Circle of Fear (1972-1973)

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Episode List
Circle of Fear (19721973)
Season 1
S1, Ep0
17 Mar. 1972
The New House
A young couple move into a home that is haunted by a girl who had been hanged there
many years ago and vowed never to be evicted from the site.

S1, Ep1
15 Sep. 1972
The Dead We Leave Behind
When Ranger Elliott Brent's pretty young wife Joanna complains of boredom, he buys her
a television set. Unfortunately, she starts spending all of her time watching television, to the neglect of her
household chores. One day, during an argument, Elliott accidentally kills Joanna. He buries her body in a shed
behind his cabin. After that, he starts seeing images of Joanna being unfaithful on the television. One stormy
night, a man shows up at the cabin seeking shelter, and Elliott recognizes him as the man Joanna was having an
affair with. Elliott kills him, too. But ...

S1, Ep2
22 Sep. 1972
The Concrete Captain
While on vacation, Ed Lucas presents his wife Kate with a souvenir of "The Concrete
Captain," a small chunk of concrete with a miniature harpoon sticking out of it. Kate seems to be drawn to the
item, continually picking it up and looking at it. Later, she is also drawn to a seaside inn, where she and her
husband hear the tale of The Concrete Captain and his wife, Katherine. But when Kate becomes ill, and starts
acting strangely, Ed wonders if the Concrete Captain hasn't returned to try to claim Kate as his own.

S1, Ep3
29 Sep. 1972
At the Cradle Foot
Paul, a recently divorced man, has a dream that his daughter Emily gets murdered as an
adult. Believing it to be a premonition, he goes to the town where this will happen to see if he can prevent it. While
there, he falls for Julie the owner of the boardinghouse where he is staying. It turns out that Julie is engaged to
Ed, who turns out to be the man who murders Emily in Paul's vision. Chaos ensues as Paul and Ed end up
fighting over Julie, and Ed ends up dead. Paul gets off by claiming the death was an accident, but Julie has one
more nasty surprise waiting for Paul...

S1, Ep5
13 Oct. 1972
The Summer House
Martha and Andrew Alcott own a vacation home where they spend their summers. Martha
hates the house, and as the summer goes on, it appears she has good reason, as there seems to be a malevolent
force in the place that is strongest around the well in the basement. Events and scenes become ever more
familiar, as it becomes clear what the malevolent force is, and what it intends to do with the lives of Martha and

S1, Ep6
27 Oct. 1972
Bobby is a very bright, but very sickly boy with a particular fondness for chess. As he starts
fifth grade, he is delighted to find that his teacher is the very popular Miss Gilden, with whom he forms a close
friendship. Unfortunately, early in the school year, Bobby becomes too sick to go to school. After a short period of
time, an alter-ego who looks exactly like Bobby appears and tells him not to worry, he will go to school for Bobby
and come home and tell him what he has learned. Unfortunately, the alter ego terrorizes Miss Gilden, ultimately
disgracing her and ...

S1, Ep7
3 Nov. 1972
Half a Death
Christina is a young woman with a twin sister, Lisa, whom she has never met. She hopes
to meet Lisa on a visit home, but is distressed to find out that Lisa has recently died. Christina begins to hear Lisa
calling her at night, and then starts to have visions of Lisa in an open grave. She tells her mother about this and
discovers some unpleasant family secrets about Lisa. Does Lisa want revenge, or does she simply miss the sister
she never had?

S1, Ep8
10 Nov. 1972
House of Evil
When Grandpa arrives for a visit, he has two special gifts for his granddaughter, Judy, a
deaf mute. One is a very special doll house that is an exact replica of the one Judy lives in with her family. The
other is the ability to "hear" his thoughts without speaking. But Grandpa's intentions aren't as benign as they
seem. Will Judy be able to save her family before Grandpa destroys it?

S1, Ep10
1 Dec. 1972
Elegy for a Vampire
Coeds are being murdered on a small university campus, all drained of their blood with two
small marks on their necks. The late Professor Pendergast, who had been investigating the idea that vampirism is
caused by a blood disease, has been sighted at two of the attacks.

S1, Ep11
8 Dec. 1972
Touch of Madness
Janet inherits her mother's house when her mother dies in a mental institution. When she
first arrives at the house, she meets her cousins Hattie and Jonathon, who welcome her warmly. She decides to
stay at the house and fix it up so that it won't be condemned. However, neither the house nor Hattie and Jonathon
are what they seem to be, and Janet begins to fear for her own sanity as a terrifying past merges with an equally
terrifying present.

S1, Ep13
22 Dec. 1972
Time of Terror
Terror ensues when Ellen Alexander wakes up alone in a hotel room, with no sign of her
husband, Harry. Inquiries at the front desk yield the answer that he has checked out without her, and eventually
lead her to Brett, who helps her find the answers she is seeking.

S1, Ep14
5 Jan. 1973
Death's Head
Carol, a woman who hates insects, is unhappily married to Steve, a successful
businessman who collects them. She secretly loves Steve's partner, Larry, and would like to make their affair a
permanent arrangement. One day while shopping, she encounters a gypsy who sells her something that will help
her achieve her goal without leaving any traces. However, when Janet carries out her plan, she begins to be
terrorized by a Death's Head moth, and discovers that things are seldom as simple as they seem, and that every
action has its consequences.

S1, Ep15
12 Jan. 1973
Dark Vengeance
While working at a construction site, Frank unearths a curious box, which has no latch for
opening. He takes it home, and finally opens it, only to discover a broken mirror and a toy
horse. However, once the box is open, his wife, Cindy begins to have nightmares about the
horse. Delving into her own past, Cindy discovers that the toy horse is cursed. Can she and Frank break the curse
before they become its next victims?

S1, Ep17
26 Jan. 1973
Doorway to Death
When a family moves into a new apartment in San Francisco, young Robert starts
exploring, and discovers the empty apartment upstairs. He opens a door and sees a cabin in the woods with a
man chopping wood, who beckons to him. Robert brings his younger sister, Jane to meet "the man upstairs," who
expresses an interest in meeting their older sister, Peggy. When Peggy goes upstairs and opens the same door
Robert had opened, she only finds a closet. However, strange noises emanating from the empty apartment, and
wet footprints in her own bedroom cause Peggy to visit the ...

S1, Ep18
2 Feb. 1973
Legion of Demons
Beth is a shy young woman who has come to the city to share an apartment with her
friend, Janet. Janet gets Beth a job at the company she works for, and tries to encourage Beth to come out and
socialize with their coworkers. Beth declines. But when Janet turns up missing, and Beth fills in at Janet's job, she
meets Janet's friends, and all is not as it seems. Beth must find out what happened to Janet, and see if she can
prevent the same thing from happening to her.

S1, Ep19
16 Feb. 1973
Graveyard Shift
Fred Colby is a former actor, who now works as a security guard at the studio where he
used to film movies. He and his wife, Linda, are expecting their first child together. The studio is closing in a few
weeks, and is plagued by a neighborhood gang, who sneak in after hours. While chasing the gang, Fred
discovers that something else is roaming the deserted studio, something that threatens not only him, but his wife,
and his unborn child, and he must find a way to prevent harm from coming to all of them.

S1, Ep20
23 Feb. 1973
Spare Parts
A doctor has donated his eyes, vocal chords and hands for transplant with three
individuals. The ghost of the doctor then begins to act out through these patients while they
are in the hospital to seek vengeance on his widow who he believes murdered him.

S1, Ep21
23 Mar. 1973
The Ghost of Potter's Field
While at Potter's Field cemetery doing research for a story, reporter Bob Herrick sees a
ghost that resembles him. He shakes the matter off, assuming that he's seeing things because he's overtired. But
when he encounters the same ghost in his office, and at his apartment, he begins to worry. While his friends John
Walsh and Mark Riceman scoff, his girlfriend Nisa King realizes that this is a doppelganger who is trying to take
over Bob's life by isolating him from his friends. As the doppelganger grows stronger, presenting great danger to
Bob and his friends, Bob tries...

S1, Ep22
30 Mar. 1973
The Phantom of Herald Square
Art student Holly Brown is sketching in Central Park one day when James Barlow
introduces himself to her. He offers to take her to lunch, and, intrigued, she accepts. Holly is charmed by James
and begins seeing him, but as soon as she does, she finds herself terrorized by an old man. As her relationship
with James grows, she is surprised to discover the connection between James and the old man. But even bigger
surprises are awaiting her when she discovers the truth about James.

Season 1
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