Physical Electronics Introductory Handout

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EEL218 / ELL111 - Physical Electronics

Madhusudan Singh (III.338)

2014-15 : Semester 1
Welcome to Physical Electronics!
This is your introductory semiconductor devices electronics, materials and physics course. This course is a pre-
requisite for several courses later in the program - analog circuits, IC technology, VLSI design, etc. If you wish to
work some day in the exciting eld of semiconductor devices, processing, design, nanoelectronics, photovoltaics,
etc., make sure you pay close attention and do well at this course.
Topics covered - semiconductor materials, carriers in semiconductors, band structure, recombination and genera-
tion, p-n junctions, M-S junctions, BJTs, MOS capacitors, MOSFETs, optoelectronic devices, photodetectors and solar
A few important features of this course before we get started:
Credits: 3. Course type: core.
Slot: C. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 8-8:50 AM.
Venue: IIA.204
Textbook: Solid State Electronic Devices - Ben G. Streetman and Sanjay Bannerjee. While this book will be
followed largely in terms of topics, course material will be supplemented by additional material that will be
covered in the lectures.
Course slides / notes: I do not put any slides or notes up online. If you attend classes, you will do ok.
If you miss classes, you will be on your own. Attendance policy: I do not mark attendance. It would be to your
disadvantage to have a poor attendance.
Extra / Makeup classes: In case of any unforeseen circumstances, I will schedule some extra or makeup classes.
Unless otherwise stated, these will be scheduled (when necessary) for Saturdays 10AM and last two hours.
Grading structure: 2 mid-termexams (25%each), 1 end-termexam(35%), 3 homework assignments (15%total).
All homeworks will be electronically submitted via Turnitin. You are required to use L
X in typesetting
your work (you could use assignment class for this purpose, or any other class le / package suitable for this
purpose), and must generate a PDF from the markup. Any plots required for an assignment must be plotted
using Matlab

. Before you can submit any assignments on Turnitin, you must rst register for the class I have
Class ID: 8272536, Password: secpass
(From Turnitin support): From a pre-existing student account:
Sign in to your Turnitin account.
Click on the gray "Enroll in a class" tab in the upper left of the screen.
Enter the numeric class ID and case-sensitive enrolment password for the class you wish to add.
Please note for security reasons class enrollment information can only be distributed by the instructor.
Click submit.
You will now have the new class listed on your home page when you sign in.
From scratch - for rst-time enrollees using Turnitin:
Go to (or for UK institutions).
Click on the Create Account link to the upper right.
Click on the Student link.
Within this window you will add Class ID and password.
You also will add your account information (rst and last name, email, password, secret question.)
When you nish and exit the wizard,you can log in to your account by entering your e-mail address
and the password you created in the appropriate elds of the sign in box and clicking Log In..
Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
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Please note - eorts are on at campus level to integrate Moodle with Turnitin. Should they succeed, you
may nd that your experience has become more seamless. If the Moodle integration with Turnitin does
not work, please go the Turnitin website to submit your work.
Naming of homework les - to make sure that your submissions are graded correctly and you get credit for
your work, please adopt the following naming convention for your PDF les prior to upload: First Name_Last
Name_Entry Number_HWHomework number.pdf (ll in the italicized placeholders with the correct data). Easiest
way to ensure it may to name your .tex le in the same way (please do not use any spaces in the le names).
Late submissions of homework assignments will attract a penalty dependent on howlate you are. You will lose
10% of the score just by being a few seconds late, so do not cultivate tardiness as one of your virtues.
Scoring style: I score liberally. I am more interested in testing your understanding rather than your ability to
memorize or even do highly accurate calculations.
Grading policy: I mostly do relative grading based on Z-scores:

Its a measure of how many standard deviations you are away from the mean. Z
= 0 (or average performance)
will likely attract a high C. A and F grades will have to be earned. The latter may be easy to get.
Exams: All exams are open notes, open book and closed communications (phone + Internet) unless otherwise
Remajor / reminor policy: Re-majors / re-minors are strongly discouraged. You can apply for a re-test if you can
supply a medical certicate providing a diagnosis of your illness, or an Institute certicate that attests to your
presence elsewhere on Institute business. Additionally, I will want to speak personally with your physician
and have a detailed discussion about your illness. All re-tests are signicantly more dicult than the normal
Honor code: There is zero tolerance for cheating, plagiarism and any unfair means. If I catch you cheating on
any exam or homework, you will get a zero. Two instances of cheating will result in a mandatory F.
I am specically interested in knowing if you have a laptop.
Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, India. 110 016
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