MPT 14 Brochure Final

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M ineral Industry and its sustainable developm ent is a prim e m over in the grow th of a nation. India is endow ed w ith
vast m ineral w ealth and has a strong hum an resource base of geologists, m ining and m ineral engineers and
m etallurgists to help convert the m ineral w ealth to useful m etals. The developm ent and econom ic grow th of India
is directly related to the exploitation of its natural resources. As m inerals are non-renew able, their exploitation and
utilization needs to be done w ith utm ost care and responsibility since these resources belong to future generations,
as w ell. Exploitation of m inerals needs energy w hich is scarce. M ore im portantly m ining and processing of m inerals
cause environm ental degradation. Thus, sustainable m ineral industry needs energy efficient and environm ent friendly
D epleting resources, environm ental sustainability, m ineral conservation and increasing costs have throw n new
challenges. The Indian m ineral engineer/scientist has lived up to these challenges by converting them to new
business opportunities. The Indian M ineral Engineer today is pursuing global opportunities and can com pete w ith
best in the developed nations.
Indian Institute of M ineral Engineers (IIM E), a national body of M ineral Engineers, Scientists and professionals is in
the forefront of grow th and sustenance of M ineral Industry, in the country. IIM E organizes International Sem inars
on M ineral Processing Technology every year to deliberate, discuss and draw attention of the industry and R esearch
Institutes/Academ ia on the recent advances in the field of M ineral Processing. IIM E has decided to organize M ineral
Processing Technology 2014 (M PT 2014) at Visakhapatnam jointly w ith Andhra U niversity, during D ec 11-13, 2014.
The occasion also com m em orates sixty years of starting of M ineral Engineering course in the Andhra U niversity,
perhaps, one of the earliest steps in this direction by an academ ic institution.
The Them e of M PT 2014 is Gr owt h and Sust ai nabi l i t y of Mi ner al Indust r y
About Visakhapatnam
Archeological evidences suggest that the origin of Visakhapatnam lies in the B uddhist ruins of Thotlakonda that
date back to 3
century. Visakhapatnam , aIso know n as Vizag is a port city surrounded by fascinating Eastern G hats
(m ountain ranges) on the W est and/B ay of B engal on the East. Vizag w as a part of ancient kingdom s such as
Kalinga, Chola and M oghuls. Vizag today is a m ajor industrial city, w ith pow er projects, steel m ill, ship building
facilities, oil refinery, fertilizer and cem ent plants and supporting infrastructure. The city has a strong naval base
and is headquarter of Eastern N aval Com m and, Indian navy. The city is a center for higher learning and a hub of
Indian Culture. Vizag is connected through road w ays, rail w ays and through an international airport.
Vizag is endow ed w ith beautiful beaches and has m any interesting places to offer to the venerable tourist. Places
w orth visiting include H indu tem ple-Sim hachalam , B uddhist ruins-Thotlakonda, Kailsagiri- offering panoram ic
view of the long beaches, R ishikonda -. offering w ater sports, Kam balakonda- a natures trek and K usura - a
subm arine converted to a m useum by Indian N avy.
Vizag also boasts of m any star hotels w hich ensure com fortable stay and excellent Indian/continental cuisine. The
w eather in Visakhapatnam during D ecem ber is quite pleasant w ith day tem peratures in the range of 18
to 25
About Andhra University
Andhra U niversity happens to be one of the earliest seats of learning on the east coast of the India, established by
the erstw hile B ritish R aj in the year 1926. D r. S. R adhakrishnan w ho later becam e President of India, served here
as a Vice Chancellor. Sir CV R am an, N oble Laureate, Sir CR R eddy, the founder Vice-Chancellor had served the
U niversity, in its form ative years, w ith distinction.
Andhra U niversity has been the first institution in the country to foresee the necessity of M ineral Engineers and
visionary like Prof. Calam ur M ahadevan conceived and started a specialized course in M ineral Process Engineering
sixty years ago in 1954 in the departm ent of G eology. Subsequently the course w as m oved to the D epartm ent of
Chem ical Engineering, offering a one year post-graduation degree to students w ith C hem ical/ M echanical Engg.,
and G eology background. Presently, a tw o-year M .Tech degree program m e in M ineral Process Engineering is being
U niversities have im portant role in nation building. Andhra U niversity is proud to have nurtured m any distinguished
M ineral Engineers since inception and contributed to the grow th and sustenance of countrys M ineral and
M etallurgical industry, allied areas and research.
M ineral/O re characterization
N ano m inerology
Advances in com m inution
G ravity separation
Surface chem istry and interfacial phenom enon
M agnetic / Electrostatic separation
Solid / Liquid separation
B io techniques in m ineral processing
Leaching and up-gradation of ores
Effluent treatm ent, w aste utilization and tailing dam s
Preparation and handling of slurry
Process flow sheet developm ent
M odelling sim ulation of processes for optim ization
C oal preparation
Iron ore processing
B each sands beneficiation
Sulphide flotation
Synthetic/reform ed m inerals and m ineral products
Agri m inerals
P hyto rem ediation and green belts around m ines
Equipm ent developm ent in m ineral processing
Environm ent sustainability issues, ecology, ground w ater
P rocessingof industrial m inerals
P ow der technology
D ry beneficiation
Sintering pelletization of fine particles
Techno-econom ics of the feasibility report.
Abstracts or any of the topics above m ay be em ailed to submit @mpt 2014. com, enquir y@mpt2014. com on or
before 15
August, 2014 and full papers on acceptance of abstracts before 31-10-2014.
Technical exhibition w ill be organized during D ec 11-13, at Andhra U niversity conference venue, to show case new
process technologies, instrum ents, and equipm ent by the industries, Equipm ent M anufacturers, R & D , Consulting
and Academ ic institutions in India & abroad to dem onstrate/display their products & services.
Contact detail s: EXHIBITI ON @MPT2014. COM
Technical exhibition fee is 30,000 per stall (area 15' x 10'). This includes 150 sq. feet of projected area, one tablee
and tw o chairs.
Participants are requested to register w ell in advance using the registration form (or Xerox copy)
The delegate fees for different categories are as follow s:
Industries 5,000
IIME Members 4,000
Academic/R&D Institutions 4,000
Student Members/Students 1,000
Accompanying Spouse (No conference kit) 1,500
Foreign Delegate US $ 300
Foreign Delegates Spouse (No conference kit) US $ 100
Bank Draft in favour of MPT 2014 Payable at Visakhapatnam.
Electronic Transfer : Payable at A/c Name - MPT 2014,
A/c No. 133311100000247, IFSC Code : ANDB0001333
Andhra Bank A.U. Engineering Campus Branch, Visakhapatnam - 530 003
O riginal w orks and critical review s are invited for presentation. Special session w ill be held for students presenting
papers. Authors are requested to subm it the absract of their papers not exceeding 500 w ords in duplicate along
w ith softcopy in w indow s w ord form at to O rganizing Secretary, M PT-2014 ( The language
of abstract in English
Submission of absracts : 15.08.2014
Intimation of acceptance : 15.09.2014
Submission of full paper : 31.10.2014
Lead Sponsor ( 15,00,000)
M ain Sponsor ( 10,00,000)
Platinum Sponsor ( 7,00,000)
D iam ond Sponsor ( 5,00,000)
G old Sponsor ( 3,00,000)
Silver Sponsor ( 2,00,000)
Advertisem ent In Souvenir
Full Colour P age ( 50,000)
H alf Colour P age ( 30,000)
Full B /W P age ( 30,000)
H alf B /W P age ( 15,000)
G. S. N. Raju
Vladimir Cablik
Czech R epublic
Ivan Nishkov
B ulgaria
Steve Gilman
Aubrey Mainza
South Africa
J . A. Finch
C anada
J . B. Yianatos
C hile
P. Madhusudan
J . D. Miller
Knut Lyng Sandvik
N orw ay
M. K. Sampath
M. S. Ceblik
Nengping Zhao
C hina
P. Somasundaran
Pradeep Koneru
R. K. Rajamani
Roe-Hoan Yoon,
Sanak Mishra
S. K. Kawatra
Sudhir Srivastava
Sung Ho Park
South Korea
T. C. Rao
P. B.Anandam
Zhenfu Luo
C hina
Kombadayedu Kapwanga
N am ibia
J ouko Nil Nimaki
C. M. Purohit
B. K. Mishra
Akhilesh J oshi
Gai Goushenj
C hina
Shafiq Al Ashkar
E.A. Narayana
Narendra Kothari
T.V.V. Prasad
CD E Asia, Kolkata
A. Das.
N M L, Jam shedpur
SM TL, N ew D elhi
A. K, Raina,
B SL, N ew D elhi
A.K. Majumder
IIT, Kharagpur
Apurba Chakravarty,
O utotec, Kolkata
Arun K. Misra,
A. S. Prasad,
Essar Steel, Paradeep
Ashok Kumar,
Tata Steel, Jam shedpur
A. Sinha,
CSIR - C IM FR , D hanbad
B. Das,
CSIR -IM M T, B hubanesw ar
B.S.S. Rao,
Insm art System s, H yd.
B. K. Satapathy,
N ALCO , B hubanesw ar
B. P. Baruah,
CSIR -N EIST, Jorhat
B. P. Mishra,
W estech, N ew D elhi
B.N. Basu,
CM PD I, R anchi
C.M. Purohit,
M etso M inerals, Gurgaon
C. S. Gundewar,
IB M , N agpur
C.V.G.K. Murty
Trim ex, Sands
C.V. Raman
Principal, A.U . C ST
D.D. Misra,
Form er D ir. CM RI, Bhubanesw ar
D. M. R. Sekhar,
Xanthate Technologies
G. D.Agarwal,
Adhunik G roup
G. Ramanjaneyulu,
H ZL, U daipur
G.V.S.S. Prasada Sarma,
H. K. Mishra,
CM PD I, R anchi
J . P. Barnwal,
CSIR -AM PR I, B hopal
J .P. Gupta,
H ZL, U daipur
K. D. Sharma,
H ZL, U daipur
K. Maruti Ram
JSW Steel, H ospet
K. Rama Mohana Rao
R egistrar, A.U .
K.V. Rao,
K.V. Rao,
Manish Bhatia,
CD Asia, Kolkata
M.K. Katewa,
R SM M L, U daipur
Mohan Bhaskar,
B angalore
M.K. Mohanta
CSIR , N M L - Jam shedpur
Mukesh Kumar
Vedanta, Lanjigarh
N. A. Baladota,
M SPL, H ospet
N.D. Rao
B R PL, B hubanesw ar
N. K.Nanda,
CSIR -N M D C, H yderabad
N. R. Mohanty,
N ALCO , B hubanesw ar
N.P.H. Padmanabhan,
IIT B hubanesw ar
N. Suresh
Nikkam Suresh
ISM , D hanbad
P.B.V. Krishna Rao,
Vizag Steel
P.H. Acharya,
Chandan Steel, M um bai
P. K. Baranwal,
CSIR -CM PD I, R anchi
P.K. Banarjee,
Tata Steel, Jam shedpur
P.S.R. Reddy,
CSIR -IM M T, B hubanesw ar
Ramesh Mahadevan,
D elkor
R. Venugopal,
ISM , D hanbad
R. Singh,
CSIR -N M L, Jam shadpur
Sambaran Pahari,
B are, Vizag
Satish Shenoy
M .D , Eriez M agnetics India Pvt Ltd
S. K. Agarwal,
M SP, Kolkata
S.K. Biswal
C SIR -R R L-B hubanesw ar
S. K.Pan,
R D CIS, R anchi
S. Mohan Rao
Tata Steel
S. Pradhan,
IP PL, B hubanesw ar
Addr ess f or cor r espondence :
Prof. G.M.J . Raju
Organizing Secretary, M PT 2014, C hem ical Engineering, Andhra U niversity,
Visakhapatnam -530003, Andhra Pradesh, IN D IA. Em ail: enquiry@ m , w w w .m
Last Date for
Submission of
Abstracts :
S. Prasad,
CSIR -CM PD I, R anchi
S.P. Meherotra,
G andhinagar
Srinivash Singh,
B IL, Kolkata
S. Srikant,
CSIR -N M L, Jam shedpur
Sunil Yadav,
M etso M ineral, Gurgaon
S. Sreesa Kumar,
Ex. D ir. R IN L
S. Venkateshan,
CEO , Essar Steel
S.V. Praveen,
L.G. Polym ers
T. K. Das,
R D CIS, R anchi
Umesh Shivangi,
M ineral Solutions, B angalore
Vishnu Mor,
M D , R adhika
V.R. Sharma,
JSPL, N ew D elhi
V. Norway,
JSW , B ellary
Chief Patron
G.S.N. Raju
Vice Chancellor, A.U .
Co-Chairm en
N.D. Rao P.S. Avadhani
Vice-Chairm en
V. Sujatha S.V. Naidu
Pulipati King
Org. Secretary
G.M.J . Raju
Jt. O rg. Secretaries
G.V.S. Sarma E.N.Dhananjaya Rao
K. Kanna Babu
Jt. Treasurer
V.V. Rama Rao
M em bers
K. Raghu Babu
P.J . Rao
M. J agannadha Rao
N.B.R. Mohan Rao
T. Vinod Rao
Rafi Ahammed
P. Rajendra Prasad
V. Nageswara Rao
K.S. Satya Prasad
A.J . Rao
Ch. A. I. Raju
D.M.R. Sekhar
K. Ramji
J . Babu Rao
V.V.N. Acharyulu
N.M. Yugandhar
N. Chittibabu
U.V. Sharma
T. Bala Krishna
P. J agadeeswara Rao
Chairm an
Ch.V.R. Murthy
Principal, A.U .C.E (A)
P. Madhusudhan
Pradeep Koneru
M D , Trim ex Sands
Konduri. Srinivas,
Suresh Nikkam,
ISM, Dhanbad
Chakravarthy. C,
R. Padma Sree,
C. Raghu Kumar,
Tata Steel , Bhil ai
S. Subramanian
IISC Bangalore
V. V. Rama Rao
Tr imex, Sands
C. Bhaskar Sarma,
P.S.R. Reddy,
IIMT, Bhubaneswar
S.K. Biswal,
IIMT, Bhubaneswar
S.C.S. Rajan,
Consul tant, VSKP
K. Srinivasa Rao

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