Manifest Your Ideal Partner: "Some Times The Heart Sees What Is Invisible To The Eye."

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2014 Empowering Matters www.empowering-matters.


Some times the heart sees what is invisible to
the eye. H Jackson Brown Jr

2014 Empowering Matters


Page 1 Introduction / Exercise 1 The Mirror

Page 2 / 3 The Mirror (continued)

Page 4 etting !"ear on #our Idea" $artner

Page 5 Idea" $artner %or&sheet

Page 6 Meeting $"aces / 'aw o( )ttraction

Page 7 !r*sta" +e"p (or 'o,e

Page 8 !r*sta" 'o,e rid

Page 9 rid Instructions / )((irmations

Page 10 -ision .oard / !o"our

2014 Empowering Matters
+i there/ and we"come to 0Mani(est #our Idea" $artner1.
Through this .oo& *ou wi"" (ind in(ormation tit.its and wor&sheets
to get *ou right on the path o( mani(estation.

2o matter what stage *ou are/ when it comes to "oo&ing (or *our
idea" partner/ the thing *ou need to "oo& at (irst is 3e"( 'o,e. +ow
are *ou treating *ourse"(4 I as& this .ecause most o( the time we1re
5ust not that nice. %e can .e the .est o( (riends to someone e"se
.ut then we1re 5ust down right mean to ourse",es6

I as& *ou right now to stop. %hen *ou "oo& in the mirror and sa*
something negati,e/ as& *ourse"( i( *ou wou"d do that to *our .est
(riend. %hen *ou1re putting pressure on *ourse"( to get things
done/ as& *ourse"( i( *ou wou"d spea& that wa* to a (riend.

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge Thomas

Exercise 1:
The exercise is ca""ed The Mirror Exercise/ and *ou7"" understand
wh*. E,er* night .e(ore *ou go to .ed/ pre(era."* a(ter *ou7,e
washed *our (ace/ .rushed *our teeth/ put on *our p57s etc./ (ind a
mirror in *our home that *ou can stand in (ront o( undistur.ed (or a
(ew minutes.

I( *ou7re married or ha,e a roommate/ *ou7"" want to as& them to
gi,e *ou a (ew minutes to *ourse"( .ecause *ou shou"d do this
exercise a"one to get maximum resu"ts. 3o (ind a mirror/ either in
*our .athroom or .edroom/ and stand in (ront o( it .* *ourse"(.
8ur (irst exercise *ou ma* ha,e
heard o( .e(ore/ i( *ou1,e e,er read
an* .oo&s .* 9ac& !an(ie"d or 'ouise

2014 Empowering Matters
:or the (irst (ew seconds/ 5ust stand there and rea""* "oo& at
*ourse"(/ deep in *our e*es. !hances are *ou7,e ne,er done this
.e(ore/ so it wi"" pro.a."* (ee" ,er* uncom(orta."e or aw&ward/ and
*ou ma* (ind *ourse"( turning awa* (rom the mirror6 This is tota""*
norma"/ .ut simp"* direct *our ga;e .ac& to *our e*es and send
*ourse"( as much "o,e and acceptance as *ou can.
<ea""* "oo& at *ourse"( and see what *ou "oo& "i&e to the outside
wor"d. 'oo& at *our e*es/ *our s&in/ *our (orehead/ *our nose/ etc.
and i( *ou7re standing in (ront o( a (u""-"ength mirror "oo& at the rest
o( *our .od*/ too. (I( *ou7re .ra,e enough to tr* this exercise
na&ed/ go (or it6 =ut it7s not re>uired to get
power(u" resu"ts...)
)(ter *ou7,e rea""* "oo&ed at *ourse"( (or a (ew
seconds/ sa* out "oud to *ourse"( ?I "o,e *ou? and
then *our (u"" name. 3o (or me I wou"d sa*/ ?I
"o,e *ou/ <ache" Matters.? )gain/ *ou are sa*ing
this out "oud/ and this ma* .ring up uncom(orta."e
(ee"ings. @o *our .est to 5ust stic& with an*
(ee"ings that come up/ whether positi,e or
negati,e. The* are 5ust (ee"ings and *ou can
accept them and a""ow them to 5ust .e.
Then *ou want to re("ect o,er *our da*/ and thin&
o( things that *ou are proud o( *ourse"( (or
accomp"ishing. These can .e .ig or sma"" things/
.ut aim to (ind A-10 things that *ou did during the
da* that *ou can appreciate *ourse"( (or. +ere are
some examp"es/ ?I7m so proud o( *ou (or eating a
hea"th* dinner.? ?I7m so proud o( *ou (or (inishing
the memo *ou said *ou wou"d (inish.? ?I7m so proud o( *ou (or
reading the &ids a .edtime stor* .e(ore .ed.? #ou get the idea6 The
idea is to ac&now"edge and appreciate *ourse"( (or things *ou
achie,ed during the da*. )gain/ aim (or A-10 things and
*ou are sa*ing these things out "oud to *ourse"(6
%hi"e continuing to "oo& at *ourse"( in the mirror/ ("ow "o,e and
compassion towards *ourse"( as .est as *ou can. 2ow *ou want to
(ind things that *ou "o,e a.out *ourse"( and ac&now"edge those
>ua"ities. :or examp"e/ ?I "o,e that *ou ha,e such prett* e*es.? ?I
"o,e that *ou are such a "o*a" (riend.? ?I "o,e how creati,e *ou are.?
?I "o,e how toned *our arms are.? #ou can (ocus on things *ou "o,e
2014 Empowering Matters
a.out *ourse"( that are either ph*sica" characteristics or that ha,e
more to do with who *ou are as a person. The &e* is to (ind things
a.out *ourse"( that *ou can tru"* "o,e and appreciate and
ac&now"edge *ourse"( (or.
:ina""*/ to (inish this exercise/ "oo& *ourse"( deep"* in *our e*es (or
a (ew more seconds and then sa* out "oud one "ast time/ ?I "o,e
*ou? and then *our name. <ea""* .e with an* (ee"ings that come
up/ whether positi,e or negati,e/ and 5ust a""ow them to .e there.
'o,ing *ourse"( means "o,ing )'' o( *ou/ (ee"ings and a"".
#ou shou"d do this (or 40 da*s straight/ without s&ipping a da*. I(
*ou s&ip a da*/ start o,er (rom @a* 8ne and do the 40 da*s a""
o,er again6 )(ter 40 continua" da*s this wi"" .ecome a in *our
su.conscious mind/ and *ou wi"" notice how much .etter *ou (ee"
a.out *ourse"( and how much more com(orta."e *ou are in *our
s&in. The wor"d wi"" seem to .ecome a much more "o,ing and
accepting p"ace towards *ou/ .ut in (act it7s *our thin&ing that has
changed the wor"d around *ou. #our thoughts .ecome *our
rea"it*... so the more "o,ing thoughts *ou ha,e within/ the more
"o,ing the outside wor"d wi"" .e towards *ou.

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.
Oscar ilde

2014 Empowering Matters
Getting Clear on Your Ideal Partner
8&B3o now we1,e co,ered 3e"( 'o,e. %e can get on to our Idea"
$artner. I sa* idea" .ecause there rea""* is no such thing as per(ect/
so we1"" create *our Idea" $artner/ 5ust right (or *ou.
This "itt"e exercise is prett* much the main thing I did to get m*
manBI did ha,e to edit it a coup"e o( times to get it right.
'itt"e hintBwatch what *ou write/ as *ou wi"" attract itB

@on1t ho"d .ac&/ 5ust write what e,er comes to mind/ what do the*
"oo& "i&e4 B%hat do the* do4 B.%hat1s their persona"it*4... %hat
age range are the*4 B%hat wou"d *ou do together4

The ,isua"isation wi"" he"p with this.

#ou can either write on the wor&sheet as *ou go through the
,isua"isation or wait unti" a(terwards.

2014 Empowering Matters

I am happ* and grate(u" now that I am with m* idea" partner who is

2014 Empowering Matters
3o now we ha,e a c"ear picture o( *our Idea" $artner/ we are going
to .rainstorm where *ou can go to meet them. It1s a"" ,er* we""
doing these mindset and mani(estation exercises .ut i( *ou 5ust sit
on *our ass at home/ how can *ou rea""* expect to meet this
person4 The idea is to do a"" this and .e open to opportunities that
present themse",es/ which means getting out and a.out6

10 Places I can go to "eet "# ideal $artner.

The best thing to hold onto in life is each other A!drey

2ext thing (or *ou to doB.and this ma* depend how "ong *ou ha,e
.een sing"e/ .ut i( *ou were an*thing "i&e me I had no space (or
an*one in m* "i(e. I wou"d s"eep in the midd"e o( the .ed/ use up a""
the wardro.e space and a"" that &ind o( thing. 3o e,en though I
might ha,e .een sa*ing out "oud I was read* (or a re"ationship/ I
wasn1t ta&ing the actions to (o""ow it up. This creates a .it o( a tug
o( war/ so it cou"d ta&e a .it "onger to mani(est what *ou want.

%hen we wor& with the 'aw o( )ttraction and Mani(estation we are
.asica""* putting it out to the uni,erse that we are read* (or our
idea" partner to come into our "i(e. It1s o& sa*ing it .ut .* ma&ing
room (or this person/ in *our .edroom/ in *our wardro.e/ in the
garage/ i( there is room (or two cars/ par& on one side and "ea,e
2014 Empowering Matters
room (or the second car. To put it simp"*/ act as i( *ou a"read*
ha,e them in *our "i(e. %hen our actions are in "ine with our words
and intentions/ it has no choice .ut to happen.

These next (ew cr*sta"s are m* persona" (a,ourites and
recommendations (or attracting "o,e into *our "i(e.

Rose &uartz ' The stone o( unconditiona" "o,e and in(inite peace.
This stone teaches the true essence o( "o,e and puri(ies and opens
the heart on a"" "e,e"s/ .ringing deep inner hea"ing and se"(-"o,e.
$"ace it .* *our .ed or in the re"ationship corner o( *our home/ or
wear it c"ose to *our heart.

R(odoc(rosite ' This is the stone o( se"("ess "o,e and compassion.
Exce""ent (or the heart and re"ationships/ especia""* (or peop"e who
(ee" un"o,ed. It can a"so attract a sou"mate.

Green A)enturine ' This is a com(orter/ heart hea"er and genera"
harmoniser/ protecting the heart. It is a ,er* positi,e stone.
),enturine promotes compassion and empath* and encourages

unzite ' This stone awa&ens the heart centre and unconditiona"
"o,e/ producing "o,ing thoughts and communication. It radiates
peace and connects *ou to uni,ersa" "o,e.

Pink Tour"aline This is an aphrodisiac that attracts "o,e in the
materia" and spiritua" wor"d/ pro,iding assurance that it is sa(e to
"o,e. It inspires trust in "o,e and con(irms that it is necessar* to
"o,e *ourse"( .e(ore *ou can hope to .e "o,ed .* others.

#aith makes all things "ossible$ love makes all things easy.
%wight & 'oody

2014 Empowering Matters

1. %rite *our intention and p"ace it in the centre as shown in the

2014 Empowering Matters
2. $"ace D !"ear Huart; points (acing inwards around the
intention as shown in the .ig arrows pointing inwards.

C. $"ace *our se"ected 0'o,e !r*sta"s1 in the centre with *our
0Idea" man1.

4. Ise a E
!"ear Huart; point to acti,ate the grid/ (o""owing the
sma""er arrows (rom start to (inish. It doesn1t matter where
*ou start as "ong as *ou 5oin a"" the cr*sta"s and (inish where
*ou started. )s *ou acti,ate the grid state *our intention.

This is 5ust a .asic cr*sta" grid *ou can ha,e a p"a* and ma&e *our
own up/ 5ust go with *our intuition a.out the cr*sta"s and their
p"acement. < intention is e,er*thing.
&ove is com"osed of a single so!l inhabiting two bodies.

The thing with a((irmations is the* on"* rea""* wor& i( *ou .e"ie,e
what *ou are sa*ing/ and the* wor& most e((ecti,e"* when *ou add
(ee"ing to them. I( *ou are strugg"ing adding (ee"ing to *our
a((irmations/ tr* thin&ing o( an* scenario in *our "i(e where *ou (e"t
"o,ed/ e,en i( it was not romantic "o,e/ .e(ore *ou start sa*ing
them. It does not matter what the source is (or this to wor&/ "o,e
is "o,e regard"ess.
+ere are a (ew to start *ou o((B*ou can use them or ma&e *our
own. 9ust *ou need to .e"ie,e what *ou1re sa*ing and
sa* them with (ee"ing.

I deserve love and I get it in abundance

I have attracted the most loving person in my life and life is now full of joy

I am surrounded by love and everything is fine

In life I always get what I give out and I always give out love

The partner I seek is seeking me. We are brought together now through
infinite love, to the satisfaction of all

%ision +oards
2014 Empowering Matters

1. @ecide on the theme o( *our .oard. (In this case it wi"" .e
'o,e/Idea" $artner)

2. :ind pictures that go with *our theme/ an*thing that resonates
with *ou. Ta&e them (rom o"d maga;ines/ photographs or (rom
the internet.

C. )dd an* a((irmations or words that wor& (or *ou.

4. )rrange and attach them to *our .oard in a wa* that inspires

A. $ut the .oard somewhere *ou wi"" see it e,er*da* and "oo& at
it as much as possi."e.

D. :ocus on *our pictures/ *our a((irmations/ and *our words.
=e"ie,e it is a"" *ours. :ee" that it1s a"read* *ours. -isua"ise it6

There is no remedy for love b!t to love more. Henry %avid

Colour Ti$:
%ear something pin&. I( *ou1re not a pin& person wear pin&
underwear or a scar(/ 5ust add it as .est *ou can. I( *ou are a pin&
person go cra;*. The so(ter pin&s wi"" create a more "o,ing energ*
where as *ou stronger pin&s wi"" ha,e a simi"ar e((ect to red and go
more (or the passion side o( things than the "o,e and re"ationships.

Ta&e a co"our .ath. #ou can use (ood co"ouring to co"our and add
some o( *our (a,ourite essentia" oi"s. The therapeutic >ua"ities o( a
pin& co"our .ath are "o,e/ &indness/ consideration/ and
unse"(ishness. It wi"" rid *ou o( irritation and aggression and its
s*mpathetic and supporting energ* wi"" surround *ou with "o,e and

%hen *ou meditate on/ or ,isua"ise *our idea" partner/ surround
*ourse"( in a pin& energ*.

Final T(oug(ts
2014 Empowering Matters

There are a "ot o( wa*s to go a.out mani(esting *our idea" partner
here. #ou can do them a"" or 5ust pic& one and concentrate on that.
)"" I did was write m* idea" partner on a sheet o( paper and .e"ie,e
it was going to happen. =e"ie( is the .ig secret here. =e"ie,e it wi""
happen (or *ou and it wi""/ .ut do not .e attached to the outcome
either wa*. %hen *ou .ecome attached to an outcome/ that is
when *ou wi"" start creating ."oc&s. I was read* (or a re"ationship
.ut I was sti"" >uite happ* going a"ong in m* sing"e "i(e so I didn1t
put an* pressure on it. The most important thing o( a"" is to "o,e
*ourse"( (irst

+app* Mani(esting

<ache" is .ased in =ris.ane and "o,es he"ping un(i""ed and stuc& women create
(reedom and ad,enture so that the* can create and "i,e a purpose (i""ed "i(e on
their terms.
Ex-Mi"itar* <ache"1s career path has ta&en her to ,arious parts o( the wor"d and
continues to do so. <ache" is certi(ied as a Master 2'$ !oach/ Time 'ine
Therap* and +*pnosis $ractitioner/ this coup"ed with <ei&i and !r*sta" hea"ing
he"ps her c"ients to o,ercome an* ."oc&ages and "imitationsJ and .*
encouraging her c"ients to draw on their own strength and resources/ <ache"
wor&s with empath* to (aci"itate her c"ients1 desired positi,e changes.
<ache" wor&s with c"ients in person "oca""* and through 3&*pe / oog"e
+angouts internationa""* or through her Trans(ormationa" <etreats.

#ou can connect with <ache" on :ace.oo&/ Twitter/ or through her or

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