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Dates to
20th June Winmalee Cup
26th June Crazy Hair Day
27th June Drumming
27th June Last day Term 2
Term 3
14th July Staff Development Day
15th July Students return
22nd July Athletics Carnival
28th July } Stage 1 Longneck
1st August } Lagoon
22nd August Zone Athletics
At Ellison we are:-
Term 2 Week 8 Phone: 4751 5099 Fax: 4751 4022 18th June, 2014
Relieving Principals Report
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
It has been another busy week at Ellison PS.
Congratulations to our students who competed in the Regional Cross Country last
week. All of our competitors ran exceptionally well and demonstrated excellent
sportsmanship. Special congratulations goes to Michael Bettencourt who has been
selected to represent Sydney West at the NSW All Schools Cross Country Cham-
pionships in July. Thank you also to Ms Jackson for her organisation as the team
It was a great pleasure to attend my frst assembly at Ellison Public School
last Friday. Mrs Wallis and 2W did a wonderful job and their item was very
entertaining. Congratulations also goes to the students who were selected to be
Aussie of the Month. These children should be very proud, as they have been
chosen for always demonstrating the values of Ellison Public School.
Our senior students have been studying Antarctica in class this term. We were
fortunate this week to have a visit from Chris Olsen who shared his experiences
of Antarctica. We saw some amazing photographs and the children even had an
opportunity to touch ice that had been brought back from Antarctica. It was a
wonderful culmination to the research Stage 3 has been completing in class. Thank
you to Mrs Tailford for organising this presentation for our students.
This week our Senior Dance Group successfully auditioned for the Blue Mountains/
Nepean Dance Festival. The performance will be held at the Joan Sutherland Centre
in Term 3. Thank you to Mrs Nicolle for her choreography and organisation.
I have noticed there is a great deal of lost property in the containers outside the hall.
Please remember to have a look if your child has an item of clothing missing.
There is much excitement at the moment as the children prepare for the Winmalee
Cup. Good luck to our students who are participating on Friday.
Kind regards,
Joanne Curran
MS Readathon August 1st - 31st
The MS Readathon helps to raise awareness and support for Australians living with multiple sclerosis. To help all you
have to do is read! To register online, visit and ask friends and family for support through sponsorship
donations. Reading rewards include gift vouchers and iPad minis.
For registration forms and any additional information please contact Mrs Field in the library.
Regional Cross Country Carnival
Congratulations to our talented Cross Country runners, Michael Bettencourt, Daniel Mendham, Katherine Bettencourt,
Kane Jackson and Amaya Moxham who competed at the Regional Cross Country Carnival at Penrith Regatta Centre last
Wednesday. You proudly represented yourselves, your school and your district and we commend your excellent achieve-
ment. Special mention to Michael Bettencourt who came 2nd in his event and will now represent his school, district and
region at the State Cross Country Carnival in July. Good luck Michael!
Year 4 Mowbray Park Excursion
Earlier this term all Year 4 students received an invitation to attend the always-exciting, fun and educational annual over-
night excursion to Mowbray Park on Thursday 27th and Friday 28th November. A deposit of $50, to secure your childs
place, is required by next Friday, which is the last day of this term. Please ensure you have returned your childs permission
to attend note.
SRC Crazy Hair Day Fundraiser
Our SRC has planned a Crazy Hair Day for Thursday June 26th, which is the second last day of term. Every student is
invited to be crazy with their hair on the day and donate a gold coin to the SRC, which will go towards extending our play-
ground equipment. So think about how you can have fun decorating your hair for this fun fundraising event. This is a mufti
day. Please note no coloured hair spray cans are to be brought to school.
P & C News
P & C Meeting
The P & C meeting for this month will be held tonight at 7.30pm in the staff room. All welcome. Join us from 7:00pm for
a cup of tea and a chat. The minutes from the May Meeting are available on the Ellison PS website. If you wish to raise an
agenda item please email Allison or Rebekah at

The P & C now have a Facebook page. If you would like to be kept up to date on upcoming P & C events please send us a
request to join at Ellison Public School P & C. Please note membership requests will only be approved to people that have
a direct link to the school.

Trivia Night
The P & C are again hosting a Trivia Night in Term 3 and once
again we would like to call on the wonderfully generous parents of
Ellison PS to assist us. If you or your business would like to
sponsor the night or donate a prize for one of our auctions, please
contact Allison Todd at or 0414 514 842.
Funds raised from the night will go towards purchasing class sets
of iPads for students to use in class.

Black Castle Events organisers of the Blackheath & Castle Hill Growers Market is opening the
Sunday of each month. 8am to 12noon.
Location: Katoomba High School, Martin St, Katoomba.
MAY, 2014
Purchase fresh produce directly from our Farmers & Producers.
Katoomba Dates for 2014, 22nd June, 27th July, 24th Aug, 28th Sept, 26th Oct, 23rd Nov, 21st Dec our Christmas one.
Blackheath Growers Market runs the 2
Sunday of each month at the Blackheath community Centre.
Visit for more information or phone: 02 45726260
Proudly organised by

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