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Jef Lin was born and raised in China.

had never heard anything about Jesus and
the Bible untl he met an American missionary
family in Guangzhou. By then, he
had been working as an electrical
engineer for two years afer grad-
uatng from a university in China.
To respond to Gods love and His
grace, by the power of His word,
(Jeff continued on page 2)
Logeshwar Venkatesan was born on
a Sunday in a small town and spent a few
months in the warmth of his birth
place. His father was working in
tre retreading and had to move
to the island of Mauritus, Kenya
and Tanzania to establish branch-
es there, giving him good expo-
sure to diferent cultures. He later
(Logesh continued on page 5)
Wedam Nyaaba: I was born
and raised in a litle town in the
second largest city in Ghana
called Kumasi, where my parents
had migrated to live from their
village in the Upper East region of
Ghana. Being the middle born sandwiched be-
tween the frst two boys and the last two girls, I
have grown to really understand that God has a
(Wedam continued on page 4)
Jeff Lin, Logesh Venkatesan, Wedam Nyaaba, Ethan Lane
Spoligt on
First Assembly ofers
various classes through our
Berean Study Center. We cur-
rently ofer two types of courses
through Global University: Berean
School of the Bible courses, which
meet the academic requirements
for ministerial credentals, but can
also be taken for personal
enrichment and training;
and Christan Service
(Continued on page 3)
Ethan Lane grew up in church learning about
and surrendering his life to Christ. It is in church he
discovered and developed his gif and
passion for music. Though he plays
several instruments his favorite re-
mains the guitar. He recently added an
accordion to his collecton that is sure
to impress the ladies.
Ethan just began his second year at College of
(Ethan continued on page 3)
he was converted to be a follower of Christ, and he
decided to give his life to Jesus and never look back.
The missionary family (of 8 children) invited him to
live with them for a period of tme, and trained him
to be a disciple of Christ, as well as how to serve
God as a Christ-centered family.
The compassion to reach out to the lost and
grow in Christ drove him to evangelize and make
disciples for Christ among young men in the colleg-
es and factory areas in Guangzhou, China. He saw
the frst command in Genesis, be fruitul and mult-
ply, as his goal of fulflling Gods purpose in his
life. And he saw his mission as Col. 1:27-28 states,
For to them God would make known what are the
riches of the glory of this mystery among the na-
tons, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory,
whom we preach, warning every man and teaching
every man in all wisdom, so that we may present
every man perfect in Christ Jesus.
Through mutual friends, Jef met Dan and Cin-
dy Smith last December. Since then, he has been to
China and back several tmes, and has adopted the
Smiths as his American family. This summer, he
served at Camp David of the Ozarks as a counselor
for a week. As he contnued to seek Gods guidance
for his life, the Lord put a desire in his heart to serve
the Chinese community in Rolla. He envisions that
China will become a very strategic naton for God's
(Jeff continued from page 1)
The new college and career class at Rolla First As-
sembly is focused on Biblical ways to live life - studying
to show ourselves approved (2 Timothy 2:15) that we
may walk worthy of the calling God has placed on our
lives (Ephesians 4). The Calc class focuses on the root of
the issue: relatonships, not reactons. Class meets at
10:45 on Sunday mornings in Room 105, and will be
taught by Drew and Robin Blair.
If youre in college or startng
your career, come visit. High
school seniors are also encour-
aged to atend. Students should
bring a device capable of view-
ing Google Docs to class
(smartphone or tablet). Class
material will be made available
digitally here: htp:// -Drew Blair
Once you understand the relationships, the math is easy
Kingdom in the next generaton, and believes that
China will be the next naton to send out thousands
of missionaries. He sees the potental of each one
of the Chinese community here to be leaders of the
next generaton of his country, and wants to train
them to have strong biblical principles that they can
apply to their family, work, business, ministry and
life.Jeff Lin
Weve been commanded
to go into all the world and
share the gospel, but how
can this be accomplished?
Operaton GO is our annual
door-to-door evangelism, focusing
on the heavily-populated areas within
a mile or two of our church building.
This year, we will travel in groups or pairs on three
Wednesday evenings to greet neighbors of the church.
We will pass out church informaton and invite them to
visit one of our church services.
Join us on August 20 and 27, and September 3 for
Operaton GO.
Get ready to pack your bags!
This years Natonal
Sleepover theme
Exploraton China
will take everyone half-
way around the world
for an unforgetable
tme together. Come
and discover the many
wonderful things God is do-
ing there through crafs, games,
fun and de- votons. It all starts September
at 7pm and ends September 27
at 9am. Please eat
supper before coming, as we will only be providing
snacks throughout the night. Girls from Kindergarten
through 7
Grade are invited, along with any moms who
would like to come and be a part! Make sure to mark
the date on your calendar! -Brian Feller
Series courses for personal enrichment. These classes ofer ministry training designed to prepare you to fll a church
leadership role and to help you fulfll the call of God on your life. They are not college-level courses and no college
credit is awarded, although those who complete Berean School of the Bible courses receive Contnuing Educaton
Units (CEUs).
Global University also ofers Undergraduate- and Graduate-level college courses, which we dont cur-
rently teach in our church. However, they can be taken via independent study. We can help you enroll through our
study center, if you are interested in taking any of these courses.
Whether you are looking to fulfll your educaton requirements for Assemblies of God credentals, to enrich
your life, or perhaps to take college-level courses, we have a class for you! For more informaton, please contact
Sandy Schmid at -Sandy Schmid
(Continued from page 1)
Its almost tme for First Assemblys annual
Friends Day picnic. Start your day with service
and a Christan Educaton class. Afer church is
over, we will gather at Schuman Park for food
and fun. This year,
the church will
provide meats
and drinks. Regu-
lar church atendees are asked to bring a side
dish and dessert to share. We will also have
bounce houses and actvites for the kids.
Bring your family, friends, and neighbors to
Friends Day. It is a good opportunity to bring
unchurched acquaintances to church with you
to enjoy fellowship and fun with your church
the Ozarks where is a worship leader for the cam-
pus Bible study. He also enjoys singing with the Bob-
scats, the campus a Capella group, especially when
they get to sing for the girls' dorms events.
His major is public relatons which he hopes to
put to good use in a well-paying job so he can fnally
send his mother to Hawaii. He also is earning a mi-
nor in Biblical studies.
-Alhesha Lane
(Ethan continued from page 1)
purpose for every believer on earth. While it was a common practce during the era of my birth for families
to enroll in a family planning program, my parents were yet to understand that phenomenon. It wasnt untl
I was about 24 years old that my dad told me how they were contemplatng to do something about that un-
planned pregnancy of me. They thought about swerving any embarrassment whatsoever they might have
faced in keeping two closely spaced sons. This is not to shame them but to encourage all. Well, The Holy
Spirit empowered and redirected their carnal thoughts into something beter. They were both encouraged
to carry on with me and my other two brothers. God saved my life at the very beginning and I know He is
stll doing that even tll this day. I was named Wedam which means Gods strength in my local dialect
(Kasem). Frankly speaking, this name has had a great impact on my life and I am thankful to God for that.
Litle did I know my name would lead me into greater but challenging situatons where I get to grow and
increase in my knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. I was put through a formal educaton and was told that
was the only legacy no one could ever take from me in my life. Raised in a home where both parents could
neither read nor write, I was constantly encouraged by my parents habit of wantng to spend their last
penny on my educaton. God was only using them to fulfll His purpose. They taught me how to depend on
the Lord through their deeds (giving, prayer, fastng) since they could not read the Bible. Having been given
some formal educaton, I am challenged at all tmes to build on what they taught me through the reading of
the Scriptures.
While getng my bachelors degree from Ghana, I had the chance to work in restaurants, concession
food stands, supermarkets, and convenience stores in the southern states of the US. I grew in knowledge of
(Wedam continued from page 1)
(Wedam continued on page 5)
All Natons Christan Fellowship is a campus
Christan organizaton and seeks to serve the stu-
dent community at MS&T. Our actvites include:
prayer, worship, Bible study, fellowship, discipleship
and evangelism. The fellowship is open for every-
one who would like to be a part of reaching out to
the campus, especially internatonal students. We
also have a quarterly Internatonal Choir. ANCF
meets Thursdays at 7pm on campus. If you would
like more informaton please contact Dr. John and
Carol Hudler at or Wedam
Nyaaba at
In additon to ANCF, Ross Haselhorst hosts a
Bible Discussion Group for English as a Second Lan-
guage students as well as a Oral English and Culture
Discussion Group on Wednesdays at 5:00pm. He
also teaches a Christan Educaton class on Sunday
mornings at 10:45 in room 200. Ross is an alumnus
and employee of MS&T and also teaches an English
as a second language class. He and his wife Sheri
have been involved in our college ministry for many
years and love ministering to students. For more
infomaton about either of these groups, please
contact Ross by phone at 573-578-7834 or by email
Love Feast currently meets the third Thursday
of the month at Dr. John and Carol Hudlers house.
It is an outreach opportunity for university Interna-
tonal students. It is open to anyone. When school is
in full swing we can have anywhere from 20-40 stu-
dents. We generally have an open mic night, and
ask students to bring food from their traditon. For
more informaton, contact Carol at
First Assembly is currently developing a host fami-
ly program to connect local families with university stu-
dents. Student applicants for the host family program
will be matched with a family who would befriend
them and invite them to dinner, enjoy their company,
and call to check up on them.
If you are interested in coordinatng applicatons
and matching students and families, please contact
Pastor Chuck at
God through these jobs. I am currently a graduate
student in the Mining and Nuclear Engineering de-
partment at Missouri S&T. Before coming to MS&T
in 2012, I worked as an underground mining gradu-
ate trainee. My career path has been infuenced by
my adventurous nature and my God-given fearless-
ness and strength. While friends discouraged me
not to pursue mining for its safety hazards, I always
told myself my God is able to save. Afer a year at
MS&T, another tough challenge emerged. I was to
go to Saudi Arabia to teach and be a distant stu-
dent. That, I thought, was going to be too tough for
me to do. Through travailing prayers and encour-
agements from the prayer team of the church, I f-
nally had peace within to embark on the trip. Now I
am back and I can testfy God sent me there to re-
fne and train me for His missions.
Two things characterize my life: service in the
house of God and doing academic work. I am, how-
ever, in the learning process of mingling with social
events. Stll slow at them though. I make new
friends just to get the chance to share my faith with
them. I am now learning to be well-rounded. I love
to talk, cook, pray, go on missions, and enjoy spo-
ken histories .Wedam Nyaaba
(Wedam continued from page 4)
moved to India where he completed his remaining
years of schooling and earned a Bachelors degree
in Mechanical Engineering. His thirst for knowledge
propelled him to pursue a Masters degree in Petro-
leum Engineering at Missouri S&T, where he is cur-
rently in his fnal year.
The biggest motvaton for his journey, apart
from his mother and his only brother, was his father
who wanted him to reach greater heights in his ca-
reer - sacrifcing happiness, working abroad for his
expectatons to come to life. Apart from his passion
for his academic career, he likes to read, has an
afnity for music and is a movie buf. Spiritually, he
is a devoted person to God. He is truly gifed to be
with kind and helpful friends at First Assembly of
God, and their nature made him and his mother feel
comfortable in a totally diferent atmosphere when
he frst came here. A lot of miracles have happened
in his life (one being batling a critcal medical condi-
ton) and he truly believes that these have hap-
pened for a purpose and is thankful to the Almighty.
-Logeshwar Venkatesan
(Logesh continued from page 1)
Alone. Hopeful. Young. Old enough to know beter. Strong.
Messy. Content. Sensitve. Discouraged. How would you describe
yourself? Behind that word is a story, a series of events and deci-
sions that made Whats your story?
On October 25, First Assembly will host a one-day womens
conference enttled Hes Writng Your Story. Special speaker
Kris Feltman from the Chicago area will be speaking, and there
will be two breakout sessions during the day. Breakfast, lunch,
and snacks will be provided.
Register early at rolla- for
a discounted tcket rate;
more informaton will be in
the October newsleter.
Dear First Assembly Family,
I want to take the time to thank you for supporting the
Supplies for Success program every year. My family has taken
some financial hits lately and I wasnt sure how I could budget
all the supplies my four kids needed. Thanks to your generosi-
ty, I didnt have to worry. I was able to get all of my kids sup-
plies (in the brands their teachers prefer!) through the program.
Thank you, also, to Lyndon and April Bartle for taking the
time to head this program, shop, and sort all of the supplies.
-a single mom

Sam Parker
KCA/TSC Director
Karen Turner
Administrative Assistant
Mark Berry, Custodian
Pansy Bingham
Business Administrator
Abby Swearingen
Media Assistant
Chuck Whitmire
Lead Pastor
Ray Cook
Associate Pastor
Brian Feller
Childrens Pastor
Jason Gibson
Youth Pastor
1608 N Oak St
Rolla MO 65401-2342

ANCF and Love Feast
Ladies conference
Bible classes through Global University
a new college class
at Cross Pointe Camp
Steps to Salvaton
A. Admit you are a sinner and ask Gods forgiveness
B. Believe in Jesus and become a child of God by receiving Christ
C. Confess that Jesus is your Lord.

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