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Nerul, Navi Mumbai-4000!

De"ar#me$# O% C&m"u#er E$'i$eeri$'
Sem) *II (ra$+,) CE
1. Write a program to implement Extended Euclidian Algorithm.
2. Write a program to implement Caesar Cipher algorithm.
3. Write a program to implement Vigenre Cipher algorithm.
4. Write a program to implement RSA algorithm.
. Write a program to implement !napsac! cr"ptoanal"sis.
#. Write a program to implement $i%%ie &ellman !e" exchange algorithm.
'. Write a program to generate digital signature using RSA.
(. Write a program to implement )u%%er *+er%lo, Attac!.
9. -o stud" Stegnograph" ." storing a secret !e" in a /0E1 image.
Department of Computer Engineering, SIES GST Page 1
AIM ) - Write a program to implement Extended Euclidian Algorithm.
-he e1#e$2e2 Eu+li2ea$ al'&ri#,m is an extension to the Euclidean algorithm. )esides %inding
the greatest common di+isor o% integers a and b2 as the Euclidean algorithm does2 it also %inds
integers x and y 3one o% ,hich is t"picall" negati+e4 that satis%" )56out7s identit"
Extended Euclidian algorithm is used %or8
Sol+ing ax mod n 9 1
Sol+ing ax mod n 9 b
1i+en positi+e integers a and b2 %ind their greatest common di+isor
Steps8 : ;% x is the greatest common di+isor o% a and b2 then x di+ides r 9 a < b
Reduces pro.lem to %inding largest x that di+ides r and b
-he extended Euclidean algorithm is particularl" use%ul ,hen a and b are coprime2 since x is the
multiplicati+e in+erse o% a modulo b2 and y is the multiplicati+e in+erse o% b modulo a.
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AIM ) - Write a program to implement Caesar Cipher algorithm.
;n cr"ptograph"2 a Caesar cipher2 also !no,n as Caesar7s cipher2 the shi%t cipher2 Caesar7s code or
Caesar shi%t2 is one o% the simplest and most ,idel" !no,n encr"ption techni>ues. ;t is a t"pe o%
su.stitution cipher in ,hich each letter in the plaintext is replaced ." a letter some %ixed
o% positions do,n the ?or example2 ,ith a shi%t o% 32 A ,ould .e replaced ." $2 )
,ould .ecome E2 and so on. -he method is named a%ter /ulius Caesar2 ,ho used it in his pri+ate
-he encr"ption step per%ormed ." a Caesar cipher is o%ten incorporated as part o% more complex
-he trans%ormation can .e represented ." aligning t,o alpha.ets@ the cipher is the plain rotated le%t or right ." some o% positions. ?or instance2 here is a Caesar cipher
using a le%t rotation o% three places 3the shi%t parameter2 here 32 is used as the !e"48
0lain8 A)C$E?1&;/ABC=*0DRS-EVWFGH
Cipher8 $E?1&;/ABC=*0DRS-EVWFGHA)C
When encr"pting2 a person loo!s up each letter o% the message in the IplainI line and ,rites
do,n the corresponding letter in the IcipherI line. $eciphering is done in re+erse.
Ciphertext8 WA& -FB?= EERHD ;RA CF0SV RG&E WA& *$C) 1R/
0laintext8 the >uic! .ro,n %ox Jumps o+er the la6" dog
-he encr"ption can also .e represented using modular arithmetic ." %irst trans%orming the letters
into num.ers2 according to the scheme2 A 9 K2 ) 9 12...2 H 9 2.Encr"ption o% a letter ." a shi%t
n can .e descri.ed mathematicall" as2
$ecr"ption is per%ormed similarl"2
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Caesar Cipher is eas" to use .ut it has simple structure and it is eas" to .rea! encr"pted message.
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AIM ) - Write a program to implement Vigenre Cipher algorithm.
-he *i'e$6re +i",er is a method o% encr"pting alpha.etic text ." using a series o% di%%erent
Caesar ciphers .ased on the letters o% a !e",ord. ;t is a simple %orm o% pol"alpha.etic
1. use Vigenre -a.leau32#L2# matrix4
2. lo,8 letter
3. column8 !e"3suppose !e" length is #2 i.e. !e" 9 3!12 M !#44
N cJ 9 3pJ2 !i4 ,here J Li mod #
N pJ 9x s.t. cJ 9 3x2 !i4 ,here JLi mod #
-a.le 8:
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N Example
7e8 Julie tJuli etJul ...
.lai$#e1# )E-S* ?-W&A -B;1& ...
Ci",er#e1# !oeas "c>si ...
! 9 3)2 J42 o 9 3E2 u42 e 9 3-2 l42 M
N Bong !e",ords can .e used2 .ut a !e",ord o% length three usuall" su%%ices s to smooth out the
Vigenre cipher is periodic .ecause plain text characters are enciphered one <.":one and
adJacent characters are enciphered ,ith a di%%erent part o% the !e".
Department of Computer Engineering, SIES GST Page 6
AIM ) - Write a program to implement RSA algorithm.
RSA is an algorithm %or pu.lic:!e" cr"ptograph" that is .ased on the presumed di%%icult"
o% %actoring large integers2 the %actoring pro.lem. RSA stands %or Ron Ri+est2 Adi Shamir and
Beonard Adleman2 ,ho %irst pu.licl" descri.ed it in 1O''.
A user o% RSA creates and then pu.lishes the product o% t,o large prime num.ers2 along ,ith an
auxiliar" +alue2 as their pu.lic !e". -he prime %actors must .e !ept secret. An"one can use the
pu.lic !e" to encr"pt a message2 .ut ,ith currentl" pu.lished methods2 i% the pu.lic !e" is large
enough2 onl" someone ,ith !no,ledge o% the prime %actors can %easi.l" decode the message.
-he RSA algorithm in+ol+es three steps8 !e" generation2 encr"ption and decr"ption.
7e8 'e$era#i&$
RSA in+ol+es a "ubli+ 9e8 and a "riva#e 9e8/ -he pu.lic !e" can .e !no,n to e+er"one and is
used %or encr"pting messages. Cessages encr"pted ,ith the pu.lic !e" can onl" .e decr"pted
using the pri+ate !e". -he !e"s %or the RSA algorithm are generated the %ollo,ing ,a"8
Choose t,o distinct prime num.ers p and q. : ?or securit" purposes2 the integers p and q should
.e chosen at random2 and should .e o% similar .it:length. 0rime integers can .e e%%icientl" %ound
using a primalit" test.
Compute n 9 pq. : n is used as the modulus %or .oth the pu.lic and pri+ate !e"s
Compute P3n4 9 3p<143q<142 ,here P is Euler7s totient %unction.
Choose an integer e such that 1 Q e Q P3n4 and greatest common di+isor o% 3e2 P3n44 9 1@ i.e.2 e
and P3n4 are coprime.
e is released as the pu.lic !e" exponent.
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e ha+ing a short .it:length and small &amming ,eight results in more e%%icient encr"ption : most
commonl" Kx1KKK1 9 #23'. &o,e+er2 small +alues o% e 3such as 34 ha+e .een sho,n to .e less
secure in some settings.
$etermine d as8
i.e.2 d is the multiplicati+e in+erse o% e mod P3n4. : -his is more clearl" stated as sol+e %or d
gi+en 3de4 mod P3n4 9 1. -his is o%ten computed using the extended Euclidean algorithm. d is
!ept as the pri+ate !e" exponent.
so2 dLe9 1 mod P3n4 -he "ubli+ 9e8 consists o% the modulus n and the pu.lic 3or encr"ption4
exponent e. -he "riva#e 9e8 consists o% the modulus n and the pri+ate 3or decr"ption4 exponent
d ,hich must .e !ept secret. 3p2 q2 and P3n4 must also .e !ept secret .ecause the" can .e used to
calculate d.4
Alice transmits her pu.lic !e" to )o. and !eeps the pri+ate !e" secret. )o. then ,ishes to
send message M to Alice.
&e %irst turns M into an integer m2 such that ." using an agreed:upon re+ersi.le
protocol !no,n as a padding scheme. &e then computes the ciphertext corresponding to
-his can .e done >uic!l" using the method o% exponentiation ." s>uaring. )o. then transmits
to Alice. =ote that at least nine +alues o% m could "ield a ciphertext c e>ual to m2.ut this is +er"
unli!el" to occur in practice.
Alice can reco+er %rom ." using her pri+ate !e" exponent +ia computing
1i+en 2 she can reco+er the original message M ." re+ersing the padding scheme.
Department of Computer Engineering, SIES GST Page
RSA7s .iggest ad+antage is that it uses 0u.lic Ae" encr"ption. -his means that text ,ill .e
encr"pted ,ith someone7s 0u.lic Ae" 3,hich e+er"one !no,s a.out4. &o,e+er2 onl" the person
it is intended %or can read it2 ." using their pri+ate !e" 3,hich onl" the" !no, a.out4.
Attempting to use the 0u.lic Ae" to decr"pt the message ,ould not ,or!. RSA can also .e used
to IsignI a message2 meaning that the recipient can +eri%" that it ,as sent ." the authenticated
Department of Computer Engineering, SIES GST Page 9
AIM ) - Write a program to implement !napsac! cr"ptoanal"sis.
-he Cer!le:&ellman s"stem is .ased on the su.set sum pro.lem 3a special case o% the !napsac!
pro.lem4. -he pro.lem is as %ollo,s8 gi+en a set o% num.ers A and a b2 %ind a su.set o%
A2 ,hich sums to .. ;n general2 this pro.lem is !no,n to .e =0:complete. &o,e+er2 i% the set o%
num.ers 3called the !napsac!4 is super increasing the pro.lem is 7eas"7 and sol+a.le in
pol"nomial time ,ith a simple greed" algorithm.
7e8 'e$era#i&$
-o encr"pt messages2 choose a super increasing se>uence
w 9 3w12 w22 ...2 wn4
o% n non6ero natural num.ers. 0ic! a random integer q2 such that
and a random integer2 r2 such that gcd3r2q4 9 1 3i.e. r and q are coprime4.
q is chosen this ,a" to ensure the uni>ueness o% the ciphertext. ;% it is an" smaller2 more than one
plaintext ma" encr"pt to the same ciphertext. r must .e coprime to q or else it ,ill not ha+e an
in+erse mod q. -he existence o% the in+erse o% r is necessar" so that decr"ption is possi.le.
=o, calculate the se>uence
R 9 3R12 R22 ...2 Rn4
Department of Computer Engineering, SIES GST Page 1!
Ri 9 rwi mod q.
-he pu.lic !e" is R2 ,hile the pri+ate !e" is 3w2 q2 r4.
-o encr"pt an message
S 9 3S12 S22 ...2 Sn42
,here is the i:th .it o% the message and TK2 1U2 calculate
-he cr"ptogram then is c.
;n order to decr"pt a ciphertext c a recei+er has to %ind the message .its Si such that the" satis%"
-his ,ould .e a hard pro.lem i% the Ri ,ere random +alues .ecause the recei+er ,ould ha+e to
sol+e an instance o% the su.set sum pro.lem2 ,hich is !no,n to .e =0:hard. &o,e+er2 the +alues
Ri ,ere chosen such that decr"ption is eas" i% the pri+ate !e" 3w2 q2 r4 is !no,n.
-he !e" to decr"ption is to %ind an integer s that is the modular in+erse o% r modulo q. -hat
means s satis%ies the e>uation s r mod q 9 1 or e>ui+alentl" there exist an integer k such that sr 9
kq V 1. Since r ,as chosen such that gcd3r2q491 it is possi.le to %ind s and k ." using the
Extended Euclidean algorithm. =ext the recei+er o% the ciphertext c computes
Department of Computer Engineering, SIES GST Page 11
)ecause o% rs mod > 9 1 and Ri 9 rwi mod q %ollo,s
-he sum o% all +alues wi is smaller than q and hence is also in the inter+al WK2q:1X. -hus
the recei+er has to sol+e the su.set sum pro.lem
-his pro.lem is eas" .ecause w is a superincreasing se>uence. -a!e the largest element in w2 sa"
wk. ;% wk Y c' 2 then Sk 9 K2 i% wkZc' 2 then Sk 9 1. -hen2 su.tract wk[Sk %rom c' 2 and repeat these
steps until "ou ha+e %igured out S.
Anapsac! algorithm is the secured ,a" o% implementing encr"ption.
Department of Computer Engineering, SIES GST Page 12
AIM ) - Write a program to implement $i%%ie &ellman !e" exchange algorithm.
$i%%ie &ellman !e" exchange algorithm uses as"mmetric !e" principles %or the distri.ution o%
s"mmetric !e"s to .oth parties in a communication net,or!. Ae" distri.ution is an important
aspect o% con+entional algorithm and the entire sa%et" is dependent on the distri.ution o% !e"
using secured channel. $i%%ie &ellman utili6es the pu.lic\ pri+ate !e" o% as"mmetric !e"
cr"ptograph" to exchange the secret !e". $e%ine primiti+e root o% a prime 7p7 as one
,hose po,ers generate all the integers %rom 1 to p:12 i.e. i% 7a7 is the primiti+e root o% a prime no
7p72 then2 a mod p 2 a
mod p 2 a
mod p2 ...a
mod p generate all distinct integers %rom 1 to 3p:14
in some permutation.
-he steps %or $i%%ie &ellman !e" exchange algorithm are8
S#e" 0 8 1B*)AB 0E)B;C EBECE=-S
Select an" prime no 8 7>7
Calculate the primiti+e root o% > 8 7a7 such that aQ>
S#e" 3 8 ASGCCE-R;C AEG 1E=ERA-;*= )G ESER 7A7
Select a random as the pri+ate !e" FA ,here FA Q >
Calculate the pu.lic !e" GA ,here GA 9 a
A mod >
S#e" 4 8 AEG 1E=ERA-;*= )G ESER 7)7
Select a random as the pri+ate !e" F) ,here F) Q >
Calculate the pu.lic !e" G) ,here G) 9 a
) mod >
S#e" 4 8 Exchange the +alues o% pu.lic !e" .et,een A \ )
S#e" : 8 SGCCE-R;C AEG 3A4 1E=ERA-;*= )G ESER 7A7
A9 G)
A mod >
S#e" ! 8 SGCCE-R;C AEG 3A4 1E=ERA-;*= )G ESER 7)7
Department of Computer Engineering, SIES GST Page 13
) mod >
;t can .e easil" .e pro+ed that the !e" A generated ." this algorithm ." .oth parties are the
Department of Computer Engineering, SIES GST Page 14
AIM ) - Write a program to generate digital signature using RSA.
A $igital Signature is a construct ,hich helps achie+e non:repudiation o% *rigin 3ie. *rigin
;ntegrit"4 o% data. )" digitall" signing the document2 the person ,ho signs it assures that he is
the author o% the document or the message that ,as signed.
-,o main Securit" considerations should .e ta!en into account ,hen implementing $igital
1. Sign the message and then encr"pt the signed message
2. Sign the &ash o% the message instead o% the entire message
With the a.o+e considerations2 the algorithm .elo, can .e used %or implementing pu.lic !e"
cr"ptograph" in /a+a.
1. Encr"pt the message using a s"mmetric !e".
2. Concatenate the s"mmetric !e" V &ash o% s"mmetric !e" V &ash o% message.
3. Encr"pt the concatenated string using the recei+er]s pu.lic !e".
4. Sign the data to .e transmitted 3Encr"pted s"mmetric !e" V &ash o% the !e" V &ash o%
. Validate the Signature.
#. $ecr"pt the message using Recei+er pri+ate !e" to get the s"mmetric !e".
'. Validate the integrit" o% the !e" using the &ash o% the !e".
Department of Computer Engineering, SIES GST Page 15
(. $ecr"pt the actual message using the s"mmetric !e" ,hich has .een decr"pted and
parsed and chec!ed %or integrit".
O. Compute Cessage $igest o% data.
1K. Validate i% the Cessage $igest o% the decr"pted text matches the Cessage $igest o% the
*riginal Cessage.
-here is a need %or authenticating critical transactions especiall" in the %inancial World. ;% Alice
has agreed to trans%er ^x to )o.2 then there had to .e a ,a" %or )o. to .e sure that8
1. ;t ,as Alice ,ho per%ormed the transaction and not someone else impersonating Alice
2. -he amount agreed ." Alice is ^x 3;ntegrit"4
3. Alice could not dispute her statement o% transacting ^x to )o. 3=on:Repudiation o%
A.o+e mentioned can .e achie+ed ,ith $igital Signatures.
Department of Computer Engineering, SIES GST Page 16
AIM ) - Write a program to implement )u%%er *+er%lo, Attac!.
Core data is put into a holding area than it can handle 3Bac! o% .ound chec!ing4.
A technicall" inclined user ma" exploit stac!:.ased .u%%er o+er%lo,s to manipulate the program
to their ad+antage in one o% se+eral ,a"s8
)" o+er,riting a local +aria.le that is near the .u%%er in memor" on the stac! to change
the .eha+iour o% the program ,hich ma" .ene%it the attac!er.
)" o+er,riting the return address in a stac! %rame. *nce the %unction returns2 execution
,ill resume at the return address as speci%ied ." the attac!er2 usuall" a user input %illed
)" o+er,riting a %unction pointer2or exception handler2 ,hich is>uentl" executed.
With a method called ItrampoliningI2 i% the address o% the user:supplied data is un!no,n2 .ut the
location is stored in a register2 then the return address can .e o+er,ritten ,ith the address o% an
opcode ,hich ,ill cause execution to Jump to the user supplied data. ;% the location is stored in a
register R2 then a Jump to the location containing the opcode %or a Jump R2 call R or similar
instruction2 ,ill cause execution o% user supplied data. -he locations o% suita.le opcodes2 or
."tes in memor"2 can .e %ound in $BBs or the executa.le itsel%. &o,e+er the address o% the
opcode t"picall" cannot contain an" null characters and the locations o% these opcodes can +ar"
.et,een applications and +ersions o% the operating s"stem.
Department of Computer Engineering, SIES GST Page 17
C and CVV pro+ide no .uilt:in protection against accessing or o+er,riting data in an" part o%
memor"@ more speci%icall"2 the" do not chec! that data ,ritten to a .u%%er is ,ithin the
.oundaries o% that .u%%er.
AIM ) - -o stud" Stegnograph" ." storing a secret !e" in a /0E1 image.
$igital stegnograph" concerns pri+ac" o% in%ormation under sur+eillance. Steganal"sis is the art
o% detecting an" hidden message on the communication channel. ;% the existence o% the hidden
message is re+ealed2 the goal o% steganograph" is de%eated.
?or all o% the stegnographic s"stems2 the most important and %undamental re>uirement is
undetect a.ilit". -he hidden message should not .e detected ." an" other people. ;n addition2 the
media ,ith hidden message2 called the stegomedia2 are indistinguisha.le %rom their original
ones2 called the co+er:media.
?or /0E1 images2 /steg 3method to implement stegnogaph"4 em.eds the hidden message ."
modulating the rounding choices either up or do,n in the >uanti6ed $C- conceits. -he a.ilit" o%
em.edding messages in the /0E1 %ormat is an ad+antage o% this tool2 since most images are
stored in /0E1 %ormat and trans%erred in the ;nternet. =ote that the do,ngrade image:delit"
caused ." the em.edding process depends not onl" on the amount o% em.edding messages .ut
also on the >ualit" %actor setting in /0E1 compression. ;% the >ualit" %actor is lo,2 the em.edding
capacit" should .e limited in order to satis%" the impercepti.le re>uirement.
-he main ad+antage o% this techni>ue is that it is ro.ust to image modi%ication. &o,e+er2 the
shared in%ormation .e%ore communication is dependent on the length o% the secret message2 i.e.2
the pa"load o% the s"stem is limited.
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