Macias Vs Comelec

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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. L-18684 September 14, 1961
PER#ICES, petitioners,
(% )(* C$p$+(t, $* N$t(o%$- Tre$*.rer,respondents.
Crispin D. Baizas for petitioners.
Barrios, Garcia and Apostol for respondent Commission on
Ofce of the Solicitor General for respondent Vicente Gella.
Statement of the case. Petitioners request that
respondent ofcials be prevented fro ipleentin!
Republic Act "#$# that apportions representative districts in
this countr%. &t is unconstitutional and void, the% alle!e,
because' (a) it *as passed b% the +ouse of Representatives
*ithout printed ,nal copies of the bill havin! been furnished
the Mebers at least three calendar da%s prior to its
passa!e- (b) it *as approved ore than three %ears after
the return of the last census of our population- and (c) it
apportioned districts *ithout re!ard to the nuber of
inhabitants of the several provinces.
Adittin! soe alle!ations but den%in! others, the
respondents aver the% *ere erel% copl%in! *ith their
duties under the statute, *hich the% presue and alle!e to
be constitutional. .he respondent National .reasurer further
avers that petitioners have no personalit% to brin! this
action- that a dul% certi,ed cop% of the la* creates the
presuption of its havin! been passed in accordance *ith
the requireents of the Constitution (distribution of printed
bills included)- that the /irector of the Census subitted an
ofcial report on the population of the Philippines in
Noveber, 012#, *hich report becae the basis of the bill-
and that the Act coplies *ith the principle of proportional
representation prescribed b% the Constitution..
After hearin! the parties and considerin! their eoranda,
this Court reached the conclusion that the statute be
declared invalid, and, a*are of the need of propt action,
issued its brief resolution of Au!ust 3", partl% in the
follo*in! lan!ua!e'
4hereas such Republic Act "#$# clearl% violates the
said constitutional provision in several *a%s nael%,
(a) it !ave Cebu seven ebers, *hile Ri5al *ith a
bi!!er nuber of inhabitants !ot four onl%- (b) it
!ave Manila four ebers, *hile Cotabato *ith a
bi!!er population !ot three onl%- . . .-
4hereas such violation of the Constitutional andate
renders the la* void-
.herefore, *ithout pre6udice to the *ritin! of a ore
e7tended opinion passin! additionall% on other issues
raised in the case, the Court resolved, *ithout an%
dissent, forth*ith to issue the in6unction pra%ed for
b% the petitioners. No bond is needed.
4hat *ith the reservation announced in the resolution, and
*hat *ith the otion for reconsideration, this is no* *ritten
full% to e7plain the preises on *hich our conclusion rested.
Personality of the petitioners. Petitioners are four
ebers of the +ouse of Representatives fro Ne!ros
8riental, Misais 8riental, and Bulacan, and the provincial
!overnor of Ne!ros 8riental. .he% brin! this action in behalf
of theselves and of other residents of their provinces. .he%
alle!e, and this Court ,nds, that their provinces had been
discriinated a!ainst b% Republic Act "#$#, because the%
*ere !iven less representative districts than the nuber of
their inhabitants required or 6usti,ed' Misais 8riental
havin! "9:,9"1 inhabitants, *as !iven one district onl%,
*hereas Cavite *ith ":1,1#3 inhabitants, *as !iven t*o
districts- Ne!ros 8riental and Bulacan *ith ;19,:9" and
;;:,210 respectivel%, *ere allotted 3 representative districts
each, *hereas Alba% *ith ;0;,120 *as assi!ned " districts.
.he authorities hold that <citi5ens *ho are deprived of as full
and e=ective an elective franchise as the% are entitled to
under the Constitution b% an apportionent act, have a
sufcient interest to proceed in a court to test the statute.
(09 A. >ur. 011.)
.herefore, petitioners as voters and as con!ressen and
!overnor of the a!!rieved provinces have personalit% to
&n ?ti!lit5 vs. ?chardien (@%) $# ?.4. (3d) "0;, the ri!ht of a
citi5en to question the validit% of a redistrictin! statute *as
upheld. .he sae ri!ht *as reco!ni5ed in >ones vs. Areean
(8Bla.) 0$2 P. (3d) ;2$, the court sa%in! that each citi5en
has the ri!ht to have the ?tate apportioned in accordance
*ith the Constitution and to be !overned b% a Ce!islative
fairl% representin! the *hole bod% of electorate and elected
as required b% the Constitution.
Cole!rove vs. Dreen, "39 .E.?. ;$1, on *hich respondents
rel%, appear to be inconclusive' three a!ainst three. .he
seventh 6ustice concurred in the result even supposin! the
contrar% *as 6usticiable.<
he printed!form, three!day re"#irement. .he
Constitution provides that <no bill shall be passed b% either
+ouse unless it shall have been printed and copies thereof
in its ,nal for furnished its Mebers at least three
calendar da%s prior to its passa!e, e7cept *hen the
President shall have certi,ed to the necessit% of its
iediate enactent.<
Petitioners presented certi,cates of the ?ecretar% of the
+ouse of Representatives to sho* that no printed cop% had
been distributed three da%s before passa!e of the bill (on
Ma% 0#, 0120) and that no certi,cate of ur!enc% b% the
President had been received in the +ouse.
.he respondents clai in their defense that a statute a%
not be nulli,ed upon evidence of failure to print, because <it
is conclusivel% presued that the details of le!islative
procedure leadin! to the enrollent that are prescribed b%
the Constitution have been coplied *ith b% the
Ce!islature.< .he% further clai that the certi,cates of the
?ecretar% of the +ouse are inadissible, in vie* of the
conclusive (enrolledFbill) presuption, *hich in several
instances have been applied b% the courts. &n further
support of their contention, ?ec. "0"(3) of Act 01# i!ht be
8n the other hand, it a% be said for the petitioners, that
such printed bill requireent had a fundaental purpose to
and *as inserted in the Constitution not as a ere
procedural step- and that the enrolledFbill theor%, if adopted,
*ould preclude the courts fro enforcin! such requireent
in proper cases.
4e do not dee it necessar% to aBe a de,nite
pronounceent on the question, because the controvers%
a% be decided upon the issue of districtsFinFproportionFtoF
Pop#lation Cens#s. Accordin! to the Constitution, <the
Con!ress shall b% la*, aBe an apportionent (of Mebers
of the +ouse) *ithin three %ears after the return of ever%
enueration, and not other*ise.< &t is aditted that the bill,
*hich later becae Republic Act "#$#, *as based upon a
report subitted to the President b% the /irector of the
Census on Noveber 3", 012#. &t reads'
& have the honor to subit here*ith a preliinar%
count of the population of the Philippines as a result
of the population enueration *hich has 6ust been
copleted. .his is a report on the total nuber of
inhabitants in this countr% and does not include the
population characteristics. &t is the result of a hand
tall% and a% be sub6ect to revision *hen all the
population schedules shall have been processed
.he Census of Population is the ,rst of a series of
four censuses *hich include housin!, a!riculture and
econoics in addition to population. .hese four
censuses to!ether constitute *hat is Bno*n as the
Census of 012#. CiBe population, the housin! and
a!ricultural censuses are under!oin! processin!,
*hile the econoic census is no* under preparation.
Entil the ,nal report is ade, these ,!ures should be
considered as ofcial for all purposes.
Petitioners aintain that the apportionent could not
le!all% rest on this report since it is erel% <preliinar%< and
<a% be sub6ect to revision.< 8n the other hand,
respondents point out that the above letter sa%s the report
should be considered <ofcial for all purposes.< .he% also
point out that the ascertainent of *hat constitutes a return
of an enueration is a atter for Con!ress action. .his
issue does not clearl% favor petitioners, because there are
authorities sustainin! the vie* that althou!h not ,nal, and
still sub6ect to correction, a census enueration a% be
considered ofcial, in the sense that Dovernental action
a% be based thereon even in atters of apportionent of
le!islative districts (Cahill vs. Ceopold GConn.H 0#9 Atl. 3d
909). (?ee also Elliott vs. ?tate, 0 Pac. 3d ":#- Ervin vs.
?tate, $$ ?.4. 3d "9#- +erndon vs. E7cise Board, 31; Pac.
33"- +olcob vs. ?piBes, 3"3 ?.4. 910.)
Apportionment of (em)ers. .he Constitution directs that
the one hundred t*ent% Mebers of the +ouse of
Representatives <shall be apportioned aon! the several
provinces as nearl% as a% be accordin! to the eber of
their respective inhabitants.< &n our resolution on Au!ust 3",
*e held that this provision *as violated b% Republic Act
"#$# because (a) it !ave Cebu seven ebers, *hile Ri5al
*ith a bi!!er nuber of inhabitants !ot four onl%- (b) it !ave
Manila four ebers, *hile Cotabato *ith a bi!!er
population !ot three onl%- (c) Pan!asinan *ith less
inhabitants than both Manila and Cotabato !ot ore than
both, ,ve ebers havin! been assi!ned to it- (d) ?aar
(*ith 9:0,9;:) *as allotted four ebers *hile /avao *ith
1#",33$ !ot three onl%- (e) Bulacan *ith ;;:,210 !ot t*o
onl%, *hile Alba% *ith less inhabitants (;0;,210) !ot three,
and (f) Misais 8riental *ith "9:,9"1 *as !iven one
eber onl%, *hile Cavite *ith less inhabitants (":1,1#$)
!ot t*o. .hese *ere not the onl% instances of unequal
apportionent. 4e see that Mountain Province has "
*hereas &sabela, Ca!una and Ca!a%an *ith ore
inhabitants have 3 each. And then, Capi5, Ca Enion and
&locos Norte !ot 3 each, *hereas ?ulu that has ore
inhabitants !ot 0 onl%. And Ce%te *ith 12:,"3" inhabitants
!ot $ onl%, *hereas &loilo *ith less inhabitants (122,0$;)
*as !iven ;.
?uch disproportion of representation has been held
sufcient to avoid apportionent la*s enacted in ?tates
havin! Constitutional provisions siilar to ours. Aor
instance, in Massachusetts, the Constitution required
division <into representative district . . . equall%, as nearl% as
a% be, accordin! to the relative nuber of le!al voters in
the several districts.< .he ?upree >udicial Court of that
state found this provision violated b% an allotent that !ave
" representatives to :,1$2 voters and onl% 3 representatives
to 9,209 voters, and further !ave t*o representatives to
$,9;$ voters and one representative to ;,;19 voters. >ustice
Ru!! said'
&t is not an appro7iation to equalit% to allot three
representatives to :,1$2 voters, and onl% t*o
representatives to 9,209 voters, and to allot t*o
representatives to $,9;$ voters, and one
representative to ;,;12 voters. . . .
4henever this Bind of inequalit% of apportionent
has been before the courts, it has been held to be
contrar% to the Constitution. &t has been said to be
<arbitrar% and capricious and a!ainst the vital
principle of equalit%.< +ou!hton Count% v. BlacBer, 13
Mich. 2"9, 2$:, 2;"- 02 CRA $"3, ;3 N.4.
1;0- Diddin!s vs. BlacBen, 1" Mich. 0, 0", 02 CRA
$#3, ;3 N.4. 1$$- BarBer v. ?tate, 0"" &nd. 0:9, 01:,
09 CRA ;2:, "3 NE 9"2, "" NE 001- /enne% v. ?tate,
0$$ &nd. ;#", ;";, "0 CRA :32, $3 N. E. 131.
8ther cases alon! the sae line upholdin! the sae vie*
are these'
0. ?ti!lit5 v. ?chardien, s#pra, *herein t*elve
districts entitled to but si7 *ere !iven t*elve
representatives, and t*elve districts !iven t*elve
onl% *ere actuall% entitled to t*ent%Ft*o.
3. >ones v. Areean, s#pra, *herein districts entitled
to onl% " senators *ere !iven :, and districts entitled
to 0; *ere assi!ned seven onl%.
&t is ar!ued in the otion to reconsider, that since Republic
Act "#$# iproves e7istin! conditions, this Court could
perhaps, in the e7ercise of 6udicial statesanship, consider
the question involved as purel% political and therefore nonF
6usticiable. .he over*helin! *ei!ht of authorit% is that
district apportionent la*s are sub6ect to revie* b% the
.he constitutionalit% of a le!islative apportionent
act is a 6udicial question, and not one *hich the court
cannot consider on the !round that it is a political
question. (ParBer v. ?tate e7 rel. Po*ell, 09 C.R.A.
;2:, 0"" &nd. 0:9, "3 N.E. 9"2- ?tate e7 rel. Morris v.
4ri!htson, 33 C.R.A. ;$9, ;2 N.>.C. 032, 39 Atl. ;2-
+arison v. Ballot Cors. $3 C.R.A. ;10, $; 4. Ia.
0:1, "0 ?. E. "1$)
&t is *ell settled that the passa!e of apportionent
acts is not so e7clusivel% *ithin the political po*er of
the le!islature as to preclude a court fro inquirin!
into their constitutionalit% *hen the question is
properl% brou!ht before it. (&ndianaFParBer v. Po*ell
(0993) 0"" &nd. 0:9, 09 C.R.A. ;2:, "3 N. E. 9"2, ""
N. E. 001- /enne% v. ?tate (0912) 0$$ &nd. ;#"- "0
C.R.A. :32, $3 N. E. 131- Marion Count% v. >e*ett
(010;) 09$ &nd. 2", 00# N. E. ;;".) (@entucB%F
Ra!land v. Anderson (01#:) 03; @% 0$0, 039 A. ?t.
Rep. 3$3, 0## ?. 4. 92;.) (MassachusettsFAtt%. Den.
v. ?u=olB Count% Apportionent Cors., etc.)
&t a% be added in this connection, that the ere ipact of
the suit upon the political situation does not render it
political instead of 6udicial. (Cab v. Cunnin!ha, 0: C.R.A.
0$;, 9" 4is. 1#.) .
.he alle!ed circustance that this statute iproves the
present setFup constitutes no e7cuse for approvin! a
trans!ression of constitutional liitations, because the end
does not 6ustif% the eans. Aurtherore, there is no reason
to doubt that, a*are of the e7istin! inequalit% of
representation, and ipelled b% its sense of dut%, Con!ress
*ill opportunel% approve reedial le!islation in accord *ith
the precepts of the Constitution.
Needless to sa%, equalit% of representation
in the
Ce!islature bein! such an essential feature of republican
institutions, and a=ectin! so an% lives, the 6udiciar% a%
not *ith a clear conscience stand b% to !ive free hand to the
discretion of the political departents of the Dovernent.
Cases are nuerous *herein courts intervened upon proof
of violation of the constitutional principle of equalit% of
An in6unction to prevent the secretar% of state fro
issuin! notices of election under an unconstitutional
apportionent act !err%Fanderin! the state is not a
usurpation of authorit% b% the court, on the !round
that the question is a political one, but the
constitutionalit% of the act is purel% a 6udicial
question. (?tate e7 rel. Adas Count% v.
Cunnin!ha, 0; C.R.A. ;20, 90 4is. $$#, ;0 N.4.
.he fact that the action a% have a political e=ect,
and in that sense e=ect a political ob6ect, does not
aBe the questions involved in a suit to declare the
unconstitutionalit% of an apportionent act political
instead of 6udicial. (?tate e7 rel. Cab v.
Cunnin!ha, 0: C.R.A. 0$;, 9" 4is. 1#, ;" N.4. $9.)
An unconstitutional apportionent la* a% be
declared void b% the courts, not*ithstandin! the fact
that such statute is an e7ercise of political po*er.
(/enne% vs. ?tate e7 rel. Basler, "0 C.R.A. :32, 0$$
&nd. ;#", $3 N.E. 131.)
.he constitutionalit% of a statute forin! a dele!ate
district or apportionin! dele!ates for the house of
dele!ates is a 6udicial question for the courts,
althou!h the statute is an e7ercise of political po*er.
(+arison v. Ballot Cors. $3 C.R.A. ;10, $; 4. Ia.
0:1, "0 ?. E. "1$.) G" C.R.A. /i!est, p. 3:":.)
Concl#sion. Aor all the fore!oin!, *e hereb% reiterate our
resolution declarin! that Republic Act "#$# infrin!ed the
provisions of the Constitution and is therefore void.
Padilla, *a)rador, Concepcion, +eyes, ,.B.*., Barrera,
Paredes, Dizon, De *eon and -ati.idad, ,,., conc#r.
Ba#tista An/elo, ,., is on lea.e.
MAC&A? I? C8MECEC, di!ested
Posted b% Pius Morados on Noveber 1, 3#00
DR. CF0929$ (?ept. 0$, 0120) 0Constit#tional *a% 1
Apportionment, Proportional +epresentation2
AAC.?' Petitioners assailed the constitutionalit% of a la*
(Republic Act "#$#) that apportions representative districts
in this countr% on the !round that it is unconstitutional and
void because it apportioned districts *ithout re!ard to the
nuber of inhabitants of the several provinces. Respondents
aver the% *ere erel% copl%in! *ith their duties under the
statute, *hich the% presue and alle!e to be constitutional.
&??EE' 4hether or not an apportionent la* that is
disproportion in representation is unconstitutional.
+EC/' Jes, a la* !ivin! provinces *ith less nuber of
inhabitants ore representative districts than those *ith
bi!!er population is invalid because it violates the principle
of proportional representation prescribed b% the
Constitution. ?uch la* is Karbitrar% and capricious and
a!ainst the vital principle of equalit%.L

PER#ICES, pet(t(o%er*, /*. T'E COMMISSION ON
ELECTIONS $%& !ICENTE GELLA (% )(* C$p$+(t, $*
N$t(o%$- Tre$*.rer, re*po%&e%t*.
Petitioners request that respondent ofcials be presented
fro ipleentin! Republic Act "#$# that apportions
representative districts. .he% alle!ed that said RA
unconstitutional and void because' (a) it *as passed b% the
+ouse of Representatives *ithout printed ,nal copies of the
bill havin! been furnished the Mebers at least three
calendar da%s prior to its passa!e- (b) it *as approved ore
than three %ears after the return of the last census of our
population- and (c) it apportioned districts *ithout re!ard to
the nuber of inhabitants of the several provinces.
.he respondents aver the% *ere erel% copl%in! *ith
their duties under the statute, *hich the% presue and
alle!e to be constitutional. Respondent National .reasurer
further avers that petitioners have no personalit% to brin!
this action- that a dul% certi,ed cop% of the la* creates the
presuption of its havin! been passed in accordance *ith
the requireents of the Constitution (distribution of printed
bills included)- that the /irector of the Census subitted an
ofcial report on the population of the Philippines in
Noveber 012#, *hich report becae the basis of the bill-
and that the Act coplies *ith the principle of proportional
representation prescribed b% the Constitution.
48N RA "#$# violates the principle of proportional
representative stipulated in the Constitution.
Republic Act No. "#$# that !ave provinces *ith less nuber
of inhabitants ore representative districts than those *ith
bi!!er population is declared invalid because it violates the
principle of proportional representation prescribed b% the
.he Constitution directs that the one hundred t*ent%
Mebers of the +ouse of Representatives <shall be
apportioned aon! the several provinces as nearl% as a%
be accordin! to the nuber of their respective inhabitants.<
After hearin! the parties and considerin! their eoranda,
.he Court issued a resolution, statin! that RA "#$# violates
the Constitution in several *a%s nael%' (a) it !ave Cebu
seven ebers, *hile Ri5al *ith a bi!!er nuber of
inhabitants !ot four onl%- (b) it !ave Manila four ebers,
*hile Cotabato *ith a bi!!er population !ot three onl%- . . .L
<.he constitutionalit% of a statute forin! a dele!ate district
or apportionin! dele!ates for the house of dele!ates is a
6udicial question for the courts, althou!h the statute is an
e7ercise of political po*er.<

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