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Columbia Pacific Hosting/Departure News

THANK YOU, HOST The end of the year is upon us!

It seems like the year has flown by.
FAMILIES & VOLUNTEERS Now you have reached the point where
By Bernice Schuchardt
you need to start packing for your
return home.
The year is quickly coming to a
close. I would like to thank all of the
volunteers who willingly set aside JUNE 27 STUDENT
weekends and evenings to support DEPARTURE!
June 2004 our exchange students and their 3:00 to 4:00 at Lents park is a point of
families. You have made your departure and goodbye’s from family
contribution towards world peace. and friend.

Thank you to our volunteers who What’s next?

have worked as area leadership
members, group leaders, The students will spend time
chaperones, have housed students together as a group waiting for the
for overnight, been drivers for bus. They will be invited to join in
outings, spent time counseling with activities or permitted to just hang
families and students, organized and out and chat with friends. They will
held special activities in their homes, be fed. Sometime that night the
went out on interviews, helped find students will be bused to a central
host families, and in all have spent location in Seattle. There they will
many, many hours making sure our meet with any other students in the
exchange students had a memorable Pacific Northwest (including
year. Alaska) who traveled with them
from their natural country for their
Thank you to all our host families! return flight home. Again, most will
You have opened your homes and have time to shower before their
hearts to our students from around flight. Some may even have time
the world. You have been there for to nap. It all depends upon their
them, helped them celebrate their flight schedule. AFS will provide
joys and achievements and also food for students in transit.
stood by them through difficult times.
This is not the end of your If you have any questions about
relationship. Most of you will the bus trip, please contact the trip
continue to keep in touch throughout chaperones. Maggie Frieske at
the years, and many of you will meet 503 659 7958 or by email:
again either in their countries or here
in the USA.
NOTE: This information will also
I know from past experience. I am be posted on our website at
leaving for Italy on the 30th of June to .
visit my AFS students who lived with
our family in 1978-79 and 1993-94. I Thank you once again for all that
have two very special Italian you have done to make this year
daughters and two Italian possible for your student. We
grandchildren who have a special hope that you will continue to stay
place in my heart, and four other connected with AFS by joining our
special sons and daughters from world-wide family of volunteers.
Greece, Ghana, Peru and Costa
Rica. I have visited all of them and AFS T-Shirts and CD’s
several have visited me. We are AFS T-Shirts and CD’s for the 2003-2004
host season are available for host family
also in contact through e-mail and
through Ron Combs. If you are interested
phone calls. So when you say in either one or both please call
“goodbye,” just remember it’s not Ron 503-777-8117 or E-Mail
forever—your exchange students will Please give
most likely remain your sons and shirt sizes.
daughters for a lifetime.
Student News
From Mohammad: From Gabriele:
Time Goes Fast, Graduation what a
Word. Time is going so fast, faster than
anything I have ever experienced....
faster than lightning, faster than sound,....
faster than cars, trains, and aero plans,
so fast that I thought, that I just came
here yesterday... or maybe I never came
at all... maybe this was actually a
dream... maybe I am still in Egypt, back
there at home... no wait that can't be
true… I remember memories, I see
faces… I look at my self in the mirror, I
see someone different... Someone who
looks older and more mature, than I ever
A SPECIAL TRIBUTE TO A HOST MOM was… some one that is not me…. I know
By Yulia Fabrovska that I have been there; I have lived all
this year. But it just feels that it was a day First is from "Prom" and it's a picture of my
“It can be so difficult to be alone in an or a week, it doesn't feel like it has been self, my date (Karissa) and her dog (Karmen)
unknown country; stay with an unknown a year, and now they are telling me that I
have to go. And suddenly my heart ;
family which speaks a different language. It is
started to cry… I have to leave now,
impossible to show my gratitude to some
leave forever. And then this was the
people who worked so hard to help me not moment when I wished that time would
only when I felt bad, but everyday. One of freeze. That time would go so slow like
those people is my host mother Deane. You the matrix, that every second would be
would have to read this article for a really like a new day. But then reality just hit me
long time if you would like to find out all the again. it made me realize that I might
good things she did for me. come back someday, I am sure I will…
On Easter in Ukraine people are going to the my second family will always be here
waiting for me… my friends will always
church at night to bless the food in their
be my friends… maybe I will never see
baskets. Deane was very kind to take me to them again…. But they will always be in
the church. The service lasted for couple of my heart …. And then my heart smiled
hours during which we were not aloud to sit again… because I just realized that even
and most of it was in Ukrainian. She was if I leave… they will always be there with
there all the time. I do not think I could make me… there, deep in my heart.
Written by: Mohamed Ibrahim Second picture has been taken before
it, to stand at night and listen to the weird
EL-Naggar, Egypt YES-AFS 2004 the graduation ceremony and I'm torturing
language not understanding what are people
**************** my friend John;
doing and why. And this was not the only
Graduation, what a word! A moment that
time when she did that for me. everyone waits for and at the same time
She has always been a person I could lean wishing it never happens. It’s a mix of
on when I had problems and be sure that she feelings and emotions. You feel happy
will help me. She would also share my joy, that you are done with high school, and
too. that you are moving to the next level of
There are no words in the world to say how your life. At the same time, you feel this
thankful I am to her and how lucky I feel for sadness, of leaving home and leaving all
your friends. Its like a puzzle that has no
having had such a wonderful host mother.
solution, it’s a riddle that you can't solve.
Now I have two mothers. That’s how graduation felt. It’s a feeling
that doesn't exist in our vocabulary, a
feeling that has no name. A feeling that
you can describe, but at the same time
you can't. It’s a moment in which
everything seems to be over, and at the
same time it feels like you just started, it’s Last but not least a picture of me and Shiori
a new journey and a new adventure. To right after the last AFS orientation.
me graduation will be even more
complicated than that. I knew I was
leaving, leaving forever. Who knows if I Volunteer spotlight
ever come back again? I was scared,
scared of this moment. I wanted to cry, We are blessed with a leader among
but I didn't. I felt I was strong I am a man. volunteers. Ron combs is one of the
Men don't cry. But I still felt sad. But I hardest working people in the northwest.
didn't let this feeling take over me. I
Ron’s wife Pat also helps with several
decided I was stronger, so I felt happy,
Photo of Meng Sirirattanaphonkun from happy for everything and for everyone. events including the Christmas party
Thailand (2002-2003) becoming a monk. Happy that I am done and that my friends where she provides that fun Bingo game
Meng attended Tillamook H.S. and lived with are done. And then I realized something. with Holliday characters. You will find
host dad Don Shenenberger. Don tells us that I realized that I already choose to take Ron enjoying himself at almost all of the
Meng will become a Buddhist monk for 8 that step, much earlier before that. I events because he is a part of the
choose to come here, and leave excitement and not on the sidelines.
days, which is what many Thai boys do.
everything back there at home. And this This is evident when you look at the
time I will be the one to take that step
pictures in this newsletter.
again. A step to my new journey.
Student News
ASHLAND so great that it seemed to be a dream. I (FLEX might consider hooking up with
wish more people would come and we Red Cross to have students take this class.
could spend more time together.” Yuliya It's a FLEX-acceptable way for them to
Fabrovska from Ukraine make money and also meets kids and
adults in their neighborhoods. According
“The Ashland trip is going to stay in my to Lola, it would not be acceptable for her
memory forever. I enjoyed the plays. to do this in her country. It's just socially
Also I enjoyed spending time with other not acceptable there for kids to be out
AFS students because I know that it is not looking for work.)
much time left for us here…so that was
just wonderful.” Lola Aminova from Yuliya Fabrovska has chosen to spend
Early Saturday, May 8, 23 Uzbekistan one of her school class times as a peer
AFSers and volunteers departed from helper in a classroom of multi-
Portland in a rain storm on their way to handicapped students. She works and
Ashland for the weekend. The plan was to plays with teenagers with many different
arrive in Ashland mid-afternoon, get levels of handicapping conditions.
situated in our rooms and just enjoy the Yuliya's been a rousing success. Lana's
city. The rain stopped shortly after we left (Younglove) students look forward to
Portland and we had no more rain until Yuliya's arrival every day, and compete for
Sunday evening. We stayed at the Plaza her attention. Its especially nice as one
Inn & Suites and from the comments student comes from a Russian-speaking
below, you will see everyone loved the home, and with Yuliya's English-Russian
hotel. Saturday evening we all met and “I thought the trip was great! I liked the skills, we've had a chance to compare
had dinner together at the Jade Dragon plays. The hotel was great. I liked it how whether the student's level of
Restaurant, and then everyone spent the we were free to go and explore the city. I understanding is language based or IQ
evening just hanging out, playing cards, would do it again!!!” Noemi Giuliette based. Thanks Yuliya for all you are and
hot tubbing, and working out in the from Belgium for all you do. We will miss you greatly
exercise room. The hotel provided peanut when you return home. (Yuliya returned
butter and jelly, milk, and chocolate chip “I had a lot of fun this weekend. It was a home in May).
cookies each night. Sunday was the day real blast. I particularly liked having the
we seen the plays: The Royal Family and freedom to do pretty much what we Fee Schaefer (Washougal, WA via
Comedy of Errors. Before going to the wanted to do (within reason)—like going Germany) and her partner Reeva
evening play, we had a pizza party in the shopping, hot tubbing, or sleeping in some Webberley finished first in the district
hotel’s snack room. Monday morning we cases. I really enjoyed the two plays that playoffs for tennis doubles. They earned
headed home. Special thanks to our we saw. They are both very entertaining. the right to play in Seattle in the state
drivers: Brenda Langer, Maggie Frieske, All the students (I think) enjoyed them tournament. They did not do as well there
Lynette and Rebecca Ledgerwood, Ron equally as much.” Tegan Hastings from but they did win half of their matches for a
and Pat Combs, and Garry and Marilyn Australia 7th place finish. They had a wonderful
time and Fee said the experience was the
Special thanks goes out to “I think that, generally, the trip went very “best ever” and she will go home to
Marilyn Hays for putting this trip together well. I really liked the fact that we had Germany with a 1st place trophy from
and for doing such a great, efficient job. some free time to go exploring or just sit district and wonderful memories.
back and relax. It is always a good idea to
leave free time. The choice of shows to
Matti Kolehmainen, Finland played for
see was well chosen. Both were traditional
Washougal High varsity soccer this spring.
Shakespearian plays and also a classics but
Having never played organized soccer
in plain English. I wondered whether the
before Matti had a remarkable year. He
old English would prove to be a difficulty
played in many of the games and received
for some of the students, but I was
honors as the most improved player at the
delightfully surprised. Everyone really
end of the season. Congratulations Matti
seemed to enjoy themselves and had a
for the courage to make it happen.
great time! My suggestion….a hotel with
Here are some comments from the kids a hot tub and a swimming pool!!! [The
who attended: Plaza Inn had only a hot tub] Holly Nunn, CONGRATULATIONS TO
“Great trip! I loved it. The hotel is KELLY ANN
awesome and the plays were terrific. Too Lola Aminova has found out how PR and
bad we were there for such a short time.” advertising pay off in the USA. Lola Congratulations to Francisco and his
completed the Red Cross Babysitting wife Kelly Ann on the birth of Ana
“I really enjoyed spending time in Class, made up a resume for herself, Francisca Myers Garcia on April 21,
Ashland. I loved the plays so much. I passed them out in her neighborhood (host 2004 at 12:23 a.m. She weighed in at
wish we could spend more time in Ashland parent along), and within two days had two 7 lbs. 11 oz. and was 20 inches long.
and see more plays.” babysitting jobs. Way to Go! Lola. These Francisco is a long-time AFS volunteer
skills came in handy when Lola served as and a former AFS staff member. He
“Not only were the plays strikingly Junior Counselor at Outdoor School this has been a chaperone and van driver
beautiful, but these kinds of trips also spring. for Pendleton Roundup, and many
brings AFS kids together. Everything was times a group leader.
Student News
The following essay is one of the exciting a miracle, which 10 years ago was fantasy, My being here potentially will result in 4
reasons why the FLEX program will be around happened. I, simple citizen from former types of investments.
for ten more years and the benefits it provides. USSR, am studying in the USA. First, my knowledge, received while
And now the question: for what all this studying in high school; my cognitions,
Trip to Washington DC must be? I think it must be. received while living in the USA; and my
First, the USA historically, geographically, experience, received while participating in
economically, and culturally in main are different activities, will be invested in
separated from other countries of our Ukraine.
planet. Historically, because modern US is Second, investor can be somebody from
very a young country in comparing with the USA. Other FLEX participants and I
other well-developed countries. can influence on developing of invest
Geographically, because it is situated far infrastructure and politics by creating and
from most countries, and the USA is participating in it.
separated by oceans from them. Third, investors may be from other
All FLEX students had special competition in Economically, because it is the most well countries. Countries, which had exchange
October 2003. In order to go to Washington DC
developed country in the world with students in the USA. It can help us to
and participate in the Close Up program, we
were supposed to write a good essay and receive biggest gross national product and income understand each other and find common
positive recommendation from one of our per person. Culturally, because American interests. All these can help to realize
teachers in high school. Around 1200 FLEX culture is a mixer of Native American investment projects successfully.
students participated in that competition, but culture, culture of first European Fourth, investors can be in Ukraine.
only 126 were selected; I was selected too. immigrants, African immigrants and of They will trust us, FLEX students, and
It was a one-week program at the end of immigrants from the entire world. What commit to realize investment projects.
February. It was one of the best weeks in the does it tell us? It tells us, that complex While being here, I am learning not just
US for many FLEX students. We had many
separation from the rest of the world culture of the USA, but also the cultures of
different activities: meetings with senators,
representatives, politicians, important people; creates ignorance in other nations about 27 different countries. I am learning it
visiting historical places, monuments, museums, the USA, and ignorance, as all unknowns, from other exchange students. And they
theater, neighborhoods, memorials; participating creates misunderstandings and fear against are learning from each other and me too.
in seminars, workshops, conferences, power of the USA. Does the USA need it? It is real exchange. In future it will make
presentations, TV show, etc. No, the USA needs respect, understanding easier to cooperate with each other.
We discussed many issues: economics, and approval. Everybody knows the phrase: "beauty will
democracy, government infrastructure in both Second, Americans don't know much save the world" (by Dostoevsky, Russian
the USA and former Soviet Union countries.
about life in other countries, especially, in writer). Beauty, in general, is what is nice
FLEX students were divided into 6 groups, with
around 20 students per group. Our workshop post socialistic countries. This makes it for your eyes, but in the wide sense - it is
(group) leaders were very helpful, and one of difficult for the USA to create the correct what pacifies the soul by way of
them will come to visit us in our countries. policy towards our countries and it makes understanding, mutual help, and
It was such a great week, and many students did it hard for the USA to understand the collaboration - this is harmony of relations.
not want to go back. In general, it was very politics and results of reforms in our This program helps bring together
useful for all FLEX students. I hope that countries. separated nations. Other participants and I
experience, which I received in Washington DC, From my being here, benefits are for all are elements of this process. More
will help me in future.
named sides. But the biggest gain is for elements - better and faster result. In time
Volodymyr Kovalchuk,
Ukrayina me. During the school year, I have an quantity will proceed in quality.
opportunity to live with an American At last, all these show that this program
family; to study in American school; to give good results for the USA, Ukraine
participate in different American activities; and other countries. There are no losers
and to develop my English language skills. everybody is winner. We, the youth, will
It can help me, after arriving back home, to make reforms and politics in the future.
promote American achievements, to tell That is why this program is a successful
everybody that people, not hawks, live in investment in future of the USA, our
the USA. Then, while studying in the countries, and the whole planet.
university, I can read books and magazines Conclusion, this program must continue
in English, which can develop my not 10, but 20, 30, 40 etc years more, so,
knowledge even more. When I start my children, grandchildren etc. can come
working, the experience received in the to the USA.
USA, knowledge of English, and P.S. Thank you very much, Americans,
My essay additional knowledge will help me. for your high-minded cause. Come to us.
Besides, if I work with a citizen of the For beginning, as guests.
I came from Ukraine, country, which USA, it will be easier for me to understand Volodymyr Kovalchuk,
little more than 10 years ago was in him and work more productively with him. Ukrayina
structure of Union of Soviet Socialistic All this will help other students and me to
Republics. So, in the United States of influence on Ukrainian reforms and
America, in those times USSR was called politics.
Russia, and many people did not hear And now some words about
about Ukraine. Some people thought that it contributions. Investments grow, if there
was a part of Yugoslavia or somewhere in is well-developed investment
Asia. For Americans, Russians were bears infrastructure and favorable politics. This
with nuclear weapons, and for Russians, is in main and now more specific.
Americans were imperialistic hawks. And
Upcoming Events
JUNE 27 STUDENT DEPARTURE Portland Metro North/Northeast ongoing support to all participants
400 p.m. at Lents Park Portland Monday July 26 7 PM (host families and students and
Students must be at the designated school) throughout the year to optimize
drop off point between 3 & 4 the relationship and intercultural
Wednesday July 28 7:00 PM
o’clock. At this point, students will say learning opportunities for all parties.
their last good-byes to their family and Portland Metro Westside The liaison achieves this learning by
be taken to the site of the Departure Thursday August 5 7:00 PM helping facilitate communication and
Orientation. Although it is difficult to understanding between the host family
Portland Metro Southeast Monday
say good-bye, it is VERY important for and student and sometimes school
August 9 7:00 PM
everyone to let go. When a helper though not as often.
asks you to load your luggage into the Washington North - TAB
truck or board the van, please comply. Oregon Coast - TAB Aunt/Uncle Family - A family or
We all realize how difficult it is to say individual that spends time with the
good-bye. Students will NOT be Columbia Gorge - TAB student on a regular basis in addition
permitted to make phone calls, and we Tillamook Sunday August 8 2:00 PM to the host family. For instance, may
ask that friends and family not contact take student for a weekend trip, hiking,
the students before they leave the Longview/kelso Saturday July 24 or out to a movie or ice-cream.
country. 10:00 AM
((August 11 - 13 – Lents Park
Directions to Lents Park Tuesday, July 20 at the Sisson home, Orientation Site for August 14
S.E. Portland at 89th and S.E. Holgate Blvd. 8810 Beacon Ave., Vancouver, 7-9 Orientation - to be announced)
From I- 205 South take exit 17 Turn left p.m. Directions from north or south: Contact: Ron Combs, 503 777-8117,
onto Powell, go to first light turn left onto 92 go From I-205: Take I-205 to Hwy. 14.
to first light turn right on to Holgate park will
be on your left about two blocks.
Exit west toward Vancouver onto Hwy
14. Take the first exit, Leiser Rd., and Host families (Gateway Families) for
head north up the hill. From I-5: Take next year’s students. A Gateway
From I 205 North take exit 19 Family hosts for 1-3 days and
Division/Powell Stay in right lane towards
I-5 to the Camas exit. Head east on
Hwy. 14. Take the Leiser Road exit transports student to orientation site on
Powell turn right onto Powell get into center
nd (about 4 miles) and head north up the August 14.
lane go to first light turn left onto 92 . Go to
Holgate that will be the first light turn right. hill. Then: at the 4-way flashing light To find out more about volunteering for
Entrance to the park will be on your left about on Leiser Road, turn right onto St. arrival or departure, Ron is happy to
two Blocks. Helens Ave. In a couple of blocks answer any questions- 503-777-8117.
Should you get lost, call Ron Combs on his you'll see a parking lot on the right.
cell phone: 503 – 314 – 5243 Park there. Look for the two-story COLUMBIA PACIFIC LEADERSHIP
house on the east side of the lot at the TEAM MEETING
Host Family Orientation Schedule for SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY July 12
corner of Beacon and St. Helens.
Lost? Call Mary, 360 695-9148.
Our next Leadership Team meeting
They are fun, informative and required! In order will be held on Monday, July 12, at the
to Monday, July 26 at the home of
AFS office, 506 SW 6th Ave., from
comply with CSIET (Council on standards for Susan Riggs, 3239 NE 20th 6PM to 8PM. All leadership team
International Exchange and Travel) Avenue, Portland, 7-9 p.m. meetings are open meetings. All are
Requirements, RSVP. Please contact Chris welcome to come. For more
each host family must have an orientation cradler at 503 287-6601 or Susan information call Ron Combs 503-777-
separate Riggs at 503-287-0585. 8117 or E-Mail
from the initial home visit interview. Host
families Wednesday, July 28 at the home of IOF PICNIC – Sunday, July 25
deserve the opportunity to meet with others who Maggie Frieske, 14951 S.E. El Rancho Rd., The Independent Order of Foresters
are Millwaukie, 7-9 p.m. RSVP 503 659-7958, has extended an invitation to all AFS
plunging in to this life-changing experience. families, volunteers, and friends to
We want them to feel supported and informed. Monday, August 9 at the home of come to their annual picnic which will
We all benefit from sharing stories and I Bernice Schuchardt, 4806 S.E. Long, be held on Sunday, July 25, at Oaks
informing new families of the expectations and Portland, 6:30-9 p.m. I will have sub- Park. Hamburgers, hot dogs,
guide sandwiches available for dinner. beverage, and ice cream will be
lines. Please make sure the families you have RSVP 503 774-4161 provided. registration fee of $1 per
recruited feel supported and informed. person will be charged. If you want to
Encourage VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES go on the rides, ride bracelets may be
them to attend one of the orientations listed. If Contact Bernice Schuchardt at 503 purchased for $5. Bracelets will be
you 775-4161,, for valid all day. Contact Ron Combs, 503
are an "experienced" host family other volunteer opportunities. 777-8117 to register E-Mail
and would like to share your expertise with
others, we would love to have you join the Student/Family Liaison - This
delivery side of orientations. individual works with one student and
one host family by maintaining monthly
contact with each party. The liaison
Vancouver-Battleground Tuesday also periodically contacts host school.
July 20 7:00 PM By doing so, the liaison provides
Hosting Page
Columbia Pacific Hosting 2004-2005
There have been and will be some staffing changing that you need to be aware of. Our dear Sara Vandepeute is on her way to DC with Rodrigo, where Rodrigo will
enter Graduate School and Sara will be finding a new niche. We will miss her, but we are fortunate to have a familiar face taking over for her. Cliff Johnson, who
used to be Northwest Hosting Coordinator, will be the new Field Coordinator for Columbia Pacific and two other teams. Cliff has been serving in the same capacity for
Southwest teams, but decided he would rather cover the region he lives in and reduce the amount of traveling away from home and wife. Welcome Cliff! We have also
lost our wonderful Margena, in Admissions, whose experience was "gifted" to the Central States Region--an area that has suffered many staff changes. We look
forward to working with Sybille Langer, who is catching on real fast in Admissions.
We are still seeking host families to fill out our hosting commitments and assist the region with some of the "overmatrix" students who will be coming. The
"overmatrix" students present a particular problem and one that is sometimes hard to understand. We make an Area Team Commitment for hosting and sending
numbers 1 1/2 years before the kids arrive or go, in order to plan budget and so our partners can anticipate our needs and we theirs. In order to meet numbers, we have
to build in a certain attrition rate. Some students do withdraw; change their mind or "rollover." Unfortunately, the national withdrawal rate is higher than the historical
withdrawal rate in the West, so we end up with a few kids who haven't really been spoken for or committed to. They are coming and they will need homes. Keep
We have found the single very best way to recruit a new host family is to ask them. People often won't answer newspaper or waiting room ads; a few people do actually
call us, but more often than not, it is that personal persuasion--telling your own story and wanting to share the joy that convinces a new family to say yes. So I
encourage all of you to keep a sheet of bios and AFS material handy and bring it out when there is a lull in the conversation--at work, at play, at church, in the
neighborhood and at social gatherings.
Speaking Peace--talking about the mission of AFS is easy these days because there is so much war, violence and terror being reported--we can be the counter. We need
exchange now more than ever! We each can be the change we hope for this world. Look over the bios. Think of families with and without children (they don't have to
have high school siblings to make a "perfect" family!) Think through your list of friends, business associates, relatives (even in other parts of the US--there are kids to
place everywhere!) and see if there is someone who might fit one of these kids. A family with adopted Chinese Children; a great teacher who might make a wonderful
host or liaison for one of our teachers; a newly retired teacher looking for some way to be involved in a new volunteer venture. We need host families and we also need
Aunt-Uncle Families and Liaisons. Our goal this year is to have our liaisons and aunt-uncle families in place before arrival. If someone you talk to doesn't think now is
the right time for a hosting commitment, try to get them to say yes to being an Aunt-Uncle.
Schools are closing so we need to move quickly to secure school slots. There is an advantage to local chapter or cluster taking "welcome" ownership of a given student.
If your neighborhood wants to adopt a student and assign them to a school, please let us know. We'd prefer permanent placements, but we will consider Welcome
Family Placements, as needed. We prefer a welcome family be willing to host for a minimum of 6 weeks, three months is better. It gives us time to secure the
permanent family and allow some stability for the student. Sometimes Welcome Families decide they can't give up their "welcome student" and of course they are
given first dibs to keep the student. Welcome family placements enable us to secure the school slot and allow the student to begin the visa process, while we search for
the permanent home. It narrows the focus of the recruitment process and does have the advantage of local investment.
Our new staff is available to assist in any way they can. If you need materials to distribute; assistance with AFS Online; coaching on how to ask; or other questions that
may come up, please call on us!

Sally Ann Wells, Volunteer Hosting Coordinator, (503) 452-1868;

Field Coordinator: Cliff Johnson at (503) 241-1578 ext 1574;
Admissions Advisor: Sibylle Langer at (503) 241-1578 ext 1525;

The following "mini-bios" are the current students in need of placement. Every one of these students deserves to know who their family is and begin corresponding
with them before they leave their country. Won't you please help be the change we need in this world?

Shanna is a YES Scholar from Indonesia

Shanna is an avid sports watcher, and enjoys Formula 1, tennis, American football, and Italian soccer. She also loves organizing events, and
every year helps plan the biggest music festival in Indonesia, which more than 20,000 people attend.
Shanna loves to be engaged with the world, whether through social work, event planning or debating at school. Her closest friends say that she
is "nice, understanding, very patient, open-minded" and smart.
Shanna is an extremely creative girl, who says that growing up in a place as diverse as Indonesia has made her very open. Her extended family
members are all very close, despite coming from different religious backgrounds.

Nurullah YES Scholar from Turkey

Nurullah plays basketball three times a week, goes for a jog every day and works with computers. He's on the basketball team and is
training for the athletic championships. He's the president of the student foundation and an active member of Greenpeace.
Nurullah is very trusted and respected by his family. He considers himself a trustworthy person, capable of making mature decisions
regarding his life and future goals. His friends say he's empathetic, easy going and he makes friends easily. Nurullah grew up in Kocaeli
with his father, a teacher, his mother, a teacher and his younger sister. He has attended boarding school for the past 3 years. His counselor
says he's "mature, independent and has a natural talent to make new friends." No pork.

Norodin, YES Scholar from the Philippines

Wally is very active in the performing arts, as a dancer, singer and public speaker; he loves the works of Shakespeare. He is also the VP of
his student government, and is involved in the local "Clean and Green" environmental cleanup program.
Despite being so heavily involved in his community, he is a dedicated and successful student. Teachers describe him as a natural leader, and
he makes friends easily. His parents call him a courageous optimist who believes in himself. Wally requires access to a mosque.
Wally lives with his father, stepmother, caretaker and six siblings in Cotabo City. They are surrounded by farmland, on which the entire
family works. They are demonstrative, busy, and religious; education is very important to them. For religious reasons, he does not eat pork.
Kurumi from Japan
Kurumi plays the piano times a week and listens to music almost everyday. She is an assistant for her school's volleyball club. As an assistant,
she throws and collects balls for the players. She enjoys taking care of the team.
She said her family and friends would describe her as shy. She gets nervous when she talks to strangers, but likes making as many new friends
as she can. She is compassionate and thoughtful, and always feels better when her relationships are going well.
She lives with her family in Takaoka, a rural town with many famous sites. She is excited to travel abroad, meet new people and learn a new
culture. She would like to make friends with many people and teach them about her country and her culture.

Daniel from Australia -

Daniel's main passion is basketball, and he spends at least 3 or 4 nights a week at practice or at games. He travels quite a bit through
basketball. He also surfs and explores the outdoors. He'd like to study sports psychology when he gets older.
Friends and family describe Daniel as open-minded and easy to talk to. He is kind and values open communication. He's a leader within his
peer group - teachers say that he's outgoing, involved and motivated as a student and as an athlete.
Daniel lives with his father in Rosebud, Victoria. They have a relationship of "complete trust and loyalty," according to his father. His family
values leadership and self-discipline. They have established a balance between freedom and responsibility.

Chalit from Thailand - Welcome family in The Dalles

Soccer is Yui's favorite hobby and he plays every night with his friends. Another interest of his is badminton. Yui is also musical and
plays in a Thai classical band that consists of 8 members. Yui plays a 2-string instrument called "Sau Duang."
Yui says his friends describe him as friendly, amusing and someone with a sense of humor. His father says he is flexible and easily adapts
to new environments. He has a good relationship with his family and is given much independence.
Chalit's nickname is Yui. He was elected the leader of the soccer club at his school because he is good at coordinating and sharing with
others. In the future Yui would like to study communication and later work in the tourist industry.

Wasu from Thailand

16-year old Wasu goes by the nickname "Mai". She plays Thai instruments such as Kim and Thai flute as well as practices badminton. She
enjoys cooking Phad Thai and fried rice, and loves to eat American food. In her free time she draws cartoons and reads.
Mai's family describes her as shy at first, but once you get to know her she is "friendly, flexible and gets along well with others". She says she
adjusts well to new environments and is ready to learn new things. Student is allergic to dust. Mai lives with her parents, grandparents, uncle
and brother. Her father is a bank manager and the family has a fruit garden with three types of fruit. In the future she hopes to be either a
pharmacist or an economist and continue her study of English.

Yevgeniya a FLEX Scholar from Russia

Yevgeniya, who goes by the nickname "Jane", has won school championships in volleyball, running and table tennis. Her hobbies include
watching teenage movies, needlework, reading, modern dancing, listening to pop music and racing horses.
Jane describes herself as a very social and openhearted person who is responsible, fair and tolerant. She says she always tries to be amiable, easy-
going and a good communicator. Her friends say she has a great sense of humor and is very entertaining.
Jane is an only child who lives with her mother. She has many relatives that live nearby with whom she spends a lot of time. In the future she
would like to study either international relations or psychology.

Natalia from Paraguay - School Placed in Sandy High School

Nati's is very active in many sports, but she spends the majority of her time with the school volleyball team. She also enjoys dancing. She's
the vice president of her church youth group and the president of her class at school. Leadership comes naturally to Nati because of her talent
at working with and for people. She is fun, outgoing, and cheerful, and loves people. She has a friendly and confident nature. She's also a
diligent and responsible student.
Nati lives in Asuncion with her parents, grandmother, brother, and his brother's wife and 4 children. They often spend weekends together,
going to church and sharing meals. They ar busy during the week with their independent schedules.

Rattiya Visiting Teacher from Thailand matched to Trillium Charter

Tick spends her days teaching at a primary school. She teaches 3 hours of English, 4 hours of computers and 1 hour of Scouts. She then goes
home and has dinner and watches TV with her family. On weekends, she likes to go visit with friends and relatives.
Tick describes herself as a friendly, helpful and caring person. She says that her parents tell her that she is flexible, self-confident and has relates
easily to all sorts of people. She also likes to talk to people and learn about their experiences.
Tick was born on 10/20/1970. She loves pets, and can live with a family that has cats and/or dogs indoors.
Tick lives with her parents in a large house with a nice yard. She has two brothers who live close to home, and have their own families. Tick is
very excited at the prospect of learning new teaching styles from her American counterparts.

Temsiri Visiting Teacher from Thailand for Springwater Trail School

Nokyoong enjoys aerobics & jogging 3-4 times a week. She's always learning new things to keep her students informed;enjoys travel,meeting
new people,reading &movies. She drives 20 miles to work each day to teach English to her 7-to-12-year-old pupils.
She's grateful for her mom's influence, saying her teacher mom has inspired her to travel & broaden her experiences. Nokyoong's colleagues
describe her as "friendly, warm, active, flexible and reasonable with high responsibility."
Nokyoong lives in a village of fewer than 4,000 people, most of whom are farmers, shopkeepers & government employees. Her dad and older
brother both died several years ago; she now lives with her mom, two dogs & one cat.
Student Pic’s
Bernice Schuchardt
4806 SE Long
Portland, OR 97206


Want electronic newsletter?
E-Mail Bernice at

Want souvenir/scrapbook hard copy snail mail?

E-Mail Sally Ann at

All others will be able to find the newsletter on the Columbia-

Pacific website:

Check us out on line at: Http://

The Calendar

Sunday, June 27 Departure at Lents Park (p. 1)

Sunday, July 25 IOF Picnic – All AFS families, volunteers and friends invited. Register with Ron Combs, 503 777-8117. $1 registration
fee includes food, ice cream, and beverage. (See p. 2 for more details)
Sunday, August 1 NEWSLETTTER DEADLINE. Submit to Bernice Schuchardt at

Monday, August 9 Host Family Orientation at Bernice Schuchardt’s home, 4806 SE Long, Portland, phone 503-775-4161.

Saturday, August 14 Arrival Orientation for 2004-2005 students. Site to be determined.

Thursday, August 26 Welcome Picnic at the home of Garry and Marilyn Hays (more info in next newsletter)

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