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Shaolin Wahnam Institute Virtual Kwoon and Discussion Forum > General > Chinese Terminology >
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24th November 2004, 06:59 PM
Here's the Great Heart Sutra in Chinese characters along with an English translation and romanisation in
both Cantonese (Yale romanisation only) and Mandarin (Pinyin). Please note that the first and second set
of Chinese characters are the traditional and simplified respectively.
The reference for the English translation is from "The Complete Book of Shaolin" (pages 323-324) written
by Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit.
For further reading and reference, please read pages 259-260 in "The Complete Book of Zen" which is
also written by Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit.
Anthony has also provided an image of the Heart Sutra in Chinese for those who cannot see Chinese
Characters in their internet browser. It can be found here:
24th November 2004, 07:00 PM
Great Heart Sutra of Transcedental Wisdom to Reach the Other Shore

Cantonese (Yale): mo1 ho1 bun1 yeuk6 bo1 lo4 mat6 do1 sam1 ging1
Mandarin (Pinyin): mo2 he1 pan1 ruo4 bo1 luo2 mi4 duo1 xin1 jing1
24th November 2004, 07:01 PM
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, coursing deeply through the prajna-paramita, perceives the five skandhas
are all empty, and overcomes all suffering and calamity.

Cantonese (Yale): gun1 ji6 joi6 pou4 saat3, haang4 sam1 bun1 yeuk6 bo1 lo4 mat6 do1 si4, jiu3 gin3 ng5
wan3 gaai1 hung1, dou6 yat1 chai3 fu2 ak1
Mandarin (Pinyin): guan1 zi4 zai4 pu2 sa4, xing2 shen1 ban1 ruo4 bo1 luo2 mi4 duo1 shi2, zhao4 jian4
wu3 yun4 jie1 kong1, du4 yi1 qie1 ku3 e4
24th November 2004, 07:02 PM
Sariputra, form is no different from emptiness; emptiness is no different from form. Form is emptiness;
emptiness is form. Feeling, thought, activity, consciousness are also thus.

Cantonese (Yale): se2 lei6 ji2, sik1 bat1 yi6 hung1, hung1 bat1 yi6 sik1, sik1 jik1 si6 hung1, hung1 jik1
si6 sik1, sau6 seung2 haang4 sik1 yik6 fau6 yu4 si6.
Mandarin (Pinyin): she4 li4 zi3, se4 bu2 yi4 kong1, kong1 bu2 yi4 se4, se4 ji2 shi4 kong1, kong1 ji2 shi4
se4, shou4 xiang3 xing2 shi4 yi4 fu4 ru2 shi4.
24th November 2004, 07:02 PM
Sariputra, all phenomena are emptied of characteristics: non-arising, non-ceasing; non-defiled, non-pure;
non-adding, non-subtracting.

Cantonese (Yale): se2 lei6 ji2, si6 jyu1 faat3 hung1 seung1, bat1 saang1 bat1 mit6, bat1 fau2 gau3 bat1
jeng6, bat1 jang1 bat1 gaam2.
Mandarin (Pinyin): she4 li4 zi3, shi4 zhu1 fa3 kong1 xiang4, bu4 sheng1 bu4 mie4, bu2 gou4 bu2 jing4,
bu4 zeng1 bu4 jian3.
24th November 2004, 07:03 PM
Thus in emptiness, there is no form, no feeling, thought, activity, consciousness.

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Cantonese (Yale): si6 gu3 hung1 jung1 mou4 sik1 mou4 sau6 seung2 haang4 sik1
Mandarin (Pinyin): shi4 gu4 kong1 zhong1 wu2 se4 wu2 shou4 xiang3 xing2 shi4
24th November 2004, 07:04 PM
No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and intellect consciousness. There is no form, sound, smell, taste, touch
and phenomena. There is no realm of eye consciousness till no realm of intellect consciousness.

Cantonese (Yale): mou4 ngaan5 yi5 bei6 sit6 san1 yi3, mou4 sik1 seng1 heung1 mei6 chuk1 faat3, mou4
ngaan5 gaai3 naai5 ji3 mou4 yi3 sik1 gaai3.
Mandarin (Pinyin): wu2 yan3 er3 bi2 she2 shen1 yi4, wu2 chu4 sheng1 xiang1 wei4 hong2 fa3, wu2 yan3
jie4 nai3 zhi4 wu2 yi4 shi4 jie4.
24th November 2004, 07:04 PM
There is no ignorance and no termination of ignorance, till no age and death and no termination of age
and death.

Cantonese (Yale): mou4 mou4 ming4 yik6 mou4 mou4 ming4 jeun6, naai5 ji3 mou4 lou5 sei2 yik6 mou4
lou5 sei2 jeun6.
Mandarin (Pinyin): wu2 wu2 ming2 yi4 wu2 wu2 ming2 jin3, nai3 zhi4 wu2 lao3 si3 yi4 wu2 lao3 si3 jin3.
24th November 2004, 07:05 PM
There is no suffering, no cause, no extinction, and no path. There is no wisdom and no merits.

Cantonese (Yale): mou4 fu2 jaap6 mit6 dou6. mou4 ji3 yik6 mou4 dak1.
Mandarin (Pinyin): wu2 ku3 ji2 mie4 dao4. wu2 zhi4 yi4 wu2 de2.
24th November 2004, 07:05 PM
Thus there is no attainment whatsoever. Due to prajna-paramita, Bodhisattvas have no obstruction of the

Cantonese (Yale): yi5 mou4 so2 dak1 gu3, pou4 dai2 saat3 do2, yi1 bun1 yeuk6 bo1 lo4 mat6 do1 gu3,
sam1 mou4 gwa3 ngoi6.
Mandarin (Pinyin): yi3 wu2 suo3 de2 gu4, pu2 ti2 sa4 duo3, yi1 ban1 ruo4 bo1 luo1 mi4 duo1 gu4, xin1
wu2 gua4 ai4.
24th November 2004, 07:06 PM
Because there is no obstruction, there is no fear. Being far from delusions and dreams, perfect nirvana is

Cantonese (Yale): mou4 gwa3 ngoi6 gu3, mou4 yau5 hung2 bou3, yun5 lei4 din1 dou2 mung6 seung2,
gau3 ging2 nip6 pun4.
Mandarin (Pinyin): wu2 gua4 ai4 gu4, wu2 you3 kong3 bu4, yuan3 li2 dian1 dao3 meng4 xiang3, jiu4 jing4
nie4 pan2.
24th November 2004, 07:06 PM
Due to prajna-paramita, Buddhas of the past, present, and future attain anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.

Cantonese (Yale): saam1 sai3 jyu1 fat1 yi1 bun1 yeuk6 bo1 lo4 mat6 do1 gu3, dak1 a3 nau6 do1 lo4
saam1 miu5 saam1 pou4 dai2.
Mandarin (Pinyin): san1 shi4 zhu1 fo2 yi1 ban1 ruo4 bo1 luo1 mi4 duo1 gu4, de2 a1 nou4 duo1 luo1 san1
miao3 san1 pu2 ti2.
24th November 2004, 07:07 PM
Thus, know that prajna-paramita is a great divine mantra, a great mantra of enlightenment, an
unsurpassed mantra, a mantra that has no equal. It is able to eliminate all suffering. This is really true
without falshood.

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Cantonese (Yale): gu3 ji1 bun1 yeuk6 bo1 lo4 mat6 do1 si6 daai6 san4 jau3, si6 daai6 ming4 jau3, si6
mou4 seung5 jau3, si6 mou4 dang2 dang2 jau3, nang4 cheui4 yat1 chai3 fu2, jan1 sat6 bat1 heui1
Mandarin (Pinyin): gu4 zhi1 ban1 ruo4 bo1 luo1 mi4 duo1 shi4 da4 shen2 zhou4, shi4 da4 ming2 zhou4,
shi4 wu2 shang4 zhou4, shi4 wu2 deng3 deng3 zhou4, neng2 chu2 yi1 qie1 ku3, zhen1 shi2 bu4 xu1.
24th November 2004, 07:08 PM
If you recite the prajna-paramita mantra;

Cantonese (Yale): gu3 syut3 bun1 yeuk6 bo1 lo4 mat6 do1 jau3.
Mandarin (Pinyin): gu4 shuo1 ban1 ruo4 bo1 luo1 mi4 duo1 zhou4.
24th November 2004, 07:08 PM
say gate, gate, para gate, para sam-gate, bodhi svaha.

Cantonese (Yale): jik1 syut3 jau3 yeuk6: kit3 dai3 kit3 dai3. bo1 lo4 kit3 dai3. bo1 lo4 jang1 kit3 dai3.
pou4 dai2 so1 po4 ho1.
Mandarin (Pinyin): ji2 shuo1 zhou4 yue1: jie1 di4 jie1 di4. bo1 luo1 jie1 di4. bo1 luo1 seng1 jie1 di4. pu2
ti2 suo1 po2 he1.
24th November 2004, 07:32 PM
The last line, which is a mantra, is often spoken in the original Sanskrit, even by Chinese people:
Ga Te Ga Te Para Ga Te Para Sam Ga Te Bodhi Svaha.
27th November 2004, 11:51 PM
Here's a link to a webpage with the Heart Sutra (Xin Jing) done in Chinese calligraphy:
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