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Microsoft Lync Room System

Deployment Guide
Microsoft Lync Server 2013
Published: February 2014
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
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Deploying the Lync Room System Client1
Lync Room System Prere!uisites1
Supported "opologies 2
Pro#isioning the Lync Room System $ccount %n&Premises4
'nabling the Resource (ailbo) $ccount in $cti#e Directory*
'nabling LRS $ccounts +or Lync,
(o#e the LRS $ccount -et.een Pools /Lync Ser#er 201012
Disable the LRS $ccount +or Lync Ser#ices2
Con+erencing Policy +or the LRS $ccount2
(eeting $uthentication12
"rusted Domains 12
Pro#isioning Lync Room System accounts in %3ce 04514
%3ce 045 Prere!uisites 14
Pro#isioning %#er#ie.1*
6denti+ying a 7e. Con+erence Room1*
Lync So+t.are License 21
8(S 21
($8 +rom the 9olume License Ser#ice Center /9LSC122
($8 +or %045 .ithout 9LSC access22
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
Deploying the Lync Room System Client
(icroso+t Lync Room System /LRS1 edition is a ne. Lync uni:ed communications
client that has been optimi;ed +or Lync meetings in physical con+erence rooms LRS
$ one&touch meeting <oin e)perience
$utomatic setup o+ multi&#ie. #ideo gallery
"ouch&enabled .hiteboarding on the screen at the +ront o+ the room
Calendar integration +or access to scheduled meetings
Content sharing and s.itching
"his document guides you through pro#isioning Lync Room System in Lync Ser#er
and ')change Ser#er $lso re+er to the Lync Room System 6nstallation =uide
pro#ided by your administrator> .hich guides you through setting up the appliance
PC and de#ices in the meeting room
Lync Room System Prerequisites
"he LRS client .as de#eloped +rom the Lync client by using the Lync SD8 "he Lync
client runs in the bac?ground in partial @6 suppressed mode "he Lync client controls
the #ideo gallery and content stage on the screen at the +ront o+ the room "he LRS
client pro#ides a console e)perience on the table top display +or controlling the
meetings are the re!uirements +or LRS:
$n ')change resource mailbo) account to +acilitate calendar scheduling +or
the meeting rooms .ith $utoDisco#er ser#ice enabled on ')change ser#er
$ Lync&enabled LRS account on a Lync Ser#er 2010 pool /'nterprise or
Standard 'dition1
$n LRS client appliance PC .ith all re!uired so+t.are installed "he appliance
PC must be running Aindo.s * 'mbedded Standard operating system "his
hard.are is pro#ided by %'( partners along .ith all de#ices /displays>
camera> microphone> spea?ers1
6+ you decide to <oin the LRS appliance PC to $cti#e Directory Domain Ser#ices
/$D DS1 domain> group policy settings that do not inter+ere .ith LRS /section
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
later in this document co#ers those1 $lternati#ely> you can lea#e this
appliance PC in the Aor?group
$ppropriate user rights to run the cmdlets speci:ed in this document "he
Cs(eetingRoom cmdlets are modeled a+ter the Cs@ser cmdlet "here+ore> all
role&based access control /R-$C1 roles re!uired to run Cs@ser cmdlets also
apply to Cs(eetingRoom cmdlets
Supported opologies
"he table indicates LRS client interoperability among #arious deployments
o+ Lync and ')change topologies> either on&premises or in the cloud
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
opology !D Lync "#ch$ng
/single $D
(ulti Forest
in resource
lin?ing o+
')ce 3*+
%nline or
%nline %nline Single
')ce 3*+
%nline %nline (ultiple
Forest in
lin?ing o+
.y/rid ,Split
%nline Single
account is
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
"he table indicates LRS client interoperability among #arious #ersions o+
Lync Ser#er
Lync Server 'n(
Lync Server
$nd Lync
'nline .y/rid
Lync Ser#er
LRS client can <oin
public meetingsB
7C$ 7C$ 7ot Supported
Lync Ser#er
Fully supported: LRS
is homed>
LRS can <oin
Des Des 7ot Supported
B Pre#ious releases are partially supported 6n these scenarios> the LRS client
can participate in Lync con+erences /those that are scheduled by users homed
on Lync Ser#er 20101 as long as the con+erences are Epublic>F meaning the
con+erences arenGt customi;ed +or restricted access
"he LRS client cannot be homed on a Lync ser#er #ersion earlier than Lync
Ser#er 2010 Ahen an LRS cannot connect to ')change to retrie#e calendar
settings> +or e)ample .hen there is no ')change mailbo) con:gured +or the
LRS account or ')change is not reachable> (eet 7o. and ad hoc con+erencing
.ill .or?> but <oining a scheduled meeting .ill not .or?
"he table indicates LRS client supportability .ith #ersions o+ ')change
Lync0"#ch$nge 'n(Premises 'nline .y/rid
')change 200* Des 7$ 7$
')change 2010 Des 7$ 7$
')change 2010 Des Des Des
Provisioning the Lync Room System !ccount
Provisioning "#ch$nge Resource M$il/o# !ccount
"his section pro#ides an o#er#ie. o+ the steps +or pro#isioning the LRS account on
')change Ser#er and Lync Ser#er
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
6+ you already ha#e a resource mailbo) account +or the con+erencing room> you can
use this account %ther.ise> you .ill need to create a ne. one Dou can use either
')change (anagement Shell /Po.erShell1 or ')change (anagement Console to
create a ne. resource mailbo) account
"o create a ne. resource mailbo) account in multi&+orest en#ironment
1 Run the cmdlet:
New-Mailbox Name LRS-01 Alias LRS01 UserPrincipalName SamAccountName LRS01 FirstName LRS01
Initials LastName Room
2 For a single +orest on&premises ')change organi;ation run the
New-Mailbox -UserPrincipalName -Alias LRS01
-Name "LRS-01" -Room -EnableRoomMailboxAccount $true
RoomMailboxPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String <password>
-AsPlainText -Force)
$bo#e e)ample creates an enabled user account in $cti#e Directory and a
room mailbo) +or a con+erence room in an on&premises ')change
organi;ation "he RoomMailboxPassord parameter speci:es the pass.ord
+or the user account
0 %ptional: Con:gure the account to automatically resol#e conHicts by
acceptingCre<ecting meetings LRS&e!uipped con+erence room accounts in
')change can be managed by indi#iduals> but note that until that indi#idual
accepts a meeting it .ill not appear on the LRS home screen calendar
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity LRS01 -AutomateProcessing
4 (a?e sure that the Hag is not setI other.ise> the LRS calendar .onGt
correctly display the sub<ect:
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity LRS01 -AddOrganizerToSubject
$false DeleteSubject $false
5 (a?e sure that the Hag is not setI other.ise> pri#ate meeting
sub<ects are displayed on the LRS client
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity LRS01
-RemovePrivateProperty $false
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
4 %ptional: "o remind meeting organi;ers to ma?e the meeting an online Lync
(eeting in %utloo?> run the cmdlet to set up a (ail"ip +or the ne.
Set-Mailbox -Identity -MailTip "This room is
equipped with Lync Meeting Room (LRS), please make it a Lync
Meeting to take advantage of the enhanced meeting experience from
* @se the cmdlets to con:gure locali;ed strings 6+ re!uired by your
organi;ation> you can also add custom translations
$Temp = Get-Mailbox LRS01@
$Temp.MailTipTranslations += "ES:Spanish translation of the
Set-Mailbox -Identity -MailTipTranslations
, %ptional: Con:gure meeting acceptance te)t that pro#ides users .ith
in+ormation about Lync (eeting Room> and .hat to e)pect .hen they
schedule and <oin meetings
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity LRS01 AddAdditionalResponse
$TRUE AdditionalResponse This is the Additional Response Text
"he is an e)ample:
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
1our request 2$s $ccepted3
6+ your meeting re!uest .as declined4 please disregard the rest o+ this message 6tGs
intended to help .ith using the technology in this con+erence room
6+ your meeting re!uest .as $ccepted4 Congratulations> you ha#e scheduled a
meeting .ith a Lync Room System meeting roomJ
Lync Room System /LRS1 is a combination o+ so+t.are and hard.are that enables rich
meeting scenarios> including #ideo con+erencing> .hite boarding> Po.erPoint sharing>
and more Ae are e)cited to ha#e you try LRS> and .e .ould lo#e to hear your
5ey Scen$rios4
6oin Meeting
6+ youKre reading this mail> youK#e already scheduled a meeting Lust touch the Loin
button on your scheduled meeting to <oin it DonGt see a <oin buttonM (a?e your
meeting an online meeting in %utloo?:
L$unch 7hite/o$rd
Dou can start .hiteboarding> and then in#ite participants to share the .hiteboard
Dou can also start .hiteboarding +rom .ithin a meeting
Po2erPoint Sh$ring
Dou can share your PP" slides .ith the room "o do this> upload the PP" :le into the
meeting +rom your machine /<ust as in Lync1 From the room> you can then .atch the
PP" presentation> or ta?e control and present
Displ$y Modes
"ry using diNerent display modes to see .hich one best :ts your meeting
6+ you run into any issues or ha#e any !uestions> ideas> or +eedbac? +or the +eature
team> please contact us:
%requently !s8ed 9uestions4
P: 6 see my meeting in the roomGs calendar but there is no Loin button
$: (a?e sure that your meeting is an %nline (eeting /Lync (eeting1 in %utloo?
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
LRS $nd Lync %eder$ted P$rtners
Lync Room System relies on the Loin Lync (eeting lin? in the calendar meeting
re!uest "he <oin lin? is usually +ound in the body o+ a meeting re!uest Qo.e#er>
LRS depends on this lin? to be present in the ($P6 properties o+ the message Ahen
this meeting re!uest is sent to remote organi;ations /Lync +ederated partners1> by
de+ault the remote organi;ationGs LRS .ill not sho. the meeting <oin lin? on the
calendar 6n +act> any %utloo? users in the remote organi;ation .ill be unable to <oin
the Lync meeting .ith a right clic? o+ the calendar item or +rom .ithin the meeting
reminder "hey must open meeting in#ite and clic? Loin Lync (eeting in the body o+
the message
"he reason +or this limitation is that %utloo? and (icroso+t ')change do not use a
special method to pac?age in+ormation +or sending messages across the 6nternet
"his method> re+erred to as "ransport 7eutral 'ncapsulation Format /"7'F1> is
disabled by de+ault +or messages sent e)ternally +rom an ')change organi;ation
For a meeting <oin lin? to appear on a remote LRS> the sending organi;ation must
enable "7'F by using the cmdlet:
New-RemoteDomain -DomainName -Name Contoso
Set-RemoteDomain -Identity Contoso -TNEFEnabled t!"e
$+ter "7'F is enabled +or the remote organi;ation> any message sent o#er the
6nternet to the organi;ation is sent as an attachment in "7'F +ormat Aith "7'F
enabled> .hen a Lync meeting re!uest is sent to the Lync +ederated partner> LRS
.ill be able to render the Loin Lync (eeting and remote users .ill be able to <oin
Lync meetings
"n$/ling the Resource M$il/o# !ccount in !ctive Directory
"he con+erence room mailbo) account created in step 1 pre#iously by ')change /in
multi&+orest1 is a disabled user ob<ect in $cti#e Directory LRS cannot sign&in or
authenticate by using 8erberosC7"L( authentication i+ the account is disabled in
$cti#e Directory "he LRS client must be able to authenticate against ')change Aeb
Ser#ices to retrie#e calendar settings> and must also be able to send email .ith
.hiteboard contents
"here+ore> i+ the account is disabled> you must enable this account in $cti#e
Directory by doing the
1 6n $cti#e Directory> run the cmdlet to enable account log on:
Set-ADAccountPassword Identity LRS01
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
Running this cmdlet .ill prompt you to enter the current pass.ord> and then
to reenter the pass.ord +or con:rmation
2 %nce the pass.ord is set> run the cmdlet to enable the account:
Enable-ADAccount Identity LRS01
"n$/ling LRS !ccounts for Lync
"his section pro#ides an o#er#ie. o+ the steps to enable Lync +or your con+erence
room account> .hich .ill be con:gured on LRS
$+ter you create a resource mailbo) account +or the con+erencing rooms> use Lync
Ser#er (anagement Shell to enable LRS accounts +or Lync ser#ices
"he procedure assumes that you ha#e enabled the LRS account in $cti#e
1 Run the command to enable the LRS account on a Lync Ser#er 2010
Enable-CsMeetingRoom -SipAddress "si#$"
-domaincontroller -RegistrarPool -Identity LRS01
2 %ptional: $llo. this account to ma?e and recei#e PS"7 phone calls by
enabling the account +or 'nterprise 9oice 'nterprise 9oice is not re!uired +or
LRS> but i+ you do not enable it +or 'nterprise 9oice> the LRS client .onGt be
able to pro#ide PS"7 dialing +unctionality
Set-CsMeetingRoom LRS01 -domaincontroller
Set-CsMeetingRoom -domaincontroller
-Identity LRS01 -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true
6+ you enable 'nterprise 9oice +or the LRS con+erence room account> ma?e
sure to con:gure a restricted 9oice Policy suitable +or your organi;ation 6+ the
Lync (eeting Room is a publicly a#ailable resource> anyone could use it to
<oin a meeting> either scheduled or ad hoc $+ter <oining a meeting> the
person could dial out to any number 6n Lync Ser#er 2010> the dial&out +rom
con+erences +eature uses the #oice policy o+ the user> in this case LRS
account used to <oin the meeting 6n earlier #ersions o+ Lync Ser#er> the #oice
policy o+ the organi;er is used "here+ore> i+ a user o+ an earlier #ersion o+
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
Lync Ser#er schedules a meeting room and in#ites the LRS room account>
anyone could use the Lync (eeting Room to <oin the meeting and could dial
any nationalCregional or international phone number> as long as the organi;er
is allo.ed to dial those numbers
Move the LRS !ccount ;et2een Pools ,Lync Server 2013-
6+ you need to mo#e the LRS account +rom one Lync Ser#er 2010 pool to another
Lync Ser#er 2010 pool /+or e)ample> during upgrades1> use the cmdlet to
mo#e the LRS account pool:
Move-CsMeetingRoom -Identity LRS01 -Target "LYNCPool15-
Dis$/le the LRS !ccount for Lync Services
6+ you need to disable an e)isting LRS account +rom Lync ser#ices on a Lync Ser#er
2010 pool> use the cmdlet to disable the account:
Disable-CsMeetingRoom LRS01 -domaincontroller DC-ND-
'ption$l4 Cre$te $n LRS !dministr$tor <roup in !ctive
'ach LRS client that <oins the domain can be +ully managed by a domain user .ith
local administrator rights on the LRS appliance PC "here+ore> you can create a
dedicated administratorsG group in $cti#e Directory and gi#e this group
administrati#e rights during set up o+ the ne. LRS machine
Conferencing Policy for the LRS !ccount
"he con+erencing policy assigned to the LRS account must ha#e certain
characteristics (ost o+ the time> the LRS client <oins a scheduled meeting> and
there+ore the con+erencing policy o+ the meeting organi;er .ill aNect the
con+erence Qo.e#er> in Lync Ser#er 2010> certain capabilities depend on the
participantGs con:guration For e)ample> i+ the participantGs policy allo.s a
ma)imum #ideo resolution o+ 10,0p> the participants .ill e)perience this higher
resolution #ideo capability in the con+erence e#en i+ the organi;erGs policy doesnGt
allo. it "he table describes se#eral such settings .hich you should be
a.are o+ .hen setting up con+erencing policies +or LRS accounts in your
%e$ture =$lue Comment
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
$llo.6P$udio R>" (ust be true +or LRS audio
$llo.6P9ideo R>" (ust be true +or LRS audio to
.or? in (eet 7o. /ad hoc1
.hiteboard sessions in LRS
$llo.(ulti9ie. R>" $llo.s LRS to render multi&
#ie.> multiple #ideo streams
$llo.ParticipantControl R>" $Nects (eet 7o. /ad hoc1
.hiteboard sessions in LRS
$llo.$nnotations R>" $Nects (eet 7o. /ad hoc1
.hiteboard sessions in LRS
DisablePo.erPoint$nnotations %!LS" $Nects (eet 7o. /ad hoc1
.hiteboard sessions in LRS
R>" $Nects (eet 7o. /ad hoc1
.hiteboard sessions in LRS
$llo.7on'nterprise9oice@sers"oDial%ut %!LS" Depends on .hether the
account is 'nterprise 9oice
/'91 enabled /see the 'nabling
LRS $ccounts +or Lync section1
$llo.$nonymous@sers"oDial%ut %!LS" Depends on .hether the
account is 'nterprise 9oice
/'91 enabled
$llo.$nonymousParticipants6n(eetings R>" $Nects (eet 7o. /ad hoc1
.hiteboard sessions in LRS
$llo.')ternal@sers"oSa#eContent R>" $Nects (eet 7o. /ad hoc1
.hiteboard sessions in LRS
$llo.')ternal@serControl %!LS" $Nects (eet 7o. /ad hoc1
.hiteboard sessions in LRS
$llo.')ternal@sers"oRecord(eeting %!LS" $Nects (eet 7o. /ad hoc1
.hiteboard sessions in LRS
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
$llo.Polls R>" 7C$ in (eet 7o. /ad hoc1
meetings> but LRS can respond
to polls on the screen at the
+ront o+ room
$llo.Shared7otes R>" 7C$ in (eet 7o. /ad hoc1
meetings> but LRS can respond
to polls on the screen at the
+ront o+ room
'nableDial6nCon+erencing R>" $Nects (eet 7o. /ad hoc1
.hiteboard sessions in LRS
'nable$ppDes?topSharing Des8t
$Nects (eet 7o. /ad hoc1
.hiteboard sessions in LRS
$llo.Con+erenceRecording %!LS" 7C$ +or LRS 6+ "R@'> a remote
party could record
'nableP2PRecording %!LS" 7C$ +or LRS 6+ "R@'> a remote
party could record
'nableFile"rans+er R>" 7C$
'nableP2PFile"rans+er R>" 7C$
'nableP2P9ideo R>" 'nables the LRS client to
participate in peer&to&peer
#ideo sessions
$llo.Large(eetings %!LS" 7C$
'nableDataCollaboration R>" $Nects (eet 7o. /ad hoc1
.hiteboard sessions in LRS
(a)9ideoCon+erenceResolution =<! 6gnored by Lync 2010> LRS
uses QD10,0
(a)(eetingSi;e 2+0 $Nects (eet 7o. /ad hoc1
.hiteboard sessions in LRS
$udio-itRate8b 200 See note at the end o+ the
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
9ideo-itRate8b +000 "his is the ma)imum outbound
#ideo bit rate allo.ed LRS can
send one 10,0 stream along
.ith pano /i+ Round"able is
used1 at this bit rate B
$ppSharing-itRate8b +000 See note at the end o+ the
File"rans+er-itRate8b +000 7C$
"otalRecei#e9ideo-itRate8b 20000 Ae recommend that you set
this as high as possible "he
eNecti#e band.idth depends
on net.or? conditions at the
time o+ con+erencesB
'nable(ulti9ie.Loin R>" (ust be "R@' +or LRS to
ensure multi&#ie. #ideo
B For in+ormation about band.idth planning> see 7et.or? -and.idth
Re!uirements +or (edia "ra3c at http:CCtechnetmicroso+tcomCen&
6+ the LRS client tries to <oin a scheduled meeting organi;ed by a user .ho is
homed on a Lync Ser#er 2010 pool> the meeting organi;erGs con+erencing policy
could pre#ent the LRS client +rom per+orming collaboration
Meeting !uthentic$tion
LRS prompts users +or authentication .hen they use the meeting <oin lin? to <oin a
restricted meetingI +or e)ample> a meeting +or .hich meeting lobby options ha#e
been con:gured in %utloo? "his setting is al.ays on +or customi;ed meetings> and
users are al.ays prompted Qo.e#er> +or unrestricted meetings> users can <oin the
meeting .ithout authentication
"he cmdlet enables administrators to re!uire authentication +or all
meetings> including unrestricted meetings:
Set-CsMeetingConfiguration RequireRoomSystemsAuthorization $TRUE
-y de+ault> Re!uireRoomSystems$uthori;ation is F$LS'
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
rusted Dom$ins
"he Lync client displays a dialog bo) that allo.s users to accept the certi:cate +rom
the Lync ser#er i+ the S6P domain o+ the user account signing in is diNerent +rom the
name presented in the Sub<ect or Sub<ect $lt 7ame on the certi:cate 6+ the
certi:cate con:gured +or Lync Ser#er in your organi;ation does not ha#e S6P domain
name o+ LRS account in Sub<ect or Sub<ect $lt 7ame> you must con:gure those
domains presented on the certi:cate under the "rusted Domains registry ?ey on the
LRS console machine Dour LRS manu+acturer&pro#ided LRS admin guide e)plains
ho. and .here to add trusted domains in the Lync client
For e)ample> assume the certi:cates con:gured on Lync Ser#er ha#e a
Sub<ectCSub<ect $lt 7ame o+ EC%7"%S%L%C$LF and one o+ the S6P domains assigned
to a user +or the LRS sign&in address is Econ+rm1OcontosonetF -ecause
contosonet is not in the certi:cate> on the LRS machine> you .ill need to con:gure
EcontosolocalF as a trusted domain in the registry> as e)plained in your LRS
manu+acturer&pro#ided LRS admin guide
Migr$tion Consider$tions
"his section pro#ides guidance i+ you are deploying LRS in a multi&pool en#ironment
that includes Lync Ser#er 2010 or %3ce Communications Ser#er 200* R2
"he @ser Replicator /@R1 component in Lync Ser#er gets user ob<ects +rom $cti#e
Directory and places them into the Lync Ser#er bac?&end SPL Ser#er database %nly
the @R in Lync Ser#er 2010 is a.are o+ LRS ob<ects "he @R in pre#ious #ersions o+
Lync Ser#er and %3ce Communications Ser#er do not detect the $cti#e Directory
attributes that designate LRS ob<ects> and there+ore .as not a.are o+ them
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
6+ an LRS account tries to sign in to Lync> and per+orms autodisco#ery based on SR9
record or D7S $ record loo? up> and i+ those accounts point to a pre#ious #ersion o+
Lync Ser#er or %3ce Communications Ser#er> LRS .ill recei#e a 404 7ot Found
response +rom the legacy pool "he legacy pool .ill not be able to redirect LRS to its
Lync Ser#er 2010 home pool
Dou can address this problem .ith the options:
Point your autodisco#er SR9 record /SsipinternaltlsStcpcontosocom1 to Lync
Ser#er 2010 pool
6+ the :rst option isnGt possible> you must manually con:gure LRS and pro#ide
the Lync Ser#er 2010 pool address by directly con:guring it in the LRS
console application
6+ LRS is deployed outside the corporate net.or?> and a Lync 'dge ser#er has
been deployed and con:gured to point to a legacy pool or director> a
secondary 'dge ser#er site is re!uired> .hich points to the Lync Ser#er 2010
pool Re+er to the Lync 'dge ser#er deployment documentation +or more
in+ormation about deploying a secondary 'dge ser#er
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
Lync Room System :nteroper$/ility 2ith $ Lync Server 2010 Pool
During migration> i+ a user .ho is homed on a Lync Ser#er 2010 pool schedules a
meeting and in#ites the LRS account> the LRS client .ill ha#e limited +unctionality
.hile attending the meeting
Ahen the LRS client <oins a scheduled con+erence call that has been organi;ed by a
user homed on Lync Ser#er 2010> LRS has the in&meeting limitations:
LRS cannot sho. the multi&#ie. #ideo gallery
6+ the LRS client is the presenter> it cannot apply #ideo loc? on participants
LRS cannot sho. 10,0p #ideo resolution /inbound or outbound1> e#en i+ the
Lync Ser#er 2010 con+erencing policy allo.s it> because o+ the
o Lync Ser#er 2010 doesnGt support 10,0p resolution
o LRS is al.ays limited by the organi;erGs con+erencing policy +or #ideo
resolution "here+ore> e#en i+ the Lync 2010 pool supports *20p
resolution> LRS .ill not be able to ta?e ad#antage o+ *20p resolution as
long as organi;erGs policy doesnGt support it
Lync 2010 clients detect LRS presence in the meeting room> and they auto&
mute themsel#es to a#oid echo in the physical meeting room "his +eature
does not .or? in meetings hosted on Lync Ser#er 2010
"here are limitations on des?top sharing per+ormance +or meetings hosted on
Lync Ser#er 2010
@sers .onGt be able to <oin pri#ate /restricted1 meetings that are hosted on
Lync 2010 .ith LRS
Dom$in 6oining Consider$tions
Dou can <oin the LRS appliance PC to the $cti#e Directory domain or lea#e it in a
Aor?group Consider the points be+ore ma?ing this decision
Domain&<oining the LRS appliance PC helps in importing your organi;ationGs
pri#ate root certi:cate chain automatically
Domain&<oining the LRS appliance PC enables you to grant domain users and
groups administrati#e rights -y doing so> you .ill not ha#e to remember the
local machine le#el administrator account pass.ord
Ahen you <oin an LRS appliance PC to the domain> it is re!uired that you
create a separate %rgani;ational @nit /%@1> so that you can pro#ide =roup
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
Policy %b<ect /=P%1 e)clusions to the %@ .here all the LRS machine ob<ects
reside Ahen you do this> create machine ob<ects in the %@ be+ore <oining the
LRS appliance PC to the domain
(any organi;ations ha#e the =P%s> .hich aNect LRS appliance PC
+unctions 'nsure that you o#erride or bloc? the inheritance o+ these =P%s in
the LRS %@:
o "imeout o+ logon sessions /auto loc?out1
o management related policies
o Re!uiring additional authentication steps
o Denying access to local dri#es
o Prompting users +or slo. net.or? connections
o Start a certain program at logon
o Create another domain user account on all domain&<oined machines
$lternati#ely> you might decide to lea#e the appliance PC in the .or?group
$s .ith the des?top Lync client> this re!uires you to manually import the root
certi:cate chain on the LRS appliance PC DouGre not re!uired to import the
root certi:cate chain i+ your Lync deployment is using a public certi:cate /+or
e)ample> 'ntrust> 9eriSign> etc1
6+ you plan to <oin LRS machines to the domain> to a#oid <oining LRS machine
inad#ertently to an unintended %@> .hich may not be +ree +rom =P%s> please
ensure you <oin the correct %@ Dou can use the cmdlet +rom the LRS
machine to <oin in the correct %@ and does not recei#e =P%s that might bloc? LRS
+unctionality Contact your system administrator or %'( partner to run these
"se!name % &contso.local'LRS01&
#asswo!d % Con(e!tTo-Sec"!eSt!in) &#asswo!d1*+, --s.lainTe/t -Fo!ce
myC!ed % New-0b1ect System.2ana)ement.-"tomation..SC!edential "se!name3
-dd-Com#"te! -DomainName contoso.local -C!edential myc!ed 405.at6
'#en i+ you create a separate %@ and bloc? inheritance> there are some policies
.hich are could cause issues at a higher le#el $ =roup Policy .ith &o 'verride
setting beats an %@ .ith a ;loc8 Policy :nherit$nce setting For more in+ormation>
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
see the article E7o %#erride as Compared to -loc? Policy 6nheritanceF in the =roup
Policy documentation at http:CCtechnetmicroso+tcomCen&usClibraryCcc2*,255asp)
Dou may ha#e multiple approaches to sol#ing these problems Ae ad#ise you to
consult .ith your $cti#e Directory e)perts to ensure you are pro#ided .ith an %@
that is +ree o+ =P% settings> or at least an %@ in .hich the pre#iously described
policies do not e)ist 6t is ad#ised to enable Puality o+ Ser#ice /PoS1 +or LRS
Provisioning Lync Room System $ccounts in
')ce 3*+
"he section co#ers LRS account pro#isioning steps +or an %3ce 045
')ce 3*+ Prerequisites
Dour online tenant must meet the re!uirements
"he %3ce 045 plan must include Lync %nline /Plan 21 or higher
"he Lync %nline /Plan 21 must support con+erencing capability
Lync %nline /Plan 01 is re!uired +or 'nterprise 9oice /PS"7 telephony1 #ia
telephony ser#ice pro#iders
@sers in your tenant must ha#e ')change mailbo)es
"he Lync Room System account re!uires a Lync %nline /Plan 21 or Lync %nline
/Plan 01 license 6t does not re!uire an ')change %nline license
"enant remote administrator must ha#e the Po.erShell access:
o ')change Remote Po.erShell access
o Lync %nline Remote Po.erShell access
o Aindo.s $;ure $cti#e Directory (odule +or Aindo.s Po.erShell to
access %3ce 045 directory access
Provisioning 'vervie2
"he diagram & pro#ides an o#er#ie. o+ the LRS account pro#isioning Ho.
in %3ce 045
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
:dentifying $ &e2 Conference Room
Dou may already ha#e a resource room mailbo) in ')change that pro#ides the
scheduling +eature> or you may be creating a resource mailbo) +or the :rst time to
+acilitate LRS deployment 6n any case> you must identi+y a room account to be used
in your tenant "he ')change %nline Pro#ision and Lync Pro#ision sections pro#ide
guidance +or both ?inds o+ accounts For e)ample> letGs say you ha#e the
t.o rooms> and you .ould li?e to deploy LRS +or both o+ them:
')isting Resource (ailbo) $ccount: con+rm1Ocontosoonmicroso+tcom
7e. Resource (ailbo) $ccount: con+rm2Ocontosoonmicroso+tcom
"#ch$nge 'nline Provisioning
First> start a tenant administrator remote Po.erShell session as +ollo.s:
Set-E/ec"tion.olicy 5n!est!icted
c!ed%:et-C!edential admin@o!)
sess%New-.SSession 4Con9i)"!ationName mic!oso9t.e/c6an)e -C!edential c!ed
--llowRedi!ection --"t6entication basic -Connection5!i
Im#o!t-.SSession sess
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
"hese cmdlets create a ne. Po.erShell session +or your %3ce 045 ')change %nline
deployment> and then import that session to allo. you to run ')change cmdlets
against ')change %nline
"o set an e)isting resource room mailbo) account +or LRS> run the cmdlet:
Set-2ailbo/ -2ic!oso9t0nlineSe!(icesID !m -!oom -Name &Con9 Room 1&
-Room2ailbo/.asswo!d =Con(e!tTo-Sec"!eSt!in) new#ass --s.lainTe/t -Fo!ce>
-EnableRoom2ailbo/-cco"nt t!"e
"o create a ne. ')change resource mailbo) account +or LRS> run the
New-2ailbo/ -2ic!oso9t0nlineSe!(icesID !m -!oom -Name &Con9 Room *&
-Room2ailbo/.asswo!d =Con(e!tTo-Sec"!eSt!in) new#ass --s.lainTe/t -Fo!ce>
-EnableRoom2ailbo/-cco"nt t!"e
"he pre#ious cmdlet sets up or creates a ne. ')change resource mailbo) account
+or LRS usage by enabling the account "he properties must be set on the
ne. resource mailbo) account to ensure that the LRS console +unctions properly:
1 Set the account to auto&accept meetings $lternati#ely> you can pro#ide a
delegate to manage the room accountI ho.e#er> the delegate .ill ha#e to
accept meetings be+ore they .ill appear on the LRS calendar
Set-Calenda!.!ocessin) -Identity con9!m1 --"tomate.!ocessin) -"to-cce#t
2 Set the account to not hide the sub<ect +or accepted meetings "his .ill
ensure that .hen users .al? into the meeting room> they .ill be able to see
the sub<ect o+ any non&pri#ate meeting
Set-Calenda!.!ocessin) -Identity con9!m1 -DeleteS"b1ect 9alse
0 (a?e sure that the Hag is not setI other.ise> the LRS calendar .onGt
correctly display the sub<ect:
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity confrm1 -AddOrganizerToSubject
$false DeleteSubject $false
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
"o set other attributes li?e (ail "ip> additional response re+er to Pro#isioning
')change Resource (ailbo) $ccount on page 4 o+ this document
Lync 'nline Provisioning
$+ter a resource room mailbo) account has been created and enabled as sho.n
pre#iously> the account .ill synchroni;e +rom the ')change %nline +orest to Lync
%nline +orest by using the Aindo.s $;ure $cti#e Directory +orest "he
steps are re!uired to pro#ision the LRS account in the Lync %nline pool "hese steps
are the same +or both an e)isting resource mailbo) account or a created
account /con+rm1 or con+rm21> because once they are enabled in ')change %nline>
both o+ these accounts .ill be synchroni;ed to Lync %nline in the same .ay
1 Create a Remote Po.erShell session 7ote that you .ill need to do.nload
Lync %nline Connector (odule and (icroso+t %nline Ser#ices Sign&6n $ssistant
and ma?e sure that your computer is con:gured (ore details can be +ound at
Im#o!t-2od"le Lync0nlineConnecto!
cssess%New-Cs0nlineSession -C!edential c!ed
Im#o!t-.SSession cssess --llowClobbe!
2 "o enable an LRS account +or Lync> run the cmdlet:
Enable-Cs2eetin)Room -Identity !m -Re)ist!a!.ool
&si##oolbl*0a0?.in9! -Si#-dd!essTy#e Email-dd!ess
Dou can obtain the RegistrarPool address .here your Lync users are homed
+rom one o+ your e)isting accounts by using the cmdlet to returns
this property:
:et-Cs0nline5se! -Identity @alice@contoso.onmic!oso9t.comAB 9l
LRS $nd Lync %eder$ted P$rtners
Please re+er to LRS and Lync Federated Partners on page * o+ this document
!ssigning Lync 'nline License
$+ter you enable an LRS account in Lync> you can assign a Lync %nline /Plan 21 or
Lync %nline /Plan 01 license by using the %3ce 045 administrati#e portal Dou can
also use Aindo.s $;ure $cti#e Directory (odule +or Aindo.s Po.erShell cmdlets to
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
assign a license =o to @sers and =roups> select the LRS account> and assign a
license as +ollo.s:
$+ter you assign a license +or Lync %nline> you .ill be able to log into this account by
using any Lync client Dou can per+orm a #alidation by using a Lync client
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
P$ss2ord "#pir$tion
6n %3ce 045> the de+ault pass.ord e)piration policy +or all o+ your user accounts is
20 days unless you con:gure a diNerent pass.ord e)piration policy For Lync Room
Systems accounts> you can select the P$ss2ord never e#pires setting .ith the steps
1 Create a Aindo.s $;ure $cti#e Directory session by using your tenant global
administrator credentials
c!ed%:et-C!edential admin@o!)
Connect-2solSe!(ice -C!edential c!ed
2 Set the P$ss2ord never e#pires setting +or the LRS room account created
pre#iously by using the cmdlet:
Set-2sol5se! -5se!.!inci#alName con9!m1@s<y#el!s.onmic!
-.asswo!dNe(e!E/#i!es t!"e
For more in+ormation> see the Lync %nline Shell documentation at
Lync Soft2$re License
Lync Room System uses an installed Lync client> .hich re!uires a so+t.are #olume
license -e+ore deploying the :rst LRS> :nd out the #olume license state o+ the
deployment T using 8ey (anagement Ser#ers /8(S1 or (ultiple $cti#ation 8eys
6+ 8ey (anagement Ser#ers /8(S1 are in place and .ill distribute Lync 2010 9olume
License acti#ations> the LRS .ill automatically acti#ate the Lync Client
"o :nd out i+ 8(S are in place:
6n a command prompt> run: nsloo?up &typeRsr# S#lmcsStcp UVtempVW?mst)t
/From "echnet article:
"o set up a 8(S:
Summary "echnet article: http:CCtechnetmicroso+tcomCen&
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Lync Room System Deployment Guide
%3ce 2010 =eneric 9olume License 8ey +or Lync: 2(=0=&0-7""&0(FA2&8DPA0&
"C8*R /"his ?ey causes the LRS to loo? +or a 8(S on the net.or?1
From "echnet article: http:CCtechnetmicroso+tcomCen&usClibraryCdn0,5040asp)
M!5 from the =olume License Service Center ,=LSC-
6+ the customer uses any other #olume license so+t.are> the 6" department .ill
manage the so+t.are acti#ations and 9olume License $greement /9L$1 using the
9LSC "his .ill also enable the company to purchase Lync 9L acti#ations> a+ter .hich
the company can obtain a ($8 +or input in the LRS $dmin Console
$ customer .ith a 9L$ must ?no. their 9LSC credentials> .hich .ill be used to
administer the agreement and obtain ($8 6+ uncertain> the customerGs :nance
department should be able to con:rm i+ the customer has paid +or a 9L$
"o obtain a ($8:
$ccess the 9olume Licensing Ser#ice Center to #ie. agreements and do.nload
product ?eys /($81
M!5 for '3*+ 2ithout =LSC $ccess
6+ the customer doesnGt ha#e a 9olume License $greement> Lync acti#ations .ill be
much more di3cult to manage Qo.e#er> %045 customers .ithout 9LSC access can
obtain a promotional ($8 by pro#iding the in+ormation to the %'( selling
the LRS:
Company 7ame
Deployment contact name> email> and phone number
X o+ systems deployed
Deployment date
6+ the customer has a (icroso+t "echnical $ccount (anager> the "$(Gs
name and contact in+ormation

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