Letter To Ayala Apartment Tenants

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James Alan Bush

1217 Spencer Drive

Greenwood, Indiana 46143

August 30, 2014
Resident of Ayala Apartments
1355 Jefferson Avenue
Santa Clara, California 95050

In re abating and claiming damages from drug house activity at Ayala Apartments
Please be advised that drug house activity has been conrmed within your apartment
building, and that a civil suit is now being prepared in order to abate this nuisance in the
Superior Court of California pursuant to California Health & Safety Code 11570. Such
activity has been recorded on video, and the Santa Clara Police Department has
compiled over 235 pages of reports on related arrests and complaints in preparation for
this action [see http://www.scribd.com/collections/5447034/SCPD-Police-Reports].
This letter is offering residents of Ayala Apartments an opportunity to report any
damages by simply returning the enclosed declaration.
You are highly encouraged to preserve your right to an award of damages stemming from
such activity. Not only does around-the-clock, high-volume drug dealing next to your
home create a health and safety hazard for you and your family, it also disturbs your sleep
and otherwise interferes with the comfortable enjoyment of your life and your property
due to the resultant loud music, foot/stair stomping and yelling at all hours of the day
and night.
By claiming damagesor at least acknowledging your awareness of drug dealing and
other crimesyou may be entitled to relocation expenses of up to three months fair
market value rent (up to $3,786), plus moving costs (up to $500), which your landlord will
be required to pay you up-front, if the court orders the building closed.
Please complete and sign the declaration, and return it using the enclosed postage-
prepaid, self-addressed envelope. Your personal information will be kept condential, and
will not appear in any court documents. Contact me if you need assistance or have any
questions, comments or concerns.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Declaration of Tenant of Ayala Apartments

Circle Yes or No to indicate your awareness of (and/or damage caused by) drug activity at Ayala Apartments:

Are you aware of drug activity at Ayala Apartments? Yes No
Prior to the receipt of this letter, did you ever notice
or suspect any drug activity at Ayala Apartments,
such as odd-hour traffic in-and-out of any one
particular apartment?

Do you feel unsafe due to drug activity at Ayala Apartments? Yes No
Since becoming aware of drug activity at Ayala Apartments,
are you uncomfortable or concerned for the safety of you
and your family?

Are you personally affected by drug activity at Ayala Apartments? Yes No
Have you ever been subjected to noises and other disturbances,
such as loud music, foot/stair-stomping, and yelling at all hours of
the day and night due to the drug activity occurring within your

Have you been injured by drug activity at Ayala Apartments? Yes No
Has drug activity and related conduct within your building
ever disturbed your sleep, made you feel unsafe, or otherwise
interfered with the comfortable enjoyment of life and property?

Do you want action taken to end drug activity at Ayala Apartments? Yes No
Do you want a California Superior Court judge and the Santa Clara
Police Department to act on your behalf to end drug dealing within
your building?

Sign and date this form below before returning it using the postage-prepaid, self-addressed envelope:

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing

is true and correct, and that this declaration was executed on , 2014,

in Santa Clara, California.

Name (print) ________________________________ Apartment __________

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