Motivation Alcon Cable

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The Development in Science & technology has brought tremendous change in business
strategy. The globalization has its own inspect on the industrial environment making it
competitive. Hence, to survive in the market the Captains of the industries perforce have to keep
themselves addressed with changing environment and adopt new techniques of their resource
The human resource in any organization is not important but Valuable to any
organization. This significant resource. Warrant due consideration executives and managers right
from the beginning. They have to take into account organizational deployment and adopt new
strategies for recruitment of the best talent available. The talent available in the marketing is
plenty but requirement is to recruit a suitable talent as per the job requirement and the
requirement of the organization. The different organ may choose their own systems but the and
result by selecting the best will go a long way to fulfill the organizational goals.
The function of Human Resource Executive/Personnel managers does not end merely at
selection stage rather it begins from that step because the talent so selected is required to be
developed to fulfill the organizational interest or
the goals so that there is an overall prosperity of both the organization & the individual. Towards
this end the importance of recruitment & selection of the desired talent enhances the potential
and opportunity for the organizations to and achieve its objectives.
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The success and failure of the organization largely depends on the human or employees
working in the organization. So recruitment and selection both are very important and they are
concerned with obtaining, organizing, and motivating the human resources required by the
Research was carried out to understand the practices of recruitment and selection
followed by Alcon Cables ltd, Rajpura. To understand the formulation of recruitment and
selection policies in the company and to give the suggestions for improvement in recruitment and
selection procedures currently followed by the company.
Through this report I was also able to understand, recruitment is sometimes confused
with employment. The two are not one and the same. Recruitment is just one step in the process
of employment. Similarly recruitment and selection are also different in nature. The function of
recruitment precedes the selection process. Recruitment is concerned with developing suitable
techniques for attracting more and more candidates while selection is the process of finding out
the most suitable candidate for the job.

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Products / Services :


Company Profile :
We are manufacture of LT power and control cable and flexible cable
Establishment Year: 1959
Firm Type: Partnership
Nature of Business: Manufacturer
Level to Expand: State

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>> Other products and services
Twine, cordage, ropes and cables
Twine, man-made fibre
Cords, natural fibre
Cords, man-made fibre
Cords, silk and cotton waste
Cords, paper
Cords, braided
Cords, impregnated
Cords, endless
Cords, plastic or latex coated
Cables, cords and ropes, plaited bands and stranded wire slings, metal
Cables, stainless steel wire
Cables, galvanised steel wire
Cables, iron and steel, mixed cables
Cables, mixed, metal-textile fibres
Cables, multi-wire, 4 to 16 strands, non-ferrous metals
Cables, metal, covered
Cables, metal, braided
Power line cable and wire fittings
Terminals, power line cable and wire
Connectors, power line cable and wire
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Clamps, power line cable and wire
Cable clips and wiring clips, electric
Cable cleats and saddles, electric
Brackets, power line cable and wire
Cable glands
Cable glands for hazardous areas
Junction boxes
Junction boxes, watertight
Junction boxes, earth-cable, fused
Power line vibration dampers and spacer dampers
Cable tensioners and cable laying equipment, electric
Cable support systems
Cable suspenders, electric
Cable racks, electric
Cable trays, electric
Cable thimbles and sockets, electric
Cable end sleeves, electric
Cable joint accessories, underground distribution
Electric wires and cables, insulated
Wire, mineral fibre covered, electric
Wire, ceramic covered, electric
Wire, textile covered, electric
Wires and cables for telecommunications and electronics
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Cables, coaxial
Cables, coaxial, microwave
Cables, miniature, electric
Local area network (LAN) equipment NES
Local area network (LAN) systems, complete
Local networks, optical fibre cable
Local networks, coaxial cable
Computer cable assemblies and connectors
Computer data cable assemblies, pre-assembled
Computer serial cable assemblies
Computer parallel cable assemblies

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Web-site: Visit Website
Contact Person: B.K.SAGGI
Designation: PARTNER
Phones (Office) : 1762329943
Phones (Resi.) : 329943
Mobile: 9316603066
Fax: 1762232687
RAJPUA - 140401
(Punjab) India

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Vision And Mission
The company aims at successfully meeting the varied needs of the Indian consumers. The
Company has continuously Endeavored to bring new products to the Indian Consumer the
Company stayed close to its roots nature and it has been a platform for its success for several
Mission Statement
The mission statement of Alcon Cables ltd. Rajpura is To produce and sell goods and
service to achieve the highest return on sales in the Industry to total satisfaction of customers ,
employees and Share holders in that order.
Rajpura Branch of Alcon Cables ltd has a good Quality control system together with
Research and Development which is comparable to its best in the Industry. It is to the Credit of
its good Quality Control system and efficient R and D Department, thatAlcon Cables Ltd,
Rajpura has been honoured and awarded .THE AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL QUALITY

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Rensis Likerthas called motivation as the core of management. Motivation is the core of
management. Motivation is an effective instrument in the hands of the management in inspiring
the work force .It is the major task of every manager to motivate his subordinate or to create the
will to work among the subordinates .It should also be remembered that the worker may be
immensely capable of doing some work, nothing can be achieved if he is not willing to work
.creation of a will to work is motivation in simple but true sense of term.

Motivation is an important function which very manager performs for actuating the people to
work for accomplishment of objectives of the organization .Issuance of well conceived
instructions and orders does not mean that they will be followed .A manager has to make
appropriate use of motivation to enthuse the employees to follow them. Effective motivation
succeeds not only in having an order accepted but also in gaining a determination to see that it is
executed efficiently and effectively.

In order to motivate workers to work for the organizational goals, the managers must determine
the motives or needs of the workers and provide an environment in which appropriate incentives
are available for their satisfaction .If the management is successful in doing so; it will also be
successful in increasing the willingness of the workers to work. This will increase efficiency and
effectiveness of the organization .There will be better utilization of resources and workers
abilities and capacities.

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To high light the necessity of retention in prevailing business environment.
Analyze the existing system of retention adopted in Alcon Cable & Wire
Industry. In relation to the objective of recruitment and selection system.
To identify the weakness in the system.
To suggest/recommend appropriate strategies changes in existing system.
To reduce employee turnover.
To reduce the cost of hiring a new employee.

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1. Focus And Objectives of project
Focus of my study is to highlight the significance of human Resource with following
(a) Human beings are complex in nature with potential to grow This resource is creative and
has the ability to contribute in further in the cause of human lives.
(b) The organization require to demonstrate due concern to Recruit & select required talent
for the organizational progress.
2. Approach or Methodology
I was briefed by very guide Shri B.K.SAGGI G.M. (HR & Adm) Alcon Cables Ltd.
Rajpura. He highlighted salient aspects of human Resource management & importance of proper
Recruitment & selection of employees for overall growth of the organization. He concerned
numerous aspects related to recruitment & selection like the importance, policy, manpower
planning, process, objectives & various options available to recruit the requisite talent.

3. Research Design
The Research design is the blue print for the fulfillment of objectives and answering
questions. It is frame-work which determines the course of action towards the collection and
analysis of required data. It is a master plan specifying the method and procedures for collecting
and analyzing the method information. Descriptive Research is used in this study, as the main
aim is to describe characteristics of the phenomenon or a situation.
4. Data Collection
The Sources of data includes :-
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1. Primary Data Sources.
2. Secondary Data Sources.
Primary Data Sources :- Primary Data has been Collectly directly from sample respondents
through questionnaires with the help of interview.
Secondary Data Sources:- Secondary data sources are those which has already been used and
kept as records like website of company, manuals reports etc.
Sample Design:- Sample design is definite plan determines before any data is actually obtained
for a sample from a given population.
Target Population : Employers
Sample Unit : Individual
Sampling Technique : Convenient sampling
Sample size : 100 respondents
5. Limitations of the Study
Various limitations of the study are:-
(a) Various Parameters used in the project may not be 100% realistic.
(b) The sample size taken over a limited period may have a margin of error.
(c) Time constraint in the project.

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Understanding what motivated employees and how they were motivated was the focus of many
researchers following the publication of the Hawthorne Study results (Terpstra, 1979). Five
major approaches that have led to our understanding of motivation are Maslow's need-hierarchy
theory, Herzberg's two- factor theory, Vroom's expectancy theory, Adams' equity theory, and
Skinner's reinforcement theory.
According to Maslow, employees have five levels of needs (Maslow, 1943):
physiological, safety, social, ego, and self- actualizing. Maslow argued that lower level
needs had to be satisfied before the next higher level need would motivate employees.
Herzberg's work categorized motivation into two factors: motivators and hygienes
(Herzberg, Mausner, & Snyderman, 1959). Motivator or intrinsic factors, such as
achievement and recognition, produce job satisfaction. Hygiene or extrinsic factors, such
as pay and job security, produce job dissatisfaction.
Vroom's theory is based on the belief that employee effort will lead to performance and
performance will lead to rewards (Vroom, 1964). Rewards may be either positive or
negative. The more positive the reward the more likely the employee will be highly
motivated. Conversely, the more negative the reward the less likely the employee will be
Adams' theory states that employees strive for equity between themselves and other
workers. Equity is achieved when the ratio of employee outcomes over inputs is equal to
other employee outcomes over inputs (Adams, 1965).

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A basic principle is that the performance of an individual depends on his or her ability backed by
motivation. Stated algebraically the principle is:
Performance =f (ability motivation)
Ability refers to the skill and competence of the person to complete a given task. However,
ability alone is not enough. The persons desire to accomplish the task is also necessary.
Organizations become successful when employees have abilities and desire to accomplish given
Motivation in simple terms may be understood as the set of forces that cause people to behave in
certain ways.
Reassess needs deficiencies
Receives either rewards or punishment
Engages in goal directed behavior
Searches for ways to satisfy needs
Identifies needs

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The framework comprises steps.
1. Motivation process begins with the individuals needs. Needs are telt deprivations which
the individual experiences at a given time and act as energizers. These needs may be
psychological (e.g., the needs for recognition), physiological (e.g., the needs for water, air
or foods) or social (e.g., the needs for friendship).
2. Motivation is goal directed.
3. A goal is a specific result that the individual wants to achieve .An employees goal are
often driving forces and accomplishing those goals can significantly reduce needs.
4. Promotions and raises are two of the ways that organizations seek to maintain desirable
5. They are signals to employees that their needs for advancement and recognition and their
behaviors are appropriate.

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Some definitions on motivation:
how behavior gets started is energized, is sustained, is directed, is stopped, and what kind of
subjective reaction is present in the organism while all this is going on jones, 1955).
the term motivation refers to a process governing choices made by person or lower organisms
among alternative forms of voluntary activity
motivation is the result of process, internal or external to the individual that arouse enthusiasm
and persistence to pursue a certain course of action.
motivation is a process that starts with a physiological or psychological deficiency or need that
activates behavior or a drive that aimed at a goal or an incentive
Obviously, the first definition covers all stages shown in the motivation model.

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Why do we need motivated employees? The answer is survival (Smith, 1994). Motivated
employees are needed in our rapidly changing workplaces. Motivated employees help
organizations survive. Motivated employees are more productive. To be effective, managers
need to understand what motivates employees within the context of the roles they perform. Of all
the functions a manager performs, motivating employees is arguably the most complex. This is
due, in part, to the fact that what motivates employees changes constantly (Bowen &
Radhakrishna, 1991). For example, research suggests that as employees' income increases,
money becomes less of a motivator (Kovach, 1987). Also, as employees get older, interesting
work becomes more of a motivator.
Probably, no concept of HRM receives as much attention of academicians, researchers and
practicing managers motivation. The increased attention towards motivation is justified by
several reasons
1. Motivated employees are always looking for better ways to do a job. This statement can apply
to corporate strategists and to production workers. It is the responsibility of managers to make
employees look for better ways of doing their jobs.
2. A motivated employee generally is more quality oriented. This is true whether we are talking
about a top manager spending extra time on data gathering and analysis for a report or a clerk
taking extra care when filing important document.
3. Highly motivated worker are more productive than apathetic worker .The high productivity of
Japanese worker and the fever worker are needed to produce an automobile in Japan than
elsewhere is well known. An appreciation of the nature of motivation is highly useful manager.
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4. Every organization requires human resources in addition to financial and physical resources
for it to function .Three behavioral dimensions of HR are significant to organizations (i) people
must be attracted not only to join the organizations but also to remain it (ii) people must perform
he tasks for which they are hired and must do so in a dependable manner and (iii) people must go
beyond this dependable role per performance and engage in some form of creative,
spontantaneous, and innovative behavior at work.
5. Motivation as a concept represents a highly complex phenomenon that affects. and is affected
by .a multitude of factors in the organizational milieu .an understanding of the topic of
motivation is thus essential in order to comprehend more fully the effects of variations in other
reaction as they relate to the performance, satisfaction, and so forth .
6. Why increasing attention is paid towards motivation can be found in the present and future
technology required for production, as technology increases in complexity, machines tend to
become necessary, yet insufficient, vehicles of effective and efficient operation .Consider the
example of the highly technology-based space programmed in our country.

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The purpose of this study was to describe the importance of certain factors in motivating
employees at the Piketon Research and Extension Center and Enterprise Center. Specifically, the
study sought to describe the ranked importance of the following ten motivating factors: (a) job
security, (b) sympathetic help with personal problems, (c) personal loyalty to employees, (d)
interesting work, (e) good working conditions, (f) tactful discipline, (g) good wages, (h)
promotions and growth in the organization, (i) feeling of being in on things, and (j) full
appreciation of work done. A secondary purpose of the study was to compare the results of this
study with the study results from other populations.

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The framework of motivation indicates that motivation is a simple process. But in reality the task
is more daunting
One reason why motivation is a difficult task is that the workforce is changing.
Employees join organizations with different needs and expectations. Their values, beliefs,
background, lifestyles, perceptions and attitudes are different. Not many organizations
have understood these and not many HR experts are clear about the ways of motivating
such diverse workforce.
Motivating employees is also more challenging at a time when firms have dramatically
changed the jobs that employees perform, reduced layers of hierarchy, and jetusoned
large numbers of employees in the name of right-sizing or down-sizing .These actions
have considerably damaged the level of trust and commitment necessary for employee to
put in efforts above minimum requirements some organization have resorted to hire and
fire and pay for- performance strategies almost giving up motivational efforts. Such
strategies may have some effects (both positive and negative) but fail to make and
individual overreach him or her
Third, motives can only be inferred, but not seen. The dynamic nature of needs offend
poses challenge to any manager in motivating his or her subordinate. An employee, at
any given time, has a various needs, desire, and expectations. Employees who put in extra
hours at work to fulfill their needs or accomplishment may find that these extra hours
conflict directly with needs for affiliation and their desire to be with their families
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However, there is no shortage of models, strategies, and tactics for motivating employees.
As a result, firms constantly experiment with next motivational programmed and
Work Motivation
Craig Pinder echoing the basic definition of motivation, define it as follows:
Work motivation is a set of energetic force that originate both within as well as beyond and
individuals being, to initiate work related behavior, and to determine its form, direction,
intensity, and duration.

While general motivation is concerned with effort towards any goal, Stephen Robbins narrow the
focus to organizational goals in order to reflect singular interest in work related behavior the
effort element is a measure of intensity. The need means some internal state that makes certain
outcomes appear attractive. And unsatisfied need creates tension that stimulates drives within the
individual. This drives general a search behavior to find particular goals, if attend, will satisfied
the needs and lead to the reduction of tension

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Thus, the key to understanding motivation lies in the meaning of, and relationship between
needs, drives and goals,
Needs: Needs are created whenever there is a physiological or psychological imbalance For
example: A need exists when cells in the body are deprived of food and water or when the
personality is deprived of other people who serve friends or companions. Although
psychological may be based on a deficiency, sometimes they are not. For instant, and individuals
with a strong need to get ahead may have a history of consistent success

Drives: Drives (Or motives) are set up to alleviate needs. Psychological needs can be simply
defined as a deficiency with direction. Physiological or psychological drives are action oriented
and provide energizing thrust towards reaching an incentive or goals. They are at the very heart
of the motivational process. The needs for food and water are translated into hunger and thrust
drives, and the need for friend becomes a drives affiliation. Thus, a drive is a psychological state
which moves an individuals satisfying a needs

Goals: At the end of the motivational cycle is the goal or incentive. It is anything that wills that
will alleviate a need and reduce a drive. Thus, attaining a goal will tend to restore physiological
or psychological balance and will reduce or cut off the drive. Eating food, drinking water and
obtaining friends will tend to restore the balance and reduce the corresponding drives food, water
and friends are the incentive are the goals in this example
Conceptual clarification: (motives, motivation and motivating)
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The terms motives, motivation and motivating which are derived from the Latin word Mover
(to move) are important concept which have distinct connotation. In order to steer the energies of
the employees towards organizational goals accomplishment, it is essential to grasp the meaning
and significance of this concept and also to learn how to apply them intelligently

Motives: Motive is defined as a inner state that energizes, activates (Or moves) and directs (or
channels) the behavior of individuals towards certain goals the strong motives or needs are
fulfill. In order to minimize the restlessness, and keep it under control, the individual is propelled
into action. Thus motive induce individual to channel their behavior towards such type of actions
as would reduce their state of restlessness are inner disequilibrium. Thus motives can be thought
of as drives that energize people to action.

Motivation: while motives are energizers of action, motivation is the actual action that is work
behavior itself. For instance, when a employee work hard, his level of motivation may be
consider as low. Thus, the level of motivation of employee is judged by his actual work behavior

Motivating: Motivating it is the term that implies that one person induces another to engage in
action or work. Behavior by ensuring that a channel to direct the motive of the individuals
become available and accessible to the individual.
Managers play a significant role in channeling the strong motive in a direction that he satisfying
to both the organization and the employees. Additionally, managers are also responsible for
awakening or activating latent motives in individuals- that is the needs that are less strong and
somewhat dormant and harness them in a manner that would be functional for the organization.
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Classification of Motives:
Primary motives are unlearned and physiologically based. Common primary motives include
hunger, thirst, sleep, avoidance of pain, sex and maternal concern .The general motives are also
unlearned but are not physiologically based. Competence, curiosity, manipulation, activity, and
affection are examples of general motives.

Secondary motives are products of learning. The needs for power, achievement, affiliation,
security and status are major motivating forces in human behavior at work. Behavioral science
especially industrial.

Psychology motives is concerned with understanding an individuals through his motives .It
studies the individuals socio-psychological motives at great length in order to be successful in
understanding why man behaves the way he does.

Socio-psychological motives are neither inborn to him nor are they related directly to his survival
.These motives originate from the training which he acquires from different social organizations
to which he belongs. Socio-psychological motives, unlike physiological motives, are largely vary
from culture to culture .They may be divided into affiliative and egoistic motives. Affiliative
motives deal with belongingness, friendship or affection with people. Egoistic motives relate to a
position over people rather than with people. Power, status, prestige or esteem fall under egoistic
motives. Socio-psychological motives include acquisitiveness, security, status, autonomy,
affiliation, achievement, dependence, aggression, power and nurturance.
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The complexity of motivation:
Human motivation is highly complex. Human behavior is multi-motivational. Several motives
are simultaneously at work when the individual behaves; and several times the individual himself
is unaware of his motives. Therefore, motivational analysis if behavior is difficult. Another fact
is that the same motive may give rise to various motives may lead to the same type of behavior
in different individuals.
Thus, there can be several other ways of behaving to achieve these one and all these different
forms of behavior may lead to the same amount of success by achieving the same end. The
converse is also true. Different motives may sometimes result in one form of behavior. To
complicate matters further, people often do things without being aware of the basic motive or
motives involved. Giving good reasons rather than real reasons for behavior is known as
rationalization Ex. Sublimation, projection, identification, and compensation are a few forms of
behavior in which the real motive is unknown to the individual.
Whether motives are consciously present or are unconscious, many of them act upon the
individual simultaneously .As a result, the individual may face conflict some of the time .An
employee who wants to tell the boss off but also wants to keep his job is in conflict. An employer
who must decide whether to sell an oversupply of a commodity at a loss or hold it a little long, is
likewise in conflict.

There are various difficulties in inferring motives from behavior as we have seen thus far:
Similar motives may be manifested through different behaviors
Different motives may be expressed through similar behavior
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Motives may appear in disguised form
Any single act of behavior may express several motives
Expression of motives differ from culture to culture and from person to person within a culture
Motives vary in strength not only from one individual to another but within the same individual
at different times.
Since it is difficult to know all there is to be known about the various motives that operate both
within the individual and from outside, it is difficult to predict behavior

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Behavior is basically goal-oriented .that means the behavior of an individual is generally
motivated by a desire to attain some goal. The specific goal is not always consciously known by
the individual .Sometimes an individual may wonder, Why did I do that? or Why did I fail to
do that? the reason for behavior is not always apparent to the conscious mind .individuals are
not always aware of everything they want .
The basic unit of behavior is an activity. In fact, all behavior is a series of activities .individual
have preference for certain activities, they change activities, and they change activities
accordingly. It is important for a manager to understand, predict, and even control the activities
that an individual may perform at a given moment. To predict the behavior, manager must know
which motives or needs of people evoke a certain action at a particular time.
Motives: Every individual carries a set of inner motivations and drives that influence the way
he behaves much more radically than he realizes .Individuals differ not only in their ability to do
but also in their will to do, or motivation. Motives are sometimes defined as needs, wants, drives,
or impulses within the individual .Motives are the whys of behavior .they arouse and maintain
activity and determine a general direction of the behavior of an individual. In essence, motives or
needs are the mainsprings of action. When we use these two terms interchangeably- motives and
needs-we refer something within an individual that prompts that person to action.
Goals: Goals are outside an individual .Goals are something referred to as hoped for rewards
towards which motives are directed Psychologists use the term incentives for these goals.
Incentives include tangible financial rewards such as increased pay and also the managers who
are successful in motivating employees are often providing an environment in which appropriate
goals are available for needs satisfaction.
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Set Goals
Its important to help your employees set goals for themselves. These can include both long-term
and short-term goals and they can be both work-related and personal in nature. Often, goals are
set on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or even yearly basis. Many companies use performance
management systems, which get every employee on the same page, regardless of his or her
position. If they understand the relationship between their specific job and the companys
success, theyll often approach their work with a sense of belonging. Frequently, that sense is all
it takes to get that individual to finish a given task. And, of course, rewarding your employees for
achieving their goals goes a long way toward creating a consistently motivated workforce.
Encourage Creative Thinking
Successful companies promote an environment in which creative thinking by the employees is
allowed, if not encouraged. If youve been successful in explaining your companys overall
objectives in detail, employees will often come up with their own creative strategies for
achieving these goals. In the case of the sales force that I help manage, I usually tell them the
successful tactics that I used while making sales but I also add that theres no one correct way.
Everyone has a unique personality that might translate into an effective method of making sales.
The challenge of figuring out an effective method on their own can be liberating and much more
fulfilling. Plus, employees are more apt to listen to future advice if you let them figure out that
you are right on their own.
Devise a System of Teamwork and Trust
Employees are never going to produce the way you expect them to if they think you dont care
about them. Start off by learning about your employees personal lives. This will give you
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insights into how to deal with them in certain situations. Your relationship with your workers
should seem like one between partners as opposed to one between employee and boss. Also,
spread specific assignments around among your workers. By giving employees special tasks, you
make them feel more important. When your employees feel like they are being trusted with
added responsibilities, they are motivated to work even harder so they wont let the company
Foster an Environment of Fun
Studies have shown that employees are more dependable and productive when they think their
workplace is a fun place to come to every day. Ive found that one of the most effective methods
of doing this is simply engaging my sales reps in conversations about topics that we both find
interesting. Its not necessary to talk to them all day long, but a few minutes here and there
throughout the day can work wonders. Little talks like these allow the employee to see you as a
regular person, and when your employees like you as a person, they are more likely to listen to
you when you need them to get something done.
People join organizations expecting rewards. Firms distribute money and other benefit in
exchange for the employees availability, competence and behaviors.

The following diagram identifies four types of rewards: membership and seniority, job status,
competency and performance.
Membership and Seniority-based Rewards
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Benefit an employee receives depends on the firm which he or she joins. An MBA taking up a
job in Wipro or Infosys gets more benefits than boy or girl who joins a state government
In the same firm, a senior employee receives more benefits than employee .Advancement , pay
raises, retirement benefits and perquisites depend on seniority of an employee.
Membership& Seniority
Job Status
Organizational Rewards
Types of organizational rewards
There are advantages and limitations associated with membership and seniority based reward
.Membership based reward attract job applicants but the problem is such reward may not directly
motivate job performance .Seniority based rewards tend to reduce turnover but may fail to
motivate achievers to perform better. Another problem with is that they discourage poor
performers form leaving the film voluntarily because alternative jobs are simply not available to
Performance-based Rewards
The trend that is emerging recently is to link pay to performance rather than to seniority or
membership. Firms in N.America, Europe and Asia are paying their employees more for
performance than ever before. For instance, in a recent survey of 210 large firms in Tokyo,
Japan, 24 per cent awarded pay increases on the basis of performance than seniority.
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Performance-based rewards are many, but the most common among them are:

Team rewards are common where firms rely in teams to get work done. Some teams are
rewarded with special bonuses or gifts if they collectively achieve specific goals. A gain sharing
plan is a type of team reward that motivates team members to reduce costs and increase labor
efficiency in their work process. Gain sharing plans use a predetermined formula and calculated
cost savings and pay bonus to all team members. Typically, the company shatters the cost
savings with employees.

Individual rewards are quite common in organizations. The most common is the piece rate which
links pay to the units produced by an employee. Commissions are paid to sales people on the
actual sales shown by them. Merit pay is based on the individuals performance. This is
gradually replaced by retainable bonuses for accomplishing specific tasks or for achieving
certain goals. Although these bonuses are often determined from team or organizational
performance, they may also result from satisfactory completion of individual goals.
Are rewards, particularly monetary rewards, reality motivators? Put in another way, does money
motivate employees? The answer is yes and no.
Money is understood to be powerful motivator for more than one reason. In the first place,
money is fundamental for completion of task. Work, unless it is voluntary or play involves a
contract between two parties guaranteed by the payment of money. The employee takes pay as
the reward for his or her work and the employer views it as the price for using the services of
the employee.
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Second, as a medium of exchange, money is the vehicle by which employee can buy numerous
need satisfying goods and services they desire. Third, money is one of the hygiene factors, and
improving maintenance factors is the first step in effort directed towards motivation. Fourth,
money also performs the function of a score card by which employees assess the value that the
organization place on their services and by which employees can compare their values to
others. Fifth, reinforcement and expectancy theories attest to the value of money as a motivator.
In the former, if pay is contingent upon performance, it will encourage workers to high levels of
effort, Consistent with the expectancy theory, money will motivate to the extent that it is seen as
being able to satisfy an individuals personal goals and is perceived as being dependent upon
performance criteria.

Sixth, money acts as punctuation in ones life. It is an attention-getting and effect-producing
mechanism Money has, therefore, tremendous importance in influencing employee behavior.
Seventh, money is easily vulnerable for manipulation. Other factors like satisfaction,
responsibility, a challenging job and the like are nebulous. Payments and the plans with which
they are linked are manipulatable. Finally, money will be a powerful motivator for a person who
is tense and anxious about lack of money. Many worries and concerns are financially based. It is
relaxing to receive sufficient money to clear the outstanding bills and past debts which have been
causing tension.
But behavioral scientists think otherwise. They downgrade money as a motivator. They prefer,
instead, other techniques such as challenging jobs, goals, participation in decision of behavioral
scientists to money as a motivator is understandable for at least six reasons. First, money is not
important to all people. High achievers, for example, are intrinsically motivated. Money has little
Page | 39

impact on such people. Second, people fail to see a direct linkage between monetary and
performance. In these days of unionization, protective legislation, seniority based promotion, and
the coast of living indexation, pay raises do not depend on performance. Third, for money to
motivate the difference in pay increase between a high performer and an average performer must
be significant. In practice it rarely is. Fourth, management must have the discretion to reward
high performers with more money. This is not possible, thanks to strong unionization. Fifth,
relationships among employees are often ruptured because of the scramble for monetary rewards.
Finally, financial incentives discourage risk-taking propensity of people. Whenever people are
encouraged to think about what they will get for performing a task, they become less inclined to
take risk or explore possibilities.
The conclusion is that money can motivate some people under some conditions. Put it another
way money cannot motivate all people under all circumstances. Studies too attest to the same
Motivating Employees without Money
The employees who work for your company are naturally motivated. All you need to do is to
utilize their natural ability, which you can do without spending a time. That's right! No money.
In fact, money can actually decrease an employee's motivation and performance. The first step in
utilizing your employees' natural abilities is to eliminate your organization's negative practices
that zap away their natural motivation. The second step your organization can take is to develop
true motivators which can spark all your employees into being motivated. By decreasing
negative zapping demotivators and by adding true motivators, you will tap into your employees'
natural motivation. Your employees' natural motivation relies on the fact that all people have
human desires for affiliation, achievement, and for control and power over their work. In
Page | 40

addition, they have desires for ownership, competence, recognition, and meaning in their work.
The following is a list of ten motivation zapping organizational behaviors that will demotivate
your employees.
Create an atmosphere full of company politics.
Develop unclear expectations regarding your employees' performance.
Create a lot of unnecessary rules for employees to follow.
Plan unproductive meetings for employees to attend.
Promote internal competition between employees.
Withhold information critical for employees to perform their work.
Provide criticism instead of constructive feedback.
Tolerate poor performance so your high performing employees feel taken advantage of.
Treat employees unfairly.
Underutilize the capability of your employees.
The following are examples of true motivators that will help your employees tap into their
natural ability to be motivated. Remember; implement these true motivators without spending
money. Instead of focusing on money, focus on how you can make some changes within your
If your employees do routine work add some fun and variety to their routine.
Provide employees with input and choice in how they do their work.
Encourage responsibility and leadership opportunities within your company.
Promote social interaction and teamwork between employees.
Tolerate learning errors by avoiding harsh criticism.
Promote job ownership.
Page | 41

Develop goals and challenges for all employees.
Provide lots of encouragement.
Make appreciation part of your repertoire.
Develop measurement that shows performance increase.
By eliminating demotivators and adding in no cost motivators you are tapping into your
employees' natural human desires to perform at their maximum level of motivation and
productivity. The following are the human desires that you are tapping into.
Desire for activity
Desire for ownership
Desire for power
Desire for affiliation
Desire for competence
Desire for achievement
Desire for recognition
Desire for meaning
That's it! Remember; don't work to change one individual at a time. Work to change your
organization to decrease the demotivators and thereby increase your employees natural ability to
self motivates themselves.
Employee motivation
Principles of improving employee motivation and empowerment
Employee motivation questionnaires or surveys
Staff surveys are usually very helpful in establishing whether staff in your company is motivated
and therefore performing to best effect. Aside from the information that questionnaires reveal,
Page | 42

the process of involving and consulting with staff is hugely beneficial and motivational in its
own right, (see the 'Hawthorne Effect'). Whilst your survey will be unique to your company,
your staff issues, your industry and culture, some useful generic guidelines apply to most
situations. Although not exhaustive, the following ten points may help you cover the relevant
subject areas and help towards establishing facts rather than making assumptions about
motivation when designing your own questionnaires on employee motivation.

Page | 43

Empowerment is one of concepts discussed much in HRM. Empowerment is what young job
aspirants are looking for in organizations. More than monetary rewards, it is the feeling that
employee owns the job that motivates him or her nowadays. Empowerment may be understood
as a process of enhancing feelings of self .efficacy among organizational members through the
identification of conditions that foster powerlessness and through their removal by both formal
organizational practices and informal techniques of providing efficacy information Empower
employees are energetic and passionate. They aspire to do better job because they get personally
rewarded for doing job.

Empowerment consist five stages. The first stage involves identifying .The conditions existing in
the organizations that lead to feelings of powerlessness on the part of organizational members.
These conditions manifest through poor communication, centralized resources, and authoritarian
styles of leadership, low incentive value rewards, low task variety and unrealistic performance

Diagnosis being completed as suggested above, the next stage is to introduce empowerment
strategies and techniques. Use of participative management implementing merit-Pay systems and
job enrichment are example of possible empowerment practices.

The use of the programmes (stated above) is designed to accomplish two objectives in the third
stage. One is simply to remove the conditions identified in the first stage as contributing to
powerlessness. The second, and more important, is to provide self-efficacy information to
Page | 44

subordinate. Self-efficacy describes a belief in ones effectiveness. Individuals high in self-
efficacy information to subordinates. Self-efficacy describes a belief in ones effectiveness.
Individuals high in self-efficacy tend to be confident and self-assured and feel they are likely to
be successful in whatever Endeavours they undertake.

Receiving such information result in feeling of empowerment in the fourth stage .This is because
increasing self-efficacy straightens effort performance expectancies. Finally, the enhanced
empowerment feelings from stage four are translated into performance in the fifth and final
stage. These behavioral consequences of empowerment include increased activity directed
towards task accomplishment.
Empowerment result in performance
Empowerment is facilitated by a combination of factors including values, leadership, job
structure and reward systems.
Empowerment occurs when power of decision making and authority to share resources go to
employees who then experiences a sense of ownership and control over jobs. Empowered
employees know that know that their jobs belong to them. Given a say on how things are done,
employees feel more responsible. When they feel responsible, they show more initiative in their
work, get more done and enjoy the work more.
Empowerment demands team formation. Teams, thus formed, are called self-directed or simply
empowered teams. Wipro Corporation has nearly 30 such teams and Titan, ABB, Tata
information Systems too have their own empowered teams. The 60,000 tones per annum
polyester filament yarn plant of Reliance at Hazira went on stream within 14 months mainly
because its technical teams were empowered to make critical decisions at the worksite.
Page | 45

Information sharing is another building block of empowerment. Employees need to be informed
about the business and demonstrate how their work fits in. One of the most important measures
of job satisfaction is whether employees find meaning in their work-if they know what they are
working towards and understand how their work affects other employees and the organization as
a whole.

Page | 46

to illustrate that there are better ways to motivate employees
Blaire Palmer's experience has enabled her to work with a wide range of individuals and groups
from a variety of backgrounds. Some of these people are highly motivated themselves, but
struggle to extend this state of mind to the people they manage. Other people are at the receiving
end of KITA motivation strategies that (obviously) aren't working on them. These people know
they 'should' be more engaged with their work. Sometimes they fake it for a few months but it's
not sustainable. In this paper Blaire identifies some common assumptions about motivation and
presents some new paradigms that can help motivate more effectively.
By adding these coaching tools and motivation principles to your capabilities you should find the
job of leading those around you, and/or helping others to do the same, more of a joyful and
rewarding activity. Instead of spending all your time and energy pushing and cajoling (in the
belief that your people's motivation must come from you) you will be able to focus on leading
your team, and enabling them to achieve their full potential - themselves.
Ultimately, motivation must come from within each person. No leader is ever the single and
continuing source of motivation for a person. While the leader's encouragement, support,
inspiration, and example will at times motivate followers, the leader's greatest role in motivating
is to recognize people for who they are, and to help them find their own way forward by making
best use of their own strengths and abilities. In this way, achievement, development, and
recognition will all come quite naturally to the person, and it is these things which are the true
fuels of personal motivation.
Page | 47

By necessity these case studies initially include some negative references and examples, which I
would urge you to see for what they are. How not to do things, and negative references, don't
normally represent a great platform for learning and development.
In life it's so important always to try to accentuate the positive - to encourage positive
visualisation - so, see the negatives for what they are; silly daft old ways that fail, and focus on
the the positives in each of these examples. There are very many.
Motivation example 1 - 'everyone is like me'
One of the most common assumptions we make is that the individuals who work for us are
motivated by the same factors as us. Perhaps you are motivated by loyalty to the company,
enjoying a challenge, proving yourself to others or making money. One great pitfall is to try to
motivate others by focusing on what motivates you.
Marie, a director in her company, was being coached. She was a perfectionist. Every day she
pushed herself to succeed and was rewarded with recognition from her peers. But she was unable
to get the same standard of work from her team members. In the first few weeks of her coaching
she would say, "If only people realized how important it was to put in 110% and how good it felt
to get the acknowledgment, then they would start to feel more motivated".
But it wasn't working. Instead people were starting to become resentful towards Marie's
approach. Acknowledgment was a prime motivator for Marie so to help her consider some other
options, she was helped to brainstorm what else might motivate people in their work. Marie's list
grew: 'learning new skills', 'accomplishing a goal as part of a team', 'creativity', 'achieving work-
life balance', 'financial rewards' and 'the adrenaline rush of working to tight deadlines'. Marie
began to see that perhaps her team were indeed motivated - it was simply that the team members
were motivated in a different ways to her own.
Page | 48

If the leader can tap into and support the team members' own motivations then the leader begins
to help people to realize their full potential.
Motivation example 2 - 'no-one is like me'
Since the 1980's, research has shown that although we know that we are motivated by
meaningful and satisfying work (which is supported by Herzberg's timeless theory on the
subject, and virtually all sensible research ever since), we assume others are motivated mainly by
financial rewards. Chip Heath, associate professor at Stanford University carried out research
that found most people believe that others are motivated by 'extrinsic rewards', such as pay or job
security, rather than 'intrinsic motivators', like a desire to learn new skills or to contribute to an
Numerous surveys show that most people are motivated by intrinsic factors, and in this respect
we are mostly all the same.
Despite this, while many leaders recognize that their own motivation is driven by factors that
have nothing to do with money, they make the mistake of assuming that their people are
somehow different, and that money is central to their motivation.
If leaders assume that their team members only care about their pay packet, or their car, or their
monthly bonus, this inevitably produces a faulty and unsustainable motivational approach.
Leaders must recognize that people are different only in so far as the different particular
'intrinsic' factor(s) which motivate each person, but in so far as we are all motivated by 'intrinsic'
factors, we are all the same.

Page | 49


Page | 50


4.1.1 Response about the support from the HR department

1 Highly satisfied 18 36
2 Satisfied 29 58
3 Neutral 3 6
4 Dissatisfied 0 0
5 Highly satisfied 0 0
Total 50 100
(Table 4.1)

(Chart 4.1)

The table shows that 58% of the respondents are satisfied with the support they are getting from
the HR department.

0 0
Satisfied Netural Dissatisfied highly
Page | 51

Management is interested in motivating the employees


1 Strongly Agree 27 54
2 Agree 20 40
3 Neutral 3 6
4 Disagree 0 0
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 50 100
(Table 4.2)

(Chart 4.2)

The table shows that 54% of the respondents are strongly agreeing that the management is
interested in motivating the employees.

Management is interested in motivating the
0 0
Agree Netural Disagree Strongly
Page | 52

The type of incentives motivates you more


1 Financial Incentives 15 30
2 Non financial Incentives 9 18
3 Both 26 52
Total 50 100
(Table 4.3)

(Chart 4.3)

The table shows that 52% of the respondents are expressing that both financial and non financial
incentives will equally motivate them.

The type of incentives motivates you more
Financial Incentives
Non Financial Incentives
Page | 53

Satisfaction with the present incentives scheme


1 Highly satisfied 18 36
2 Satisfied 29 58
3 Neutral 3 6
4 Dissatisfied 0 0
5 Highly satisfied 0 0
Total 50 100
(Table 4.4)

(Chart 4.4)

The table shows that 58% of the respondents are satisfied with the present incentive scheme of
the organization.

Satisfaction with the present incentives provided by
the organization
0% 0%
Satisfied Netural Dissatisfied highly
Page | 54

The company is eagerness in recognizing and acknowledging employees work


1 Strongly Agree 18 54
2 Agree 29 58
3 Neutral 3 6
4 Disagree 0 0
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 50 100
(Table 4.5)

(Chart 4.5)

From the study, 58% of employees agreed that the company is eager in recognizing and
acknowledging their work, 36% strongly agreed and only 6% showed neutral response.

Eagerness of the company in acknowledging the
work of employees
0% 0%
Agree Netural Disagree Strongly
Page | 55

Periodical increase in salary


1 Strongly Agree 12 24
2 Agree 23 46
3 Neutral 3 6
4 Disagree 9 18
5 Strongly Disagree 3 6
Total 50 100
(Table 4.6)

(Chart 4.6)

The table shows 46% of employees agree that there is a periodical increase in the salary.

Periodical increase in salary
Agree Netural Disagree Strongly
Page | 56

Job Security existing in the company.


1 Strongly Agree 15 30
2 Agree 18 36
3 Neutral 11 22
4 Disagree 3 6
5 Strongly Disagree 3 6
Total 50 100
(Table 4.7)

(Chart 4.7)

The table shows 35% of employees agree with good job security exist in the company.

Job security exist in the company
6% 6%
Strongly Agree Agree Netural Disagree Strongly Disagree
Page | 57

Good relations with the co-workers.


1 Strongly Agree 15 30
2 Agree 27 54
3 Neutral 8 16
4 Disagree 0 0
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 50 100
(Table 4.8)

(Chart 4.8)

The table shows 54% of the respondents agree that they have good relations with co-worker.

Good relations with co-workers
0% 0%
Strongly Agree Agree Netural Disagree Strongly Disagree
Page | 58

Effective performance appraisal system.


1 Strongly Agree 10 20
2 Agree 23 46
3 Neutral 8 16
4 Disagree 6 12
5 Strongly Disagree 3 6
Total 50 100
(Table 4.9)

(Chart 4.9)

The table shows 46% of the respondents agree to effective performance appraisal system existing
in the company.

Effective performance appraisal system.
Strongly Agree Agree Netural Disagree Strongly Disagree
Page | 59

Effective promotional opportunities in present job,


1 Strongly Agree 9 18
2 Agree 26 52
3 Neutral 9 18
4 Disagree 3 6
5 Strongly Disagree 3 6
Total 50 100
(Table 4.10)

(Table 4.10)

The table shows 52% of the respondents agree with effective promotional opportunities in their
present job.

6% 6%
Agree Netural Disagree Strongly
Effective promotional opportunities in present job
Page | 60

Good safety measures existing in the organization.


1 Strongly Agree 15 30
2 Agree 23 46
3 Neutral 3 6
4 Disagree 6 12
5 Strongly Disagree 3 6
Total 50 100
(Table 4.11)

(Chart 4.11)

The table shows 46% of the respondents agree that there is a good safety measure existing in the

Agree Netural Disagree Strongly
Good safety measures existing in the organization.
Page | 61

Performance appraisal activities are helpful to get motivated.


1 Strongly Agree 9 18
2 Agree 23 46
3 Neutral 6 12
4 Disagree 3 3
5 Strongly Disagree 9 18
Total 50 100
(Table 4.12)

(Chart 4.12)

The table shows 46% of the respondents agree that the performance appraisal activities are
helpful to get motivated.

Performance appraisal activities are helpful to get motivated
Strongly Agree Agree Netural Disagree Strongly Disagree
Page | 62

Support from the co-worker is helpful to get motivated


1 Strongly Agree 12 20
2 Agree 29 46
3 Neutral 0 0
4 Disagree 6 12
5 Strongly Disagree 3 6
Total 50 100
(Table 4.13)

(Chart 4.13)

The table shows 58% of the respondents agree that the support from the co-worker is helpful to
get motivated.

Support from the co-worker is helpful to get motivated
Strongly Agree Agree Netural Disagree Strongly Disagree
Page | 63

Career development opportunities are helpful to get motivated


1 Strongly Agree 10 20
2 Agree 26 52
3 Neutral 2 4
4 Disagree 4 8
5 Strongly Disagree 8 16
Total 50 100
(Table No.4.14)

(Chart 4.14)

The table shows 52% of the respondents agree that the career development opportunities are
helpful to get motivated.

Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Page | 64

Factors which motivates you the most.


1 Salary increase 21 42
2 Promotion 15 30
3 Leave 3 6
4 Motivational talk 5 10
5 Recognition 6 12
Total 50 100
(Table 4.15)

(Chart 4.15)


The table shows that the 42% of the respondent is responding that increase in salary will
motivate them the most.

Salary increase
Motivational talk
Page | 65

Incentives and other benefits will influence your performance


1 Influence 32 64
2 Does not influence 12 24
3 No opinion 6 12
Total 50 100
(Table 4.16)

(Chart 4.16)

The table shows 64% of the respondents responded that incentives and other benefits will
influence their performance

Does not influence
No opinion
Page | 66

Management involves you in decision making which are connected to your


1 Yes 47 94
2 No 0 0
3 Occasionally 3 6
Total 50 100
(Table 4.17)

(Chart 4.17)

The table shows 94% of the respondents agree that they the Management involve them in
decision making which are connected to your department.

Yes No Occasionally
Page | 67


Page | 68


The company Alcon Cables Ltd is following the clearly stated recruitment and
selection policies. There is also proper coordination among the various departments.
Consultants play and important role in recruitments. job profile and job description
plays an important role while selecting an candidates.
Having gone through the entire system of Recruitment and Selection procedure
in Alcon Cables ltd, Rajpura, I tried to analyze in detail keeping view the general
Recruitment and Selection process. Though the system is effective an functional, I feel
the below mentioned recommendations and suggestions will go along to improve the
existing system:-
1. Alcon Cables ltd, is not conducting any of the test while recruiting the people
the committee should conduct test like aptitude test, intelligence test, stress test, etc for
the high posts and which have high work load. This will help in bringing efficient
people in the company.
2. Alcon Cables ltd, should improve their salary structure to encourage more
applicants to apply.
3. Alcon Cables ltd, should use wide advertisement methods like electronic media so
that information can reach to far places.
4. Alcon Cables ltd, should provide mare incentives to the employees like bonus,
increase in HRA, etc to attract the new applicants.
Page | 69


Page | 70

5. and selection.
6. http://www.managament
7. Vs selection html. + (Project)

Page | 71


Page | 72

Q.1. The salary increments given to employees who do their jobs very well motivates them.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Q.2. Financial incentives motivates me more than non financial incentives.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Q.3. I am satisfied with the salary I draw at present.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Q.4. I am satisfied with the lunch break, rest breaks and leaves given in the organization.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Q.5.Good physical working conditions are provided in the organization.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Q.6.The employees in the organization feel secured in their job.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Page | 73

Q.7.The retirement benefits available are sufficient.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Q.8.The medical benefits provided in the organization are satisfactory.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Q.9.Visibility with top management is important to me.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Q.10. I feel that my superior always recognizes the work done by me
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Q.11.I feel that the job I do gives me a good status.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Q.12.I am satisfied with the responsibility and role that I have in my work
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Q.13.The quality of the relationships in the informal workgroup is quite important to me.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Q.14.I am satisfied with the support from the HR department.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Q.15.In this organization there is fair amount of team spirit.
Page | 74

a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Q.16.I feel more motivated while participating in activities done here like, Nach Baliye,
Sports week, Cricket tournaments etc.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Q.17.I want to be the best at my own job.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Q.18.I generally like to schedule my own work and to make job-related decisions with a
minimum of supervision.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Q.19 I find opportunities for advancement in this organization.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Q.20.My aim is self-knowledge and enlightenment. The most important thing to me is
realizing my ultimate personal potential.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree

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