Susan Miller

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Your June Horoscope by Susan Miller

Cancer Forecast for June 2014
By Susan Miller
The eclipses of April are over, and you may have seen life shifts, particularly in regard to your career, home life, or property, even if you do
not have a birthday that falls during early to mid-July. Those eclipses were monstrous and everyone, of every sign, felt the tremors. Last
month was not easy either, as it had you dealing with details that the April 15 and April 28 eclipses may have brought up.
Sometimes eclipses deliver their news not at the time they appear, but rather one month to the day later, plus or minus four days, which
brought you into May. The May 14 full moon (not an eclipse) arrived arm in arm with Saturn, forcing you to deal straightforwardly with what
"is" rather than what you wish things to be regarding a love relationship or regarding your child. You were dealing with this somber full moon,
and you might have also been dealing with a career or family situation triggered by the April 15 at the same time. If you feel everyone came
out of their caves carrying bats and stirring up a chaotic atmosphere, that might sound right.
Fortunately, you have had Jupiter standing by you in Cancer, acting like a bodyguard, giving you the element of luck, as well as moments of
joy and ease. Jupiter will leave your sign of Cancer next month, having spent twelve months with you. A new trend will start, one involving
solid financial opportunities for you, so don't be blue.
Now we come to June, and it will be fairly quiet. This has to be good news. Mercury will be retrograde in Cancer and Gemini all month, from
June 7 to July 1, but no reason to rush - you will get one of those rare moments to slip back and hum that song, "Let it go, let it go, let it
go?" from the movie Frozen. Because many of your plans and schemes will be delayed anyway, find ways to treat yourself to a handful of fun
This would be a good month for a quick vacation, but if you cannot go due to responsibilities at home, see if you can catch up on museum
visits, have lunch with friends you've not seen in ages, and at home, go through closets to clear out clutter. Wrap up the valuable pieces to
give to charity (an ideal activity this month - doing so will be downright therapeutic for you).
The first ten days of the month will be best spent devoted to privacy, rest and meditation about what you'd like to achieve in your new
birthday year. At work, you may need to do a bit of follow-up, for it seems you were in a whirlwind of activity, having meetings, traveling and
generally doing all you could to create business. This has been going on since the end of March and continued through April and May. All
meetings require follow-up, so the first half of June can be devoted nicely to that.
At the full moon, June 13, in Sagittarius 22 degrees, an important project will need to be completed. Give this date a plus or minus four days.
You may be tempted to hire someone, whether to help you at work or for personal reasons at home, but this would not be the time to do it -
wait until mid-July. This full moon will be in fine angle to Uranus, the planet of surprise, however, so it may be that you get a last minute
assignment that is very rush-rush but that has plenty of prestige and excitement associated with it (thanks to Uranus).
Watch your health at the full moon too, as you will expend a lot of energy finishing that project, so treat yourself well. Still, Sagittarius is a
highly competitive, athletic sign, so if you have been working out, this new moon may bring on a personal best. So much depends on how
you've treated your body until now - if you've been working toward a goal, or plan to be in a physical contest, like a race or other event, you
may win.
You may feel quite a bit of pressure from a partner or authority figure on June 13 concerning a housing situation, other property, or a
condition involving one or both of your parents, due to a clash of Mars and Pluto. Your partner seems to argue that a different course of
action is best, and your partner's interference won't sit right with you. This will be doubly true if your birthday falls on or near July 4. You've
gone through episodes like this before, but this time your partner feels you will have much to lose if you won't listen, but that may or may not
be true. It seems you do not agree. What may trouble you is that your partner seems not to know what you value most - your independence
and your opinions on this matter. Resist being dominated if that is how you feel. It will require strength of conviction, but it appears you have
plenty of that, in spades.
Your luckiest day of the month will be June 18, and you can put a circle of plus or minus one day on that date. Venus will be in Taurus in your
eleventh house of friends / contacts / events / parties / charities and will reach out to Jupiter in Cancer. A day this special only comes around
once every twelve years. If it's your birthday this month and you want to have a party for yourself, choose this date, June 18 (in Asia, June
19), which will come before your actual day. Venus rules not only your most social sector, but your solar fourth house of home, so if you want
to give your party or gathering there, you will have support from Venus too.
Venus will be in Taurus, a perfectly divine place for Venus to be to bring sparkle to your social life this month, from the start of the month
until June 22. With Mercury retrograde in Cancer much of the month, you will be able to connect with friends, some of whom you have not
seen in years.
If you buy clothes, keep the receipt, as you may need to make an exchange. Or wait until July 13 to August 11, even better, when Venus will
be in Cancer, and Mercury will be regulated and boosting all your decisions. Mercury rules commerce (buying, selling, negotiating), so you
should always prefer to shop when Mercury is strong. You'll have more money in July (you'll just have to trust me on this), so this means all
around, I think you should wait to mid-July to treat yourself to new things. Do not, under any circumstances, buy electronics in June.
June 24 may bring difficulty, for you will feel the opposition of Mars to Uranus. These are two very "hot" planets, and they are likely to give
you tension from two fronts: home / family and your career. Both areas, like the two planets involved, will be clashing at cross purposes,
making you feel you are being asked to put out fires on two fronts at the same time. Mars opposed to Uranus usually makes people quick to
anger - that would be you, or those you will be dealing with at the time. Make no important decisions near June 24 - with Mercury retrograde,
you are likely to run into problems anyway. June 23 through June 25 would be the very worst days to give a party this month - the guests
may not get along with each other, and soon you may see things escalate into a food fight!
Mars opposed to Uranus can sometimes bring a physical manifestation of upset, so on June 23-25 be careful. If you've never ridden a horse,
for example, these would not be the days to see if you can get the animal to gallop as you hang on. No, that's not a good idea.
Mars has spent quite a bit of time in your home / property / and family (mainly pointing to mother or father) sector, since December 7. This
tells me that obligations at home have never been far from your mind, and this has been going on for months. You may have been overseeing
a long fix-up or renovation plan, or you may have had all the responsibility for an elderly parent.
Mars will leave this area of your chart late next month, on July 26, giving you relief from this home-and-family emphasis. Moreover, with Mars
out of a cardinal sign, Mars will not tangle with Uranus anymore, and that will reduce your stress too, particularly at work. I should warn you,
however, that before Mars moves on, the first week of July will bring a slew of storms, so July 2 to 9 is not due to be easy. (July 4 to 9 will be
the hardest.) Just know that things will improve by the second part of July.
Your big moment will arrive on June 27, the new moon in Cancer, 6 degrees. If your birthday falls at the end of June, this new moon will send
you an extra big kiss, along with a double dip of luck. A new moon in your own sign only comes once a year, and it will favor your deepest
dreams and desires.
Neptune will be beautifully oriented to this new moon and may help you travel to a highly inspirational setting near the sea. (Neptune is
based in your house of distant travel.) Neptune is the planet of spirituality and religion, so perhaps you will choose to go on retreat in a
natural setting where you can think, pray, or meditate to center yourself. If you cannot travel, Neptune will help you visualize a better year,
so at this time, spend a little time daydreaming - it is the best activity you could possibly do as your new birthday year begins.
Pluto will be difficult however, widely opposing this full moon, June 27 (within seven degrees), so that may translate into problems with your
ex-spouse, soon-to-be ex, or present partner, in love or business. This person may try to corner you into accepting a proposal you don't like,
and you will have to forcefully defend your point of view. The topic appears to be about a home, property, or family matter, but not
necessarily. If traveling with your partner, things may get tense - this depends on how your relationship has been going all along.
(Remember, however, Pluto may represent a collaborator or business partner at work, not your spouse or long-term sweetheart.)

As June begins, you'll do best to tie up loose ends quickly. Mercury will retrograde in Cancer and Gemini from June 7 to July 1, not a time to
start talks or enter a new venture. You will feel this Mercury retrograde period more strongly than usual, especially while Mercury slides
backward into Cancer from June 1- 16. Rather than rail against delays, go with them. Mercury retrograde will give you a second chance to
improve projects or relationships by backtracking into situations you would have done differently the first time around. Now, wiser, you can
get better results.
There is another consideration. April and May were strenuous months, and you likely have been running from pillar to post. Now, with
Mercury retrograde in Cancer, you will be forced (quite willingly, I hope) to relax, and let postponements and delays give you a chance to
catch your breath and enjoy seeing friends who you love, but have not had a minute to arrange a lunch or dinner to see.
A work project will be completed within four days of the full moon in Sagittarius, June 12, and your work on that assignment will bring
surprisingly strong and positive results to your career. A career promotion may result from the good work you did, something you'll see by
early October, and at the very least, you may hear remarkable praise for an effort well done.
Your health seems poised for an uptick too, and if you've been working out, you are likely to score a personal best. Choose a new sport now,
and perhaps get lessons. A full moon in Sagittarius will make you strong, competitive, and eager to do well on all fronts. If you have not been
taking good care of yourself, you may get a bit run down as you finish your assignment at the same time. Time for a little extra sleep, dear
You will still need to get beyond the opposition of Mars to Uranus on June 24, when events happening at home and at the same time, those in
your career, will clash loudly. You may be rattled, and certainly won't expect what comes up, so keep your calendar clear near that date, lest
you be tempted to fly off the handle when too many people will pressure you at once.
You have a bewitching social evening coming up on June 18, when Venus in Taurus and Jupiter in Cancer combine energies to spin a dream of
love. Dancing or going to a concert would be a lovely way to spend this evening, as would a dinner in a fine restaurant you've always hoped
to experience.
When it comes to love, single or attached, Venus in Taurus will bring several offers to attend events that will allow you to get out and let
down your hair. Pay special attention the invitation that falls on June 18 - it is sure to be an enchanting evening, for love planet Venus in
sensuous Taurus will contact Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, in Cancer. No invitation? Be sure to plan a luxurious event, from a spa visit after
work, to dinner with friends, to meeting a sweetheart at a special place.
All month a partner seems to be pesky and domineering. There are several points in June where you may have to stand up for your own
opinions: June 13 and possibly near the new moon, June 27. This person may not be a romantic partner, but a business collaborator or
partner, so keep that in mind. Cancer can be quite strong when challenged, so I am not one bit worried about your ability to prevail.
The new moon in Cancer on June 27 will be the sole new moon in your sign in 2014, and it will allow you to reach for a dream that has,
before now, been beyond your reach. Neptune will be beautifully oriented, helping you imagine a better life, and if you spend a little time
daydreaming, the steps you need to take now will appear. A new moon opens a portal of powerful energy that you can harness, so vow to act
quickly to improve any sphere of your life. Mercury will still be retrograde by month's end, so you would be best not to finalize your plans
quite yet - wait a few days to do so, until after July 1. If your birthday falls in June, this new moon will send you double points to enjoy - get

Dates to Note: Cancer
Most important dates for love, meetings, or actions Cancer: June 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 18 (extra special), 22, 27, and 29.
Mercury will retrograde June 7-July 1 in Cancer / Gemini. After Mercury goes direct, he will reach top speed again (and be at his best) by July
The full moon of June 12 may bring a surprise assignment, new co-worker, or the ability to hire someone new to help you at work, or at
home, such as a babysitter or a nanny.
A beautiful, five-star day is on the way to you on June 18 when Jupiter in Cancer reaches out to Taurus, in your house of fun, events, people,
friends, and romance.
Work and home may clash terribly on June 24 when Mars goes at Uranus. Everyone, it seems, will need you at once - that includes your boss
or client, and family who depend upon you at home. Who to serve first? That's a hard call.
The new moon in Cancer, June 27, is your time to shine. After this new moon arrives, make an initiation on something dearly important to
you. Your chances of success will be very higher - higher than usual. Give your dream all you've got.
The evening of June 29, with the Sun in perfect angle to Neptune, will be divinely romantic AND luxurious. If you are in the arts, you may
create a beautiful expression over this weekend.

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