Circulatory Quiz

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NAME: ___________________________

1. Check off the organs that are part of an animals circulatory system.
___ lung ___ pancreas ___ intestines ___ liver ___ heart ___ bronchus
2. Here are words in alphabetical order:
___ aorta _!__ arterioles __"_ capillaries __#_ femoral artery
_1__ left atrium __2_ left ventricle __12_ lung __$_ pulmonary artery
_%__ pulmonary vein _1&__right atrium _11__ right ventricle _'__ vena cava
(race the blood flow to the legs and back starting in the left atrium )put a 1 in left atrium*. +ome
links in the chain may be left out.
. , normal adult blood pressure is 12&-$&. .hat does each number represent/ +ystole and 0iastole
!. .here is blood pressure the lowest/
a. arteries b. veins c. arterioles c. capillaries
#. (he heart muscle is nourished by o1ygenated blood
a. as it passes through the left ventricle.
b. as it passes through the right atrium.
c. from the coronary arteries.
d. from the coronary veins.
". 2ine3tenths of human blood is
a. plasma b. albumin c. red blood cells d. leukocytes
%. How big is the adult human heart/
a. 4arge enough to fill the entire left side of the chest.
b. ,bout the si5e of a clenched fist.
c. ,bout the si5e of a golf ball.
$. (he bird heart is divided into how many chambers/
a. 6our 3 two atria and two ventricles.
b. (hree 3 two atria and one ventricle.
c. (wo 3 one atrium and one ventricle.
'. (he sinus node is 7
a. a special cluster of cells in the right atrium that controls the heart rate.
b. a small chamber in the heart that collects diseased or damaged blood cells for disposal.
c. an acupressure point on the cheekbone that8 when pressed8 helps to calm a rapid heart rate.
d. a small space above the nasal cavity
1&. .hich blood vessels have muscular walls that help to 9massage blood along their lengths/
a. Capillaries. b. :eins. c. ,rteries
11. .hat are the names of the chambers of the heart/
a. atriums and veins b. ventricles and arteries
c. atriums and ventricles d. arteries and veins
12. (he right ventricle pumps blood to the _________.
a. heart b. lungs c. brain d. legs
1. How many valves are in a human heart/
a. two b. three c. four d. si1
1!. (he tricuspid valve has ________ flaps that open and close.
a. one b. two c. three d. four
1#. .hen _____________ is used to make artificial valves8 the valves last long a long time8
but blood clotting can result.
a. animal tissue b. metal or plastic
c. silly putt d. spoons
1". (he ___________ carry de3o1ygenated blood back to the heart.
a. arteries b. capillaries c. veins d. ventricles
1%. .hen engineers brainstorm together as a team8 they make sure to _______________.
a. critici5e all ideas b. come up with lots of ideas and build on each others ideas
c. focus on one idea d. talk about their plans for the weekend
1$. ,fter receiving o1ygen from the lungs8 blood returns to the heart through the left _________.
a. atrium b. ventricle c. artery d. vein
1'. (he most important purpose of the valves in the heart is to _____________.
a. clean the blood b. allow blood to flow in one direction
c. absorb o1ygen d. do nothing )they have no purpose*
2&. ;nce blood has been o1ygenated8 it is pumped out of the heart by the left ventricle into the
_________8 where it travels to the rest of the body.
a. atrium b. aorta c. capillaries d. veins
21. .hich blood vessels contain one3way valves to stop the blood from travelling backwards/
a. Capillaries. b. :eins. c. ,rteries
22. .hich blood vessels have the thinnest walls/
a. Capillaries. b. :eins. c. ,rteries
2. .hich blood vessels have the largest diameters/
a. Capillaries. b. :eins. c. ,rteries
2!. a. .hat directly causes a heart attack/
b. .hat factors contribute to heart disease/
2#. a. ,fter leaving the heart8 some blood heads to the rest of the body8 and some blood heads to vessels
that surround the intestines. .hat is the purpose of each/ (o supply cell with fresh supply of blood.
b. <egarding the vessels that surround the intestines: where does the blood go after that and why/
Heart to bring nutrients
2". (he septum separates the right and left side of the heart. How is the septum different in reptiles and
humans. .hat is the disadvantage of the reptilian heart design/ Has two chambers
2%. a. .hich blood cells fight infection/ ____white blood cell -.=C-or leukocytes__________
b. .hich blood cells carry o1ygen/ _______red blood cells-<=C-erythrocytes________
c. .hich blood cells contain haemoglobin/ ____ red blood cells-<=C-erythrocytes ___________
d. .hich blood cells have nuclei/ _______ red blood cells-<=C-erythrocytes __________
e. .hich blood cells are involved with clotting/ __=lood platelets ______________
2$. How do o1ygen and carbon dio1ide transfer take place in the capillaries/
a. diffusion b. facilitated transport c. transfusion d. peristalsis
2'. , group of cells that receives messages about the bodys o1ygen re>uirements and ad?usts heart rate
accordingly is the
a. lymph node b. coronary artery c. pineal gland d. pacemaker
&. .hat happens during ventricular fibrillation/
1. .hat is happening in the heart when a @CA )@BA* trace shows the sharp8 high spike/
2. .hat is atherosclerosis/
!. 2ame the four valves in the heart and state the location and function of each.
Citral valve8 tricuspid valve8 pulmonary valve8 aortic valve
#. .hen blood supply to a portion of the brain is interrupted8 the patient will have __ comatose
____________. Df the disease occurred on the left side of the brain8 state the type and locations of
symptoms that might be e1pected. right
". 2ame an organism with an open circulatory system: _insects_______________3
2ame an organism with more than one heart: ____worms____________.

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