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there are 4 blood groups . a b ab and o . functions : There are immunological relationships
between A, B antigens and those of bacteria and vegetable matter and how our bodies respond
to invading micro-organisms without destroying self. There also seems to be a relationship
between blood type and heart problems (not the claimed Type A behavior relationships).
Type A blood has more cryoprecipitate which blood banks want. The O blood type seems to
predispose people to develop stomach ulcers . The variety in blood groups could also mean that
some blood diseases could not destroy the whole population, if the pathogen was adapted to a
particular blood type.

There are 4 groups of blood , which is a , b , ab and o .blood group a can donate blood to a and
ab , b can donate blood to b and aba b can donate to ab and o can donater to all blood groups,
O is called the universal donor while blood group ab is called the universal recipient,

]Blood can be defined as the fluid we have in our bodies that carries oxygen from the lungs to
the rest part of the body. It also carries waste to be eliminated from the body.
We have between 4 and 6 liters of blood in our adult bodies depending on size. Million of
people will need blood nowadays.
Some of the reasons people need blood transfusions are accidents , cancer , sickle cell ,
premature birth and surgery.

Blood and blood products must be stored in labeled designated storage areas/units.
Alarm checks of storage units must be performed and adequate corrective action taken when
When released to another department, blood components must be maintained within
appropriate storage temperatures or returned to proper storage within a specified time if
storage is not available and the component is not transfused.
Store in an orderly fashion to prevent crowding and allow air circulation.
Do not store quarantined components above other components.
Do not store reagents above blood components. Blood can be defined as the fluid we have in
our bodies that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest part of the body. It also carries waste
to be eliminated from the body.
We have between 4 and 6 liters of blood in our adult bodies depending on size. Million of
people will need blood nowadays.
Some of the reasons people need blood transfusions are accidents , cancer , sickle cell ,
premature birth and surgery.
Segregate autologous components from allogeneic components, and biohazard labeled
autologous components from other autologous components.
Do not overlap platelet bags during storage, and place face down to optimize oxygen exchange.

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