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P : H : O : T : O : G : R : A : P : H : Y

Modern Autofocus SLR cameras may have a different ways in manipulating the
aperture. One of the trend is - the aperture value is now control via a thumb wheel
on the camera (usually near the shutter release button) and the AF lens has no
aperture ring to alter the value. Each camera manufacturer usually has their own
series of lenses under a trade name to verify its usage, various compatibility issues
with their previous camera model's function etc. For an instance, Canon manual
focus lenses are called "FD" or "FL"; while their newer series of autofocus lenses
(AF) designed for their Canon EOS Series cameras are referred as "EF" (Electro
Focus). Each of these MF/AF lenses has their own respective way to illustrate the
control of aperture in the camera. When you turn the aperture ring on a lens to vary
the aperture, you will be able to check visually the set opening of the lens
diaphragm (Opens bigger or stopping smaller). * here in this section, I am
confining the discussion within the MANUAL FOCUS lenses ONLY because
the proportion of used equipment forms the basis for a cheap, easy entry for
potential new serious photographers.

* Some lenses such as those made by Canon (See above), the lens diaphragm will not react to
turning, unless you press the aperture pin.
There are many camera brands out in the market, thus, it is indeed very difficult for
me to compile all of the labels into a single site. Anyway, I am using three popular
What is an "aperture" ?

Aperture is referred to the lens diaphragm opening insid
The size of the diaphragm opening in a camera lens REG
light passes through onto the film inside the camera the m
shutter curtain in camera opens during an exposure proc
aperture in a lens can either be a fixed or the most popul
type (like an SLR camera). Aperture size is usually calibr
those little numbers engraved on the lens barrel like f22
f/8.0, f/5.6, f/4.0, f/2.8, f/2.0, f/1.8 etc. Each of this value r
amount of light either more or less in quantity. Meaning t
the amount of light than a diaphragm opening of f/22 and
other hand, an aperture of f/4.0 will let in 1X lesser than t
Page 1 of 5 Aperture in photography
camera brands to illustrate the whereabouts of these aperture on the lens. (A) is a
typical FA lens by Pentax; (B) is a typical manual focus Nikkor zoom lens from
Nikon; while the (C) is a Zuiko lens by Olympus.
Reminder:- the key to an theoretical good EXPOSURE = Aperture + Shutter

These numbers engraved on the lens barrel are NOT referred to aperture
diaphragm, but rather just a numeric settings which help to let you determine and
control how much light you would require to let into the camera by way of selecting
an aperture diaphragm (lens opening inside). Technically, these numbers refer to
the relative physical opening of the lens diaphragm
Remember: For a theoretical "perfect" exposure to be formed i.e. nice colour
balance, every details shown or simply a photo that you are happy about, take a
good combination between using an aperture with the appropriate matching shutter
speed for any given film speed (ASA/ISO) are required. The latter refers to the film
speed of the film roll used. i.e. ASA 100, ASA 200, ASA 400 etc. the faster the film
speed used, you can use to capture lower lighting situation but at the expense of
grainer output of prints / slides. Next, a little confusion may create for you to learn
here: - each step increment in the use of film speed will also indirectly correspond
with one step of aperture OR shutter speed.

About aperture and its effect in photography:- Other than controlling the
amount of light entering into the camera, What else do apertures do ?
When the shutter button is released, light passes through the aperture diaphragm
and hit the film, an exposure is formed. Basically, aperture, along with
duration/timing of the shutter curtain opening, BOTH contribute to a the formation of
an exposure. But aperture also affects an important photographic element called
Note: the diaphragm bl
focus Canon FD lens c
light passing through th
hitting to the film during
The 'amount', or simply
term - opening change
of aperture (f/number).
indicated by the f-numb
the lens barrel.
The MOST confusing part for any new photographer: JUST remember in photograp
aperture is actually referring to a smaller number engraved on the aperture rin
f/2, f/2.8, f/4.0 etc. while small apertures means bigger numbers i.e. f/22, f/16, f/1
have "overcome" such "mental block" in calculation, it should help you greatly under
other sections to follow. So, you OUGHT to digest this paragraph.
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"depth of field" (short form "DOF"). You may ask, what is hell is this "Depth of
Field" ? Depth of field is just technical term used to describe the 'zone' of
sharpness' between nearest and furthest of a subject in focus (to be more exact,
distance of sharp focus in front and behind, subject on which the lens is focused).
There are a few elements that will affects Depth of Field in a picture:
In fact, if you still don't understand, just memorize this: Other than it can be used
to regulate amount of light entering into camera for an exposure, aperture
also will affect the degree of depth of field. When combined with other essential
elements that may also contribute to depth of field changes, such as focal length of
the lens in use, the distance of your object in focus, you can make use of depth of
field for creative control in your photography. For example: use larger aperture
(Smaller number like f/2.8, f/2.0 etc.) with a long focal length to isolate or
emphasis on expression, such as in portraiture photography; or use a
smaller aperture (Bigger number like f/16 or f/22 etc..) to ensure pin-sharp
details in both the foreground and the background.
Another factor you need to know is: All the markings on the lens barrel are
double in effect . i.e. f/11 doubles the amount of light of f16, f2 allows 1X more light
than of f2.8 does into the camera etc.
With a mechanical SLR camera, with the proper exposure GUIDE suggested
by the built-in meter in a camera, you need to adjust both aperture and
shutter speed yourself (it is termed as "MANUAL" setting in an automatic
camera). Usually in the case of an automatic camera, you will still have manual
control operating as if you are using a mechanical camera. Typically, a few extra
1. the lens opening (the bigger the apertures, the zo
vice versa);
2. the focal length of the lens (the wide angle lense
sharpness than a longer focal length lenses and v
3. the distance from the lens to the subject (the n
the zone of sharpness and vice versa)
<<--creative use of picture frame in composition and small a

PhilipChong (41k)
MC Lau (43k)
CY Leow (52k)
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choices of exposure control methods may be provided:- the first is called "Aperture
Priority" (some camera uses a symbol "Av" - short for "aperture value"; the next is
"Shutter Priority" (Tv - short for "Timing value". Aperture priority means you select
the aperture to determine the depth of field yourself and the camera will set to the
appropriate shutter speeds to match your aperture selected for a optimum
exposure suggested by the camera's built-in electronic metering circuit, while
shutter priority will let you select the preferred shutter speed setting and the camera
will select the matching aperture values to match your choice. The third option is
called the "Programmed Mode"(P - short for "Programmed Auto", where the
camera select both the aperture value and the shutter speed for you and you may
have no control in determine the depth of field yourself. (some cameras offer a
another mode called flexi-program - I think it is too complicated to explain here).
Some examples of how an APERTURE PRIORITY AUTO SLR-type cameras shutter speed ring
look like
and comparison made with a fully mechanical SLR type (below - far right)

Nikon F3
Top Av auto SLR models of
yesterdays: -Other examples
are: Pentax LX
Nikon FE2
Other examples like the
Olympus OM2n and Canon
Nikon FA
This is a Multi-modes auto SLR. The ring
doesn't have an "A", various modes ae at
the side P, S, A and M (Manual)
The Shutter Speed ring of a
selection button or setting
camera section along with t
as Pentax offers K
Newer range of autofocus SLR cam
of controlling aperture. You will find
aperture via the lens aperture ring; i
controlled by the thumb wheel for BO
and Aperture (A). A method first pio
their manual focus Camera, the Can
Although this new electronic input m
older SLR cameras, the principle rem
VISIBLE confirmation of the selecte
camera like this type is via the LCD
through the viewfinder.
Note: An exposure control ring found in many modern SLR. The var
represented by a few symbols/letters, "P" is for "Programmed AE", t
priority while the Av (aperture value) is referring to aperture priority -
interpreting in their A and T series camera bodies. IF you are a own
cameras, you can CLICK HERE to find out the exact model you are
Owner may use THIS SECTION.
Every camera manufacturers have different design of how to adjust shutter s
Page 4 of 5 Aperture in photography
I strongly advise you to consume this section first before you think of proceeding
to the next segment on shutter speeds. If you can't ,or finding difficulties digesting
what I have prepared here, I'm sorry for my failure in explaining the essentials. In
such cases, I would suggest you to buy a better illustrated photographic reference
book or join a local photographic club. But if you do understand and have picked up
something from this section, you are encouraged to click at the button underneath
and continue...

Introduction || about aperture || about shutter speed || about
exposure || Glossary || Relative: Depth of Field

Questions, issues & Answer(s)

*Try here for more (Just digest the noncommercial content - prepared by one of my friend, a
freelance photographer.
The Art of Photography
Nuts and Bolts
Films and Accessories
Canon's FD Resources in PIM site

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lens. For an example, Nikon's Nikon F5, 1996/7 finally followed Canon's pat
shutter speed and aperture control; followed by its next generation AF film/di
resulted in newer AF G-series Nikkor lenses now has NO aperture ring on th
aperture. However, if an older manual focus Ai lens is used in manual or ape
still operate as an conventional SLR in which you will still make use of the le
changes, methods alter but basic principle remains.
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