Bog Venus Vs Nazi Cock Ring - Some Thoughts On Pornography Part II

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BOG VENUS VERSUS NAZI COCK-RING: Some Thoughts Concerning Pornogr!

B" A#n $oore %Prt II&
Besi'e cst o( chrcters cu##e' (rom ne)s!!er comic stri!s* the Ti+un Bi,#e !m!h#ets #so
uti#ise' contem!orr" ctresses n' ctors #i-e $e .est n' /ure# 0 1r'" s their (eture'
!#"ers2 Interesting#"* the 3456s crimin# ce#e,rit" such s B,"-7ce Ne#son or 8ohn 9i##inger h' his
o)n su,-genre* !#"ing to the !u,#ic:s o,;ious ((ection (or g#morous croo- n' #so to the ur o(
ner-m"thic se<u# !otenc" )ith )hich such (igures )ere surroun'e' in the !o!u#r imgintion2 In
this com,intion o( )i#'#" nti-soci# hero (igure )ith the ;iscer# rush o( un,ri'#e' !ornogr!h"*
the Ti+un Bi,#es )ere !re(iguring the comics un'ergroun' tht )ou#' eru!t* !rimri#" (rom Sn
7rncisco* in nother thirt" "ers or so2
Bc- in the er#"-mi''#e =6th centur"* ho)e;er* the erotic urges in societ" )ere (in'ing their most
#i;e#" mnners o( e<!ression in ,ur#es>ue thetre n'* #itt#e #ter* in the ?nu'ie-cutie: mo;ies tht
,ur#es>ue h' !#"e' its !rt in gi;ing ,irth to2 Through the 34@6s n' the 34A6s* m;eric- 'irectors
#i-e Russ $e"er #most mnge' to !ro;i'e ;oice (or the unconscious 'rem-#i(e o( Americ* its
#i,i'inous im!u#ses stirre' into 'emente' s#!stic- o( ;io#ence n' se< tht )s t once e<u,ernt
n' in(nti#e* mr-e' ," -in' o( innocence* t #est com!re' )ith ## the +o"#ess* 'e'-e"e' (re
ser;e' u! (or us to'"2 8ust#" 'escri,e' s ?rur# 7e##ini:* $e"er seems to h;e h' s!eci(ic !ri;te
go''ess-imge tht )s gi;en generous (#esh in his iconic )omen #i-e Tur Stn or Kitten Nti;i''2
8ust s )ith Ro,ert Crum, 'ec'e #ter* $e"er:s enshrining o( one (em#e ,o'"-t"!e !!ers to hr-
,c- to the !rim# origins o( the erotic* to Bog Venus )ith shin" #ether m-eo;er n' c!ture' not
in stone ,ut ce##u#oi'2
In 34@6s cu#ture !o)er(u# se<u# un'erto)s )ere e;i'ent* s!rung u! in o!!osition to the sti(#ing n'
se<#ess Eisenho)erB$c$i##n ethos o( the times2 .riters #i-e 1u,ert Se#,"* 8r2 n' 1enr" $i##er* )ho:'
!ro'uce' )or- in the 3456s n' the34C6s tht )s ,nne' on !u,#iction )ere ,eginning to (in' n
!!reciti;e ne) u'ience n' sometimes e;en (oreign !u,#ishers* #i-e the O#"m!i Press s (oun'e'
," $urice Giro'is2 1ugh 1e(ner:s P#",o" )s ttem!ting to est,#ish so(t-core !orn s n
u!mr-et #i(est"#e sttement* n' ne) );e o( ?sic-: come'" )s coming into ,eing tht )ou#' (in'
its !ogee in the uncensore' n' occsion##" ,ri##int rnts o( /enn" Bruce2 $en)hi#e* in 1r;e"
KurtDmn:s $' there )s shr! ne) s"nthesis o( hi! n' 8e)ish humour tht too- se<u#
re(erences s stn'r' !rt o( its come'ic re!ertoire* s in the KurtDmn !ro'" o( 8u#ius Cesr
)here centurion cr"ing ESomeone:s comingethFG is ns)ere' ," )or' ,##oon (rom some)here
out o( !ne# re'ing EOoh* I:m '"ingethFG E#se)here ne) n' e<citing music s!i##e' out o( the r'ios*
,#c--in(#uence' n' se<u# )ith its #,e# ?Roc- n' Ro##: sim!#" nother eu!hemism (or the se<u# ct*
s ?8DD: itse#( h' ,een2 An' most im!ortnt#" o( ##* in Sn 7rncisco* 34@@* the !oet /)rence
7er#inghetti strte' !u,#ishing s Cit" /ights Boo-s in North Bech* the cit":s (mous#" ,ohemin
It#in >urter tht h' !re;ious#" ,een inh,ite' ," nti-$usso#ini nrchists2 1;ing her' the
"oung Ne) Hor- !oet A##en Gins,erg:s (irst !u,#ic !er(ormnce o( his .i##im B#-e-ins!ire' )or-
1o)# t the Si< G##er" in 34@@* the im!resse' 7er#inghetti !u,#ishe' it through Cit" /ights Boo-s in
No;em,er 34@A2 9es!ite the minim# ttention tht the ,oo- t (irst recei;e'Ihr'#" sur!rising (or
(irst )or- ," n un-no)n uthor in the !rett" much neg#ecte' (ie#' o( !oetr"I," the 8une o( 34@J
!o#ice ri' crrie' out on Cit" /ights Boo-s n' su,se>uent tri# (or o,scenit" !ushe' 1o)# n'
Other Poems to the (ore(ront o( the ntion:s consciousness2 8u'ge C#"ton 1orn* sur!rising#"* ru#e'
tht )or- cou#' not ,e 'eeme' o,scene i( it !ossesse' Ethe s#ightest re'eeming soci# signi(icnce2G
8u'ge 1orn:s 'ecision ment tht Cit" /ights cou#' !ut out 1o)# n' mn" other contro;ersi# !ieces
)ithout (er o( 'mging re!ris#s (rom those in uthorit"2 A#though some )ritings )ere sti## too
e<treme to !u,#ish (or "er or t)o* such s the (irst ten ch!ters o( The N-e' /unch ," .i##im
Burroughs tht h' ,een turne' 'o)n ," the Chicgo /iterr" Re;ue* the ru#ing ment tht the Bet
)riters cou#' no) cr"st##ise roun' 7er#inghetti:s !remises t =A3 Co#um,us A;enue n' s!r- o((
)ht is !ossi,#" the most e<citing #iterr" mo;ement o( the t)entieth centur"2 It #so ment tht n
im!ortnt #eg# !rece'ent h' ,een est,#ishe'* grnting se<u# mteri# immunit" (rom !rosecution
i( it cou#' ,e sho)n s soci##" signi(icnt or o( rtistic merit2
This )s the 'e(ense success(u##" 'o!te' some "ers #ter in the )i'e#" ce#e,rte' Eng#ish court cse
o;er 9212 /)rence:s /'" Chtter#e":s /o;er* 'uring )hich the !rosecuting counse# summriDe' sti##-
!re;i#ing ttitu'e to)r's !ornogr!h" )hen he suggeste' tht no 'ecent !erson )ou#' ##o) their
?)i;es or ser;nts: to re' such )or-2 This one remr-* ,etr"ing s it 'i' #u'icrous#" nti>ute'
n' Victorin ;ie) o( soci# mtters* #most certin#" con;ince' the +ur" to ;ote on the si'e o( the
'e(ence2 The !oint o( ;ie) ,ehin' the !rosecution:s sttement is tht )hi#e ?)e:* ,eing )hite m#es o(
certin ge n' soci# stn'ing* re (r too e;o#;e' to ,e 'e!r;e' ," such mteri#* its !ro,,#e
e((ects u!on those mor##" more (ee,#e thn ourse#;es %such s the "oung* the )or-ing c#sses*
(oreigners or )omen& )ou#' ,e ruinous2
.hi#e s )or- o( mo'ern ,etni- !oetr" 1o)# cou#' ,e s(e#" o;er#oo-e' ," the m+orit" o( ;erge
citiDens* the /'" Chtter#e" tri# ment tht most homes in the )estern )or#' )ou#' come to o)n
much-thum,e' co!" o( )ht is in (ct re#ti;e#" minor )or- (rom 9212 /)rence2 Se<u# su,+ect
mtter* in the !u,#ic:s e"e* h' ,ecome norm#ise'* )hich )ou#' o!en the (#oo'gtes to the rush o(
se<u##" suggesti;e or e<!#icit te#e;ision !rogrms* mo;ies* ,oo-s n' !o!-song #"rics tht )ou#' he#!
'e(ine the 34A6s* #though o,;ious#" such !rogress 'i' not go entire#" uno!!ose'2 Boo-s )ere sti##
,nne'* (i#ms )ere sti## censore'* n' t one o( /on'on:s !rctic##"-unher'-o( e<hi,itions o( erotic
rt 'uring the ?A6s* 'oo'#es ," 8ohn /ennon )ere seiDe' ," !o#ice* #ong )ith se;er# /"sistrt !rints
," !oor o#' Au,re" Ber's#e" )ho:' ,een 'e' J6 "ers ," then2 OrgniDtions such s the Vie)ers
n' /isteners Assocition he'e' ," se#(-!u,#icising* se#(-!!ointe' mor# gur'in $r" .hitehouse
)ou#' !ut !ressure on the BBC to tone 'o)n certin te#e;ision sho)s or to remo;e Scott .#-er:s
;ersion o( the 8c>ues Bre# c#ssic E8c-ieG (rom the r'io !#"-#ists #est its re(erences to ?uthentic
>ueers n' !hone" ;irgins: shou#' corru!t the "oung2
The running ,tt#e (ce' ," se<u# e<!ression 'uring the ?!ermissi;e :si<ties: is n in'iction o( ho)
'ee!#" (ee#ings rn u!on the issue2 E;i'ent#"* the sme soci# s>uemishness regr'ing se< tht the
$r>uis 9e S'e h' m'e his trget ,c- in re;o#utionr" 7rnce )s sti## so(t s!ot tht those
)ishing to criti>ue societ" cou#' 'o (r )orse thn to ttc-2 The 1i!!" mo;ement* )e##ing u! in the
mi'-si<ties roun' ;rious re(erence !oints inc#u'ing Au,re" Ber's#e":s rt nou;eu e<tr;gnces*
.i##im B#-e n' A##en Gins,erg:s ho)#e' res!onse to B#-e* )s >uic- to seiDe on se<u# re,e##ion s
(;ourite mo'e o( con(ronttion2
This is not to in(er tht (ont o( (unction# hi!!"-!orn 'i' not s!ring u!2 It 'i'* #though its
mni(esttions )ere o(ten su,terrnen to 'egree tht cuse' nr" ri!!#e on the sur(ce o( o(
!u,#ic consciousness2 7uc- Hou: A $gDine o( the Arts re!resente' E' Sn'ers: Etot# ssu#t on
cu#ture*G something he )ou#' #ter t-e music# )ith the 7ugs* )hose c##s (or grou! gro!es o( e;er"
'escri!tion )ere greete' )ith +u,i#nce2 /enore Kn'e#:s /o;e Boo-* s#im ;o#ume o( erotic !oetr"*
ine<!#ic,#" !rosecute' in Sn 7rncisco* seeme' #most the #st gs! o( the ne) !uritns* #though
the" continue' to issue intermittnt s>ue-s %,e(ore re-emerging )ith ror&2 B" the time Esse<
1ouse ,egn to issue true hi!!" !ornK9;i' $e#tDer:s Agenc" tri#og"* Chr#es Bu-o)-si:s Notes o(
9irt" O#' $n* Phi#i! 8ose 7rmer:s Imge o( the BestKthe entire conce!t o( !orn-s-)riting seeme'
to ,e 'e' #etter2 This )s #rge#" 'ue to the e((orts o( Brne" Rossett n' Gro;e Press t re'e(ining
the ,oun'ries o( cce!t,#e #iterture2 The" )ent to tri# on Chtter#e"* Tro!ic O( Cncer n' N-e'
/unch* )inning ech cse n' !ushing the (rontiers #itt#e (urther ech time2 But* in'ee'* !icture is
)orth thousn' )or's2
No)here is this counter-cu#tur# ssu#t on se<u# con(ormit" ,etter e<em!#i(ie' thn in the er#"
comic stri!s o( the e<tror'inr" Ro,ert Crum,* )hose !ioneering e((orts in the un'ergroun' !ress
turne' out )or- tht )ou#' !ro;e semin# in e;er" sense2 Using ressuring#" (mi#ir n' there(ore
high#" su,;ersi;e st"#e* Crum, g#ee(u##" su,merge' himse#( in the most (#gge'-o(( n' restricte'
)ters o( the mss unconscious* ser;ing u! ;ision o( Americ s seen through se<u##" o,sessi;e
e"es* !eo!#e' ," Snoi's n' nu,i#e Hetis* )ith its most (or,i''en 8oe B#o) urges 'rgge' out (rom
,ehin' su,ur,i:s conce#ing 'r!es* set 'o)n in ,#c- n' )hite (or e;er"one to see2 Tht Crum,:s
)or- )s recei;e' enthusistic##" cross the soci# s!ectrum )ou#' suggest tht (ter the initi#
shoc- h' )orn o((* mn" !eo!#e (oun' it )s ;ision tht the" recognise'2 The" -ne)* in the
contem!orr" !hrse* )here Crum, )s coming (rom2
.hi#e there )ere o,;ious !recursors (or the un'ergroun' crtoon e<!#osion in $' comics* in the
Ti+un Bi,#es* n' the (nDine !ress tht Crum, h' ,een !rt o(* it )s Crum, )ho set the ,r (or
the crtoonists )ho )ou#' (o##o) him )ith the re#ese o( Z! L3* !e''#e' (rom ,," crrige ," the
rtist u! n' 'o)n the (re--encruste' #ength o( 1ight Street2 8ust s )ith the Se< Pisto#s #most
'ec'e #ter* Crum,:s )or- )s the ct#"st tht #unche' the e>u##" e<treme creers o( those )ho
(o##o)e' him2 Crum,:s )or- in Z!* #ong )ith tht o( gi(te' cronies such s S2 C#" .i#son* S!in or
Ro,ert .i##ims* !#us the mn" un'ergroun's tht Z! ins!ire'* )ou#' turn out to ,e high ti'e #ine
in !ornogr!h"* crete' cheer(u##" )ith n intent tht )s ,oth soci# n' rtistic2 %The ,ri##int
un'ergroun' crtoonist Shron Ru'h#* using the nom 'e !#ume $r" Sti;* )rote The Aci' Tem!#e
B##* remr-,#e no;e#K!u,#ishe' s !rt o( the O#"m!i Press:s ETr;e##er:s Com!nionG seriesK
tht #o;ing#" recounte' )omn:s se<u# e<!eriences )hi#e un'er 'i((erent com,intions o( i##icit
su,stnces2& .hen the comics un'ergroun's t #st g;e u! the ghost in the #te 34J6s* there )ou#'
,e nothing o( re# energ" or s!irit tht )ou#' rise to t-e their !#ce2 Crum, so#'iere' ;#int#" on in
.eir'o n' in other !u,#ictions* ,ut #though his )or- remine' s mr;e##ous s e;er %n'* in (ct*
continue' to im!ro;e n' to !rogress&* there )s the sense no) o( so#itr" mestro #,ouring in
iso#tion* rther thn tht o( (igurehe' )ith )ho#e socio-rtistic mo;ement surging u! ,ehin'
B" n' #rge* )ht h!!ene' in the 34J6s )s tht the hr'-)on se<u# (ree'oms o( the !re;ious
'ec'es* (ought (or on groun's o( i'eo#og"* ,ecme* !re'ict,#"* ,ooming mr-et ri!e (or
e<!#oittion2 O,;ious#" encourge' ," the gro)th o( se<u# e<!ression in the rts 'uring the :A6s*
mo;ie-m-ers in the :J6s 'eci'e' tht the #o)#" !orn (i#m cou#' ,e )r!!e' in ,igger ,u'gets n'
im!ro;e' !ro'uction ;#ues2 It cou#' ,e re-,rn'e'* 'resse' u! in )" tht )ou#' suggest rtistic
merit* n' ," this mens cou#' ,ecome (or the (irst time mss-mr-et cinem2 In o((erings such s The
9e;i# in $iss 8ones* The O!ening o( $ist" Beetho;en* Behin' the Green 9oor n' scttering o(
others* !orn 'irectors trie' )ith ;r"ing 'egrees o( success to trnscen' the trsh"* 'o!e" #imittions
o( their chosen genre2 Smoother cmer )or- n' more imginti;e sets com,ine' )ith ;estiges o(
genuine cting t#ent n' t #est some sem,#nce o( screen!#" to crete )or-s tht !!ere'
rtistic* #though on#" )hen com!re' to ## the 'roo#ing h#()it !orn (i#ms tht h' come ,e(ore2
E;en so* the !u,#ic seeme' to #i-e the ne) ;i#,i#it" o( !orno in the minstrem n' res!on'e' )ith
enough enthusism to ##o) such mo;ies to !ro#i(erteIright u! unti# the !oint )here the re# ge o(
Trci /or's cme out2 9e(enses o( rtistic or soci# signi(icnce )ere use#ess )hen con(ronte' ," n
ctu# sttutor" o((ence* n' )ith this chin- in !orno:s rt" rmour o!ene' u! ," the uthorities the
in'ustr" seems to h;e ,eten n imme'ite retret* )ith the ,ig-,u'get !orn (#ic- r!i'#" consigne'
to histor"2
O( course* ," then the 34M6s )ere +ust roun' the corner n' the !orno mo;ie )ou#' ,e rescue' ,"
the mssi;e rise o( the home ;i'eo mr-et* ,ut its em!hsis n' its gen' )ou#' ,e chnge'
ccor'ing#"2 .heres the im!ro;e' !ro'uction ;#ues o( the 34J6s h' ,een 'esigne' to 'r) in
crosso;er minstrem u'ience to the cinems* home ;i'eo ;ie)ers )ere i'enti(ie'* !erh!s in !rt
correct#"* s c!ti;e n' ''icte' mr-et-,se tht )s entire#" un'iscriminting in its ;ie)ing
h,its2 Su,t#" "et im!ortnt#"* the u'ience:s ;ie) o( itse#( #so chnge'2 .hi#e sitting in cro)'e'
cinem )tching !ornogr!h" mongst hun're' other norm# in'i;i'u#s or cou!#es cou#'
concei;,#" ,e >uite #i,erting commun# e<!erience n' n in'ictor o( one:s #i,er# to#ernce n'
so!histiction* )tching !orn mo;ie ## #one ,ehin' c#ose' shutters is ;er" 'i((erent mtter n'
in;o-es 'i((erent min'set2 The e<!erience is gener##" (urti;e* secreti;e* shme'2 .hi#e it might ,e
cce!t,#e to mention t the o((ice the ne<t '" tht "ou:' ,een to the cinem the night ,e(ore n'
)tche' 9ee! Throt* !ure#" to see )ht ## the (uss )s o;er* ntur##"* "ou might thin- t)ice ,e(ore
reg#ing co##egues )ith the ne)s tht "ou:' st"e' home n' mstur,te' o;er An# Virgins IV2
Pornogr!h"* #though more mssi;e#" 'istri,ute' thn it h' e;er !re;ious#" ,een* )s no) re'uce'
to mss mr-et )ithout n" stn'r's or criteri* r!i'#" ccumu#ting n tten'nt tmos!here o(
sor'i'ness n' shme2 Sti##* +ust so #ong s !ornogr!hic cu#ture cou#' ,e -e!t in'oors* !ri;te n'
''icti;e n' incresing#" e<!ensi;e ;ice* it remine' ;er" #ucrti;e commo'it"2 As note' er#ier*
se<u# (nts" is something tht is (ree to n"one sti## in !ossession o( se<u# imgintion* ,ut the
!ornogr!hic ;i'eo or 9V9 se##s us #i(e#ess n' #c-#ustre su,stitute (or something )e cou#' h;e
crete' much more stis("ing#" ourse#;es2 This* in the e"es o( the uthorities* must ,e the !er(ect
sitution (or !ornogr!h": m-e it ;i#,#e* so tht those mssi;e re;enues n' t<es cn strt ro##ing
in* ,ut -ee! it (ro)ne' u!on n' shme(u# so tht "ou 'on:t get n A##en Gins,erg turning u! n'
c#iming tht it:s rt* it:s ci;i# #i,erties* mo;ement* !o#itics* n"thing tht soun's 'ngerous2
O( course* ,oth se< n' se<u# e<!ression re !o#itic# n' #)"s h;e ,een* ,ut it )sn:t unti# the
#te 34A6s n' the 34J6s tht the" )ere )i'e#" seen s such2 S!rung u! (rom the sme :A6s counter-
cu#ture tht h' gi;en rise to Ro,ert Crum, cme (eminism to !ro;i'e the rtist )ith his (iercest
critics2 7eminists too- the !osition on !ornogr!h" tht it e<!#oite' n' 'egr'e' )omen* )hich )s
certin#" n rgument tht it )s 'i((icu#t to 'isgree )ith in the #ight o( much o( the mteri# tht
)s ;i#,#e roun' tht time2 I( it h' remine' +ust tht* n rgument !ut (or)r' s n e#ement in
continuing 'e,te* then it might not h;e !o#rise' the #i,er# communit" to the 'egree tht it
un>uestion,#" cme to 'o2 Inste' o( !utting i'es (or)r' s !ro!osition* (eminism t the time
'e#i;ere' them s 'ictums (rom the mor# high groun'2 An' inste' o( !ro!er#" consi'ering the issues
rise' ," (eminism* #i,er# men !ercei;e' themse#;es s ;ictims o( n un!ro;o-e' ttc- u!on their
se<u#it"* res!on'ing ngri#"2 7eminist !rotestors ginst !orn )ou#' (in' themse#;es unes"
,e'(e##o)s )ith right-)ing Christin cm!igners* n' )ou#' #so (in' themse#;es on the recei;ing
en' o( n e>ui;#ent mount o( #e(t-)ing ire* some o( it +usti(ie' n' some o( it un(ir2
7or one thing* it:s im!ortnt to 'istinguish ,et)een the o,+ections o( the chnting (eminists n' those
o( !#cr'-);ing Christins* e;en )hen the":re !rt o( the sme !ic-et #ine outsi'e n 'u#t ;i'eo
hire em!orium2 7eminist rguments* e;en those one m" not gree )ith* re t #est constructe' on
the !rinci!#es o( #ogic n' there(ore cn ,e 'e,te'* h;ing !rece!ts tht re (#si(i,#e* tht cn ,e
!ro;en or 'is!ro;e'2 Re#igious rguments ginst !ornogr!h"* #ternte#"* re ,se' u!on the i'e o(
'is!!ro;ing su!er-,eing* !roo( o( )hose e<istence hs thus (r e#u'e' us2 This is not to s" tht
Go' 'oes not e<ist* nor tht re#igious !eo!#e ren:t entit#e' to their !oint o( ;ie)* ,ut is sim!#"
inten'e' to !oint out tht i'es !re'icte' u!on s!eci(ic 'eit":s e<istence re not rtion# i'es* n'
there(ore h;e no !#ce in rtion# 'iscussion2 I:m sorr"* I 'on:t m-e the ru#es2 Tht:s +ust the )" it
is* n' )e:' h;e to entire#" chnge the mening o( the Eng#ish #nguge ,e(ore )e cou#' m-e it
9es!ite the rtion# ,sis o( the (eminist gen'* though* it h' ,een ser;e' u!* un'erstn',#"* s
con(ronttion* n' high (ee#ings on ,oth si'es ment tht sensi,#e 'e,te )ou#' ne;er re##" ,e
!ossi,i#it"2 The #re'"-(rgmente' #e(t ,ecme 'i;i'e' u!on groun's o( gen'er )ith ,oth cm!s in
their entrenche' n' st#emte' !ositions* men insisting tht the issue )s com!#ete#" one o( ci;i#
#i,erties* )omen insisting it )s one o( se<u# !o#itics2 Both si'es )ere right* o( course* ,ut ," then
)ere not s!e-ing to ech other so tht the 'e,te remine' in 'e'#oc-2
Attitu'es to)r's !ornogr!h" h' not +ust ,rought ,out schism in the #i,er# rn-s* though* ,ut
h' !rett" much s!#it (eminism itse#( 'o)n the mi''#e2 $n" )omen n' some men )ho sti##
,e#ie;e' tht )omen h' )" to go ,e(ore soci# e>u#it" )s reche' ,ecme re#uctnt to 'escri,e
themse#;es s (eminists ,ecuse o( the censorious n' i##i,er# connottions tht the term h' t-en
on2 Re+ecting (eminism:s 'ogm on !ornogr!h"* some )omen m'e n e((ort to rec#im the genre in
!ro-se<u# !u,#ictions such s On Our Bc-s* its tit#e ,orro)e' im!ish#" (rom hr'-#ine (eminist mg
O(( Our Bc-s2 E#se)here )ere the (irst stirrings o( the erst)hi#e net)or- tht )ou#' #ter c## itse#(
7eminists Aginst Censorshi!2
A#though it )ou#' e;entu##" ,e these 'issenting (em#e ;oices )ho:' suggest !ossi,#e so#ution to
the un!ro'ucti;e stn'-o(( on the issue o( !ornogr!h"* 'uring the mi'-?46s the rri;# o( the internet
)ou#' men tht* once more* n" ethic# 'e,te u!on the su,+ect )ou#' ,e s)e!t to one si'e*
o;ert-en ," e;ents n' ," the soci##" trns(orming ons#ught o( techno#og"2 8ust s home ;i'eo h'
ment tht !orno cou#' ,e !ri;te#" en+o"e' ," much greter segment o( the !o!u#tion* the rri;#
o( the internet too- ## tht one stge (urther2 .heres hiring ;i'eos or 9V9s might sti## enti# the ris-
o( ,eing cught ," n c>uintnce scutt#ing (urti;e#" out o( rent# out#et* or o( h;ing one:s !orn-
stsh 'isco;ere' ," 'is!!ro;ing s!ouse* the internet !!rent#" remo;e' tht (in# hur'#e2 It
,ecme c#er tht #rge m+orit" o( !eo!#e )eren:t s (rightene' o( !ornogr!h" s the" )ere
scre' o( ,eing (oun' out2
Eng#n'* in the 34J6s* )s rc-e' ," stri-es )hich cu#minte' in ntion# three-'" )ee- )hi#e
sho!s n' ,usinesses )ere c#ose' ," !o)er (i#ures2 I( the ,#c-outs h!!ene' une<!ecte'#"* then
stores n' su!ermr-ets (oun' tht there )ere su''en ,ursts o( o!!ortunist sho!-#i(ting2 E;en t the
u!mr-et reti# chins #i-e $r-s 0 S!encer* mngers 'isco;ere' tht their !rim* !re'ominnt#"
mi''#e-c#ss customers )eren:t ;erse to s#i!!ing some e<!ensi;e item 'ee! )ithin their t)in-set
)hen the #ights )ere out2 Pu,#ic mor#it" must o,;ious#" ,e seen to ,e o,ser;e' in or'er to retin
one:s soci# stn'ing* ,ut )hen no one cn see n"thing t ## then it:s 'i((erent mtter2
So it )s )ith the rri;# o( the internet: in c",ers!ce* no-one cn her "ou c#im<2 Since re!ute'#"
the greter !rt o( ## the tr((ic on this in(ormtion su!er-high)" is 'e;ote' to the ;ie)ing or
'o)n#o'ing o( !ornogr!h"* )e must ssume tht the 'emn' (or !orn is #most uni;ers#2 Perusing
smut )ou#' seem to ,e no #onger n cti;it" con(ine' to iso#te' se<u# 'e;ints* ,ut more !stime
humn ,eings sim!#" en+o" )hen #e(t to their o)n 'e;ices2 A#so it )ou#' seem s i( commerci# !orno
hs ,ecome the un'iscusse' )##!!er o( contem!orr" societ"N is so u,i>uitous tht it:s cce!te'
)ithout >uestion s (ct o( #i(e2
Pornogr!h"* or )ht )ou#' on#" recent#" h;e ,een re(erre' to s !ornogr!h"* is no) !rt o(
minstrem cu#ture2 1;ing se<u# un'ertones or e;en o;ertones since its ince!tion* !o! music 'uring
the 34M6s (irst ,egn to conscious#" 'o!t o;ert#" !ornogr!hic stnces )ith re!ertoire o(
!ornogr!hic imger" n' re(erence em!#o"e' ," rtists such s Prince* $'onn* 7rn-ie Goes to
1o##")oo' n' !r'e o( others2 .here Chuc- Berr" h' ,een ,nne' (or ser;ing u! sing#e-
enten'res on the su,+ect o( his 'ing--#ing* n' /ou Ree' got )" )ith Cn'" 9r#ing gi;ing he' in
his .#- on the .i#' Si'e so#e#" ,ecuse British censors 'i'n:t un'erstn' the term* the S!ice Gir#s
no) con;e" their nee' to Zig--Dig-hh to n u'ience o( ten-"er-o#' gir#s )ith com!#ete im!unit"2
Pro!er#" !c-ge' s t<,#e commo'it"* erotic imger" !er;'es our cu#ture to n e<tent tht
)ou#' h;e ,een !re;ious#" unimgin,#e2 .hi#e !ornogr!h" em!#o"e' ," in'i;i'u#s (or their
!erson# !#esure s n i' to mstur,tion is sti## seen s something ;gue#" shme(u#* its use in
cor!orte conte<t* s mens o( se##ing us consumer goo's* is smi#e' on2 A';ertisers (i## our te#e;ision
screens n' ,i##,or's )ith it* tr"ing to ssocite their snc--(oo'* cr or #ine o( s)eters )ith rous#
so tht the" cn shi(t more units2 Roc- n' Po! n' R! !romoters 'r!e their rtist:s ;i'eos n'
#"rics in it )ithout comment* so tht in c#imte o( increse' concern n' in'ee' mounting !nic
o;er !e'o!hi#i it:s !er(ect#" o-" (or Britne" S!ers to !osture in (etishistic schoo#gir# out(it o(
t"!e tht cnnot ctu##" h;e ,een )orn ," schoo#gir# n" time this centur"2 The )or' ?(uc-:* once
in(#mmtor" )hen on the #i!s o( A##en Gins,erg* /enn" Bruce or Kenneth T"nn* cn ,e cute#"
scrm,#e' s the #ogo (or the 7rench Connection c#othing #ine:s Unite' King'om (rnchise2 The ,ig
'i((erence ,et)een our commerci# !orno-cu#ture n' tr'ition# !ornogr!h"* ho)e;er* is tht )hi#e
the (ormer is more #imite' n' so(t-core thn the #tter* it:s no #onger something sought out ," n
eger n' consenting in'i;i'u# ,ut inste' is (eture o( societ" tht there is no ;oi'ing* there
)hether )e #i-e it or not2 As cu#ture* )e re more intense#" se<u#ise' n' stimu#te' thn )e:;e
e;er ,een ,e(ore* n' (rom the rising rte o( se< crime it !!ers tht )e:re not 'e#ing )ith it ;er"
Is this ,ecuse* s Christin mor#ists n' e;en some unreconstructe' (eminists might sti## suggest*
!ornogr!h" corru!ts the mor# (i,re o( its ;ictims to the !oint )here (ntsies s!i## o;er into ctu#
r!e or se<u# ,useO Pro,,#" not* i( one consi'ers (or moment +ust ho) mn" !eo!#e re e<!ose'
to !ornogr!hic imger" t some !oint in their #i;es* n' +ust ho) tin" !ercentge o( those !eo!#e
e;er h;e recourse to r!e or other se<u# crimes2 .hi#e seri# mur'erers n' r!ists #i-e Te' Bun'"
might c#im on the e;e o( e<ecution tht it )s !ornogr!h" tht g;e them the i'e (or ## their
crimes n' mis'emenours* this ignores the (ct tht (or ech !s"cho!th )ho m-es this c#im there
re hun're' thousn' norm# !eo!#e )ho !!er to ne;er h;e ,een !ushe' o;er the e'ge into
monstrosit" ," n"thing the" )tche' or re'2 Besi'es* I:;e !erson##" "et to (in' !ornogr!hic
)or- tht (etures n"one remo;ing ## their cr:s interior 'oor-hn'#es* or 'ressing in !#ster-cst
to #u## their !re" into (#se sense o( securit"2 Perh!s it:s niche mr-et tht I:;e "et to come cross*
or !ossi,#" those i'es cme out o( the !er!etrtor:s o)n !s"cho!tho#og"* not (rom !ornogr!h" t
Shou#' )e 'eci'e* then* tht there:s no connection ,et)een the eroticism sturting )estern cu#ture
n' the rising ti'e o( se< crime in tht cu#tureO Pro,,#"* once more* )e shou#'n:t* #though the
connection m" not ,e s sim!#e n' 'irect s )e:re e<!ecting2 It:s instructi;e to consi'er 'i((erent
countries in the #ight o( their rection to !ornogr!h"* )here it !!ers s i( the !ro,#em might not ,e
in our !ornogr!h" itse#( so much s in the )" )e ;ie) !ornogr!h" s societ"2 In 9enmr-* S!in
n' 1o##n' it is !ossi,#e to (in' hr'core !ornogr!h" 'is!#"e' in #most e;er" (mi#" ne)sgent*
such (re h;ing ,ecome so common!#ce tht it is ,re#" notice'2 .ith !ornogr!h" cce!te' s
(ct o( #i(e* the ttche' sense o( shme n' gui#t )e (in' in the Unite' Sttes n' Britin is
cons!icuous#" ,sent2 A#so not,#e in the !orn-to#ernt cu#tures mentione' u! ,o;e is the #o) rte
o( se< crime* re#ti;e to the U2K n' U2S2A* tht these cu#tures en+o"* #most s i( )ithin such cu#tures
!orno is ,#e to (unction s soci# s(et" ;#;e in )" tht Eng#ishBAmericn societ" 'oes not ##o)2
Gi;en tht the internet is g#o,#* it:s not tht these !#ces h;e #ess or more !orn thn )e 'o* nor tht
the":re #ess se<u#iDe' ," gener# cu#ture thn ourse#;es2 Cou#' it ,e* sim!#"* tht #i-e P#eo#ithic
(etish-)orshi!!ers or Ancient Gree-s* the" tret it 'i((erent#" n' re ((ecte' ," it 'i((erent#" in turnO
Consi'er ho) )e tret !ornogr!h"* on either si'e o( the At#ntic: #i;ing in cu#tures tht h;e ,een
'e#i,erte#" se<u#iDe' (or !ur!oses o( commerce* it is not un#i-e#" tht some o( the !o!u#tion )i##
(in' themse#;es o;er-stimu#te' n' )i## see- re#ese (rom this con'ition* usu##" ," resorting to
)hte;er (orm o( !orno is most re'i#" ;i#,#e2 Un(ortunte#"* in societies tht h;e (o##o)e' the
er#" church:s #e' ," #etting !eo!#e ;ie) !ornogr!h" on the so#e un'erstn'ing tht to 'o so is sin*
such re#ese )i## ,e ccom!nie' #most imme'ite#" ," re(#e< rection o( gui#t* shme*
em,rrssment n' m",e e;en ctu# se#(-'isgust2
To un'erstn' ho) this con(#icte' sitution cou#' concei;,#" ((ect n in'i;i'u#:s hr'-)iring* #et:s
imgine one o( B272 S-inner:s rt e<!eriments* #,eit one tht:s e;en more !er;erse thn usu#2 In our
ne) e<!eriment* the rt is gi;en (irst his stimu#us ," mens o(* s"* tht schoo#gir# !romo-!iece ,"
Britne" S!ers )e mentione' er#ier2 Stimu#te' thus* our ro'ent is con'itione' to res!on' ,"
!ressing on the !orno-#e;er to chie;e the re>uisite re)r' o( se<u# re#ese2 Once this re)r' hs
,een c>uire'* ho)e;er* our rt )i## recei;e strong e#ectric shoc- o( shme2 Re)r' n'
!unishment* there(ore* ,ecome !er;erse#" #in-e'2 The on#" route to !#esure in;o#;es !in*
humi#ition2 .ou#' this tretment* crrie' out mi##ions o( times cross )ho#e ro'ent !o!u#tions*
h;e ,ene(ici# or 'e#eterious e((ect u!on their ment# he#th* 'o "ou su!!oseO
.ith humn ,eings* in the soci##" constructe' S-inner Bo<es o( our se<u#it"* it isn:t going too (r to
suggest tht certin in'i;i'u#s re thus 'e!ri;e' o( the re#ese the" see-* un,#e to cce!t the
shme n' #othing ," )hich it:s ccom!nie'2 E<ten'e' o;er n entire societ"* this mens the
!ressure coo-er #i' is -e!t secure#" on* )hi#e the re#ese-;#;e isn:t (unctioning the )" it 'oes in
1o##n'* S!in or 9enmr-2 Su,se>uent#" )e re su,+ect to more (re>uent n' 'isstrous e<!#osions
o( the se< 'ri;e* ug#" eru!tions into re# #i(e ," )ht shou#' h;e ,een hrm#ess (nts"2 The outcst
sttus o( !ornogr!h" !!ers to 'ri;e some !eo!#e into sh'o)" n' c#ustro!ho,ic iso#tion )here
their se<u# '"'rems cn turn into something 'r- n' 'ngerous tht is to no,o'":s ';ntge*
neither themse#;es* their ;ictims* nor societ" t #rge2 .orse sti##* in se<u##" restricti;e cu#tures )here
!ornogr!h" is seen s cusing se<u# crime %rther thn s !ro;i'ing n esc!e-;#;e tht might
!ossi,#" !re;ent it& the instinctu# res!onse is #most certin#" (resh ttem!t to ,er 'o)n on the
!ressure coo-er:s #i'2
.here 'oes this #e;e us* n' )here 'oes it #e;e !ornogr!h"O .ith ech ne) techno#ogic#
';nce since .i##im C<ton it )ou#' seem !ornogr!h" hs ,oth !ro#i(erte' n' 'egr'e' in its
>u#it"2 To'":s societ"* thn-s to the internet n' other (ctors* is entire#" sturte' )ith erotic o(
the most ,sic* ru'imentr" -in'N con;ict !ornogr!h" (or con;ict !o!u#tions shu((#ing through #i(e:s
mess-h##* )ithout n" other o!tions thn the s#o! the":re gi;en2 Porn is e;er")here* +ust s it )s in
ncient Greece* ,ut no)here is it rt2 No)here is it n ((irmtion o( common humnit" the )" it
)s in c#ssic cu#ture ,ut inste' ((irms on#" our #iention n' our 'istnce (rom ech other* n'
'es!ite its mss ;i#,i#it" 'oes not !!er to ,e m-ing us n" h!!ier2
Rther thn (unctioning s re#ese (or our >uite or'inr" se<u# imginings* !orn (unctions s
nother soci# tether* s contro#-#esh* #ure n' #sh com,ine' in one* ctt#e-!ro' tht #oo-s +ust #i-e
crrot2 9ng#ing tem!ting#" ,e(ore us e;er")here )e #oo- it #e's us on2 Then* in the gui#t"
(termth o( our in'u#gences* it con;erts hn'i#" into ro' o( shme )ith )hich to (#og ourse#;es2
This is es!eci##" true o( the Unite' Sttes s it negotites its current Georgin er* #though s )ith
the unreson,#e in(#uence Victorin Eng#n' h' u!on the )or#' ,c- in the nineteenth centur"* the
re!ercussions o( (ith-,se' !resi'enc" in Americ re (e#t cross the g#o,e2 The":re (e#t in terms o(
their e((ect on (oreign !o#ic"* on the sciences n' rts* n' on ho) )e thin- ,out our se<u#it" n'
its entit#ements2 So-ing in c",er-!orn n' !romo-!orn* the se<u# het )ithin societ" is higher thn
it:s e;er ,een* the nee'#e on the ,oi#er:s 'i# ti!!ing #rming#" into the re'* "et t this !oint in histor"
)e:re go;erne' ," min'set tht is !rogrmme' to res!on' ," c#m!ing 'o)n on the esc!e ;#;e*
on !ornogr!h"2 .i!e out !ornogr!h"* the i'e s

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