Human Rights 1

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By Amy and Lauren

Article 3- Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security
of person.

Our Definition:
Everybody has the right to be alive. Everybody deserves to want to
be alive. People need to feel like they need a reason for living and
without human rights many people would be suffering from inequality
and therefore the world would fall into a hierarchy of human worth.
We are not objects; we are beings, and we should all be given proper
living conditions and unconditional safety. Everyone deserves to be
free and be their own person without ties to their ancestors.

The UN General Assembly might have thought it was necessary to
include this article because it broadly states the basic treatment
conditions of the Human Rights Declaration.
3 different ways that this article has been
1. In 2007 Brazilian police killed at least 1,260 individualsthe
highest total to date. All incidents were officially labeled acts
of resistance and received little or no investigation.
2. In Uganda, 1,500 people die each week in the internally
displaced person camps. According to the World Health
Organization, 500,000 have died in these camps.
3. To violate this article, one would perform random acts of
violence towards others without proper reasoning. Harassing
or putting others in forced labour would also be considered
violation of this rule.
2007 Bagram Airfield Bombing
Approximately 6,500 people were murdered in 2007 in armed conflict
in Afghanistannearly half being non-combatant civilian deaths at
the hands of insurgents. Due to multiple suicide attacks by armed
groups, hundreds of civilians were also killed.

The abusers of the situation were clearly the suicide bombers, as
while ensuring the end of their lives, they risked the lives of others as
well. And succeeded in killing people. The ones having their rights
abused were the people living in the city.

The aftermath as stated above was the intentional killings of over
6000 people, and the destruction of property that belonged to
thousands of innocent citizens.

How this affects todays society:
- Article 3- Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
- 2007 Afghanistan Bombing

As this incident of suicide bombing is quite recent, there has not been
much improvement in that society since then. Reasoning for this is
because of the war in that Afghanistan region, and also due to the fact
that those countries dont abide by the Human Right Declaration. In
contrast, Australia does follow the Human Rights Declaration, and
hence we ensure the safety of our citizens and provide proper living
conditions to every single being. To keep things this way, we could
reinforce the article and perhaps suggest that is becomes law and try
to influence our neighbouring countries too.


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