties equal to those obtained by the use of electrodes complying with
BS 639.

3.2.4 Manual Weldi ng
Manual welding shall be carried out by qualified welders equipped with plant suitable for
the purpose. All welders shall be qualified in accordance with BS 4871, BS 4872 and BS
5950 and details of such qualification shall be submitted to the Engineer. When instructed
by the Engineer, the Contractor shall retest any welder and submit the results of that test
to the Engineer.

3.2.5 Machi ne Weldi ng
Machine welding shall be carried out with approved machines sufficiently supervised by
qualified operators. Welding procedure qualification tests shall be carried out for the
operations, which are to be executed with the automatic equipment.

Welding standards shall be prepared by the Contractor showing bead sequence, weld
sequence, electrode size and type, travel speed, voltage and amperage.

3.2.6 Welding Procedure Quali fication
Qualification of welding procedure shall be in accordance with the requirements of BS
5135. The Contractor shall submit 2 copies of the welding procedure qualifications and the
test results for each type of welding to be performed to the Engineer for approval.

3.2.7 Welder and Weldi ng Operator Quali fication
Each welder and welding operator assigned to the work shall be qualified by tests using

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equipment, positions, procedures, base metal and electrodes that will be encountered in his

Certification that each welder and welding operator is qualified in accordance with the
requirements of BS 4871 or approved equal shall be furnished to the Engineer.

3.2.8 Supervision and Inspection of Welding
The Contractor shall appoint welding supervisors whose competence and qualifications
shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer and all welding work shall be carried out
under their direction.

3.2.9 Testing of Wel ds
0ne hundred per cent (100%) of the welded joints shall be inspected visually and min.
100% of all butt welds main joints, min. 20% for other joints and min. 10% of all fillet welds
are to be designated by the Engineer for examination by radiographic, liquid penetrate,
magnetic particle or ultrasonic methods, alone or in combination.

Defective welding revealed by testing shall be made good to the satisfaction of the Engineer
at the cost of the Contractor.

The Contractor shall provide qualified operators and suitable equipment for radiographic
and other inspection of welding as specified herein. All tests shall be performed in the
presence of the Engineer and certified by an approved testing agency selected and paid for
by the Contractor. The rates in the Bills of Quantities shall be deemed to be inclusive of all
charges in respect of radiography and non-destructive testing.

3.2.10 Acceptance Requirements
Welds are acceptable if inspection indicates conformance with the requirements of BS 5135
or approved equal.

3.3 Gal vanizing
Galvanizing of steelwork if required shall be carried out after fabrication is complete by
approved specialist workshop, and shall conform to the BS requirements or equivalent. The
weight of the zinc coating shall be not less than 610 g/m of the coated surface (85 microns
min. DFT), unless otherwise specified.

Items described as heavily galvanizes shall after grit blasting receive a minimum
coating of 1000 g/m of surface (140 microns min. DFT)

Steelwork required to be galvanized shall be pickled in diluted hydrochloric acid then
washed, fluxed and stoved, and coated with zinc by dipping in a bath of molten zinc.

Contact between galvanized steel members and aluminum surfaces shall be prevented
by means of an approved isolating layer or barrier.

Galvanized steelwork shall receive specified paint treatment and shall be cleaned,
degreased, abraded and etch-primed beforehand.

3.4 Protective Treatment to Steelwork
3.4.1 Preparati on of Steelwork

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PKG 2- Rev. 0 9 / 15 EPD/C/134/2012

Surfaces shall be cleaned to BS 7079 before any protective treatment is commenced.
Steelwork shall be degreased and shot or grit blasted to SA 2 quality standard with
surface amplitude of 40-50 microns to remove rust and mill scale; dust and debris shall be
removed by vacuum cleaning, compressed air or brush. Site welds and adjacent steelwork
shall be blast cleaned and similarly prepared. Surface defects shall be suitably removed.

The type of grit or shot to be used for blasting is to be to the approval of the Engineer.

Regular mill scale detection tests shall be made using the Copper Sulphate method.

Blasting operations and painting processes shall be segregated.
3.4.2 Painti ng Generall y
Paint shall be applied by brushing or spraying in accordance with the manufacturers
instructions. Thinners shall only be added to paint in strict accordance with the
manufacturers permitted percentages. Brushes stored in thinners shall be worked out to
remove thinners before re-use.

Painting shall not be carried out when the steelwork temperature is below 4C or above
30C, or less than 3% above dew point, nor when the relative humidity is above 80%.

Stripe coats shall be applied to welds and steel edges before painting.

Strong paint films shall be achieved on all cleats, arises, bolt holes, bolt heads and the like.

Protective treatment other than site applied coatings shall be under factory conditions

In an enclosed shop, completed coats shall be checked for continuity by a low- voltage wet-
sponge holiday detector and for thickness by an Elcometer.

If a required film thickness is given it shall be the minimum dry film thickness (DFT) as
measured by an Elcometer. The Elcometer shall be calibrated for each coating by the use of
a shim of known thickness placed upon the shot- blasted blank or the underlying coat, and
the shim shall correspond with the theoretical film thickness of the surface of coating to be

Otherwise a full coating shall be applied in accordance with the rate of coverage
recommended by the paint manufacturer having regard to the surface profile of the steel and
the conditions of application.

Sample plates shall be prepared for approval and shall thereafter be adopted as the standard
to be achieved on the finished work.

The Contractor shall prevent dust and dirt coming into contact with freshly painted

Before the site painting coats are applied, the surfaces shall be washed with clean water
to remove salt and other impurities and abraded to provide a mechanical key.

Paint shall not be applied to the embedded portions of metal items except for the portions
within 75 mm of the finished concrete surface.


s Stamp and Initials ........................................................................... Date: ............................

PKG 2- Rev. 0 10 / 15 EPD/C/134/2012

3.4.3 Appli cation of Protecti ve Layers
Blast-cleaned surfaces shall be kept dry and be over-coated within 4 hours of the start of
cleaning (2 hours for outdoor blasting cleaning). Surfaces shall be treated in accordance
with the protective treatment schedule, except faying surfaces for HSFG connections.

3.4.4 Treatment of Bolts
Bolts, including friction-grip bolts, nuts and washers shall be hot-dip spun- galvanized in
accordance with BS 729. The threads of nuts may be re-tapped as provided for in that

Faying surfaces of high-strength friction grip connections shall be blast cleaned to SA 2
quality standard, masked within 2 hours to exclude air and only exposed just before bolting-
up. Paint or contaminants shall not be allowed on faying surfaces.

3.4.5 Materials for Steelwork Protection
Materials for steelwork protection shall be as specified in clauses 3.4 and 3.5 in this
Specification or as indicated on the Drawings.

The successful performance of the complete coating system shall be documented
with reference to application under similar environmental conditions.

The guaranteed minimum service life shall be 10 years.

3.5 Schedul e for Protective Treatment
3.5.1 Co at i n g System P1

Use : Structural Steelwork. (General)


Preparation : Abrasive blast clean to S1S 05590 SA 2.5

Painting : 1Coat Epoxy zinc phosphate-holding primer to a minimum DFT of 20 microns.

:1 Coat Epoxy zinc phosphate paint to a minimum DFT of 75 microns.


Preparation : Repair and touch up of any mechanical damage.

Painting : 1 Coat Intermediate coat, coal tar epoxy to a minimum DFT of 125 microns,
pigmented brown.

:1 Coat Finish coat, as above but pigmented black or approved Color by the

Method of Application : Airless spray.


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PKG 2- Rev. 0 11 / 15 EPD/C/134/2012

3.5.2 Co at i n g System P2

Use : Structural Steelwork. (High quality/above ground)


Preparation : Abrasive blast clean to S1S 05590 SA 2.5

Painting : 1 Coat Epoxy zincs phosphate primer conforming to BS 5493 type KP1A to a
minimum DFT of 75 microns.

: 2 Coats Epoxy micaceous iron oxide paint to a minimum DFT of 125
microns per coat.


Preparation : Repair and touch up of any mechanical damage.

Painting : 1 Coat Undercoat to a minimum DFT of 56 microns.
: 2 Coats High gloss polyurethane finish to a minimum DFT of 40 microns
each coat, color shall be to the approval of the Engineer.

Damaged paintwork shall be blast-cleaned if bare metal is exposed or corrosion is present. If
the primer is intact the surface shall be prepared by power wire brushing to a mechanical
cleaning standard of ST2 and the existing surface abraded. The prepared surface shall then
be protected with a repeat of coatings 2, 3 and 4 each to the minimum DFT.

Method of Application : Airless spray.

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PKG 2- Rev. 0 12 / 15 EPD/C/134/2012

3.5.3 Coating System G1

: 2 Coats Two-pack epoxy undercoat to total
minimum DFT of 200 microns.

: 1 Coat Polyurethane finishing coat to a minimum of 50
microns DFT.

Galvanized and Painted Steelwork. : Use

Following removal of burrs, slag, oil and grease,
abrasive blast clean to S1S 05590 SA 2.5

: Preparation
The hot dip galvanizing process shall be carried out
generally in accordance with BS 729, except

: Galvanizing
That the minimum DFT for the zinc coating shall be
increased to 210 microns.

Remove dirt and debris and clean thoroughly with an
emulsifying degreasing agent to remove all grease and
foreign matter. The surface shall then be washed with
clean fresh water and allowed to dry before over

Alternatively the articles may be lightly sweep blasted
after cleaning and degreasing.

: Preparation
1 Coat Apply a two-pack etch primer confirming to BS
5493 type AP3A, care being taken to obtain a DFT
between 8 microns and 15 microns. Excessive film
build up must be avoided.

: Painting
1 Coat High build epoxy consisting of a two- pack epoxy
undercoat to give a minimum DFT of 100 microns
(normal solids content 75% by volume), pigmented

1Coat High build epoxy as coat 2 above except
pigmented black.

Painting shall correspond to BS 5493 SL5 : Painting
2 coats Two-pack epoxy zinc phosphate primer to total
minimum DFT of 100 microns.


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PKG 2- Rev. 0 13 / 15 EPD/C/134/2012

Damaged paintwork shall be blast-cleaned if bare metal is exposed or corrosion is present. If
the primer is intact the surface shall be prepared by power
brushing and abraded to ST2. The prepared surface shall be protected as follows:

(i) Where primer is intact;

Touch up with coatings 6, 7 & 8 each to the min. DFT.
(ii) Where mechanical cleaning is necessary;
Apply the complete painting system to the affected area.

3.5.4 Painti ng of Galvani zed Bol ts etc., after erecti on
Following erection-galvanized boltheads, bolt ends, nuts and washers shall be degreased
with cleansing solution and abraded and painted to the specification of adjacent steelwork.

3.6 Bedding of Steelwork
Bedding shall be carried out with non-shrink cementitious grout having a characteristic
strength of minimum 60N/mm at 28 days.

Grout shall be used for voids under 25 mm in thickness and it shall be just sufficiently
fluid to flow and fill the voids completely.

Before grouting the steelwork bases shall be supported by steel wedges (suitably
galvanized) and immediately prior to grouting the voids to be grouted shall be thoroughly
cleaned out.

The grouting operations shall not be carried out until the steelwork has been finally
levelled and plumbed.

3.7 Workmanship
3.7.1 General
The Contractor shall prepare his own shop drawings based on the information on the
contract drawings and from site visits.

The Contractor shall take all necessary measurements on the site for the accurate
design of the structures. Copies of the shop drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer
for his information, but this shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his responsibilities.

All steel members shall be manufactured in an approved workshop, and only
assembling and placing shall be carried out on the site. The Engineer shall have access
to the Contractors workshop for inspection and testing.

Only welding operators who are approved by the Engineer and have passed appropriate
tests shall be employed in welding. 0perators shall have been tested as detailed in BS 4872
Part 1, appropriate to the work being undertaken and weld positions and parent metal to be
employed. The Contractor shall provide
at his own expense all necessary material, equipment and labour for the testing
of welders.


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The Contractor shall employ a competent and experienced welding supervisor who shall
be approved by the Engineer, and all welding work shall be carried out under his
supervision and direction.

The welding plant shall be capable of maintaining at the weld the voltage and current
specified by manufacturer of electrode. Contractor shall provide instruments for verifying
voltage and current as and when required by Engineer.

All beads are to be thoroughly cleaned to permit adequate visual inspection to the full
satisfaction and approval of the Engineer before any following pass or bead is run. Method
used to clean these shall meet with approval of Engineer.

3.7.2 Assembli ng and Erecti on
Steel components shall be assembled within the tolerances specified in BS
5950: Part 2, section 7. Assembling shall be carried out in the workshop whenever possible.
Assembling by welding on the site shall only be executed if approved by the Engineer, and
shall be subject to requirements of 13.4.1 above and 13.5.

All parts assembled for bolting shall be in close contact over the whole surface and all
bearing stiffeners shall bear tightly, at both top and bottom surfaces without being drawn or
Bolting shall be carried out as specified in BS 5950 : Part 2, Section 4. Fabricated steel
parts shall be transported and erected in such a way that the
components are not damaged. All steelwork shall be placed and erected within
the tolerances specified in BS 5950: Part 2, section 7 unless otherwise noted.

All parts of bolted and welded members shall be held firmly in position by means of jigs or
clamps while bolting or welding. No drifting of holes shall be permitted except to draw the
parts together and no drift shall be larger than the nominal diameter of bolts. Drifting carried
out during assembly shall not distort the metal or enlarge the holes. Trial assemblies shall
be carried out at the fabrication stage to ensure accuracy of workmanship. The Engineer
shall witness these checks.

Materials and parts necessary to complete each item shall be included, even if
such work is not definitely shown or specified, subject to the approval of the
Engineer prior to the use for the works.

J oints exposed to the weather shall be formed to exclude water. Erection shall
also include the following work:
All minor modifications such as:

(a) Removal of bends, kinks, twists, etc., of parts damaged during transport and
(b) Cutting, chipping, filling, grinding, etc., for preparation and finishing of site connections.
(c) Reaming for use of the next higher size of rivet or bolt for holes which do not
register or which are found to be damaged.

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(d) Welding of connections in place of riveting or bolting for which holes are either not
drilled or wrongly drilled during fabrication. Welding in place of riveting or bolting will be
permitted only at the discretion of the Engineer.

The following shall be considered as a legitimate part of erection work:

(a) Re-fabrication work in respect of parts damaged beyond repair during transport and
handling or in respect of those that are incorrectly fabricated.
(b) Fabrication of parts omitted during fabrication due to an error, or
subsequently found to be essential.
(c) Plugs welding and re-drilling of holes which do not register and which cannot be
reamed for the use of the next size of rivet or bolt.
(d) Drilling of holes, which are either not drilled at all or are drilled in incorrect positions
during foundation works.

3.7.3 Tolerances

Hole diameter of bolts = bolt dia +2 mm (bolt up to 24 mm dia)
= bolt dia +3 mm (bolt over 24-mm dia)

3.7.4 Qu al i t y Control
The Contractor shall record that the following has been checked:

Check of dimensions of all steel components.
Check of dimensions of erected steelworks.
Check of welding by inspection.

3.8 Qual i t y Control on Si t e
The Contractor shall record that the following has been checked:

Check of steel certificates for all types and sizes of steel.
Check of delivery notes for all deliveries.
Visual inspection of steel when delivered to the site.
Visual check of bolts.

--END OF SECTION 05 12 00--

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