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Lesson Plan

Year level Four Learning Area Sport

Date/Time 21
Aug 2014 Lesson Focus Teamwork/Cooperation
Background Information
-The whole class is required to do a sport lesson where they will learn and develop their skills for
cooperation and teamwork
-All students are expected to join in with the activities
-Students will be asked to demonstrate certain activities. They will be demonstrating both how to do
the activity and how they work in both pairs and groups
Teaching/Learning Purpose(s)
-Students will be developing their cooperation skills by working in a team with other students
-Students will also gain an understanding of what team spirit is and why its important. Learn to
always encourage their fellow students for trying, whether or not they succeed in the activity
-Students should learn that it is unacceptable to put down a student if they dont get it right
-Students will also develop their technique for the particular activity
-Practice the chosen activities before asking students to attempt them so I know how to teach it to
them and whether or not they are doing it correctly
-Make sure to have all equipment prior to the lesson
-Have an additional task ready in case students finish the activities earlier than expected
Learning Experiences
1. How will I engage the learners
-There will be a continuous mix up of hard and easy porting activities
-Students will be aware of them playing a game once the first few activities have been completed
-Students will do activities in pairs of their choice
-Students will then be put in teams where they will work together to beat the opposing team
2. Student tasks and activities
-In pairs students will practice the correct technique for chest passes, overhead throws and bouncing
with a netball
-The class will then be split in half and the new teams will have to work together to get the ball
around the circle in a clockwise motion, using the correct chest passing method and swivelling on
their feet to beat the other team
-Students will then partake in a few round of tug-of-war to prepare them for the sports carnival
-With the remaining time I will teach the class a variation of the game scarecrow where students will
have to cooperate with one another and use strategy
3. Conclusion
-The learning that was happening between students was about being able to cooperate well with
other students. They demonstrated this in the several different activities that I provided them with
-The Learning therefore related to the lesson purpose as they both intended and achieved the same
outcome with the year four students
Assessment and Evaluation
-The students achieved the learning purpose by managing to work in pairs and in groups to complete
tasks without struggle
-When playing scarecrow some students approached me to say that other students werent playing
fairly. After reminding them that it was only a game meant for fun they returned to playing the game
-I could see they were beginning to really understand the meaning of good sportsmanship

Micro Lesson Plan
Year level Four Learning Area Literature
Date/Time 20
Aug 2014 Lesson Focus Inferring
Background Information
-There will be a group of 5 or 6 students that are required to sit through a guided reading session
where they will take turns in reading parts of the selected text
-Students will be asked questions by the teacher which involve students using inferring skills by
predicting what certain phases in the text could mean, this is open to interpretation by the students
Teaching/Learning Purpose(s)
-Students will learn and develop their skills for inferring which is where they will make their own
conclusions based on the evidence they have gathered from the text
-Students will be questioned about a selected text and they will be required to draw their own
conclusions and explain what it was in the text that made them come to that conclusion
-I will read the text Heep by Pamela Rushby prior to the lesson
-Think of and prepare some questions to ask the students during the lesson eg why do the kids call
the compost heap Heep? Heep gives a satisfied burp and the dog next door cant be seen, what do
you think happened to the dog? The kids were worried of seeing Heep again incase he is still
hungry, why do you think they are worried?
Learning Experiences
1. How will I engage the learners
-I will join in with the students task by being the first to read from the text to the group
-Throughout reading the story I will continue to ask students various questions about the text. This
will keep students engaged because they will have to pay attention so they can answer regular
-Students will take turns in reading sections of the text. This will keep them engaged as they will be
reading to myself and the group
2. Student tasks and activities
-Students will be verbally questioned and they will have to show inferring skills to answer the
questions asked
-After completing the text students will have an activity worksheet to complete based on the
selected text. Students can use the book to refer to while they work so they can find any answers.
This will also help students in learning how to find key terms in a text
3. Conclusion
-Students did improve on their inferring skills, to begin with they were providing very vague
explanations as to why they came to the conclusion of something but as the book progressed on
they were exploring several possibilities as a group. For example Heep would purr when fed scraps,
it wriggled around with excitement when it knew scraps were coming. I asked the students if they
thought these were qualities you would use to describe a compost heap and why? All students said
no and then elaborated by saying things such as Heep was being described as if he were human,
the cat was inside the heap which is why it was purring, the dog was inside the heap, thats why it
Assessment and Evaluation
-The students achieved the learning purpose by answering several questions which made them use
their skills for inferring. An example of their answers is shown in the box above
-Students managed to do the task without struggle but some students found the reading much
easier than others so towards the end they did become a little restless
-The students had no problem working together in a group
-Although I had no problems doing the guided reading task with the students, my mentor informed
me after the lesson was over that I had performed the guided reading task incorrectly. I had
students read a page each around the group until the story was complete, when I was meant to ask
students to read quietly to themselves while I have one student read to me
-Although I made that mistake I still consider the lesson a success as students did improve their
inferring skills

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