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Kamdhenu Ispat Limited, established in the year 1994, is one of the largest
manufacturer of international quality Steel Bars in India. he company!s product
portfolio comprises reinforcement Steel Bar "#$%S&', structural steel "angle,
beam, channel and flat', binding (ire "Kamdhenu )irebond', ply(ood, housing
pro*ects "Kamdhenu %ome+' and ,-./ (indo(s and doors and the recently added
product portfolio of Kamdhenu paints0/olor &ream+
&ue to their 1arious consumer a(areness campaign, their product (as 1ery (ell
accepted by the consumer. hey ha1e three 2no(n concepts in this franchisee
business model. hey pro1ide 1334 technological support to their franchising units,
(herein they pro1ide the complete quality management systems, quality teams. hey
also pro1ide 1334 mar2eting support. 5nd thirdly, they also allo( them to use their
brand name 6 Kamdhenu, in their products. )hate1er proceeds come from this
affiliation, the manufacturers get to 2eep 734, (hile passing on 834 to their
company as royalty. 9o(, from that one single unit, they no( ha1e :9 units in total
0 :; in India and 8 in 9epal. he construction industry is gro(ing at 18<1:4
annually. Kamdhenu aims to become one<stop solution pro1ider in infrastructure and
construction sector of India.
hey focus mainly on construction sector ha1ing different products, but they are
loo2ing for(ard to ma2e it into =#/> model starting (ith co(<mil2, butter and then
mo1ing to mineral (ater also.
=or Kamdhenu, more franchisee units means increase in mar2et share. It also helps in
impro1ement of brand equity (ithout in1esting in manufacturing acti1ity. Since they
ha1e these units located in different parts of the country, they sa1e on transportation
costs and time. In1entory control for construction sector is also 1ery important 6 and
these units ma2e it easier to pro1ide quic2 deli1ery of products to the consumers. 5lso
in the future, ser1ices (ill be in ma*or demand, and these units (ill surely come in
handy. he sheer 1olume generated by all units put together gi1es us more bargaining
=or their franchisee units, the most important benefit is in the form of e?pertise and
e?perience that they pro1ide for running their business efficiently. hey also benefit
by getting a ready platform in the niche mar2et by affiliating (ith us. he franchisee
units get to le1erage the brand Kamdhenu for the manufactured products, (hich in
turn gi1es them access to the already in place nation(ide Kamdhenu mar2eting
net(or2. hese are some of the many benefits that franchisee units reap by being
affiliated to Kamdhenu.
Besides S5IL @ 55 Steel, Kamdhenu is the only brand (ith a strong presence
nation(ide. )hile there are regional players across the countries, (ho manufacture
local brandsA none of them can match the quality of products that come from the
house of Kamdhenu. hey al(ays stri1e to pro1ide best quality at a 1ery reasonable
price. So the quality of their products is as good as 55 Steel, and they 2eep their
prices Bs :333<C333 a ton than them.
hey ha1e all types of customers 6 starting from single home<builder, professional
builders, corporate builders li2e &L=, >#B, 5nsals, etc, as (ell as go1ernment
authorities such as 9%5I, Bail(ays, 5irports, etc.
he India steel industry is one of the ma*or industries in India and the Indian
go1ernment plays a 1ery important role in the de1elopment of the steel industry in
he India steel industry is e?periencing a slo( but steady gro(th. he steel industry
in India has huge scopes in the future (ith massi1e scale of infrastructural
de1elopment happening all across the country. he India steel industry caters to many
other industrial sectors such as construction industry, mining industry, transportation
industry, automobile industry, engineering industry, chemical industry, etc.
he India steel industry has further plans of de1elopment. -lans are being chal2ed out
for setting up of D pig iron manufacturing units of a combined capacity of C la2h tons
per year and a steel manufacturing unit of the capacity of producing 1 million tons
yearly in )est Bengal, (ith the technical and financial support of /hina. )ith all
these de1elopments, India steel industry is all set to become one of the most reputed
industries not only in India but also in the international mar2et.
he different steel manufacturing plants under the India steel industryE
Integrated steel plants
1. &urgapur steel plant "&S-' in )est Bengal
8. Bhilai steel plant "BS-' in /hhattisgarh
D. Bo2aro steel plant "BSL' in Fhar2hand
4. Bour2ela steel plant "BS-' in Grissa
Special steel plants
:. 5lloy steels plants "5S-' in )est Bengal
C. .is1es1araya iron and steel plant ".ISL' in Karnata2a
;. Salem steel plant "SS-' in amil 9adu
7. Indian iron and steel company "IIS/G' in )est Bengal
9. Bhilai o?ygen limited "BGL' in 9e( &elhi
13. #aharashtra Hle2trosmelt limited "#HL' in #aharashtra
Gthers ma*or steel producers
11. ata iron and steel corporation ltd "IS/G'
18. Hssar steel
1D. Findal .i*aynagar steels ltd
14. Ispat industries ltd
1:. Findal strips ltd
1C. #ahindra ,gine steel company ltd
1;. FIS/G
17. Lloyds steel industries ltd
19. Hlectro steel castings ltd
83. Sa( -ipes
81. ,ttam steels ltd
88. #u2and ltd
8D. ata SSL ltd
84. ,sha Ispat ltd
8:. Kalyani steel ltd
H1ery success story has a humble beginning, so (as ours. his story of hard (or2 and
success started in the year 199: (here a creati1e young indi1idual started (or2 in a
production unit and instigated this e?pedition into IndiaIs steel sector (ith a single
reinforcement steel bars manufacturing business at Bhi(adi in Ba*asthan. he hard
slog and uphill struggle soon, (ithin the flashes of year brought the *ourney to a
milestone (ith Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd., (here the business too2 shape of a company of
to(ering reputation, in the Indian Steel mar2et.
)hat started as a single manufacturing unit has no( t(igged into abo1e 43 taut
manufacturing units across the country as a leading steel manufacturers and the string
seems to be getting longer.
KIL has in its list of manufacturing, a di1erse range of manufacturing products
including Beinforcement steel Bars "#$%S&', Structural steels "/hannels, 5ngles,
Beams @ flats' Binding )ire, %ousing, -./ -ipes, -ly(ood, -aints and many more.
In the last fe( years the company has gro(n from Jone of them! to Jone of the best,!
and has been ma2ing dynamic progress (ith an intention of gro(ing bigger but
Leaders are not born o1ernight. It requires a consistent performance and 1alue based
deli1ery. Kamdhenu has bro2en ne( grounds (ith products and solutions that are
global, inno1ati1e and sustainable.
Kamdhenu Ispat Limited, the largest manufacturer of international quality Steel Bars
in India, is the first company to get the prestigious ISG 9331E8333 certifications.
K5#&%H9,, the brand name that re1erbs of strength, durability and dependence
has registered the utmost brand recall in the construction industry. Kamdhenu Ispat
Limited no( manufactures reinforced steel bars< #, /& @ SS, under the same
he company belie1es that e1olution and re1olution is the edifice on (hich their
accomplishment stands. his is e1ident in its ambitious gro(th plan through
integration of decentrali+ed production bases by strategic alliances, the first company
to reali+e the potential of franchised manufacturing and acquisition of fragmented
manufacturing units at regional le1els all o1er the country.
Kamdhenu Ispat Limited uses the latest /B# Belgium technology to manufacture its
string of products< /I& bars, # bars, #<>al bars and Stainless steel in a
flattering time of 17 seconds against :8 seconds of others. he manufacturing plants
are fully automated for hot rolling and fine t(isting techniques and use proper
quenching processes for # technology.
Kamdhenu Ispat Limited prides in its highly efficient mar2eting team (ith inno1ati1e
and out of the bo? ideas to thin2 ahead of the time and turn challenges into
he company has its centrali+ed mar2eting office at >urgaon bac2ed (ith a
committed chain of o1er 8:33 dealers and distributors spread across the entire
he company has been consistently creating better brand a(areness of its products,
(hich no( en*oy a comprehensi1e reach across the country.
Kamdhenu!s focussed mar2eting strategies ha1e catapulted it to en*oy a price
premium for JKamdhenu! brand products o1er non<branded products in the mar2et.
In line (ith its philosophy to ha1e a (ell oiled and informed mar2eting net(or2, the
company publishes in<house ne(s *ournal 6 JIspat Sandesh!, both in %indi @ Hnglish
for binding the Kamdhenu fraternity into a family.
Kamdhenu Ispat ltd. is setting ne( benchmar2s in construction industry and is ready
to e?plore the ne( hori+ons (ith strong commitment to contribute to the nation
he Kamdhenu >roup &eri1es inspiration from the legendary pro1ider JKamdhenu!
of %indu mythology. he >roup has gro(n considerably from a simple set<up half a
century ago to a (ell< established group of companies no(, in1ol1ed in di1erse fields
including high quality steel bars.
Kamdhenu Ispat ltd. Is one of the largest manufacturers of the international quality
reinforced steel bars, using automatic >erman technology, in India. )ith a decade
long e?perience in the construction business the company is a strict adherent to J9G<
/G#-BG#ISH G9 K,5LIL!.
5n ISG< 9331E 8333 certified company by 5B9 quality H1aluation system ,S5, KIL
manufactures reinforced steel bars "# @ %S&' (hich ha1e become synonymous
for strength and durability and are used in the construction of multistoried buildings,
dams, flyo1ers and po(er plants.
)ith its strategic policy of e?panding its production base through tie< ups and ta2e
o1er, KIL has under its aegis a total of 83 manufacturing units (ith the main
production unit situated at Bhi(adi " Ba*asthan' and the rest 19 franchisee units
spread across the nation. hese franchisee units are located in Fammu @ Kashmir,
%imachal -radesh, -un*ab, ,ttaranchal, ,ttar -radesh, #eghalaya, 5ssam,
Fhar2hand, Bihar, )est Bengal, Grissa, 5ndhra -radesh, Karnata2a, amil 9adu,
>oa, #aharashtra and >u*arat. he products thus produced are being mar2eted by a
(ell< coordinated pool of distributors, dealers and stoc2yards apread across the
Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd. has an efficient team of engineers, Scientists, technicians and
dedicated staff in 1arious departments (ho (or2 under the 1aluable guidance of
#r. Satish 5gar(al and /hairman and managing director, #r. -radeep 5gar(al, #r.
Sunil 5gar(al and #r. Saura1 5gar(al, (hole time directors for the company.
Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd. has ta2en the initiati1e to e?ploit the 1ast opportunity in the
cement, stainless steel (ater pipes, and -laster of the -aris "-G-' mar2ets. )ith more
than 13 years of e?perience the company is setting up ne( benchmar2 in
reinforcement bars mar2ets.
Gru! Pr"ile
he Kamdhenu deri1es inspiration from the legendary Kamdhenu in %indu
mythology, (ho used to fulfill all aspirations of the people. he /ompany has gro(n
considerably from a small industrial set<up half a century ago to one of the popular
names in steel industry, in1ol1ed in di1erse fields including high quality steel bars.
Kamdhenu Ispat Limited# a flagship company of Kamdhenu >roup is the Indian
reinforcement bars manufacturing company to recei1e the prestigious ISG<9331E8333
by 5B9 Kuality H1aluation system, ,S5. Kamdhenu has emerged as the largest
rebar manufacturing group (ith 83 modern technology plants, located atE 8 at
Ba*asthan, 8 at -un*ab, 8 at ,ttar -radesh, 8 at >oa, 1 at #adhya -radesh, 1 at )est
Bengal, 1 at %imachal -radesh, 1 at >u*arat, 1 at F@K, 1 at Bihar, 1 at Fhar2hand, 1 at
9e( &elhi, 1 at 5ssam, 1 at /hennai and 1 at amil9adu.
Kamdhenu Ispat Limited consists of 83 5ssociate units manufacturing Kamdhenu
9ational Brand KIL Brand .#.$%S& Bars in different parts of the country under
licensing use agreement to fulfill the requirement in all parts of the country.
he products conform to almost all ma*or International Standards and find (ide usage
in the construction of multistoried buildings, dams, bridges, flyo1ers and po(er plants
as a basic reinforcement material. I9o /ompromise Gn quality StandI has also helped
the group to earn the confidence and loyalty of its consumers. o ensure regular
a1ailability of Kamdhenu reinforcement bars, the company has established a net(or2
of 1;:3 dealers and distributors in the 1arious states of India.
he >roup is e?panding its enterprise at a remar2able gro(th rate. Bac2ed by high
1isionary directors, the group is setting ne( benchmar2s and marching for(ard (ith
determined steps and focused target
Missin and $uality Pli%y
&a'd(enu aims at decentrali+ation of the production base by strategic tie<up$
ta2eo1er of unbranded manufacturing units all o1er the country and con1ert the same
into Kamdhenu Brand through technological up<gradation, implementation of Kuality
#anagement System and effecti1e distribution through (ide spread sale depot
Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd -lans include di1ersification of its business to the production of
/ement, Stainless steel -ipes and tubes and -laster of -aris, so as to pro1ide
di1ersified and quality products to the customers under the single brand name.
Bac2 home, the company is brooding o1er increasing public participation in its
management 1ia public, (hich is the bac2bone of the entity.
Simultaneously efforts (ould be made to create consumer a(areness for quality
construction steel and adopt the policy of MBest Kuality Best -riceN.
$uality Cntrl Measures)*
Gnline Gptical -yrometer
/omputeri+ed control of # production line
#otori+ed actuator 1al1e
/ontinuous study of microscopic structure
ests of Kamdhenu empcore # =e<41:, =e<:33 @ =e<::3 grade bars at >o1t. of
India!s #inistry of steel!s 9ational Institute of Secondary Steel echnology, -un*ab
re1ealed that these bars are 1ery higher strain @ corrosion resistance, lesser crac2
(idth in concrete compared to /& bars.
184 sa1ing in a?ially loaded columns, 74 in uni1ersal bending of columns and D to
;4 in doubly reinforced beam is e?pected, if this bar is used.
Industry Ser+ed
hey speciali+e in producing special steel and alloy steel for critical
applications in aerospace industry. hese alloy steel products are
a1ailable in different grades, material compositions and si+es
based on the requirements of the customers. heir space steel
alloys are specially designed for higher strength and still are
light in (eight.
Nu%lear P,er
%igh strength steel plates are used in the nuclear po(er plants and
engineering. hey offer nuclear po(er grade steel, (hich are
perfect for the manufacturing of nuclear reactors and other
pressure 1essels e?posed to irradiation. Based on the
requirement of the industry, (e produce steel (ith features li2e
increased toughness and (eldability.
Petr C(e'i%als
Steel has been the most preferred metal in the petrochemical industry
due its ability to (ithstand e?treme pressure le1els and are
highly corrosion resistant. hey offer alloy steel products in
different grades to fulfill the specific application requirements of
the industry. heir standard alloy steel products can be used to
form high strength pipelines, steel catenary risers, top tension
risers, threaded components, liquefied natural gas containers,
pressuri+ed liquefied natural gas containers, deep (ater oil drill
strings, riser$casing *oints and (ell<head equipment. Besides, (e
also manufacture steel, (hich are specially designed for oil and
gas pipelines.
Cuttin- Tls
Steel alloy is e?tensi1ely used in the tooling industry 6 because of the
properties li2e hardness, resistance to abrasion, ability to hold
cutting edge and their resistance to deformation at ele1ated
temperatures "red<hardness'. hese steel alloys are produced
under careful and strictly controlled conditions to fulfill the
special requirement of the industry. ool steels can be made in a
number of grades for different applications.
hey posses (orld<class facilities for melting, rolling, finishing, heat treatment and
gal1ani+ation of different grades of steel. he ad1anced manufacturing facilities
enable them to e?ecute bul2 orders (ithin the stipulated time frame. hey also ha1e
their o(n capti1e po(er plant that pro1ides uninterrupted po(er supply for consistent
production process. Since, product quality is the core of the company, they ha1e in<
house laboratory equipped (ith comprehensi1e testing and inspection facilities. 5ll
the products li2e alloy steel rounds can be tested on different chemical as (ell
physical parameters to ensure that that they comply (ith International standards.
Fa%ilities in%lude t(e "ll,in-)
Cnditinin- Fa%ility
o 5uto ingot
o Series of s(ing
o =inish in laddle
hot<top material
.. &V Su/ Statin
o /ontinuous
supply of po(er
o Begular ser1icing
for +ero brea2
Finis(in- 0 1eat Treat'ent
o .isual inspection
o Bar >rinding
o -ic2ling
o =urnace for soft annealing
(ith temperature controls
o 9ormalising
o 5nnealing$spherodised
annealing for cold forging
o Bar straightening machines
o #echani+ed inspection and
conditioning stations
hey belie1e that total customer satisfaction is the 2ey to continued success in the in
the competiti1e business arena. %ence, they are committed to maintain (orld<class
quality standards, efficient deli1ery schedules and competiti1e prices. heir esteemed
customers ha1e al(ays appreciated their efforts to achie1e e?cellence. 5nd as a result,
they get repeat orders from our clients and the list boasts of corporate names, (hich
are mar2et leaders in their respecti1e fields of operations 6 5 testimony to the product
quality and their efficient ser1ices.
o name a fe(, their ma*or clients include corporate names, (hich are listed belo(.
#unish =orging
%ero >roup
5sho2 Leyland
%im echno
51on /ycles
9a1a Sara
#aruti Su+u2i
55 #otors
heir Besearch and &e1elopment "B@&' department has played a pi1otal role in
retaining and consolidating companyIs leadership position in steel industry by
continuous up gradation of quality, process and ser1ices. heir team of dedicated
researchers come up (ith inno1ati1e ideas to design and de1elop cost<effecti1e
products. Becently, (e ha1e de1eloped die bloc2s in different si+es for the forging
industry. heir team of researchers 2eep themsel1es abreast (ith latest de1elopment
in the international mar2et and upgrade products accordingly. In addition, the research
(ing closely interacts (ith reputed national and international laboratories$scientific
institution$uni1ersities to a1ail e?pert ser1ices for critical in1estigation. hey ensure
that all the inno1ati1e research shall be aligned to the technological initiati1es
necessary to e1ol1e and fulfill the o1erall business ob*ecti1es of the company.
Tas2s underta2en /y R0D de!art'ent
&esigning and de1elopments of high 1alue products
,p<gradation of e?isting products.
/ost reduction by process de1elopment, optimi+ation and refinement.
echnology up<gradation to increase producti1ity.
Becei1ing feedbac2 from clients to access further scope of
Latest R 0 D
Kamdhenu applies J#icro Structure 5nalysis!, the second Indian company to do so
after ata Steel. he process helps in determining better quality monitoring of the
different layers of the # bars at the micro le1el, producing strong @ fle?ible
Prdu%t Pr"ile
Kamdhenu Ispat Limited is on di1ersification mode. )ith an ob*ecti1e to become a
complete infrastructural solution pro1ider, the company has (idened its product
portfolio and thus besides producing reinforced steel bars the company has 1entured
in other infrastructural segments asE
Kamdhenu /ement
Kamdhenu SS pipes and fittings
Kamdhenu -G-
34 1SD 5ars
%igh Strength &eformed Bars "%S&' ha1e high strength and stress proof, and are
produced by high speed rolling and precision cold t(isting.
Features " 1SD 5ars)*
%igher fatigue strength.
1334 (eld ability.
Satisfactory malleability.
Suitable for both compression and tension reinforcement.
#inimum (eight and ma?imum strength, thus economical.
64 TMT Gal+ani7ed 5ars
In order to enhance the corrosion resistance of # bars, Kamdhenu conducted
e?tensi1e B@& for the gal1ani+ation of these bars. he company has the (here(ithal
of the commercial production of >al bars.
Features " TMT Gal+ani7ed 5ars)*
Superior resistance to atmospheric @ marine corrosion.
Hnhanced strength combined (ith high ductility.
>ood (eldability and no strength loss at (elded *oints.
%igh thermal resistance.
Hasy to (or2 due to its better ductility and malleability.
Sa1ing in steel
84 TMT 5ars
Kamdhenu empcore # bars are thermo<mechanically<treated through leading
(orld technology for high yield strength. empcore bar is an ad1anced high strength<
reinforcing bar made by a unique mill heat treatment process de1eloped by /entre de
BecherchO #etallurgiques "/B#' in Belgium in the early se1enties to produce a
combination of physical properties tailor made for the building and construction
Industries. Its in1entors /B#, independent Huropean authorities, ha1e sub*ected
empcore bar to comprehensi1e and e?tensi1e testing programmers.
he important feature of # bars is enormous cost sa1ing in construction resulting
from drastic reduction in quality. his is possible practically in all types of B/
he process in1ol1es rapid quenching of hot bars through a series of (ater *ets after
they come out of the last rolling mill stand. he bars are cooled, allo(ing the core and
surface temperatures to equali+e. he bar core cools do(n slo(ly to turn into a
ferrlite<pearlite aggregate. Strength of the bars is carefully controlled by optimi+ing
the (ater pressure for their pearlitic core and tough surface of tempered marten site,
thereby pro1iding an optimum combination of high strength, ductility and toughness.
his product is used (idely in general purpose concrete reinforcement structures,
bridges and flyo1ers, dams, thermal and hydel po(er plants, industrial structures, high
rise buildings, under group platforms in metro rail(ay and rapid transport system.
Features " TMT 5ars)*
Hnhanced strength combined (ith high ductility.
hermal and earthqua2e resistance.
>ood (eld ability and no loss of strength at (elded *oints.
%igher thermal resistance.
Hasy (or2ing at site o(ing to better ductility and malleability.
Sa1ing in steel.
Superior Bend ability compared to con1entional %S& Bar.
94 SS 5ars :Future Prdu%t;
Steel reinforcement bar in B// are sub*ect to corrosion, specially in coastal and
high humidity areas. Stainless steel bars offer a solution to corrosion in reinforcement
concrete structures (hich help achie1e a design life of 73 to 183 years. B@& for the
manufacture of Stainless Steel bars has yielded the desired technical parameters.
Features " SS 5ars )*
>ood high and lo( temperature tensile$yield strengths to match or e?ceed
carbon steel.
Inherently good corrosion resistance, especially from chlorides in marine
9o cathodic protection needed.
%igh thermal resistance.
Hasy to (or2 (ith o(ing to better ductility and malleability.
Sa1ing in steel
&a'd(enu Ce'ent
4 ,nits at .aranasi, %imachal -radesh and Ludhiana are manufacturing
Kamdhenu Brand /ement 4D grade G-/ @ :D >rade --/.
Suitable for B// construction acti1ities.
Gru! Plants
Kamdhenu Ispat >roup is (ell<equipped (ith 83 modern technology -lants for
manufacturing #$%
1. 5shiana Ispat limited, Bhi(adi "Ba*asthan'
8. Bansi(ala Iron @ Steel Bolling #ills, 5*mer "Ba*asthan'
D. Supreme 5lloys "-' Ltd., >ha+iabad ",.-.'
4. Badhey Ispat "-' Ltd., Kanpur ",.-.'
:. 9alagarh Steel rolling #ills "-' Ltd., 9alagarh "%.-.'
C. 5ar Kay Industries, #andi >obindgarh "-un*ab'
;. #an(ani Industries Ltd., Indore "#.-.'
7. %im alloys "-' limited. , 9e( &elhi
9. 9eel2anth /oncast "-' Ltd., >u*arat
13. Fhelum Industries, Fammu "F @ K'
11. Kundil Ispat limited, >oa
18. Kundil Bolling #ills "-' Ltd., >oa
1D. &urga pur Steels Limited, &urga pur ")est Bengal'
14. &adi Fi Steels Ltd., -atna "Bihar'
1:. %anuman 5lloys "-' Ltd., Bo2aro /ity "Fhar2hand'
1C. 5BS #etals -1t. Ltd., /hennai
1;. =ortune #etal "-' limited, #andi >obindgarh "-un*ab'
17. #eghalaya Steel "-' Limited, >u(ahati "5ssam'
19. Kali #etal "-' limited, %osur "amil 9adu'
83. Bin*u #etal @ 5lloys Industries "-' Limited, %ydrabad
81. rinayani cement "-1t.' Ltd. "/ement'
88. #$s.-angli /ement company "-1t.'"/ement'
8D. #$s 5.S /ement Industries "%.-'
84. #$s 5sain /ement "%.-'
8:. Kamdhenu Industries Limited "S.S -ipe @ ubes', 9e( &elhi
8C. &e1endra Singh "-o-', 9e( &elhi
5ll he 5ssociate plants are based on upgraded automatic >erman technology.
")ith a rolling time of *ust 17 seconds'.
he range of products for 1SD /ars includes /old (isted &eformed "/&' bars,
hermo<mechanically<treated "#' Bars, >al1ani+ed thermo<mechanically<treated
"# >al.' bars and Stainless Steel "SS' bars.
5ll the plants are (ell equipped (ith fully automated hot rolling and precision
t(isting techniques. Latest #/-$ technology based on e?tensi1e B@& by engineers
and technical staff has been adopted for the manufacture of # bars.
1i-(li-(ts " Gru! Plants)
Te%(nl-y < ,pgraded %igh Speed >erman echnology for %S& Bars. echnology
/B#, Belgium for # Bars.
Ran-e O" Prdu%t < /& @ mt Bars "7mm o D8mm'.
Ad+an%e La/s (ith Spectrometer for Kuality /ontrol.
List " Distri/utrs
1;:3 Sales &epot @ &istributors in the follo(ing statesE<
%imachal -radesh
#adhya -radesh
)est Bengal
Fammu @ Kashmir
5ssam, 9agaland @ 5runachal -radesh , #eghalay, ripura, #i+oram,
amil 9adu
ata steel
.i+ag steel
A%(ie+e'ents and A,ards
he prosperity and high customer satisfaction endorse KamdhenuIs mar2et success.
o gi1e our clients long<term guarantee, it becomes our duty to ensure our customerIs
success in a highly competiti1e en1ironment, by supplying correct material (ith the
e?act specifications, and at the right time. Kamdhenu has recei1ed numerous a(ards
and recognitions from the >o1ernment of India and other bodies.
Largest Bebar manufacturing group.
International quality
,dyog Batan 5(ard
,dyog -atra 5(ard
Ba*at Fayanti ,dyog Fyoti 5(ard
Mar2etin- de!art'ent

Fi-ure) #ar2eting &epartment
.ice -resident
>eneral #anager
5ssistant >eneral
Gperational head
5rea sales manager
/hief mar2eting
Syste' "ll,ed /y t(e Mar2etin- de!art'ent "r /2in-
Fi-ure) Grder e?ecuti1e system
In Kamdhenu the order e?ecution ta2e place according to the abo1e diagram in detail
to e?plain first step is in the open mar2et i.e. the customer enquiry the rates as the rate
of the product differ day to day according to the mar2et situation. he rates are
enquired through the dealers and they are also informed about the quantity required
their customers. he information is past to the distributors so that they can enquire
from the mar2eting department about the requirements. Later the information is
pasted to the boo2ing department if the requirement is a1ailable the order is been
accepted and the product is sent to the dispatch department after it is dispatched the
order is completed.
Gpen mar2et
&ealer 9et(or2
#ar2eting &epartment
Boo2ing &epartment
&ispatch &epartment
STRENGT1S 0 =EA&NESSES < hese are internal factor to business.
OPPORTUNITIES 0 T1REATS < hese are e?ternal factors to the business, but
(ithin the same mar2et "loo2ing at the mar2et in relation to competitors'.
he logic behind the S)G analysis is that by first loo2ing at your business, you
already ha1e a set of strengths (hich you need to maintain, but by identifying
(ea2nesses you can address them and mo1e them into strengths. he same applies to
opportunities, in the sense that by identifying threats you can (or2 to reduce them as
far as possible.
In Kamdhenu (e can see that the strengths are 1ery high (hen compared to their
(ea2nesses. he (ea2nesses are 1ery fe( and the company is trying hard to
o1ercome there (ea2nesses. he company also has a large number of opportunities
Internal 5ssessment of the Grgani+ation
H?ternal 5ssessment of the Grgani+ation
Gpportunities hreats
(hich need to be capitali+ed effecti1ely and efficiently. Gn the other hand it also has a
number of threats from the e?ternal assessment of the organi+ation.
S=OT analysis on Kamdhenu Ispat Limited
Kamdhenu deals (ith # saria. Stren-t(s of Kamdhenu Ispat limited are
.#. Saria is a special type of saria manufactured using latest technologies.
his high quality saria is manufactured using most ad1ance technology of 81
century called Jhermo #echanical reatment!.
It can be used for all type of construction (or2s ranging li2e buildings to
It is economical because of its 834 more strength. It is earth qua2e resistant
because of its high tensile strength and fle?ibility. It is less affected by rust. It
has more strength to sustain fire.
It has 44 less (eight per meter than normal that ma2es it economical
It does not peel off the s2in (hile (or2ing (ith it.
>ood(ill of the company based on the quality as per ISI, policies,
net(or2ing, consistency supply.
/onsumer< Kamdhenu has (ide ranging mar2et (ise dedicated consumer on
Kamdhenu brand (ho are selling, mar2eting, branding, promoting.
Kamdhenu brand and a(areness consistently to achie1e. It is a promising
=ea2nesses of Kamdhenu Ispat limited are
/onsistency of ra( material supply< no proper supply of the ra( materials
(hich led to stoppage in the production
Bate fluctuation in the mar2et price
/ompetitors is the ma*or (ea2ness because any company has to meet the
selling of the competitors
O!!rtunity a1ailable for Kamdhenu Ispat limited
In product manufactures of reinforcement bar for construction there is a (ide
demand of this product, ha1ing a short supply of mar2et and also scope of
de1elop ne( mar2et to reach the Kamdhenu brand quality steel to the
consumer as there is a good demand of good quality steel.
)ith the (ide ranging consumer holding in the mar2et in steel trading
company has formed are di1ersified mar2et opportunity for other quality li2e
-laster of -aris " -G-', cement, stainless steel, sanitary fitting and so many
other products in the fold.
T(reats faced by Kamdhenu Ispat limited
&uplicate # saria are 1ery much a1ailable in the mar2et from local
manufacture (ho apply (ater on cheep saria during production to ma2e them
loo2 li2e # saria (hich affect the brand.
=luctuation in prices of ra( materials.
Bate =luctuation in the ma*or construction product li2e cement, bric2s affect
the mar2et of the #.
9o standard product.
Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd. has been pioneers in this re1olutionary concept of =ranchisee
#odel ha1ing achie1ed resounding success in the middle tier steel segment on
regional front.
5fter studying the mar2et trends and identifying the companies manufacturing steel
products, Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd. offers them its! brand name and assists in technology,
quality consistency and mar2eting of Kamdhenu brand of products.
his mode of concept ser1es dual purpose. he franchisee units benefit a lot by
a1ailing Kamdhenu!s brand premium and strong mar2eting net(or2. )hile
Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd. benefits from the royalty that gets from these franchisees for
using its brand name.
he model also gi1es a unique identity to the franchisee units and helps them in
le1eraging their le1el of operations and quality to sustain (ell amidst rising
competition in the steel sector.
5nd ultimately it also benefits the customer, (ho gains the most by getting top quality
products at the most effecti1e prices.
he ne( =ranchisee #odel adopted by Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd. is really changing the
(ay its! partners do business regionally. he trusted name of Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd. is
spelling a ne( tale of success by le1eraging their facilities to perform on a far
impro1ed le1el and thus bringing in more producti1ity in their day<to<day operations.
his alliance pro1ides the franchisee units (ith Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd. e?pertise
and e?perience for an efficient business.
5 ready platform in the niche mar2et gi1ing a facelift to this unorganised
sector$ne( enterprises.
Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd. brand le1erage to the franchisee units is also immense.
It also gi1es them access to Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd. nation(ide mar2eting
hey can a1ail Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd quality assurance and technological
hey also get assistance of Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd. centralised promotion
Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd. (ider presence helps them an easy @ fast a1ailability of
ban2 funding.
)hile the =ranchisees gain a lot from the =ranchisee #odel, Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd. on
the other hand also benefits in terms of increased brand presence, increased income
earned from Loyalty and also a (ider distribution net(or2 that eases stoc2ing at
regional centres.
#ore franchisee units result in increasing of mar2et share and impro1ement of
brand equity (ithout in1esting in manufacturing acti1ity, for Kamdhenu Ispat
he franchisee units also ensure quic2 deli1ery of products to the consumers.
Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd. is also benefited by efficient handling of large 1olumes,
(hich ultimately adds to its! bargaining po(er.
Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd. has a better brand presence due to easy a1ailability of
product in all parts of the country.
Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd. profitability increases as re1enues enhance from royalty
earned from franchisee units.
Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd. also en*oys more sa1ings on transportation costs and
faster product deli1ery due to decentralised manufacturing net(or2.
he stoc2yard model adopted by Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd. is also a step to(ards
achie1ing more de<centrali+ation in its! daily acti1ities. By initiating direct mar2eting
policy of setting up stoc2yards at 1arious strategic locations, Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd. has
led to easy a1ailability of goods throughout the country.
Hfficient mobility of products bet(een the production units and mar2et is the prime
moti1e of Kamdhenu behind setting up stoc2 yards across the Hntire country.
Kamdhenu!s strategically placed stoc2yards help its! corporate clients$institutions in
impro1ing their in1entory control due to fast deli1ery at site in minimum time.
/ontrolled by centrali+ed mar2eting mechanism, Kamdhenu!s stoc2yards ha1e
pro1ed beneficial to its! long list of corporate clients$institutions.
Hstablished in 199C, Kamdhenu Ispat "KIL' is a flagship company of Kamdhenu
>roup and is into IndiaPs infrastructure sector (ith prime focus on pro1iding
construction solutions ser1ices in the retail mar2et. he company started (ith a single
reinforcement steel bars manufacturing company at Bhi(adi in Ba*asthan. KIL
directly sells its products under the brand name Kamdhenu. ,nder the franchisee
arrangement, today the company has 8: reinforcement steel bars manufacturing units,
13 cement manufacturing units and one each in SS (ater pipe, -G- and housing
segment totaling D7 units in di1ersified areas of construction pro1iding goods and
ser1ices to the retail construction segment in o1er 88 states and D union territories of
he company 1entured into the capital mar2et to garner funds for its 1arious
e?pansion plans, (hich included setting up of stoc2yards across the country. he
company is in the process of setting up a 8.4 million tons # bar manufacturing
facility at 9igeria in partnership (ith one more Indian company and 9igerian
companies. he construction (or2 for this pro*ect has started. KIL has forayed into
housing segment. Kamdhenu %om+, a housing pro*ect, has already begun at
-anch2ula in %aryana. he company pro1ides all India net(or2 for sales of
Kamdhenu products through dealers and distributors in 88 states and D union
1. Kotler, -., 5rmstrong, >., "1994', -rinciples of #ar2eting, ;
edition, -rentice
%all, Hngle(ood /liffs, 9F.
1. he %indu < Sur1ey of Indian Industry
8. /ompany /atalogue 6 Kamdhenu Ispat

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