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Customer quality requirements.

(Exigence de qualit des clients)

1 "The Sussex Breakfast at the Ambassador Hotel in Brighton ..." (an!"" #$% #&% '(
) S"e*ial diets. (Rgimes spciaux.)
2.1 Allergies
).) Ethics. Reading comprhension. "+ish are +riends% ,ot +ood"
- .eading labels. (Lecture des tiquettes)
/ 0oliteness
# 1rammar2
#.1 0ossessi3e *ase. (Cha" ) A,(1 4T1 fas*i*ule CA0!"#-%#/ %## (*orrig5 "#'!
#.) 6x"ression of the future (Cha" $ ) A, (1 4T1 CA0! "17# 8usqu9: 1$-
.eading and understanding a text.
"The Sussex breakfast at the Ambassador Hotel in Brighton" (texte ra*ouri* "ris dans manuel A,
" #&. $17# T(-!
"The Sussex Breakfast at the Ambassador Hotel in Brighton"
;...< =ou are eating the finest lo*al "rodu*e.
The Sussex Breakfast is deli*ious% lo*al and seasonal. Sausages and ba*on
*ome from "igs reared outdoors and aggs from free4range *hi*kens. ilk%
butter and *heese *ome from lo*al small dairies% a""le 8ui*e and seasonal
fruit from lo*al or*hards. There are tasty homemade 8ams% mustards and
marmalade4 not forgetting muesli% "otato and smoked salmon alternati3es
to meat.
These are quality ingredients sour*ed dire*t from Sussex "rodu*ers.
Caring animal farming and res"e*t for the Sussex lands*a"e and >ildlife is
a "art of the ethos for ser3ing a Sussex breakfast. Traditionally reared%
grass4fed *o>s% "igs and *hi*kens "rodu*e milk% meat and eggs ri*h in
?mega4-% the essential fatty a*id >e all require.
Adapted from BBC !!" #!!"$ #e%ruar& 1'
$ 2''(
1! 0resentation of the do*ument2
Title@ AonneB le titre de l9arti*le
Aate@ Sa date de "ubli*ation
Sour*e@ A9oC "ro3ient4il@
To"i*@ Duel est le su8et de l9arti*le.
Com"lete the text >ith your o>n >ords. Eoi*i une r5"onse r5dig5e qui re"rend les "oints *i4dessus2
The do*ument is an ................................ entitled "The Sussex Breakfast at the Ambassador Hotel in
Brighton". Ft >as ............................. in the BBC magaBine .......................................... in .................
Ft is ........................ a hotel ser3ing a traditional ...................... based on ..................... and seasonal
Arti*le4 "ublished4 1ood +ood4 +ebruary4 about4 lo*al
)! Sho> that the breakfast at the Ambassador Hotel is the best.
0ut the >ords in the right "la*e2 nutritious4 from4 o"en4 than4 healthy4 on4 deli*ious4 air4*ooked4
Fts9 a traditional ........................... breakfast based .... lo*al ingredients. +or exam"le% the ba*on must
be tasty and .......................... (ri*h in ?mega4-s! be*ause it *omes ......... "igs traditionally reared in
the ................... .................% the ................. are s*rambled or "oa*hed. F think is healthier ....... the
old fatty British breakfasts.
To sum u"% F *an say this breakfast is .............................% ...............................and nutritious.
*ooked4 on4 nutritious4 from4 o"en air4 eggs4 than4 deli*ious4 healthy
"Ghat is best for you@" "" 1)) 1)- manuel CA0 *ha"itre # A,(1 T1
(: "artir de la "hoto% anti*i"ation 8usqu9: la "rodu*tion 5*rite! exer*i*es &- : &$ H *orrig5s ""1)/ et
.ead the extra*ts from *on3ersations and find the right title. IiseB les extraits de *on3ersation et
retrou3eB le bon titre.
A! restaurant *on3ersation about ingredients
B! restaurant *on3ersation about ho> food is "re"ared
C! restaurant *on3ersation about substituting food
A! telling someone that allergens are "resent in kit*hen
A FJd like a milkshake but FJm la*tose intolerant. Could you re"la*e the
milk >ith ri*e milk@
B FJm sorry% >e donJt ha3e any ri*e milk but >e do ha3e soy milk% >e
*ould make the milkshake >ith that.
A That sounds greatK F >as also >ondering% do you ha3e any milkshake
fla3ours besides *ho*olate% banana and stra>berry@ F ha3e intoleran*es to
those foods too.
B The *hef *ould make a mango milkshake or a blueberry one.
A FJll ha3e the blueberry one L thanksK
A FJm really allergi* to "e""ers so FJd like my meal "re"ared >ithout
them% "lease...
B ThatJs no "roblem% FJll let the *hef kno>.
A ...but itJs also im"ortant my food doesnJt *ome in *onta*t >ith
"e""ers or their seeds. F need my 3egetables to be "re"ared se"arately from
"e""ers and for the *ooking utensils not to ha3e tou*hed "e""ers.
B Ho> are you >ith *hillies@ Are you allergi* to those too@
A =es% F am% FJm highly allergi* to *hillies.
B FJll make sure the *hef kno>s this and >eJll do our best% but "e""ers
and *hillies are "resent in our kit*hen so FJm afraid >e *anJt 1((M
guarantee thereJd be no *ross4*onta*t
A Aoes the 3anilla i*e *ream *ontain nuts@
B The i*e *ream is nut4free but the kit*hen is used to
"re"aring food that *ontains nuts so >e *anJt guarantee a
nut4free en3ironment.
A Thanks% F understand.
A 6x*use4me but do your noodles *ontain gluten@
B ?ur >heat and egg noodles do but our ri*e noodles are gluten
A ThatJs great% FJll ha3e the ri*e noodles% "lease. Ho> about the
soy sau*e you use L do you kno> if that *ontains gluten@
B FJm not sure. F think it *ontains >heat. FJll *he*k the
ingredients and get ba*k to you.
A Thanks so mu*hK Ff the soy sau*e does *ontain >heat% *an F
ha3e my meal "re"ared >ithout it% "lease@
B =es% no "roblem.
A /% B )% C1 A-
Ans>er the questions2
1. Ff you are allergi* to milk% >hat substitute *an you use@
). Fn the first *on3ersation% >hat is the *ustomer allergi* to@
-. Ghat *an the *ustomer ha3e instead (N: la "la*e! @
/. Fn the se*ond *on3ersation% >hat is the *ustomer allergi* to@
#. Ghat "re*aution must the *hef take@
'. Fn the third *on3ersation% is the *ustomer allergi* to 3anilla i*e4*ream@
7. Fn the last *on3ersation% >hy *an9t the *ustomer take the >heat (bl5! and egg noodles@
$. Can heO she take the soy sau*e@
1. =ou *an re"la*e it by ri*e milk or soy milk.
). The *ustomer has intoleran*e to *ho*olate% banana and stra>berry
-. The *ustomer *an ha3e a mango or blueberry milkshake made from ri*e or soy milk.
/. HeO she is allergi* to "e""er% and anything that has been in *onta*t >ith "e""er.HeO she is
allergi* to *hillie too.
#. The *hef must "re"are the *ustomer9s 3egetables se"arately >ith utensils that ha3en9t been in
*onta*t >ith "e""ers ou *hilies
'. ,o% heO she isn9t. The *ustomer >ants to kno> if the 3anilla i*e4*ream *ontains nuts. So the
*ustomer must be allergi* to nuts.
7. Be*ause they *ontain glutten
$. Ft de"ends on >ether it *ontains >heat or not. The *ustomer is allergi* to glutten (N heO she
*an9t eat >heat!
Che*k The FngredientsK
Pse the information in the "hotos and your o>n ideas to *om"lete the dialogues.
"FJm gluten intolerant so FJll ha3e the ri*e noodles% "lease.
Ho> about the soy sau*e you use L do you kno> if that
*ontains gluten@"
"FJm not sure. F think it *ontains >heat. FJll *he*k the
ingredients... ?h% FJm afraid .................................................
"FJm highly allergi* to milk and F >as >ondering >hether
F *ould ha3e the noodles. Ao you kno> if theyJre dairy
free@ "
"F kno> they *ontain eggs but FJm not sure about milk.
1i3e me a minute and FJll *he*k. ?h% the
ingredients say that ..........................................................
The soy sau*e *ontains >heat. F9ll ask the *hef for a glutten4free substitute for the soy sau*e.
The ingredients say that the noodles *ontain eggs and >heat. They are dairy free but they are not
suitable for milk allergy sufferers due to manufa*turing methods used. They >ere "robably
"rodu*ed in a fa*tory that handles diary "rodu*e. There may ha3e been *ross4*onta*t.
Fn an Fndian restaurant% a *ustomer asks2
?n the *urry "o>der "ot.
Ah% it says here that it >as "rodu*ed in a fa*tory
>hi*h handles sesame. So% it normally doesn9t
*ontain the allergen but sometimes% there is
*ross4*onta*t. aybe you should a3oid *urry.
The *urry "o>der ingredients are natural. They
"FJd lo3e the *hi*ken madras but F ha3e some
serious food allergies. Ao you kno> if the *urry
*ontains sesame seeds or nuts@ "
"Ge add *umin seeds but no sesame seeds or
"Ho> about in the *urry "o>der@ Ao you
kno> if that *ontains sesame seeds or nuts@ "
"Hold on a minute. FJll *he*k. .. Ah% it says here
"F also a3oid sul"hites. Aoes the *urry *ontain
"reser3ati3es@ "
"FtJs freshly made and the *urry "o>der
ingredients are..................................................
1reatK Qust one last thing. The *urry doesnJt
are *oriander% *umin% salt% turmeri*% "a"rika%
*innamon% ri*e flour% fenugreek%*. There are
no "reser3ati3es.
Gell% F9m afraid it does *ontain a 3ery little
quantity of *elery seed
*ontain *elery% does it@ FJm allergi* to that too. "
+ish are +riends% ,ot +ood
1! Ghat is the nature of the do*ument@
4 An arti*le from a magaBine
4 An extra*t from an online arti*le
4 A leaflet to eat fish
)! Ghen >as it >ritten@
-! Ghere is the headline@
/! Ghat does the headline say@
#! Ghat is it about@
4 The nutriti3e benefits of eating fish
4 The "rote*tion of animals
4 Eegetarianism
'! Ghat is the main information @
4 a ne> *am"aign to "rote*t fish
4 a ne> *am"aign to eat more fish
4 a ne> *am"aign to eat *ats and dogs
7! Gho laun*hed the *am"aign@
$! They don9t eat anything that is of animal origins. Ghat do you *all su*h a diet@
&! Ghat arguments do they use@ (*om"l5teB la "hrase!
They say that fish ...................... and .................................
1(! Ghat do they *om"are fish to@ ( : quoi *om"arent4ils les "oissons@!
11! Ghat image do they use to *on3in*e "eo"le to sto" eating fish@
1)! Ghat is the effe*t of the *om"arison on the reader@
1-! Ghat do you think about fish@ Ao you think it9s good for the health@ Ao you think it9s *ruel to
eat fish @
1! an extra*t from an online arti*le
)! Ft >as >ritten on 17
,o3ember )((/ ("ronon*eB2 on the se3enteenth of ,o3ember t>o thousand
and four!
-! Ft is at the to" of the "age.
/! Ft says ",e> Ca"aign2 +ish are friends% not food. Animal4 rights a*ti3ists are no> *laiming fish
are too intelligent and sensiti3e to be eaten."
#! The "rote*tion of animals
'! A ne> *am"aign to "rote*t fish
7! 06TA laun*hed the *am"aign. Ft9s an organisation. Ft stands for 0eo"le for the 6thi*al Treatment
of Animals
$! Eegan diet.
&! are intelligent and sensiti3e
1(! They *om"are fish to *ats and dogs
11! The dire*tor says "eo"le >ouldn9t "ut a hook through the mouth of a *at or a dog.
1)! Ft is *ruel. 0eo"le >ho eat fish >ill feel guilty.
+ish is good. Ao*tors and dietitians ad3ise eating it t>i*e a >eek (t>i*e a >eekN t>o times e3ery
>eek! . Ff >e don9t eat fish% our diet >ill be "oorer and >e9ll ha3e to eat toffu. But fish is a high4risk
food and it *an *ontain a lot of "oisonous substan*es% like radioa*ti3e substan*es% lead% arseni**
and it *an *ause damages in the body.
Ge should res"e*t animals. Some "eo"le are not 3egan% nor 3egetarian but they only eat free4range
and organi* foods. Fn fish farms% F think fish are not res"e*ted.
A3eB43ous remarqu52 fish ne "rend "as de s au "luriel. Fl s95*rit *omme au singulier mais s9a**orde
a3e* un 3erbe au "luriel.
Ghat information is gi3en through food labels@ 1i3e exam"les.
1. ,ame of food
). Fngredients (ingredients are listed in order of >eight% a**ording to the amounts used to make
the food% starting >ith the largest ingredient and ending >ith the smallest.!
-. A use by date or a best before date (date limite de *onsommation!
/. Additi3es (These usually in*lude 6 numbers. There is an in*reasing demand for food
>ithout them as some *an *ause allergi* and intolerant rea*tions.!
#. Storage (N*onser3ation! (ho> long a "rodu*t is likely to last on*e it has been bought andOor
'. 0re"aration instru*tions
7. S"e*ial *laims (1 and organi* foods must also be *learly labeled.! (N label ?1 ou label
bio! 0ro*essing treatment (for exam"le dried a"ri*ots% salted "eanuts and smoked ma*kerel%
PHT milk% smoked fish% un"asteurised *heese% froBen 3egetables.! (N*onditionnement des
$. ,ame and address (The name and address of the manufa*turer% "a*ker or seller must be
stated on the label. !
&. 0la*e of origin (Ft ex"lains >here the food is from.!
1(. ,et 3alues2 >eight% 3olume
=ou *an also find2
11. nutrition information (The energy 3alue in kilo8oules (kQ! and kilo*alories (k*al!R The
amount of "rotein% *arbohydrate and fat in grams (g!. the amount of 3itamins and minerals!
1). Ser3ing instru*tions
1-. Ais"osal of "a*kaging (N oC 8eter l9emballage!
1/. S"e*ial diets
1#. ?"ening instru*tions
1'. Bar*odes
17. Ad3ertising and marketing
Iook at the "i*ture.
1. Ghat is the nature of the do*ument@
). Ghat "rodu*t is it about @ (N de quel "roduit s9agit4il@!
-. Ghat kind of information *an you see on the label@
/. Can "eo"le allergi* to glutten eat it@
#. Can "eo"le allergi* to milk eat it@
'. Ft might *ontain geneti*ally modified ingredient. TrueO +alse
7. There is more *hi*ken than ri*e in this dish. TrueO +alse
$. Ho> many *alories does a "a*k bring@
&. Ho> mu*h fat is there@
1(. Ho> mu*h salt@
11. Gho is the distributor@ Gho should F >rite to if F9m not ha""y >ith the food@
1). Fs it froBen food@
1-. Ghere do you store it before heating it u" (NoC le garder a3ant de le r5*hauffer!@
1/. Ghat kit*hen equi"ment do you need@
1#. Ghat is re*ommended to do before ser3ing@
1'. Ghat is the best before date@
1. Ft9s a "rodu*t label
). .eady4made *hi*ken and as"aragus
-. Fngredients% allergy ad3i*e% nutrition information >ith guidelines of the daily amounts for
a3erage adults% storage and *ooking information% *onta*t details of the "rodu*er and
distributor% bar*ode% net 3alue2 >eight
/. =es% they *an. The "rodu*t is suitable for "eo"le allergi* to glutten.
#. ,o% they *an9t. The dish *ontains milk.
'. ,o% Sainsbury9s foods don9t *ontain 1?
7. There is more ri*e (thirty se3en "er *ent! than *hi*ken (t>enty4four "er *ent!.
$. The "a*k *ontains four hundred and t>enty4eight *alories
&. There is fi3e "oint six grams of fat "er "a*k
1(. There is t>o grams of salt "er "a*k
11. The distributor is Sainsbury. Ft is *hain of su"ermarkets in the PS!
1). ,o% it isn9t but you *an freeBe it on the day of "ur*hase and *onsume it >ithin one month.
1-. Ft must be ke"t *hilled (in the fridge! before >arming u".
1/. =ou *an heat the dish u" in an o3en or a mi*ro>a3e
1#. Ft is re*ommended to stir the ri*e and the *hi*ken.
1'. Ge don9t kno>. Ft is >ritten on the other side of the "a*kaging% on the front of the "a*k.
The label is on the ba*k of the "a*kaging
$ "ie*es of information must be dis"layed on food labels by la>
Ghi*h of these must be dis"layed on food "a*kaging by la> L only $KK
1! Allergy ad3i*e
)! ,ame of "rodu*t
-! Address of manufa*turer
/! Cooking instru*tions
#! Storage instru*tion
'! Shelf lifeN best before date
7! Fngredients in des*ending order
$! ,utritional information
&! Geight
1(! Iot or bat*h mark
Ghat is needed by la>2 )! -! /! #! '! 7! &! 1(!
Customers may *om"lain to you (N Les clients peu1ent se plaindre! sometimes about the food%
>hether it is too salty% not s"i*y enough% under*ooked% o3er*ookedn too largen not fresh% *old%*
Here is an exem"le of a *om"laint by >riting2
begin finally faithfully discount so misleading because complain
forward above but attention point refund advertisement
Aear SirOadam%
F feel F must TTTTTTTTTT(1! about the lun*h >e had at your restaurant on Thursday 17th
Ae*ember. Pnfortunately% both the food and the ser3i*e >ere not satisfa*tory.
To TTTTTTTTTT()! >ith% the dishes >e ordered >ere inedible TTTTTTTTTT(-! of hea3y seasoning.
There >as TTTTTTTTTT(/! mu*h salt and "e""er on the food that it >as im"ossible to eat the >hole
F must also TTTTTTTTTT(#! out that your ad3ertisement >as TTTTTTTTTT('! as there >ere only t>o
3egetarian dishes on the menu.
TTTTTTTTTT(7!% >hen >e asked for the bill% >e >ere sur"rised at the staff9s ignoran*e of the 1(M
TTTTTTTTTT($! for grou" bookings. Again% this >as something highlighted in your
TTTTTTTTTT(&!. Ge *ould ha3e made a fuss about it% TTTTTTTTTT(1(! >e de*ided not to.
Considering all the TTTTTTTTTT(11!% F belie3e F am entitled to a "artial TTTTTTTTTT(1)!. F am
*onfident that this matter >ill re*ei3e your "rom"t TTTTTTTTTT(1-!. F look TTTTTTTTTT(1/! to
hearing from you.
=ours TTTTTTTTTT(1#!%
There are "ositi3e and negati3e >ays to res"onse to *om"laints.
0ut the follo>ing senten*es into the right *olumn.
0ositi3e res"onse to *om"laints2

,egati3e res"onse to *om"laints2
1! F9m so sorry% but this >ill ne3er o**ur O ha""en again H@ 4@
)! Sorry there is nothing >e *an do about it. H@ 4 @
-! Ge are sorry but the food is 8ust alright.H@ 4 @
/! F9m really sorry. Ge9ll do our utmost not to do the same mistake again. H@ 4@
senten*es 1 and / are "olite. Senten*es ) and - are negati3e.
,egati3e res"onse to *om"laints2
Sorry there is nothing >e *an do about it.
F9m afraid% there isn9t mu*h >e *an do about it.
Ge are sorry but the food is 8ust alright.

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