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Stand Up Against Extremism

by Lukman Harees
- on 08/29/201 !"#at is
ob$e%tionab&e' (#at is dangerous about extremists is not t#at t#ey are
extreme' but t#at t#ey are into&erant) *#e e+i& is not (#at t#ey say about
t#eir %ause' but (#at t#ey say about t#eir opponents),- -.obert /) 0ennedy
A1ri%a t#ese days #as been batt&ing (it# E23LA' a se+ere' in1e%tious' o1ten
1ata& disease in #umans and primates (it# no apparent %ure in sig#t) 4any
#a+e been dying (#i&e t#e desperate medi%a& resear%#ers are 1ranti%a&&y
sear%#ing 1or a %ure' to stem t#is tide) 5n t#e U0' 5 #a+e #eard o1 anot#er
batt&e6 botanists trying to stop t#e spread o1 an in+asi+e ki&&er (#i%# #as
been 7eating8 t#e gardens and ruining &i+es) 5t is t#e dead&y 9apanese
knot(eed :/a&&opia $aponi%a; ' (#i%# in (inter dies ba%k beneat# ground but
by ear&y summer t#e bamboo-&ike stems s#oot to o+er 2)1m :<1t;'
suppressing a&& ot#er gro(t#) Eradi%ation re=uires stee&y determination as it
is +ery #ard to remo+e by #and or (it# %#emi%a&s)
*#e reason 1or mentioning about Ebo&a and t#e 9apanese knot(eed (as to
pro+ide some %ontext to des%ribe t#e enormous %#a&&enge o1 %risis
proportions' t#e present (or&d #as been 1a%ing' in order to destroy or stem
anot#er ki&&er disease or (eed)
*#e S%ourge o1 Extremism
4any examp&es %an be %ited to s#o( t#e dept#s o1 absurdity to (#i%#
extremism %an take a person or a mo+ement to or b&ind t#em' (itnessed in
re%ent times) *#ree examp&es %an be s#o(n to pro+e t#is point)
/irst&y :not in any order; ' it is utter&y s#ame1u& more t#an 2000 >a?ans
most&y %i+i&ians :%ompared to about @< 5srae&i so&diers; #a+e a&ready &ost
t#eir &i+es' (#en t#e 5srae&i 1or%es de%ided to bombard >a?a
disproportionate&y and indis%riminate&y' in response to so %a&&ed Hamas
s#e&&ing ' under t#e pretext o1 se&1-de1en%e) *#ere (ere s#ame1u& %&ips o1
5srae&is (at%#ing on *A t#eir 1or%es atta%king >a?a sett&ement and %#eering
t#eir ki&&ing spree) 5srae&i 1or%es during t#e >a?a oBensi+e on a %apti+e
popu&ation' appear to #a+e 1o&&o(ed t#e ad+i%e o1 Co+ Lior' an 5srae&i .abbi
1rom t#e i&&ega& sett&ement o1 0iryat Arba in t#e o%%upied "est 2ank' (#o
issued a ru&ing t#at a&&o(s t#e ki&&ing o1 inno%ent %i+i&ians in t#e besieged
>a?a Strip' and aut#ori?ed a&& means o1 targeting t#e peop&e' su%# as
!denying supp&ies or e&e%tri%ity), He 1urt#er said mi&itary 1or%es are a&&o(ed
!to bomb t#e (#o&e area a%%ording to t#e dis%retion o1 t#e armyD,) !5n t#e
%ase o1 >a?a', t#e .abbi said' t#e 5srae&i mi&itary oE%ia&s !(i&& be a&&o(ed to
instru%t e+en t#e destru%tion o1 >a?a),
Se%ond&y' (#at is being reported 1rom 5ra= s#ou&d e=ua&&y stir t#e
%ons%ien%e o1 a&& #uman beings) *#e despi%ab&e atro%ities inFi%ted a&&eged&y
by t#e extremist 5S5S in t#e name o1 5s&am' on inno%ent G#ristians and
Ha?idis are tota&&y una%%eptab&e to say t#e &east) 5t is unt#inkab&e t#at
massa%re o1 peop&e %ontinues' so&e&y 1or reasons o1 t#eir re&igious
ad#eren%e' and indis%riminate ki&&ings and t#e so- %a&&ed %#oi%e imposed on
G#ristians and Ha?idis bet(een %on+ersion to 5s&am' payment o1 a tax :$i?ya;
and exodus, and t#e 1or%ed expu&sion o1 tens o1 t#ousands o1 peop&e'
in%&uding %#i&dren' o&d peop&e' pregnant (omen and t#e si%k' %an be
%ondoned under any pretext) *#is is a %&ear distortion and a&so an
unpardonab&e %rime o1 using 5s&am 1or t#eir o(n u&terior ends) A&t#oug#
some +oi%es #a+e %ondemned t#eir a%tions' it is a matter o1 s#ame t#at t#e
4ainstream 4us&im &eaders' as (e&& as peop&e engaged in inter-re&igious
dia&ogue and a&& peop&e o1 good #a+e not spoken strong&y enoug# against
t#is dramati% situation' and taken a %&ear and %ourageous stan%e) 5t is t#eir
duty' not on&y to be unanimous and unambiguous in t#eir %ondemnation o1
t#ese %rimes and denoun%e t#e in+oking o1 re&igion to $usti1y t#em' but a&so
to stand up against t#em)
*#ird&y' 5 (as (at%#ing a *A Iress do%umentary %o+erage o1 t#e 2urmese
massa%re o1 .o#ingyan 4us&ims' and s#o%ked to see t#e extreme extent to
(#i%#' e+en many young %#i&dren and ordinary 2urmese (#o (ere
inter+ie(ed #a+e been indo%trinated by extremist 2udd#ist monks) "#en
asked' many o1 t#em to&d t#e $ourna&ists in no un%ertain terms t#at t#ey do
not regret it and (i&& t#emse&+es ki&& t#em' i1 an opportunity arises) 5n Sri
Lanka too' t#e 22S extremist 7Sin#a&a 2udd#ist8 p#i&osop#y #as a&ready
su%%eeded in spreading #atred to(ards t#e 7ot#er8 among t#e younger
generation ' $udging by (#at are being dis#ed out in t#e so%ia& net(orking
sites) "#at 1o&&o(ed in A&ut#gama in 9une' triggered by >nanasara #ate
spee%# against 4us&ims' (as $ust a demonstration o1 (#at t#e minorities
%ou&d expe%t in a ma$oritarian Sri Lanka 7be&onging8 to Sin#a&a 2udd#ists'
dreamt by t#e 22S) /urt#er' t#eir re%ent insensiti+e statements about t#e
peop&e o1 >a?a and (anting to demonstrate in support o1 5srae&' (ere but
1urt#er examp&es o1 t#eir extremism and b&ind #atred o1 t#e 22S to(ards
t#e 4us&ims in t#is instan%e)
*#is is (#ere t#e p#enomenon o1 extremism needs 1urt#er e&aboration and
study) Extremism is a %omp&ex p#enomenon' a&t#oug# its %omp&exity is
o1ten #ard to see) 4ost simp&y' it %an be deJned as a%ti+ities :be&ie1s'
attitudes' 1ee&ings' a%tions' strategies; o1 a %#ara%ter 1ar remo+ed 1rom t#e
ordinary) 5n %onFi%t settings it mani1ests as a se+ere 1orm o1 %onFi%t
engagement) Ho(e+er' t#e &abe&&ing o1 a%ti+ities' peop&e' and groups as
!extremist,' and t#e deJning o1 (#at is !ordinary, in any setting is a&(ays a
sub$e%ti+e and po&iti%a& matter)
Extremism is symptomati% o1 margina&isation and iso&ation-dia&ogue (ou&d'
at &east' %reate %onta%t (it# ot#ers) Extremism re1ers to t#e %onJs%ation o1
#uman rig#ts o1 (#i%# t#e rig#t to &i1e and t#e rig#t to 1reedom are most
1undamenta&) *#e idea is t#at t#ere is no abso&ute 1a&se#ood in &i1e) Het' an
extremist person sees #imse&1 as being ex%eptiona&&y rig#t and t#at
e+eryt#ing ot#er t#an #is or #er +ie(point is (rong) Su%# a strong be&ie1
dri+es a person to suppress t#e rig#ts o1 ot#er peop&e) Had #e tried to
understand t#at t#ere is no abso&ute 1a&seness in &i1e' #e (ou&d #a+e kno(n
t#at t#e ot#er +ie(s mig#t %onsist o1 a portion o1 rea&ity t#at #as to be
*#e prote%tion o1 #uman rig#ts and #uman dignity (or&d(ide presupposes
t#at (e a&& #a+e a duty to oppose abso&ute&y and (it#out ex%eption' a&&
1orms o1 extremism' ra%ism' re&igious' xenop#obia and anti-Semitism et%)'
irrespe%ti+e o1 a&& di+ides- re&igious' ra%ia&' gender' geograp#i%a& or ot#ers'
1or extremism eats into t#e %ore o1 #umanity) "e are a&& #uman beings Jrst
and ot#ers &ater) U&timate&y' targeting extremism is about targeting ideas
more t#an indi+idua&s) "e s#ou&d be signiJ%ant&y %on%erned' about t#e rise
o1 extremism (it#in t#is popu&ated %i+i&i?ed (or&d) *#is is our 1uture as it
deJnes (#et#er #umanity (i&& #a+e pea%e or a de+astating %onFi%t t#at (i&&
%ost a&& o1 us tremendous&y) 51 t#ere is any (ar' it s#ou&d be a %o&&e%ti+e and
uni+ersa& (ar against extremism t#roug# edu%ation' kno(&edge and
5t is #o(e+er important to note t#at extremism and terrorism are not
inter%#angeab&e6 t#e 1ormer does not ne%essari&y in+o&+e +io&ent or %rimina&
a%ts' as terrorism does' but 1o%uses on radi%a&&y %#anging so%iety based on
an abso&utist +ision) *oday' terrorism and t#e extremist t#reat #a+e been
used to $usti1y t#e &imitation or suppression o1 #uman rig#ts' (#i%#
%on+erse&y breeds extremism and exa%erbates t#e #uman dignity deJ%it)
Ca+id A) Lake says' in 7.ationa& ExtremismK Understanding *errorism in t#e
*(enty-Jrst Gentury8 :Cia&og-53' Spring 2002' pp) 1L-29 % 2002 by t#e 53
/oundation and t#e 4assa%#usetts 5nstitute o1 *e%#no&ogy; K 7*#e =uestion
o1 (#at (e mean by t#e terms terrorist and extremist are traits t#at are
o1ten in t#e eyes o1 t#e be#o&der) *errorism is t#e irregu&ar use o1 +io&en%e
by non-state groups against non-mi&itary targets and personne& 1or po&iti%a&
ends) A&most by deJnition' sin%e t#ey o1ten target %i+i&ians' terrorists &a%k
mora& stri%tures against t#e use o1 +io&en%e) Extremism is #arder to deJne'
but t(o attributes seem key) /irst' extremists #o&d po&iti%a& pre1eren%es t#at'
in any distribution o1 opinion' &ie in one o1 t#e !tai&s), 5n ot#er (ords' t#eir
po&iti%a& be&ie1s are not (ide&y s#ared e+en (it#in t#eir o(n so%ieties)
Se%ond' extremists %urrent&y &a%k t#e means or po(er to obtain t#eir goa&s)
2ot# traits are important in understanding t#eir %#oi%e o1 strategy8)
*#ere are many mu&ti-1a%eted %auses and dri+ers o1 extremism) .oya .)
.ad' 4A' IsyC ' Iro1essiona& psy%#o&ogist 'in an arti%&e on 7"#at *urns
3rdinary Ieop&e 5nto .e&igious ExtremistsM:201N; opines K *#ere are many
reasons be#ind (#y an a+erage person may do somet#ing #arm1u& to an
inno%ent person (#i&e seeing it as a good deed) *#ese reasons are mu&ti-
dimensiona& and to exp&ain t#em in simp&e' tip-o1-t#e i%eberg terms (i&& on&y
add to t#e %on1usion' rat#er t#an bring meaning1u& understanding) 2ut
genera&&y' a 1e( o1 t#ese reasons are t#e (or&d8s &a%k o1 a moderate' mora&
and 1air ro&e mode&' in addition to a &a%k o1 a%%ess to proper edu%ation in
many p&a%es' &a%k o1 basi% resour%es 1or many peop&e' too mu%# repression'
auto%rati% ru&ers' %&osed minded and ego%entri% &eaders' persona&ity 1a%tors'
1ami&y upbringing' a tarnis#ed sense o1 pride' among many ot#ers)
>enera&&y' a parti%u&ar use o1 in1ormation' and its redu%tion to a narro(
narrati+e by "estern and re&igious extremist &eaders #a+e %ontributed to
po&arised +ie(s) /urt#er' a sense o1 #umi&iation-t#roug# per%ei+ed %u&tura&
domination6 or spe%iJ% demeaning a%ts regu&ar&y dire%ted at members o1 a
parti%u&ar group- is %onsidered a dri+er o1 extremism) A %ommon +ie( is
t#at t#e perpetrators o1 terrorism are 1re=uent&y re&igious 1anati%s targeting
t#ose (it# opposing be&ie1sD A&t#oug#' t#ere may be some e+iden%e
suggesting t#an more t#an #a&1 o1 internationa&&y operating terrorist groups
use re&igion to $usti1y t#eir a%tions' t#eoreti%a& exp&anations usua&&y
%#ampion t#e %on%ept t#at terrorism stems 1rom a deep 1rustrations
resu&ting 1rom e%onomi% and so%ia& depri+ation %ombined (it# a
dissatis1a%tion (it# a &a%k o1 opportunity 1or po&iti%a& %#ange)
At t#e present $un%ture' 4us&im extremism is (#at is ta&ked about most'
seeking to stigmati?e a&& 4us&ims as extremists or possib&e terrorists)
.e&igious extremism in re%ent times' is #o(e+er not %onJned to 4us&ims
a&one) Se&dom do (e rea&i?e t#at extremism #as been t#e bane o1 a&most a&&
re&igious groups' (#et#er G#ristian' 9e(is# or e+en 2udd#ist/Hindu as (e&&)
Gonsider 1or examp&e' G#ristian 1undamenta&ism and extremism' based on
misinterpretation o1 t#e 2ib&i%a& des%ription o1 t#e Armageddon and t#e
Apo%a&ypse' (#i%# appears to #a+e inJ&trated into t#e #ig#est e%#e&ons o1
t#e US and go+ernment and #as at its disposa& t#e 1ormidab&e po(er o1 t#e
Ameri%an mi&itary) 5n 2009' extremist Oionist groups o1 9e(is# rabbis
1o&&o(ed t#e 5srae&i mi&itary (#en t#ey mo+ed into >a?a and indo%trinated
t#em into be&ie+ing t#at it is t#eir re&igious duty to ki&&) "e #a+e t#e %ase o1
t#e spread o1 #atred against t#e 7ot#er8 in 5ndia by .SS and Ais#+a Iaris#ad
or 2urmese and Sri Lankan 2udd#ist monks in t#eir 7%rusade8 against t#e
5n e+ery re&igion' t#ere1ore t#ere (i&& be groups t#at redu%e 1ait# to ideo&ogy
to ad+an%e t#eir o(n po&iti%a& agendas) /undamenta&ist interpretations o1
re&igion %an attra%t an in%reasing number o1 1o&&o(ers as t#ey appear to be
+oid o1 po&iti%a& interests and ser+e t#e (#o&e %ommunity) Eit#er t#roug#
%#arisma' +io&en%e' %#i%anery' or ot#er(ise' t#ey #i$a%k re&igion as a means
o1 mobi&ising t#e masses) *#e irony is t#at re&igion taken to extremes is
more &ike&y t#e %ause o1 +io&ent %onFi%t t#an a so&ution to it) 4ore
predi%tab&e is t#e 1a%t t#at peop&e exp&oit ot#er peop&e to ad+an%e se&Js#
interests under t#e guise o1 re&igion) "#i&e re&igion #as unarguab&y inspired
t#e extremism and atro%ities in re%ent times' u&timate&y many 1a%tors %ause
a%tions' as %omp&ex as geno%ide and (ar) .e&igion does not a&(ays inspire
atro%ities' and (#at (e may %a&& re&igious atro%ities are sometimes %aused
by more t#an $ust re&igion) *o &ay a&& t#e b&ame 1or #uman +io&en%e at t#e
1eet o1 re&igion is u&timate&y an ans(er t#at is too simp&isti% and does not
%onsider a&& t#e 1a%ts)
>i+en t#is #istory o1 +io&en%e' one must sad&y %on%&ude t#at +io&en%e is an
endemi% %ondition in #umans' and e+en (it#out re&igious moti+ation
#umans (ou&d Jnd many $ustiJ%ations to #urt ea%#-ot#er) Gertain&y' some
massi+e atro%ities (ere not done entire&y at t#e urging o1 re&igious &eaders
and s%riptures) "#i&e t#e pogroms and dis%rimination against European
9e(s (ere %aused by re&igious diBeren%es t#roug#out most o1 #istory' t#e
Pa?is murdered t#ose t#ey %onsidered et#ni% 9e(s e+en i1 t#ese peop&e #ad
%on+erted to G#ristianity) And in t#e %ase o1 t#e .(andan geno%ide' (#i&e
some re&igious &eaders #e&ped &ead t#e murder o1 et#ni% *utsis' ot#ers
s#e&tered *utsis and t#e geno%ide itse&1 (as undeniab&y inspired by et#ni%
diBeren%es t#at #ad not#ing to do (it# re&igion)
>i+en its8 %omp&exities' t#e sour%es' %auses and reFe%tions o1 extremism as
(e&& as t#e resu&tant +io&ent be#a+iour and e+en' terrorism' (e need a (or&d
o1 %ommitment and uniJed a%tion )among ourse&+es' to Jg#t t#is mena%e
eBe%ti+e&y' be1ore it %auses more destru%tion and damage)
5t needs to be stressed t#at extremism and 1anati%ism s#ou&d be banis#ed
1rom t#e mind-set o1 t#eir 1o&&o(ers o1 diBerent 1ait#s) *#e Aery .e+erend
0is#ko+sky' Ai%e 4oderator o1 t#e "or&d Gon1eren%e on .e&igions 1or Iea%e
:"G.I; opined #o( a%%epting t#e identity o1 7t#e ot#er8 strengt#ens t#e
identity o1 onese&1) He argued t#at %ommon re&igious +a&ues %on%erning
#umanity s#ou&d be %on+eyed into pub&i% &anguage' to promote
understanding and a%%eptan%e o1 s#ared se%urity) 5t is imperati+e t#at
mu&ti-re&igious %ooperation 1or Jnding s#ared %ommon +a&ues (ou&d #e&p
bui&d understanding and %ooperation) S#ared +a&ues' in turn' %ou&d &ead to
s#ared se%urity) .e&igion %an suggest t#at it is %riti%a&&y important to
re%ognise t#e #umanity o1 7t#e ot#er8 in order to aErm one8s o(n #umanity)
5t (ou&d be use1u& to exp&ore t#e possibi&ities o1 inter1ait# %ooperation to
de+e&op re%ognition o1 7t#e ot#er8' 1rom t#e &e+e& o1 a%%eptan%e to t#e &e+e&
o1 so%ia& integration' and it (ou&d a&so be use1u& to &ink inter1ait# dia&ogue
(it# po&iti%a& dia&ogue)
5n an arti%&e by /r) Cr) >eorge Iu&ikkotti&' #e apt&y summari?es t#e
ineBe%ti+e ro&e p&ayed by t#e re&igious &eaders#ip in grapp&ing (it# t#e
issues o1 t#e day-+io&en%e' inse%urity' po+erty' ine=ua&ity and exp&oitation
among ot#ers) He says' 7"e rea&i?e t#at 1ar too o1ten t#e names o1 our
+arious re&igions #a+e been used in (ar1are and %ommunity stri1e' and t#at
(e must (ork #arder against t#is) "e %annot deny t#e 1a%ts and #a+e to
%on1ess t#at :1; t#e pra%ti%es o1 our re&igious %ommunities are o1ten a
di+isi+e 1or%e in t#e (or&d and :2; too o1ten (e %on1orm to t#e po(ers o1 t#e
(or&d' e+en (#en t#ey do (rong' rat#er t#an %on1ronting t#ose po(ers (it#
t#e "ord o1 t#e *ea%#ings o1 our re&igions)
Some s%#o&ars and po&i%y-makers argue t#at an absen%e o1 parti%ipatory
demo%ra%y and a &egitimate arena to %#anne& dis%ontent %ontributes to
extremism) 5t is usua&&y presumed t#at t#ere is 1erti&e ground 1or extremist
t#inking and terrorist a%tions (#en t#e po&iti%a& system is undemo%rati%'
pre+ents %#ange' pro#ibits %riti%ism in t#e mass media and +io&ates basi%
#uman rig#ts' su%# as t#e 1reedom o1 spee%# and assemb&y Ho(e+er'
ot#ers #a+e 1ound no %ausa& %onne%tion bet(een aut#oritarianism and
extremism) A %ommon Jnding in t#e &iterature is t#at (#i&e %onso&idated
demo%ra%ies are &ess prone to extremism and terrorism6 %ountries t#at are
in t#e pro%ess o1 transitioning to demo%rati% norms or (#ere su%# norms
are being imposed on t#em' are more sus%eptib&e to extremism t#an
so%ieties t#at remain aut#oritarian) Examp&es %an be seen in t#e 4E be1ore
and a1ter t#e Arab Spring)
>rie+an%es' rea& or 1antasi?ed' are a&so %ommon&y re%ognised as %auses o1
extremism) 51 one (ere to spe%iJ%a&&y ana&yse 4us&im extremism in t#e
present %ontext' it appear to re+o&+e around grie+an%es primari&y o+er
"estern 1oreign po&i%y and ongoing %onFi%ts in 4us&im &ands) As an
examp&e' a&t#oug# t#e means may not a&(ays $usti1y t#e ends' t#e post-
""2 5srae&i Ia&estinian %onFi%t supported by US and "estern 1a+ouritism
to(ards t#e aggressors' and t#e re%ent 5ra=/A1g#anistan in+asion by
"estern 1or%es #a+e been rig#t&y or (rong&y gi+ing t#e rationa&e and t#e
&ogi% 1or +arious ideo&ogi%a& groups and interest groups in 4us&im %ountries'
1or &aun%#ing inti1adas and %ampaigns' strugg&es and engage in +io&ent
atta%ks' to Jg#t Oionist' imperia&ist and %o&onia& designs) 22S and *igers too
attempts/attempted to (in o+er t#e &oya&ty o1 t#eir %ommunities by %as#ing
in' on t#e grie+an%es 1a%ed by t#eir ra%es' by b&aming t#e 7ot#er8)
*#ere1ore' it is important to take a #o&isti% +ie( o1 t#e %auses or dri+ers o1
extremism in a parti%u&ar %ontext' be1ore Jnding so&utions)
*#ere is a&so di+ergen%e o1 opinion o+er t#e ro&e o1 e%onomi% %onditions)
"#i&e abso&ute po+erty is not %onsidered by most as a key dri+er o1
extremism' it is %onsidered an enab&ing 1a%tor) *#e more important dri+er is
re&ati+e depri+ation-disparities among groups and regions regarding
e%onomi% prosperity' ser+i%e de&i+ery' edu%ationa& and emp&oyment
opportunities and in1rastru%ture) 2road&y speaking' e%onomi% and po&iti%a&
unreso&+ed grie+an%es and so%ia& %onFi%ts remain t#e root %ause)
5n t#e &ong term' in order to uproot t#e %auses o1 extremism and terrorism'
(e need a po&i%y t#at promotes and imp&ements demo%ra%y' #uman rig#ts
and t#e ru&e o1 &a( as its pi+ota& e&ements) Human rig#ts are no &uxury t#at
%an be neg&e%ted on%e (e are 1a%ed (it# so %a&&ed operati+e issues &ike
Jg#t against terror) Quite t#e %ontrary is trueK 1ostering o1 #uman rig#ts'
ru&e o1 &a( and good go+ernan%e is t#e most re&iab&e basis 1or stabi&ity and
pea%e o+er time) *#is is a &esson (e #a+e &earned in t#e Go&d "ar) *oday'
t#is &esson a%=uires a ne( and g&oba& dimension again)
As Louise Arbour' 1ormer Hig# Gommissioner 1or Human .ig#ts :2< August
200; said' !5 Jrm&y be&ie+e t#at terrorism must be %on1ronted in a manner
t#at respe%ts #uman rig#ts &a() 5nsisting on a #uman rig#ts-based approa%#
and a ru&e o1 &a( approa%# to %ountering terrorism is imperati+e ) ) ) 3+er
t#e &ong term' a %ommitment to up#o&d respe%t 1or #uman rig#ts and t#e
ru&e o1 &a( (i&& be one o1 t#e keys to su%%ess in %ountering terrorism-not
an impediment b&o%king our (ay,
*#e e+er gro(ing %y%&e o1 re+enge must a&so be broken and rep&a%ed by 1air
and eBe%ti+e $udi%ia& pro%esses) EBorts s#ou&d a&so be taken to broaden and
impro+e parti%ipation in demo%rati% go+ernan%e at t#e nationa& &e+e&) *#e
(ar on terror must ad#ere to internationa& #umanitarian and #uman rig#ts
&a() *#is is t#e on&y (ay to demonstrate t#at t#ere is an a&ternati+e to
dea&ing (it# prob&ems and %onFi%ts) *#ose deemed to s&ip into extremism
or radi%a&ism urgent&y need to be engaged in dia&ogue)
"#i&e it is important to support and empo(er mainstream moderate +oi%es
(#o oBer ot#er +isions 1or so%iety' ot#er t#an 7t#e usua& Ameri%an or t#e
"estern brand8' it is a&so e=ua&&y essentia& t#at moderates speak up against
t#ose espousing radi%a& extremist +ie(s trying to #i$a%k pub&i% dis%ourse)
*#e Ameri%an or t#e "estern brands #a+e a&ready &ost t#eir %redibi&ity by
#ypo%riti%a&&y #o&ding t#e #uman rig#ts %ard against ot#er %ountries (#i&e
t#ey Fout its8 norms unas#amed&y (#en t#eir o(n interests %ome to p&ay)
2ystanders and so%ieties %o&&e%ti+e&y s#ou&d speak up as t#is is a %ommon
%an%er to Jg#t against) As a 4us&im' 5 Jnd t#e Quran te&&ing meK !"e made
you to be a %ommunity o1 t#e midd&e (ay' so t#at :(it# t#e examp&e o1 your
&i+es; you mig#t bear (itness to t#e trut# be1ore a&& mankind), :Qur8an'
2K1N;)5t is a&so ex#orting me to be $ust e+en against ourse&+es 773 ye (#o
be&ie+eR 2e ye staun%# in $usti%e' (itnesses 1or A&&a#' e+en t#oug# it be
against yourse&+es or :your; parents or :your; kindred' (#et#er :t#e %ase be
o1; a ri%# man or a poor man' 1or A&&a# is nearer unto bot# :t#em ye
are;) )8:K1NL;) *#ere1ore' my 1ait# ne+er a&&o(s me to %ondone extremism
at any %ost nor it permits to be se&e%ti+e in %ondemning extremism) Irop#et
o1 5s&am :S; ad+isedK 751 you see an e+i&' stop it (it# your #ands6 i1 not
possib&e' (it# your tongue6 i1 not' t#en desist (it# your #eart) 5t is t#e
(eakest &e+e& o1 1ait#8(#i%# is t#e essen%e o1 9i#ad :to strugg&e against e+i&;
not +io&en%e (#i%# (#at it is today being portrayed as) So are ot#er 1ait#s
(arning t#eir 1o&&o(ers on t#e dangers o1 extremism and to stand up
against itM
51 peop&e (ere exposed to t#e rea&ities and t#e %onse=uen%es o1 extremism
and t#e under&ying de%eit (#i%# it embodies' t#en t#e extremists8 po(er
o+er t#e peop&e (ou&d be great&y diminis#ed) Extremism Fouris#es in
en+ironments (#ere rea&ity is o+ersimp&iJed into a +apid' mono%#romati%'
b&a%k-and-(#ite +ie( o1 t#e (or&d) !Eit#er you8re (it# us' or you8re against
us, %an go bot# (ays) 3ne (ay to mitigate t#e inFuen%e o1 extremist
ideo&ogy is by broadening t#e (or&d+ie( o1 t#ose most sus%eptib&e to its
grip) 51 po&iti%ians try to make use o1 extremist groups to a%#ie+e t#eir ends'
t#ey s#ou&d rea&i?e t#at t#ey are #o&ding t#e tiger8s tai&' (#i%# (i&&
u&timate&y spe&& disaster 1or t#em as (e&&)
Some o1 t#e (ays to go against extremism are to in%rease our o(n
kno(&edge and to speak our trut# against t#em) /or examp&e' i1 (e are in a
gat#ering' organi?ation' institution or in any setting t#at prea%#es an
extremist +ie( t#at en%ourages #ate' di+ides us' %reates tension and
%onFi%t based on be&ie1s and %aters anger and 1rustration based on
sub$e%ti+e 1ee&ings about #o( t#ings !s#ou&d, be rat#er t#an an ob$e%ti+e
and rationa& s#are o1 in1ormation' t#en maybe it8s a good time to speak up)
"e s#ou&d not expose our %#i&dren to situations t#at %reate su%# in+a&id
interna& 1ee&ings to(ard a group o1 peop&e and en%ourage t#em to in%rease
t#eir a(areness by exp&oration and in1ormation) 5n addition' (e must
en%ourage t#em to understand t#e beauty o1 unity in di+ersity and to &isten
to ot#ers8 point o1 +ie( (#i&e a&so tea%#ing t#em t#e need to preser+e t#eir
%u&ture and identity)
*#us' (#et#er 22S extremism in Sri Lanka spreading #ate against t#e
7ot#er8 or 5S5S in 5ra= in dri+ing out and ki&&ing G#ristians or t#e Oionist
extremism torturing a %apti+e popu&ation ->a?ans' t#ey are e=ua&&y
detestab&e) 51 t#e (or&d 1ai&s to %a&& a spade a spade and do not %a&& peop&e
to arms to Jg#t t#is mena%e %o&&e%ti+e&y (it#out re&igious or ra%ia&
diBeren%es' t#en t#e days are not 1ar oB (#en it (i&& ki&& our %i+i&i?ed norms
and spe&& t#e end o1 our modern %i+i&i?ation &ike Ebo&a or ruin our &i+es &ike
t#e 9apanese 0not(eed)
Posted by Thavam

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