Pedgastrocon 2014 Scientific Programme

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Ms. Reshma: + 918281130093
Ms. Sapna: +919895096409
In association with
IAP Cochin, ISG Kerala Chapter &
Cochin GUT Club.
September 2014
IMA House, Kaloor, Cochin.
National Conference of Indian Society of
Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and
Nutrition (ISPGHAN)
Annual Conference of Pediatric Gastroenterology
subspecialty of Indian Academy of Pediatrics)
Time Topic Speaker
08:00-08:15am Breakfast
Session IX Incidentally detected lesions- what to do?
Moderator: Dr Malathi S
08:15-08:30am Fatty liver Dr Nirmala D
08:30-08:45am GB stone Dr Yogesh Waikar
08:45-09:00am Mesenteric nodes Dr Sumathi B
09:00-09:15am SOL Liver Dr Dinesh Rawat
Session X Approach to common pediatric conditions Case Scenarios-I
09:15-09:35am A sick infant with Dr Seema Alam
suspected IEM
09:35-09:55am A case of Neonatal cholestasis Dr B R Thapa
09:55-10:15am A 5 year old child with Dr John Mathai
jaundice and itching
10:15-10:35am HBsAg positive! What Dr Neelam Mohan
to do? Case based

Session XI Approach to common pediatric conditions Case Scenarios-II
10:35-10:50am Infant with rectal bleed Dr Akshay Kapoor
10:50-11:05am Foreign body GI tract Dr Hema V
11:05-11:20am Chronic abdominal pain Dr Vishnu B
11:20-11:35am Cyclical vomiting Syndrome Dr Lalit Bharadia

Session XII Panel discussion: Allergy and diarrhoea
11:35-12:05am Panelists Moderator
Dr Dhansekaran K Dr Srinivas S
Dr Bhanu V Pillai
Dr Pavan Rawal
Session XIII Hepatology- II
12:05-12:25pm Bacterial hepatitis Dr Ashish Bhavdekar
12:25-12:45pm ACLF Definitions/ Dr Sutapa Ganguly
Pathophysiology/ Management
12:45-01:05pm Drug induced liver injury Dr Vidyut Bhatia
how to identify and treat
01:05-01:25pm Metabolic Liver disease Dr A Riyaz
what a paediatrician
should know
01:25-02:00pm Lunch & Poster (Luminal)
Session XIV Surgical hour
02:00-02:20pm Choledochal cyst Dr Richa Lal
02:20-02:40pm Fundoplication Dr Mohan Abraham
Timing and Selection of cases
02:40-03:00pm Caustic injury Esophagus Dr Bharat J
Medical Management
Acute & Chronic
03:00-03:20pm Surgical management Dr Naveen Vishwanath
When and What
Session XV Pot Pourri
03:20-03:40pm Refractory Constipation Dr Ujjal Poddar
03:40-03:55pm Difficult GERD Dr Jaya Aggarwal
03:55-04:10pm Short bowel syndrome Dr Dinesh Banur
- Management
04:10-04:25pm Probiotics Rational use Dr Rema Krishnakumar
04:25-04:45pm Valedictory function
September 2014 (Sunday)
Pre-conference Endoscopy Workshop
Venue: Amriteswari Hall (2
Tower 5
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Cochin
01:00pm : Lunch
02:00-03:00pm : PG Clinics
03:00-05:00pm : Endoscopy workshop
Dear All,
On behalf of the organizing committee, I cordially welcome you all to the
National Conference of the Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology,
Hepatology and Nutrition (ISPGHAN) at Cochin.
Pediatric Gastroenterology in India has been growing steadily and has
now acquired an identity of its own as a separate society - ISPGHAN and
this will be its inaugural meet.
We, at Cochin, feel honored and privileged to be hosting this prestigious
meet. The organizing committee has planned a sumptuous feast both
academic and gastronomical to enthrall you all for 3 days. The scientific
program includes lectures, case scenarios and panel discussions which
will cover almost all topics of pediatric gastroenterology. We have specially
chosen topics that deal with everyday conditions with ample time for
discussion and I am sure we will all have interesting and useful interactions.
For the post graduates and pediatricians interested in gastroenterology, the
preconference endoscopy work shop the first of its kind in South India -
will be peek into the world of interventional endoscopy. We hope that this
will stimulate an interest to specialize in pediatric gastroenterology.
Looking forward to seeing you all!
Geetha M
Organizing secretary
+919895245542 /
Organizing Chairperson Co-organizing Chairperson
Dr. Rama P. Venu Dr. M. Narayanan
Organizing Secretary Co-Organizing Secretary
Dr. Geetha M. Dr. Vivin Abraham
Organizing Committee
Time Topic Speaker
Session I - Hepatology I
08:30-08:50am Current concepts in the Dr B R Thapa
Management of AIH
08:50-09:15am NAFLD in Children Dr Prashanth Mathur
09:15-09:35am Budd- Chiari Syndrome- Dr Aabha Nagral
Surgery or TIPSS
09:35-09:55am Oral Antivirals in Hepatitis B Dr Nishanth Wadhwa
Yes, no, maybe
Session II - IBD Infammatory Bowel Disease- Management Issues
09:55-10:15am Medical Management of Dr Srinivas S
Perianal Crohns disease
10:15-10:35am Dilemmas in Dr SK Yachha
management of UC
(Case based)
10:35-10:55am Dilemmas in Dr Malathi
management of CD Sathiyasekaran
(Case based)
Session III - Special Lecture
10:55-11:30am Pediatric gastroenterology Dr VS Sankaranarayanan
Past present and future
Session IV Luminal Gastroenterology
11:30-11:50am Management of Dr Bhanu Pillai
eosinophilic esophagitis
11:50-12:10pm Novel endoscopic techniques Dr Priya Narula
12:10-12:30pm Celiac disease in 2014 Dr SK Mittal
12:30-12:50pm Anorectal manometry in Dr Sakshi Karkra
clinical practice
12:50 -01:30pm Lunch & Poster (Hepatology)
Session V - Free Paper
01:30 -02:30pm Free paper
Session VI Liver Transplantation
02:30-02:50pm Interpretation of LFT in Dr Mohd Rela
post transplant setting
02:50-03:10pm LT unusual indications Dr Neelam Mohan
03:10-03:30pm Ped LT What do we Dr. Anupam Sibal
foresee after 15 yrs
03:30-03:50pm Post LT complications- Dr Naresh Shanmugham
the 1st 100 days
03:50-04:10pm Pediatric liver tumors Dr Mohd Rela
Session VII - Pancreatitis
04:10-04:30pm Role of EUS & ERCP Dr Rama P Venu
in Ped pancreatitis
04:30-04:50pm Recurrent Acute pancreatitis Dr Rakesh Mishra
04:50-05:10pm Tropical pancreatitis Dr V Balakrishnan
Session VIII - Portal Hypertension- Whats new
05:10-05:30pm EHPVO & NCPF Dr Ujjal Poddar
the Indian scenario
05:30-05:50pm Shunt surgeries in EHPVO Dr Sanjay Rao
06:00-07:00pm GBM
07:30-08:30pm Inaugural Function
08:30-10:00pm Banquet
September 2014 (Saturday)
September 2014 (Friday)
Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (ISPGHAN)
President Secretary Treasurer
Dr S K Yachha Dr Neelam Mohan Dr Lalit Bharadia
Scientifc Committee
Dr Malathi Sathiyasekaran, Dr Bhaskar Raju
Dr Sumathi B, Dr Nirmala D
Dr Hema Vijayalakshmi, Dr S Srinivas
Dr. Bhanu Pillai.

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