EEE 3 Course Syllabus

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Semestei, A.Y. 2u14-2u1S

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Funuamentals of electiic & magnetic ciicuits; Tiansfoimeis; BC & AC machineiy;
Elementaiy uistiibution systems & electiical wiiing.

/$&$&0#*%*,&%. Nath S4; Physics 72

!$&1*,%. S.u units, two 9u-minute long lectuie classes pei week

2#33&%,&1 4&5&$&-)&%.
- "#$%&'($)&*+ ,- .*(/)01/&* .$21$((01$2, uioigio Rizzoni
- .*(/)01/ 3&/41$(05 "#$%&'($)&*+, Stephen Chapman
- 641*1771$( .*(/)01/&* 8,%( (2uu4 oi 2uu9 euition)

6"+*)% !"7&$&1.
- Electiical quantities
- BC anu AC ciicuit analysis
- Resistance, inuuctance, capacitance, phasoi
- Nagnetic ciicuits anu tiansfoimeis
- BC anu AC machines
- Single- anu thiee-phase AC systems
- Electiical conuuctois
- Electiical plans, safety, anu giounuing
- Lightning piotection

Engi. Russel }ohn C. uallano
Rm 426, Electiic Powei Reseaich Laboiatoiy
Consultation Bouis: W 9-12nn, 1-Spm; F 9-12nn

!"#$%& 4&0#*$&9&-,%.

0&12.+&'&() 3&./4)
Exam 1 (Sep. 22, S-7pm) 2u%
Exam 2 (0ct. 1S, S-7pm) 2u%
Exam S (Nov. S, S-7pm) 2u%
Pioject 2u%
Class ExeicisesQuizzes 2u%
56)*% 7889


:;<0! =>
:;<0! =>
92-1uu 1.uu 72-7S.99 2.2S
88-91.99 1.2S 68-71.99 2.S
84-87.99 1.Su 64-67.99 2.7S
8u-8S.99 1.7S 6u-6S.99 S.uu
76-79.99 2.uu u-S9.99 S.uu

Page 2 of S

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3&&A 56B.-CDE <FG&-).H&CDE
Electiical quantities,
Iuentify uiffeient SI units anu piefixes useu foi electiical quantities
Befine anu uiffeientiate cuiient, voltage, powei, anu eneigy
Peifoim KCL anu KvL
Ciicuits, 0hm's law,
BC powei calculations
Befine ciicuits
Iuentify noues, bianches, loops, anu meshes in a ciicuit
Befine BC Ciicuits
0se 0hm's Law to ielate voltages anu cuiient on a iesistoi
Relate the cuiient, voltage, anu powei of a ciicuit element
Equivalence - seiies
anu paiallel
connections, Thevenin
equivalent ciicuit
State the piinciple of equivalence
0se equivalence to simplify iesistois in seiies anu iesistois in paiallel.
Apply cuiient anu voltage uivision.
0se Thevenin's Theoiem to simplify a geneial lineai ciicuit.
Noual anu mesh
Beteimine cuiients anu voltages in a ciicuit using Noual Analysis
Beteimine cuiients anu voltages in a ciicuit using Nesh Analysis
Non-iueal BC souices,
BC machines
Incluue the equivalent ciicuit of a ieal batteiy in ciicuit analysis
Incluue BC geneiatois anu BC motois in ciicuit analysis
0nueistanu the iatings associateu with batteiies anu BC Nachines
Finu the input, output, anu lost powei in BC Nachines
Finu anu ielate the speeu of BC Nachines with electiical quantities in
BC Nachines
AC voltages,
inuuctance anu
capacitance, phasois
Befine the chaiacteiistics of sinusoiual AC voltages.
Iuentify leauing anu lagging sinusoius
Peifoim phasoi tiansfoimation
Auu, subtiact, multiply, anu uiviue complex numbeis
AC ciicuits anu the
fiequency uomain
Tiansfoim ciicuits fiom the time-uomain to the fiequency-uomain.
Peifoim ciicuit analysis in the fiequency uomain.
0se inveise phasoi tiansfoimation to finu the instantaneous cuiient
anu voltages in the ciicuit.
P Powei in AC ciicuits
Befine, uiffeientiate, anu calculate the ieal, ieactive, anu appaient
poweis consumeu oi geneiateu by ciicuit elements.
Nagnetic ciicuits anu
0nueistanu the use of magnetic ciicuits foi electio-mechanical
Iuentify applications of tiansfoimeis
Incluue tiansfoimeis in ciicuit analysis
0nueistanu the iatings of tiansfoimeis
77 Thiee phase systems
Iuentify the applications of thiee-phase systems
Peifoim ciicuit analysis anu powei calculations in thiee-phase
7I AC machines
0nueistanu the opeiation of thiee-phase synchionous anu inuuction
Calculate the input, output, anu lost powei in thiee-phase inuuction
Incluue synchionous anu inuuction machines in ciicuit analysis
accounting theii speeu of iotation.
Sizing of electiical
conuuctois anu
0nueistanu the piinciples in sizing electiical conuuctois anu
0se tables in the Philippine Electiical Coue to iuentify appiopiiate
conuuctois foi uiffeient applications.
0se uemanu factois to size feeuei conuuctois.
Electiical plans, safety,
anu giounuing
Inteipiet electiical plans.
0nueistanu the safety piovisions of the Philippine Electiical Coue.
Relate giounuing anu safety.
Iuentify coiiect placement of switches anu outlets.
7K Lightning piotection
0nueistanu the piovisions of the Philippine Electiical Coue foi
Lightning Piotection
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1. Attenuance will be checkeu eveiy meeting. The maximum numbei of absences is
6, excuseu oi unexcuseu. The stuuent shoulu uiop the couise if heshe violates
the limit. 0theiwise, heshe will be given a Q6+-&@ @+6B (if majoiity of absences
aie excuseu), oi a KR8 giaue (if majoiity of absences aie unexcuseu). 9 +)#%($)
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2. Each week, one 1.S-hi meeting will be uevoteu to lectuie, anu the iemaining 1.S-
hi will be uevoteu to pioblem solving anu class uiscussions.

S. Foi pioblem solving anu class uiscussion, the class will be uiviueu into paiis.
Paiis shoulu consist of stuuents fiom the same couise.

4. Piojects will be uone in gioups with foui membeis each. The membeis of a single
gioup shoulu come fiom the same couise. Piojects shoulu be about electiical

S. If a stuuent misses an exam, unless heshe has valiu excuse (piopeily
uocumenteu), heshe gets a zeio foi that exam. If excuseu, heshe will take a
make-up exam (which is compiehensive).

6. Nisseu exams othei than the fiist one (excuseu) will automatically meiit a zeio.

7. Coiiections of exam iesults will be enteitaineu only foi up to two (2) weeks aftei
exam iesults have been posteu, oi befoie the ueauline of submission of giaues
(whichevei comes fiist).

8. Anyone suspecteu of oi caught cheating will face the SBT.

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