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BRUCE POLLACK-JOHNSON, Department of Mathematical Sciences
Villanova University, Villanova, PA

MATTHEW J. LIBERATORE*, Department of Decision and Information Technologies

Villanova University, Villanova, PA

ABSTRACT isk management is one of the nine Knowledge Areas within the Project

An important component of risk manage-

ment relates to project schedule uncer-
tainty. To address this issue, a scenario
R Management Institute’s A Guide to the Project Management Body of
Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (Project Management Institute [PMI],
2000). An important component of risk management relates to project sched-
(i.e., macro-level approach) for modeling ule uncertainty. Traditionally, project schedule uncertainty has been addressed
and analyzing projects with significant by considering the uncertainty related to activity duration. The most well-
uncertainty in their network structure known technique is Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), devel-
and/or durations of some activities is pre- oped by the U.S. federal government in the late 1950s (Malcolm, Rosenboom,
sented. This approach requires that a set
Clark, & Fazar, 1959). PERT models uncertain activity durations by collecting
of project network scenarios is able to be
identified, each with an assessed proba- optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic duration estimates of all activities.
bility of occurrence. These scenarios Although PERT is sometimes used to estimate the expected length of the crit-
might differ according to the results of ical path, Monte Carlo simulation is more commonly used to estimate the
uncertain events that could occur during criticality of different activities and paths, as well as the probability distribu-
the course of the project, uncertain activi-
tion of the project duration.
ty durations (whether independent or
dependent), finite loops where repeated The importance of addressing uncertainty related to activity duration can
activities can have different durations, or be seen by considering the results of surveys regarding available project man-
a combination of these. Advantages of our agement software and practitioner use of project network analysis methods.
approach include the use of standard For example, a 1999 software survey by the Project Management Institute
methods and software, as well as greater
showed that about 20% of project management software packages had Monte
accessibility to, and likelihood of, the use
of uncertainty analysis in project plan- Carlo simulation capability (PMI, 1999). Also, a more recent survey of proj-
ning. Several examples are used to illus- ect management professionals (Pollack-Johnson & Liberatore, 2003) found
trate the suggested approach. that nearly 70% of the respondents used critical path analysis, and 17% used
probabilistic analysis and/or simulation within project management software.
Keywords: Project scheduling; risk man-
However, project management professionals responding to this survey also
agement; project network analysis
reported a need for research on how to better address uncertain network struc-
©2005 by the Project Management Institute tures (Pollack-Johnson & Liberatore, 2003).
Vol. 36, No. 1, 15-26, ISSN 8756-9728/03 Uncertain project network structures can arise in a variety of ways. For
example, in a new product or process development project, it may be uncer-
tain whether quality requirements will lead to one or more re-work cycles. In
a new technology-implementation project, it may be uncertain whether for-
mal staff training activities are required. In a research project, depending upon
the results obtained in the first stage, different sequences of activities may fol-
low. In a pharmaceutical development project, additional testing may be
*corresponding author

March 2005 Project Management Journal • 15

required if certain pending legislation criticalities, and total slack (float) val- or finish activities, we add dummy
passes. ues for individual activities, as well as activities (with zero duration) for this
Simulation packages such as the for common or aggregated activities purpose.
Graphical Evaluation and Review across probabilistic branches or within The length of the longest (but not
Technique, or GERT, (Pritsker & Happ, loops. necessarily unique) path from the start
1966; Wiest & Levy, 1977) were devel- The purpose of this paper is to activity to the finish activity is the min-
oped to model some probabilistic net- present a scenario, or macro-level imum project completion time. Such a
works similar to the examples approach, for modeling and analyzing path is called a critical path, the activi-
presented above. Even when GERT was projects with significant uncertainty in ties along it are called critical path activ-
produced and supported, however, it their network structure and/or the ities, and we will denote the length of
assumed that repeated activities within durations of some activities. This the path as LCP.
loops had identical duration distribu- approach is applicable for project
tions (i.e., the same average duration schedule risk analysis and contingency Let us define:
for each repetition) (Neumann, 1990). planning. An advantage of our
It also assumed independence of dura- approach is the use of standard meth- j  activity j
tion distributions (i.e., the time one ods, such as critical path analysis and aj = activity j
activity takes does not influence the probability analysis, and popular soft-
time another takes). The approach we ware packages, such as Microsoft Pj = set of all immediate
propose in this paper can handle all of Project® and Excel®, to solve project- predecessors of activity j
these situations. GERT is no longer planning problems with uncertain net- ESj = earliest possible start
produced and supported, but many of work structures. The benefits of our time for activity j
its capabilities are now available in approach are its ability to identify the EFj = earliest possible finish time
related, general-purpose simulation same activities in different scenarios for activity j
software packages called Visual SLAM and summarize results for them over-
and AweSim (Pritsker & O’Reilly, all, with modest data requirements, LSj = latest possible start time
1999). These packages enable the user greater simplicity, and comprehensi- for activity j (that would not
to develop GERT-type project simula- bility. This would lead to a greater like- delay the project finish date)
tion models, but are not specifically lihood of the use of uncertainty LFj = latest possible finish time
designed for project management as analysis, and some additional insights for activity j (that would not
GERT was, can be difficult to use, and into the impact of uncertainty. delay the project finish date)
become even more challenging as the First, we present our scenario TSj = total slack for activity j
project network size and complexity approach. Next, some examples of (the time it could be
increase. uncertain networks are presented and individually delayed without
In addition, the simulation analyzed using our approach. delaying the entire project)
approach itself is micro-oriented, Conclusions and suggestions for future
since it models the uncertainty at the study follow.
activity level. There are situations The critical path can be deter-
where the uncertainty is related to dif- Project Networks and the Critical Path mined by performing forward and
ferent sequences or combinations of A traditional project network in backward passes through the project
events occurring or not occurring, Activity on Node (AoN) form is network. The forward pass includes
such as in the pharmaceutical pending defined as a set of nodes representing computing the earliest start (ES) and
legislation example, and, therefore, activities that are connected by direct- the earliest finish (EF) times for each
can be conceived as relating to differ- ed arcs to represent precedence rela- activity, while the backward pass
ent project scenarios rather than indi- tionships. If one activity must occur requires computing the latest start (LS)
vidual activities. directly before a second activity, we say and latest finish (LF) times. Once both
For these reasons, a simpler that the second activity is an immediate passes are completed, the total slack
approach is needed when there are predecessor of the first. Cycles (loops) of (TS) for each activity can be computed.
important project network uncertain- activities within the project network The total slack of each activity is the
ties that must be addressed as part of are not allowed. We assume that there difference between its ES and LS.
the project risk analysis and assess- is only one activity without predeces- Any path from the start activity to
ment process. Existing methods are sors (possibly an artificially construct- the finish activity consisting only of
especially inadequate for loops where ed dummy activity) and is called the activities with a total slack of 0 is called
repeated activities do not have identi- start activity. We also assume that there a critical path. Any activity with a total
cal duration distributions; for depend- is only one activity without successors slack of 0 is called a critical activity,
ent duration distributions; and for (possibly a dummy), which is called since any delay in that activity alone
obtaining detailed and summary the finish activity. If the original proj- will delay the whole project (the soon-
(expected) early/late start/finish times, ect network does not have unique start est it can be completed) by the same

16 • Project Management Journal March 2005

amount of time. We say that a critical Let us also define: ditional, as above.)
activity has a criticality of 1, and any Some projects (see example 2)
other activity has a criticality of 0. could be conceived of as involving
cj (i) = criticality of activity j in
finite loops, so we can use double sub-
network scenario i
The Scenario Approach script notation to indicate multiple
In this paper, we focus on a sce- 1 if activity j is critical in iterations of the same activity, follow-
= network scenario (only if aj occurs)
nario approach for analyzing uncertain ing the pattern below:
0 if not (including if aj does not occur)
project networks. The uncertain net- aj,k = iteration k of activity j
work structure is expressed through a In such a case, we can define the
set of network scenarios, each having a — following:
c j = expected criticality of activity j
specified probability of occurrence. For over all network scenarios —
example, if a finite loop is present, the — dj,k = average duration of aj,k
c = expected criticality of
problem cannot be represented direct- (considering the duration to be 0
activity j, given that aj actually occurs
ly using the standard project network when it does not occur)
described in the previous section. —
dj,• = average total duration of all
However, using a network scenario The expected criticality is calcu- iterations of activity j (again,
approach, a set of project networks lated in the same way as the expected considering the duration to be 0
without loops can be constructed and value calculations described earlier. when it does not occur)
analyzed using conventional tech- We will use the subscript “j|occur” —
niques. A similar approach can be used notation to refer to conditional means ES = average ES of the first of all

when considering probabilistic (conditioned on activity j actually iterations of activity j

branching. occurring) for other quantities as

EF = average EF of the last of all
In what follows, we initially well. These are standard conditional iterations of activity j
assume that the activity durations are expected values, and are calculated in —
LS = average LS of the first of all
known with certainty, although the a manner similar to the other expect- iterations of activity j
approach presented can be easily ed value calculations (the sum of the —
extended to the case of probabilistic values times the probabilities of their LF = average LF of the last of all

durations, especially if only a limited occurring), but only for the scenarios iterations of activity j
number of activities have significant in which activity j occurs. This total is (Again, these could be made condi-
uncertainty in their durations. then divided by the probability that tional if necessary.) The calculations
activity j occurs to get the condition- are straightforward, consistent with the
Let us define: al expected value or mean. earlier discussion.
i  network scenario i
N(i) = network scenario i We will use similar notation and Examples
calculations to define:
p(i) = probability of network 1. Random Event
scenario i — Consider the project network given as
TS j|occur = expected total slack of
oj = probability that activity j Table 1. Suppose that this problem
activity j, given that aj actually
will actually occur includes a random event, such as the
— result of pending legislation that could
d j = expected duration of activity j
(considering its duration to be 0 require an additional testing activity,
If activity j occurs in all scenarios, we a4. There are three possible scenarios:
if it does not occur)
can also similarly define and calculate: (Denoted as N(1))—no additional
LCP(i) = critical path length for testing (legislation does not pass),
network scenario i — with a probability of 0.5
— ESj = expected early start time for
LCP = expected critical path length (Denoted as N(2))—minimal addi-
activity j
over all network scenarios tional testing, duration of 4, with a

EFj = expected early finish time probability of 0.3
The probability that each activity for activity j (Denoted as N(3))—significant
will occur is just the sum of the proba- — additional testing, duration of 11, with
bilities of all scenarios in which that LSj = expected late start time for a probability of 0.2
activity occurs. The calculations of activity j In scenarios 2 and 3, a4 has imme-
expected quantities are standard — diate predecessors of a2 and a3, and is
LF j = expected late finish time for
expected value calculations: the value an immediate predecessor of a6.
activity j
in each scenario is multiplied by the
probability of that scenario, and then (If aj did not occur in some sce- We can represent this situation
all of the results are added together. narios, we could also make these con- schematically with a modified version

March 2005 Project Management Journal • 17

aj Pj dj that if the situation had been repre-
A critical path analysis of each of sented by including a4 in the network
a0 --- 0 the three scenarios was performed diagram for all three cases, and just
using Microsoft Project 2002. After giving it a duration of 0 in Scenario 1,
a1 {a 0} 7 analyzing the base case, the remaining then the results for Scenario 1 would
a2 {a 1} 8 two scenarios were analyzed by modi- be incorrect, because the network
fying the base case (adding a4, and structure would force a2 to be a prede-
a3 {a 1} 6 adjusting the predecessors). The results cessor of a6 (when, in reality, it is not).
a5 {a 2} 12 were then copied to Excel, and the Since the duration of a2 is 8 and the
Total Slack column was transformed duration of a3 is 6, the faulty model
a6 {a 3} 9 into numbers for future analytic pur- would indicate that the early start time
a7 {a 5 ,a 6} 5 poses1. The preceding calculations of a6 is 2 weeks later than it is in reali-
were then performed for each scenario, ty. This observation points out the
a8 {a 7} 0 with the results given in Tables 2 importance of specifying each scenario
through 4. Now we can do the calcula- as accurately as possible, and high-
Table 1: Random event network: base case
tion of the expected critical path lights the value of the scenario
length: approach.
of an Activity on Node (AoN) network, —
LCP =0.5(32)+0.3(33)+0.2(40)=33.9
where arrows represent precedence 2. Loops
relations and dotted arrows indicate We can also calculate the expected Let us now consider an example that
uncertain precedence relations (ones criticalities and total slack for each activ- involves finite loops. We start again
that exist in some scenarios, and not ity over all of the scenarios, as defined with a base case project definition, as
others), as shown in Figure 1. earlier. These are given in Table 5. depicted in Table 6. To understand the
The results show that if a4 occurs, full problem situation, imagine that a2
One way of depicting our it is critical, and if significant addition- involves producing some kind of pro-
approach is through the modified al testing is required, there will be a totype, and a3involves testing it. If the
project network shown as Figure 2, substantial project delay. Notice that in test fails (which we will assume has a
where a circular node is a probabilistic the baseline case (Scenario 1), a5 is probability of 0.2), then both activities
branch. critical, but if a4 occurs, then a5 is not will have to be repeated, but the dura-
Using our notation defined in the critical, with a total slack of 1 in tions will be shorter (1 for a2 and 2 for
previous section, as shown in Figure 2, Scenario 2 and 8 in Scenario 3. This a3, as opposed to initial durations of 3
the scenario probabilities are: p(1) = suggests that planning for the project and 4, respectively), since we will just
0.5, p(2) = 0.3, and p(3) = 0.2. Note that can be conditional; once it is known be refining the production process.
activity 4 (a4) is the only activity that whether the pending legislation passes The other 80% of the time, we assume
does not always occur: or not, and therefore whether a4 occurs the prototype passes the test (we
or not, appropriate priority can be assume the probability of failing twice

d4 =(0.5)(0)+(0.3)(4)+(0.2)(11)=3.4 given to a5. We should also point out is negligible). In a somewhat similar

a2 a5

a0 a1 a4 a7 a8

a3 a6

Figure 1: Schematic micro-approach project network graph for the random event example

18 • Project Management Journal March 2005

a2 a5

a0 a1 a7 a8

a3 a6

a2 a5

a0 a1 a4 a7 a8

a3 a6

a2 a5

a0 a1 a4 a7 a8

a3 a6

Figure 2: Scenario macro-approach diagram for random event example

March 2005 Project Management Journal • 19

a2 a3

a0 a1 a4 a6 a8 a9

a5 a7

Figure 3: Schematic micro-approach diagram of the loop example

a2,1 a3,1 a2,2 a3,2

a0 a1 a4,1 a4,2 a4,3 a6 a8 a9

a5 a7

Figure 4: Alternative schematic micro-approach diagram for loop example


(2) a2 a4 a5
d0 =0 d1=4 d2 =1 d8 = 6 d9 = 0
N (3)
a0 a1 a3 a8 a9
N d6 =9 d7 = 5

(5) a6 a7


Figure 5: Macro-approach diagram for looping Figure 6: Basic network diagram for uncertain activity duration example
and uncertain durations examples

20 • Project Management Journal March 2005

4 Random Event – Senario 1 prob = 0.5
5 Task Name Duration (wks) Predecessors Early Start Early Finish Late Start Late Finish Total Slack (wks) Criticality
6 Random Event Example 32 5/19/2003 8:00 12/26/2003 17:00 5/19/2003 8:00 12/26/2003 17:00
7 A0 0 5/19/2003 8:00 5/19/2003 8:00 5/19/2003 8:00 5/19/2003 8:00 0 1
8 A1 7 2 5/19/2003 8:00 7/4/2003 17:00 5/19/2003 8:00 7/4/2003 17:00 0 1
9 A2 8 3 7/7/2003 8:00 8/29/2003 17:00 7/7/2003 8:00 8/29/2003 17:00 0 1
10 A3 6 3 7/7/2003 8:00 8/15/2003 17:00 8/11/2003 8:00 9/19/2003 17:00 5 0
11 A5 12 4 9/1/2003 8:00 11/21/2003 17:00 9/1/2003 8:00 11/21/2003 17:00 0 1
12 A6 9 5 8/18/2003 8:00 10/17/2003 17:00 9/22/2003 8:00 11/21/2003 17:00 5 0
13 A7 5 6,7 11/24/2003 8:00 12/26/2003 17:00 11/24/2003 8:00 12/26/2003 17:00 0 1
14 A8 0 8 12/26/2003 17:00 12/26/2003 17:00 12/26/2003 17:00 12/26/2003 17:00 0 1
15 A4

Table 2: Random event network: calculations for scenario 1 ( LCP(1) = 32 )

fashion, a4 involves a casting process connections to each other. As men- not fail the first time, fails only the first
that may not work (the cast may break tioned at the end of the previous sec- time, or fails twice) are assumed to be
if the materials are not thick enough). tion, we will use double subscripts, independent of each other2. Then
The original activity is a “quick and where the first subscript represents there are six different scenarios to con-
dirty” attempt to do the casting, with the original initial activity from the sider (three cases in the second loop
an estimated 60% chance of success. If base case, and the second subscript for each of the two cases of the first
the process fails, the activity will be represents which iteration of that loop). The probability for each sce-
repeated, but more time will be taken activity we are discussing. This nota- nario is just the product of the corre-
to do it right (duration of 7 vs. 5). Even tion will apply to all definitions we sponding two probabilities for the two
then, we assume a 10% chance of fail- have made that involved a subscript loops in that scenario. Thus, the proj-
ure the second time around, forcing a of j, where applicable. (For activities ect could also be conceived as shown
third repetition of the casting activity, that are not involved in looping, we in Figure 5, where N(1), N(2),…, N(6) are
this time with a duration of 9. We could make all of them have a second the standard network diagrams for the
assume the chances of a third failure subscript of 1, but that seems unnec- six scenarios.
are negligible. essarily cumbersome.) This way of thinking of the prob-
This problem could be dia- One way to represent this problem lem again makes it clear that we can do
grammed most directly as shown in schematically, similar to what we did the overall analysis by simply analyz-
Figure 3. Because of these types of for our first example, is shown in ing each scenario, then combining the
looping, certain activities may end up Figure 4. results. We will number the scenarios
being repeated once or twice in this Let us assume that the two cases so that they have the following inter-
example. We could always give these for the first loop (whether the test fails pretations:
repetitions different activity number or not) and the three cases for the sec- • Scenario 1: First loop test is suc-
names, but this would not reflect their ond loop (whether the casting does cessful the first time; second loop

17 Random Event – Senario 2 prob = 0.3

18 Task Name Duration (wks) Predecessors Early Start Early Finish Late Start Late Finish Total Slack (wks) Criticality
19 Random Event Example 33 5/19/2003 8:00 1/2/2004 17:00 5/19/2003 8:00 1/2/2004 17:00
20 A0 0 5/19/2003 8:00 5/19/2003 8:00 5/19/2003 8:00 5/19/2003 8:00 0 1
21 A1 7 2 5/19/2003 8:00 7/4/2003 17:00 5/19/2003 8:00 7/4/2003 17:00 0 1
22 A2 8 3 7/7/2003 8:00 8/29/2003 17:00 7/7/2003 8:00 8/29/2003 17:00 0 1
23 A3 6 3 7/7/2003 8:00 8/15/2003 17:00 7/21/2003 8:00 8/29/2003 17:00 2 0
24 A5 12 4 9/1/2003 8:00 11/21/2003 17:00 9/8/2003 8:00 11/28/2003 17:00 1 0
25 A6 9 5,10 9/29/2003 8:00 11/28/2003 17:00 9/29/2003 8:00 11/28/2003 17:00 0 1
26 A7 5 6,7 12/1/2003 8:00 1/2/2004 17:00 12/1/2003 8:00 1/2/2004 17:00 0 1
27 A8 0 8 12/2/2004 17:00 1/2/2004 17:00 1/2/2004 17:00 1/2/2004 17:00 0 1
28 A4 4 4,5 9/1/2003 8:00 9/26/2003 17:00 9/1/2003 8:00 9/26/2003 17:00 0 1

Table 3: Random event network: calculations for scenario 2 ( LCP(2) = 33)

March 2005 Project Management Journal • 21

30 Random Event – Senario 3 prob = 0.2
31 Task Name Duration (wks) Predecessors Early Start Early Finish Late Start Late Finish Total Slack (wks) Criticality
32 Random Event Example 40 5/19/2003 8:00 2/20/2004 17:00 5/19/2003 8:00 2/20/2004 17:00
33 A0 0 5/19/2003 8:00 5/19/2003 8:00 5/19/2003 8:00 5/19/2003 8:00 0 1
34 A1 7 2 5/19/2003 8:00 7/4/2003 17:00 5/19/2003 8:00 7/4/2003 17:00 0 1
35 A2 8 3 7/7/2003 8:00 8/29/2003 17:00 7/7/2003 8:00 8/29/2003 17:00 0 1
36 A3 6 3 7/7/2003 8:00 8/15/2003 17:00 7/21/2003 8:00 8/29/2003 17:00 2 0
37 A5 12 4 9/1/2003 8:00 11/21/2003 17:00 10/27/2003 8:00 1/16/2004 17:00 8 0
38 A6 9 5,10 11/17/2003 8:00 1/16/2004 17:00 11/17/2003 8:00 1/16/2004 17:00 0 1
39 A7 5 6,7 1/9/2003 8:00 2/20/2004 17:00 1/19/2004 8:00 2/20/2004 17:00 0 1
40 A8 0 8 2/20/2004 17:00 2/20/2004 17:00 2/20/2004 17:00 2/20/2004 17:00 0 1
41 A4 11 4,5 9/1/2003 8:00 11/14/2003 17:00 9/1/2003 8:00 11/14/2003 17:00 0 1

Table 4: Random event network: calculations for scenario 3 ( LCP(3) = 40)

3 Activity Prob. Occur Exp. Crit. Exp. Crit. Occur Exp. TS Occur we will instead simply summarize the
results in Table 7.
4 A0 1 1 1 0
Notice, for example, that activities
5 A1 1 1 1 0
a2,1 and a3,1 (the first occurrence of the
6 A2 1 1 1 0 prototype production and testing
7 A3 1 0 0 3.5 activities) are critical in scenarios 1, 4,
8 A5 1 0.5 0.5 1.9 and 5, but not in scenarios 2, 3, and 6
9 A6 1 0.5 0.5 2.5 (in which both activities have total
slack values of 2, 11, and 8, respective-
10 A7 1 1 1 0
ly). On the other hand, a4,1 (first occur-
11 A8 1 1 1 0
rence of the casting activity) is exactly
12 A4 0.5 0.5 1 0 the opposite: it is critical in scenarios
Table 5: Random event network: probability of occurrence, expected criticalities, and expected 2, 3, and 6, but not in scenarios 1, 4,
total slack for each activity and 5 (where total slack values of that
activity are 5, 8, and 1, respectively).
casting is successful the first time. 2002 to analyze each of these scenar- Using the probabilities given in
• Scenario 2: First loop test is suc- ios, and passed the results to Excel. Table 7, we can now do the calculation
cessful the first time; second loop Rather than providing the complete of the expected critical path length:
casting fails the first time, but is results for each individual scenario as
successful the second time. in the Random Event example above, —
LCP =0.480(37)+0.288(39)+
• Scenario 3: First loop test is suc- (0.120+0.072)(40)+(0.032+0.008)
cessful the first time; second loop
casting fails the first and second aj Pj dj (48)=38.592
times, but is successful the third We can also calculate the expected
time. a0 --- 0 criticalities and total slack for each activ-
• Scenario 4: First loop test fails a1 {a0} 6 ity over all of the scenarios, as defined
the first time, but is successful the earlier. These are given in Table 8.
second time; second loop casting a2 {a1} 3 In the base case, the first loop is
is successful the first time. a3 {a2} 4 critical. If the first loop is successful,
• Scenario 5: First loop test fails whether or not the second loop fails
the first time, but is successful the a4 {a1} 5 once or twice, the second loop is criti-
second time; second loop casting a5 {a1} 10 cal. If the first loop fails, it is critical
fails the first time, but is successful unless the second loop fails twice (a
the second time. a6 {a3} 11 very low-probability event).
• Scenario 6: First loop test fails a7 {a4,a5} 8 Notice that the loop nature of this
the first time, but is successful the example means that activities 2 and 3
second time; second loop casting a8 {a6 ,a7} 13 sometimes occur twice, and activity 4
fails the first and second times, a9 {a8} 0 can occur as many as three times.
but is successful the third time. Based on the original data, we can
Again, we used Microsoft Project Table 6: Loop network: base case compute the average total time spent

22 • Project Management Journal March 2005

2 Scenario 1 2 3 4 5 6
3 Probability 0.480 0.288 0.032 0.120 0.072 0.008
4 Critical Path Length 37 39 48 40 40 48
5 Activity Total Slack Criticality Total Slack Criticality Total Slack Criticality Total Slack Criticality Total Slack Criticality Total Slack Criticality
6 A0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
7 A1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
8 A2, 1 0 1 2 0 11 0 0 1 0 1 8 0
9 A3, 1 0 1 2 0 11 0 0 1 0 1 8 0
10 A4, 1 5 0 0 1 0 1 8 0 1 0 0 1
11 A5 0 1 2 0 11 0 3 0 3 0 11 0
12 A6 0 1 2 0 11 0 0 1 0 1 8 0
13 A7 0 1 0 1 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 1
14 A8 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
15 A9 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
16 A2, 2 0 1 0 1 8 1
17 A3, 2 0 1 0 1 8 0
18 A4, 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
19 A4, 3 0 1 0 1

Table 7: Loop network: calculations for scenarios 1-6

on each of these activities: of that activity can start, averaged over

In other words, the total expected the scenarios, weighted by their proba-
— bilities), as well as early finish and late
d 2 =d2,1+(0.2).d2,2=3+(0.2).1=32 time spent on producing prototypes is
— 3.2 weeks, the total expected time finish times (the earliest and latest
(d 2,2 =0.2)
spent on testing prototypes is 4.4 points in time when the last repetition
— of that activity can finish, averaged over
d 3 =d3,1+(0.2).d3,2=4+(0.2).2=44 weeks, and the total expected time
— spent on casting is 8.7 weeks. the scenarios, weighted by their proba-
(d 3,2 =0.4)
Using the calculations done for bilities) for each of these loop activi-
— our analysis, we can also calculate fig- ties. These calculations were discussed
d 4 =d4,1+(0.4).d4,2+(0.1).d4,3=
ures such as expected early start and at the end of the Modeling Approach
— — late start times (the earliest and latest section.
(d 4,2 =2.8, d 4,3=0.9 ) points in time when the first repetition
— — —
ES2,.=6, ES3,.=9, ES4,.=6
3 Activity Prob. Occur Exp. Crit. Exp. Crit. Occur Exp. TS Occur

4 A0 1 1.000 1 0 EF2,.=(0.480+0.288+0.032).(9)+
5 A1 1 1.000 1 0 (0.120+0.072+0.008).(14)=10.0
6 A2, 1 1 0.672 0.672 0.992 —
7 A3, 1 1 0.672 0.672 0.992
8 A4, 1 1 0.328 0328 3.432

9 A5 1 0.480 0.48 1.592 EF4,.=(0.480+0.120).(11)+
10 A6 1 0.672 0.672 0.992 (0.288+0.0720).(18)+(0.032+0.008).(27)
11 A7 1 0.808 0.808 0.432 =14.16
12 A8 1 1.000 1 0
13 A9 1 1.000 1 0
14 A2, 2 0.2 0.192 0.96 0.32
Using analogous calculations,
we obtain:
15 A3, 2 0.2 0.192 0.96 0.32
— — —
16 A4, 2 0.4 0.328 0.82 0.18 LS2,.=6.992, LS3,.=9.992, LS4,.=9.432,
— —
17 A, 3 0.04 0.040 1 0 LF 2, . =10.992, LF3,.=14.592,

Table 8: Network: probability of occurrence, expected criticalities, and expected total slack for and LF4,.=17.592
each activity

March 2005 Project Management Journal • 23

d3 d4 Probability assumed to be independent of the
6 3 .6 combination of values of activities 3
11 4 .3
and 4, with the probability distribu-
tion given in Table 10.
11 5 .1
Since the two probability distri-
Table 9: Uncertain durations of activities 3 and 4 butions are independent, we have a
total of six different possible scenar-
(conditional) expected criticalities; ios, with probabilities given in Table
This means, for example, that the therefore, they must be given high pri- 11.
expected earliest time we can start pro- ority if they occur. Since this example has six scenar-
totype production is 6 weeks into the ios, like the previous example, Figure 5
project, the expected earliest time we 3. Dependent Activity Durations also represents the macro-level
can complete all prototype production In this example, we assume that there is approach for this problem. From Table
is 10 weeks into the project, the expect- a network scenario for every combina- 11, we can calculate the expected dura-
ed latest time we can start prototype tion of discrete random durations. The tions of the three uncertain activities:
production is just under 7 weeks into basic structure of this example is shown
the project, and the expected latest in Figure 6. In this case, there are no —
d 3 =(0.48+0.12).(6)+(0.24+0.06+
time we can complete prototype pro- activities that occur in some scenarios 0.08+0.02).(11)=8.0
duction is just under 11 weeks into the and not others. The uncertainty lies

project. If desired, the actual ES, EF, LS, only in the durations of activities 3, 4, d4 =(0.48+0.12).(3)+(0.24+0.06).(4)+

d5 Probability d5 =(0.48+0.24+0.08).(8)+(0.12+0.06+
8 .8 0.02).(10)=8.4
10 .2

Table 10: Uncertain duration of activity 5

Table 12 shows a summary of the
results for each of these scenarios.
Now we can do the calculation of
and LF times for each activity in each and 5. These durations are not assumed the expected critical path length:
scenario could also easily be generated to be totally independent, as an illustra-
and reported in a table, for a more tion of a more general case. The dura- —
LCP =(0.48+0.12).24+(0.24+0.06+
detailed risk analysis. tions of activities 3 and 4 are assumed 0.08+0.02).27=25.2
Activities 0, 1, 8, and 9 (a0, a1, a8, to be dependent, with the probability
and a9, respectively) are always critical, distribution given in Table 9. For exam-
We can also calculate the expected
criticalities and total slack for each
Scenario d3 d4 d5 Probability
activity over all of the scenarios, as
1 6 3 8 .48
defined earlier. These are given in
2 6 3 10 .12 Table 13.
3 11 4 8 .24 Activity 3 is critical in all cases
4 11 4 10 .06 where its duration is longest (11),
5 11 5 8 .08 regardless of the duration of activities
4 and 5. Activities 4 and 5 are critical
6 11 5 10 .02
only when activity 3’s duration is
Table 11: Scenarios for uncertain duration example shortest (6), and activity 5’s duration
is longest (10). Note that, in this
due to the structure of the project net- ple, the three outcomes/probabilities example, the conditional expected
work. Notice that a4,1 has low expected could correspond to no precipitation, total slack is also unconditional, since
criticality (both unconditional and light precipitation, and heavy precipita- all activities occur in every scenario.
conditional) and the highest expected tion. Activities 3 and 4 will be per-
total slack, so it could be given the low- formed at approximately the same time, Conclusions and Managerial
est priority in scheduling. a5 is similar, but activity 3’s duration may just Implications
but not as extreme, so it could be given depend on whether or not there is pre- This paper presents an alternate
the second-lowest priority in scheduling. cipitation (e.g., pouring concrete), macro-level or scenario approach for
Also, note that any of the repeated while activity 4’s duration is more sen- modeling and analyzing projects with
activities (i.e., the last four activities in sitive to the severity of the precipitation. uncertain networks. This approach is
Table 8), if they occur, have very high The duration of activity 5 is applicable for project schedule risk

24 • Project Management Journal March 2005

2 Scenario 1 2 3 4 5 6
3 Probability 0.480 0.120 0.240 0.060 0.080 0.020
4 Critical Path Length 24 24 27 27 27 27
5 Activity Total Slack Criticality Total Slack Criticality Total Slack Criticality Total Slack Criticality Total Slack Criticality Total Slack Criticality
6 A0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
7 A1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
8 A2 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
9 A3 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
10 A4 2 0 0 1 4 0 2 0 3 0 1 0
11 A5 2 0 0 1 4 0 2 0 3 0 1 0
12 A6 0 1 0 1 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0
13 A7 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
14 A8 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
15 A9 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Table 12: Uncertain activity durations network: calculations for scenarios 1 - 6

analysis and contingency planning. and conditional activity criticality and vides exact results, as well as simplicity,
During the project planning process, a slack, as well as aggregated expected and offers advantages in analyzing and
series of project network scenarios can durations, and early and late start and interpreting the impact of uncertainty,
be identified, each with an assessed finish times for repeated activities especially when the number of critical
probability of occurrence. These sce- resulting from looping or stochastic uncertainties is relatively small. The
narios might differ according to the branching. A second benefit is greater proposed approach can handle uncer-
results of uncertain events that could accessibility and likelihood of the use tain activity durations and finite loops
with varying durations for each repeti-
3 Activity Exp. Crit. Exp. Crit. Occur Exp. TS Occur tion, allows the durations of activities
4 A0 1 1 0
to be dependent upon others, and pro-
vides the ability to summarize critical
5 A1 1 1 0
path analysis information about
6 A2 0.52 0.52 0.96
repeated and uncertain activities. For
7 A3 0.4 0.4 1.2 these reasons, we believe that our
8 A4 0.12 0.12 2.3 approach is more manageable and
9 A5 0.12 0.12 2.3 comprehensive than existing methods
10 A6 0.6 0.6 1.2
for project managers analyzing the
effects of uncertainty on their project
11 A7 1 1 0
12 A8 1 1 0
13 A9 1 1 0 References and Notes
Malcolm, D. G., Rosenboom, J.
Table 13: Uncertain activity durations network: overall expected criticalities and total slack for
each activity H., Clark, C. E., & Fazar, W. (1959).
Application of a technique for research
occur during the course of the project, of uncertainty analysis in project plan- and development project evaluation.
uncertain (possibly dependent) activi- ning, since the modest data needs and Operations Research, 7(5), 646-669.
ty durations, finite loops, or any com- straightforward analysis are focused on Neumann, K. (1990). Stochastic
bination of these three. key scenarios driving schedule uncer- project networks: Temporal analysis,
We have presented a scenario tainty. Examples were presented to scheduling, and cost minimization.
approach for modeling and analyzing illustrate the approach, including ran- Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
these uncertain project situations. An dom events, loops, and dependent ran- Pollack-Johnson, B., & Liberatore,
advantage of our approach is that it dom activity times. M. J. (2003). Analytical techniques in
generalizes standard project network The scenario method proposed project planning and control: Current
analysis methods, such as critical path here is a direct extension of existing practice and future research directions.
analysis, to the network scenario level. project scheduling procedures, and Unpublished manuscript, Villanova,
Our approach also leads to the devel- uses software and techniques familiar PA: Villanova University, Department
opment of new project network uncer- to (and easily accessible by) almost all of Decision and Information
tainty measures, including expected project managers. This approach pro- Technologies.

March 2005 Project Management Journal • 25

Pritsker, A. A. B., & Happ, W. W. ment body of knowledge (PMBOK® 1 For details about any of the
(1966). GERT: Graphical evaluation guide). Newtown Square, PA: Author. Microsoft Project or Excel calculations
and review technique — part 1. Project Management Institute. performed in this article, please con-
Fundamentals. Journal of Industrial (1999). Project management software tact the authors.
Engineering, 17, 267-274. survey. Newtown Square, PA: Author.
Pritsker, A. A. B., & O’Reilly, J. J. Wiest, J. D., & Levy, F. K. (1977). A 2 These could also be made
(1999). Simulation with Visual SLAM and management guide to PERT/CPM with dependent using the proposed
AweSim, New York: John Wiley & Sons. GERT/PDM/DCPM and other networks approach, as the third example
Project Management Institute. (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: demonstrates.
(2000). A guide to the project manage- Prentice-Hall.

BRUCE POLLACK-JOHNSON earned a BA in sociology with a minor in education from Brandeis University,
an MA in Applied Mathematics from Temple University, and an MS and PhD in Operations Research from
the University of Pennsylvania. He has taught at Oberlin College, and is currently an Associate Professor
of Mathematical Sciences at Villanova University. He has published dozens of papers on project man-
agement, forecasting, educational modeling, and on teaching applied mathematics, as well as a two-vol-
ume text on business calculus and finite mathematics (partially funded by grants from FIPSE, NSF, and
Prentice Hall). His current research is on modeling uncertainty in project scheduling. He is a member of

MATTHEW J. LIBERATORE, PhD, is the John F. Connelly Chair in Management and Professor of Decision and
Information Technologies at Villanova University. He previously served as Chair of the Department of
Management and as Associate Dean. Dr. Liberatore has published over sixty journal articles in the fields
of project management, management science, information systems, and research and engineering man-
agement. He recently co-authored a text, Decision Technology: Modeling, Software, and Applications,
published by Wiley. Dr. Liberatore serves on the editorial boards of the American Journal of Mathematical
and Management Sciences and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. He is a member of PMI,
INFORMS, and the Decision Sciences Institute.

26 • Project Management Journal March 2005

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