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About the Brand

Vaseline is a very famous brand among the skin care product category in India. It was originally
produced by Chesebrough-Ponds, which was then purchased by Unilever in 1987. Vaseline
Petroleum Jelly - the 'Wonder Jelly' introduced in 1870 and Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion has
helped deliver healthy-looking, moisturized skin for 135 years.
In 1869, Robert Chesebrough, a dispensing chemist, discovered something amazing. He
discovered a 100% natural product, rich in minerals from deep within the earth yet totally pure,
which had remarkable healing properties when applied to cuts, burns and abrasions of the skin.
That product was Vaseline. This brand has been the skin care expert for generations that
provides quality skin care products to help you have softer, healthier-looking skin every day.
Vaseline Petroleum Jelly was patented by Robert Chesebrough in 1872, and launched across 5
regions during 1890-1960. Today Vaseline products are available in over 142 countries around
the world.
With correct positioning and consumer public relation campaign, Vaseline was successful in
establishing itself as a great brand in India, Another interesting part of Vaseline is that you can
hardly ever remember the campaigns they run. This is not to say that Vaseline is ineffective at
spreading a campaign message, but that the brand is so driven by the consumers that they dont
have to rely on media for their success.
To provide knowledge, advice and products that enable everyone to enjoy great, healthy
looking skin everyday.
If you look at the mission statement of Vaseline Its pretty simple, but it speaks volumes. They
are saying there are no beauty secrets and you dont need lots of money to look and feel great.
Brand Positioning
Vaseline is positioned on the healthcare platform with a body lotion and a petroleum jelly
cream. The customer always see the tangible attributes like performance level, price,
packaging, product components before buying the product. Vaseline being the winter cream
possess many uses such as pomade for the hair, it is also used by males as a personal lubricant.
Vaseline prices are less as compared to Ponds, Lakme & Nivea. The brand's range was
expanded to Talcum Powder, but was later withdrawn. A seasonal brand, unlike Pond's,
Vaseline also has a foot care cream, which has remained a niche product
with limited demand during winter. The Unique Selling Proportion of
Vaseline is its 100% White Petrolatum.
1. During the launch of the product:
Its a remarkable marketing fact that Chesebroughs success was based on one single
product, almost to the exclusion of all others. Yet such was the efficacy of his discovery that
even today, long after his death, Vaseline is still one of the best known and best loved brands
in the world.
Whats in a name?
According to some accounts, Vaseline got its name from the
German word for water, wasser (pronounced Vahser) and the
Greek word for oil, elaion. Another theory is that Vaseline
comes from the word vase as Chesebrough, once being short of
containers for his samples, used his wifes flower vases!
Six uses of good old Vaseline
Put a coat on your eyelashes before you go to bed. Lots
of people swear by thisand say it will make your lashes grow
longer and thicker over time.
Put a coat of Vaseline on your feet at night, cover them with socks and wake up to
softer feetevery day!
Put Vaseline on your elbows every daythey will stay soft!
Put Vaseline on your cuticles several times a day for softer and better looking cuticles
every day.
Put Vaseline on chapped lips
Use Vaseline as lip gloss
New mothers used it as an absorbent shield for diaper rash, professionals working in extreme
cold weather used it to relieve their dry chapped skin, and during both the First and Second
World Wars, Vaseline had been used by US soldiers to protect cuts and prevent sunburn.
Vaseline used during first
and Second World War it
was after that brand saw
further expansion across
Vaseline was even commissioned to produce a sterile antiseptic wound dressing. As a result,
the brand name Vaseline became a patriotic symbol in and
around the United States.
Aiming for new target: Earlier the product was basically
targeted at women of society but thankfully universality of the
brand and its various uses allowed it to develop in various
directions they came up with a new innovative product of that
time known as Vaseline Hair Tonic primarily targeting men,
advertising for Vaseline hair tonic claimed to promote hair
patches in bald patches more commonly it was used as a hair
styling tool.
Vaseline Intensive care- A New Era: It was around 70s,
Vaseline again came up with new innovative product and
this time A hands on approach to moisturized skin.
Vaseline intensive care lotion was launched and strength of
the brand, the heritage of the original product and its
efficacy in treating cracked skin and lips, all worked in attracting new customers to the given
product. This new formula also overcame a critical problem faced by original Vaseline
petroleum jelly-its greasy image- which was preventing people from using it as part of their
skin care routine.
2. When competition grew
The 1980s marked a period of changes, challenges and new
opportunities for Vaseline. Vaseline Intensive care solution
had been a market leader for over a decade and its success
had not gone unnoticed. Larger retailers recognized its
popularity and had been quick to copy with their own store-
brand product. Although the competition presented a touch
challenge for the product, but Vaseline struck back by
launching innovative formats such as flip-top lids and easy
to use containers. These new ideas insured that Vaseline
The iconic leaf campaign
was one earliest dry leaf
campaign showed a dry
desiccated leaf revitalised
by Vaseline hand lotion.
Amazing facts dedicated to skin
By 1929 Vaseline was used in 75%
British homes
In 2005 every 35 seconds a tub of
Vaseline petroleum jelly was sold
anywhere in the world.
It has become family brand and is
handed down from one generation to
next. That is the best form of
promotion you can get-one that
comes with yours mothers blessing.
Over 15 million jars of Vaseline
petroleum jelly are manufactured
over a year.
intensive care constantly moved forward, keeping one step ahead of the game.
The truth of matter: By 2005 people personal value about what they found important has
changed instead of wanting to just look good, they wanted more and more to be fit and feel
healthy and they wanted brands that promote their health and well-being. This was a beginning
of a new dawn for Vaseline. After a difficult start to the new millennium, with the brands
health under threat and positioning for the future not clear the brand went back to the future
findings its inspiration for the future in some piercing insight that went right back to the roots
of the brand and what makes it unique.
Current Brand communication and positioning: With this key insight the core of the brands
positioning came to rest in one simple, yet powerful message: that skin is amazing. What the
brand wanted to reinforce was that nobody knows this amazing skin more or understands how
to keep it at its healthy best better than Vaseline. An award-winning 2007 TV campaign,
Keeping Skin Amazing through visual striking creative, using naked bodies to represent the
landscape of skin. It shows consumers the
amazing attributes of skin and explained how
Vaseline product could protect, nurture and
help care for it.
This new approach ensures the Rescue range is
in keeping with the other Intensive Care
variants whilst creating an identity distinct enough to become known as the best products for
very dry skin. New positioning sees Vaseline as the leading everyday skincare expert taking a
holistic view on skin health, maintenance and enhancement. The re-brand heralds a new phase
of development that sees the range becoming aspirational, warmer and more
authoritative. Packs were created with a pure matte white finish to indicate purity, which
contrasts well with the deep blue frosted cap. A metallic finish on the Vaseline logo
demonstrates the premium quality, aids navigation and adds
a tactile quality. The design expresses Intensive Rescues
personality without losing any of Vaselines authority as a
brand that is instantly recognised and trusted right around
the world.

Suggestions for Brand Repositioning

Try to Leverage Vaselines Simplicity in Messaging: As the poor economic
conditions has made consumers more of a budget conscious, there is a trend to seek
simplicity and a return to basics. What began is a need to reduce spending has evolved
into a longer-term approach to live a simpler lifestyle, in which consumers are more
forward looking towards the value proposition of brands and demand authenticity in
the products they purchase, rather they prefer to select them on the basis of status. So
along communicating intensive care, simple efficacy, classic appeal, it should also
communicate consumers its low price point factor.

Expand on the Theme of Vaselines Multipurpose Nature
Vaselines could be positioned by defining its different uses like in electrical,
automotive, photography, polishing, etc. may present possibilities for new brand
development that leverage the original Vaseline Petroleum Jelly formula

Positioning Vaselines Therapeutic Properties
Conditioning, Healing, Soothing are some of the properties which describe the
therapeutic power of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly, and could inspire new product
innovation, such as healing patches or a 12-hour night-time conditioning treatment.


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