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CDP JUNE 2013/2014 1


Your task for this week is to create a database that keeps records of staff working in
Multimedia University.

1. Create a database called Multimedia_University.accdb.
Save the MS Access file on the desktop so that it is easier for you to find it.

2. The next step is to create a table to store the staff details.
3. The first table will be there by default with the name Table1. Save this table with the
name EMPLOYEE. Additional tables can be created if needed by clicking on Create
on the menu and clicking on Table.


CDP JUNE 2013/2014 2

4. Once the EMPLOYEE table has been saved, move your mouse pointer on the table
name and right click the mouse button. Next, click on Design View.
5. Fill in all the attributes as shown below.

Extra Details:

Staff_ID :
o Change Field Size to 10.
o Change Caption to STAFF ID.
o Change Required to Yes.

Staff_Name :
o Change Field Size to 100.
o Change Caption to STAFF NAME.
o Change Required to Yes.

Staff_Gender :
o Change Field Size to 7.
o Change Caption to STAFF GENDER.
o Change Required to Yes.
o Go to Lookup :
Change Display Control to Combo Box.
Change Row Source Type to Value List.
Type Female;Male at Row Source.

Staff_State :
o Change Field Size to 50.
o Change Caption to STAFF STATE.
o Change Required to Yes.
o Go to Lookup :
Change Display Control to Combo Box.
Change Row Source Type to Value List.
Type Pahang;Pulau Pinang;Johor;Melaka at Row Source.


CDP JUNE 2013/2014 3

Staff_Department :
o Change Field Size to 10.
o Change Caption to STAFF DEPARTMENT.
o Change Required to Yes.
o Go to Lookup :
Change Display Control to Combo Box.
Change Row Source Type to Value List.
Type FET;FBL;CDP;Finance;Security at Row Source

Staff_Phone :
o Change Field Size to 16.
o Change Caption to STAFF PHONE.
o Change Required to No.
Change Input Mask to (00)-000 0000

Staff_Email :
o Change Field Size to 100.
o Change Caption to STAFF EMAIL.
o Change Required to Yes.

Staff_Salary :
o Change Decimal Place to 2.
o Change Caption to STAFF SALARY.
o Change Validation Rule to >500.
o Change Validation Text to Staff salary must be more than RM500.00.

6. Using the Datasheet View, key in these three records.

7. Save your work. Next, you have to create a data entry form to key in the rest of the
staff information. Go to the menu and click on Create. Next click on Form. A form
will be created for you automatically. Save the form as EMPLOYEE_FRM. Now. Key
in all the records shown below using the form that you have just created.

At the bottom of the form, you will see a set of buttons as shown below. The buttons
can be used to move from one record to another. The last button is used to add a
new record.

8. Save your work. Next, you have to create a report to display all the staff details. Go
to the menu and click on Create. Next click on Report. A report will be created for
you automatically. Save the report as EMPLOYEE_LIST_RPT. Sort the content of
the report based on staff name and followed by department name.

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