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Tuan Nguyen-viet
Part 0
MPLS Concepts: Labels
Generic: can be used over Ethernet !0"#$ PPP lin%s &ra'e (elay )TM etc#
*ses ne+ EtherTypes , PPP P-.s , SN)P values etc#
.i//erent EtherTypes /or unicast and 'ulticast
0 octets,bytes 1per label2
MPLS,-P 3vervie+
Part 4
MPLS +as originally developed by the -nternet Engineering Tas% &orce 1IETF2 in order to address core -P
router per/or'ance issues#
5o+ever MPLS has since /ound strong application
in service providers6 converged core networks and
as a plat/or' /or data services such as -P-7PN#
MPLS is essentially a labeling syste' designed to acco''odate 'ultiple protocols#
Label S+itch Paths 1LSPs2 are used to de/ine the paths o/ pac%ets in the net+or%
so that a connection-oriented 'ode is introduced into a connectionless net+or%#
The use o/ MPLS labels enables routers to avoid the
processing overhead o/ delving deeply into each data pac%et and
per/or'ing co'ple8 route lookup operations based upon IP addresses#
)pproach 1"2
MPLS technology provides custo'ers +ith a versatile solution that signi/icantly helps address the
proble's /aced by present net+or%s:
9uality o/ Service 1QoS2 and Class o/ Service 1CoS2 'anage'ent
Tra//ic engineering 1tra//ic management2
Convergence o/ voice video and data
MPLS has e'erged as an elegant solution to 'eet the band+idth and service 'anage'ent re:uire'ents
/or next generation IP based backbone networks#
MPLS tac%les the issues related to scalability and routing
and it can be layered over a custo'er;s traditional e8isting )TM and &ra'e (elay net+or%s#
MPLS enhances a custo'er;s net+or% by providing:
5igh speed data forwarding bet+een custo'er sites
The ability to create a partially- or /ully-'eshed net+or%
o/ten described as any-to-any +ith only a single physical and logical connection per site
Reservation o/ band+idth /or applications and prioritization capabilities#
)pproach 1$2
MPLS allo+s the net+or% to trans'it data pac%ets using standard IP routing protocols /ro' any location
to any location via a short predeter'ined path across the net+or%#
MPLS co'bines the 'ost desirable /eatures o/ Layer " and Layer $ net+or%s
by providing the speed and efficiency o/ a Layer $ net+or%
coupled +ith the security and reliability o/ a Layer " net+or%#
) %ey capability provided by an MPLS net+or% is Class o/ Service 1CoS2#
CoS allo+s the optional de/inition o/ bandwidth requirements and traffic prioritization by application#
<y 'a%ing the net+or% a+are o/ the applications traversing it
the tra//ic can be 'anaged in a +ay that is appropriate /or each tra//ic 1application2 type#
CoS /or each tra//ic type can be indicated in several +ays at the time the traffic enters the network#
=ith the MPLS &ast (e(oute 1&((2 /unction
an MPLS net+or% can i'ple'ent protection s+itching +ithin 50ms#
)pproach 102
IP/MPLS technology is 'ature enough /or various application scenarios#
=hat prevents it /ro' being the per/ect candidate technology in building a ne8t-generation transport
IP/MPLS technology is :uite co'plicated and IP/MPLS routers are :uite e8pensive#
&or so'e transport net+or% applications such as 'obile bac%haul
all services are transported /ro' base stations 1Node <2 to a central 1(NC2
so no complicated routing is needed#
Since tra//ic patterns are relatively static
the po+er/ul routing /unctions o/ IP/MPLS are +asted#
Since 'ost transport net+or%s have been S.5-based 'aintenance sta//s are :uite accusto'ed to
S.5 operation and 'aintenance procedures#
IP/MPLS net+or% planning operating and 'aintenance represent a 'a?or learning curve /or
the service provider;s sta//
increasing the total cost o/ o+nership#
IP/MPLS lac%s the 3)M /unctions necessary /or 'anaging carrier class services#
Part "
=ith pac%et net+or%ing on the rise the ITU-T beca'e interested in adapting MPLS to 'a%e it a @carrier
classA according to recogniBed -T*-T architectural principles#
The result is Transport MPLS 1T-MPLS2
a connection-oriented pac%et transport net+or% based on MPLS
that provides 'anaged point-to-point connections to di//erent client layer net+or%s 1such as
T-MPLS as a new formulation of P!S +as designed speci/ically /or application in transport net+or%s#
-t builds upon +ell-%no+n and +idely deployed IP/MPLS technology and standards
but o//ered a simpler i'ple'entation
+here /eatures not relevant to connection-oriented applications are re'oved
and critical transport functionality gaps are addressed#
)pproach 1"2
T-MPLS has been under develop'ent by the -T*-T since &ebruary "00C#
T-MPLS uses the sa'e architectural principles o/ layered net+or%ing that are used in other
technologies li%e S.5 and 3ptical Transport Net+or% 13TN2#
Service providers have already developed 'anage'ent processes and +or% procedures based on
these principles#
-n this +ay T-MPLS provides a reliable pac%et-based technology that is /a'iliar and also aligned +ith
circuit-based transport net+or%ing#
Thus it supports current organiBational processes and large-scale +or% procedures#
-n addition the %ey enhance'ents to MPLS provided by T-MPLS such as
engineered point-to-point bi-directional LSPs
end-to-end LSP protection
and advanced 3)M support
allo+ opti'al control o/ transport net+or% resources
leading to lo+er operational e8penses#
5o+ever unli%e MPLS T-MPLS
does not support a connectionless mode and
is intended to be
si'pler in scope
less co'ple8 in operation
and easily 'anaged#
)pproach 1$2
Layer $ /eatures have been eli'inated and the control plane uses a 'ini'u' o/ -P 'echanis's
leading to e:uip'ent i'ple'entations
that support service providers; needs /or lo+er-cost high-volu'e pac%et net+or%ing in their
ne8t-generation architectures#
T-MPLS is /or'ulated in con?unction +ith today6s circuit-based transport net+or%s
/ollo+ing the sa'e architectural 'anage'ent and operational 'odels#
-t is thus intended to provide an opti'u' evolution path /or 'any service providers in their 'etro and
access net+or%s as they transition to a pac%et-based /uture#
T-MPLS = MPLS (PW/LSP) + OAM L3 Complexity
)pproach 102
)nother +ay to vie+ T-MPLS is to thin% o/ it as a strictly connection-oriented subset o/ MPLS:
Survivability is speci/ic to the transport net+or%#
T-MPLS de/ines its protection capability using -T*-T6s (eco''endations
G#!4$4,D#4$!" 1T-MPLS linear protection s+itching +ith 4E4 4:4 and 4:N options2 and
G#!4$",D#4$!$ 1T-MPLS ring protection s+itching2#
MPLS &ast (e(oute 1&((2 capability re:uires the use o/ LSP Merge that is e8cluded /ro' T-
Since no control plane is involved protection s+itching per/or'ance can be very /ast#
OAM is speci/ic to the transport net+or% and /unctionality is re/erenced /ro' -T*-T6s D#4F44 13)M
'echanis' /or MPLS net+or%s2#
This provides the sa'e 3)M concepts and 'ethods 1e#g# connectivity veri/ication alar'
suppression re'ote de/ect indication2 already available in other transport net+or%s +ithout
re:uiring co'ple8 -P data plane capabilities#
The T-MPLS control plane 1speci/ic /or the transport net+or%2 is currently null#
-n other +ords the 'anage'ent plane +ill be used /or 'anual,auto'ated provisioning in the
sa'e +ay as S.5 and 3TN net+or%s are provisioned today#
5o+ever as is the case /or other transport net+or% technologies the control plane /or T-MPLS
is envisage to be !S"#/$MPLS and +ill thus enable 'ore dyna'ic and intelligent operation#
No label reservation#
T-MPLS +ill not reserve labels /or its o+n use independently o/ MPLS#
)ny re:uire'ents /or special label assignment +ill be handled by the IETF and coordinated +ith
the MPLS standards#
This helps to ensure that interoperability and inter+or%ing +ill be readily achievable#
.i//erences o/ T-MPLS /ro' MPLS
Part $
.i//erences bet+een T-MPLS and MPLS
-n order to de/ine a subset o/ MPLS that is connection-oriented and that lends itsel/ to the established
transport 3)M 'odel
several P!S protocol features have been e8cluded /ro' T-MPLS#
Gey di//erences o/ T-MPLS co'pared +ith MPLS include:
*se o/ bi"directional !SPs#
=hile MPLS LSPs are uni-directional
transport net+or%s traditionally provision bi-directional connections#
T-MPLS there/ore pairs the /or+ard and bac%+ard LSPs to /ollo+ the sa'e nodes and links#
#o P$P 1Penulti'ate 5op Popping2 option#
P5P by re'oving the MPLS label one node be/ore the egress node si'pli/ies the egress
processing re:uired#
-ndeed it co'es /ro' a historical legacy o/ +anting to 'ini'iBe router processing
5o+ever the inter/ace no+ has a 'i8 o/ -P and MPLS pac%ets
and the final node 'ust per/or' an IP (or other payload) look-up instead#
More i'portantly 3)M is 'ore co'ple8
or even i'possible since the MPLS label conte8t is lost#
.i//erences bet+een T-MPLS and MPLS 1"2
#o !SP erging option#
LSP Merge 'eans that all tra//ic /or+arded along the sa'e path to the sa'e destination 'ay
use the sa'e MPLS label#
=hile this 'ay pro'ote scalability
in /act it 'a%es e//ective 3)M and Per/or'ance Monitoring 1PM2 di//icult
or even i'possible since the tra//ic source beco'es a'biguous and un%no+n#
-t is thus not a connection-oriented concept#
No ECMP 1E:ual Cost Multiple Path2 option#
ECMP allo+s tra//ic +ithin one LSP to be routed along 'ultiple net+or% paths#
Not only does this re:uire additional -P header processing as +ell as MPLS label processing
but it 'a%es 3)M 'ore co'ple8 since Continuity Chec% 1CC2 and PM /lo+s 'ay /ollo+
di//erent paths#
This concept is not needed in a connection-oriented net+or%#
MPLS-TP based Pac%et Transport Net+or%s
Part 0
)/ter IETF raised concerns over T-MPLS technology 'ainly about inco'patibility +ith the already
established -P,MPLS
the -T*-T and the -ET& started a ?oint activity to solve potential issues#
The decision +as to trans/er control to IETF to develop an MPLS Transport Pro/ile 1MPLS-TP2 +ith input
/ro' -T* reco''endations#
) ne+ activity +as added to the charter o/ the MPLS +or%ing group o/ IETF#
-ntroduction to MPLS-TP
MPLS-TP is a pro/ile o/ MPLS +hose de/inition has been turned over to the IETF#
-t +ill be designed /or use as a net+or% layer technology in transport net+or%s#
-ts design +ill be a continuation o/ the +or% started by the transport net+or% e8perts o/ the -T*-T
speci/ically SG4H as T-MPLS +ith the re:uired protocol e8tensions to MPLS being speci/ied by the
-t +ill be a connection-oriented pac%et-s+itched application#
-t +ill o//er a dedicated MPLS i'ple'entation by
re'oving /eatures that are not relevant to connection-oriented applications and
adding 'echanis's that provide support o/ critical transport functionality#
MPLS-TP is based on the sa'e architectural principles o/ layered net+or%ing that are used in longstanding
transport net+or% technologies li%e S.5 and 3TN#
Service providers have already developed 'anage'ent processes and +or% procedures based on these
-ntroduction to MPLS-TP 1"2
MPLS-TP +ill provide service providers +ith a reliable pac%et-based technology that is based upon circuit-
based transport net+or%ing
and thus is e8pected to align +ith current organiBational processes and large-scale +or% procedures
si'ilar to other pac%et transport technologies#
MPLS-TP is e8pected to be a lo+ cost L" technology that +ill provide
end-to-end 3)M and
protection s+itching#
-n &ebruary "00! the ITU-T an IETF agreed to +or% ?ointly on the design o/ MPLS-TP#
<ased on this agree'ent MPLS-TP +ill be speci/ied in a nu'ber o/ (&Cs#
The -T*-T reco''endations +ill re/er to these (&Cs#
Part H
MPLS-TP 3)M provides the sa'e 3)M concepts and 'ethods +hich are available in legacy transport
net+or%s including
&ast /ailure detection
)lar' suppression
(e'ote de/ect indication 1(.-2
Protection s+itching
3)M pac%ets are carried on Generic )ssociated channel 1G-)ch2#
3)M and data pac%ets are carried on the sa'e path there/ore enabling si'pler and /aster 'onitoring o/
the P= and LSP layers#
Edge Edge
Network Management System
Control Plane for PT2PT services

(&C 0$!H: P=E-$ Control =ord and P=-)ssociated Channel
.e/ines the P= Control =ord also de/ines the @P= )ssociated ChannelA
Pseudo+ire endpoints identi/y the )C5 by 4
nibble 1000%2 in Control =ord
3ne o/ the 'echanis's used by &CC& to trans'it %& packets over a P=
Channel Type allo+s di//erent payloads to be carried I de/ined by channel type
Multiple channels can be carried bet+een t+o points
MPLS-TP proposal : Generic )ssociated Channel 1G-)Ch2
*tiliBe it as a co''on &C)Ps 'echanis' 3)M MCC )PS etc# across LSPs and P=s
MAC Header Channel payload L1 L2 PWL/BOS PWE-3 ACH
MAC Header Payload L1 L2 PWL/BOS Control Word
0000 | Fla! | F"# | Lenth | Se$ %
0001 | &er | "e!' | Channel (ype
Figre! P"E#$ Control "ord and P"#Associated C%annel
MPLS-TP 3)M 1"2: Generic )lert Label
&A' label ( )$ TC S TT'
MP'S label TC S TT'
***) **** +eserved C%annel Ty,e
AC% -eader
.ero or more AC% T'/s
&#AC% message
MPLS-TP 3)M 1$2: Generic )lert Label
MPLS-TP %& packets needs to /ollo+ the sa'e path as the data /lo+s
LSPs have no 'echanis' to di//erentiate user pac%ets /ro' %& packets
Generic )lert Label 1G)L2 provides this /unction
Ne+ reserved label - Label %'
-n MPLS-TP G)L al+ays appears at the <otto' o/ Stac% 1<oS2
-/ a G)L is /ound any+here in the label stac% it indicates the payload begins +ith G-)ch
Traditional,Nor'al MPLS operations apply
MPLS devices only e8a'ine the top label in nor'al operations
MPLS devices inspect the la(el stac) +hen TTL e8pires
G)L +ill be /ound :
-/ it;s the popped label
-/ the TTL e8pires
ME&! Maintenance Entity &ro,
MEP! ME& End Point
M0P! ME& 0ntermediate Point
O,erator A
O,erator 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Maintenane !ntity Point
Maintenane "nte#me$iate Point
MEPs J M-Ps 1"2
MPLS-TP 3)M 102
MPLS-TP 3)M introduces the /unctional co'ponents
Maintenance End Point 1MEP2 and Maintenance -nter'ediate Point 1M-P2
+hich enable running 3)M pac%ets bet+een t+o end points such as:
4# Continuity chec% 'essages 1CCMs2 allo+ing /ast detection o/ lost o/ connectivity as +ell as connection
The CC 'essages are sent periodically by MEP and 'onitored /or Loss 3/ Continuity 1L"C2 by
each MEP,M-P#
The trans'ission interval can be set to a 'ini'u' o/ '*' ms allo+ing /or very /ast-/ailure
"# .elay and Loss Measure'ents 1.M,LM2 allo+ing the detection o/ per/or'ance degradations#
$# Loopbac% 1L<2 'essages allo+ing on-de'and bidirectional diagnostic test /or connectivity chec% and
/ailure localiBation#
0# )lar's suppress enabling /ault localiBation +hile avoiding unnecessary alar's propagation#
)-S and (.- are sent to the re'ote sides in case o/ L3C detection#
Figre! CCM Flow
3)M /ra'e structure o/ MPLS-TP and T-MPLS
The 3)M /ra'e structure o/ MPLS-TP is di//erent /ro' that o/ T-MPLS#
MPLS-TP uses the )ssociated Channel 1)Ch2 to identi/y the 3)M /ra'e#
LSP )Ch and P= )Ch adopt the sa'e 3)M 'echanis'#
&igure belo+ sho+s the 3)M /ra'e structure o/ T-MPLS#
&igure 0 and &igure H sho+ the 3)M /ra'e structure o/ MPLS-TP LSP J P= respectively#
3)M /ra'e structure o/ MPLS-TP and T-MPLS 1"2
&igures belo+ sho+ the 3)M /ra'e structure o/ MPLS-TP LSP J P= respectively#
Figre! OAM frame strctre of MP'S#TP 'SP
Figre! OAM frame strctre of MP'S#TP P"
3)M /ra'e structure o/ MPLS-TP and T-MPLS 1$2
&unctions o/ )ssociated Channel 1)C52
-n order to ensure proper operational control
MPLS-TP net+or% ele'ents 1NE2 e8change 3)M pac%ets that strictly /ollo+ the sa'e path as tra//ic
data 13)M in the data plane2
+ith a co''on set o/ tools running at each net+or% level 1P+ LSP and section2#
3)M pac%ets are carried using the Generic )ssociated Channel 1$-!C,2#
The /unctions o/ )ssociated Channel are listed belo+:
)ssociated Channel is a generic /unction#
-t can run over LSP as +ell as P+#
)ssociated Channel allo+s the operator to send any type o/ control tra//ic into a P+ or LSP#
&or e8a'ple 7irtual Circuit Connectivity 7eri/ication 1&CC&2 'ay be sent over an associated
channel to 'onitor i/ the P+ is available#
)ssociated Channel is capable o/ carrying user traffic %& traffic J anagement traffic#
&or e8a'ple associated channel can also carry )uto'atic Protection S+itching 1)PS2
in/or'ation and .ata Co''unications Channel 1.CC2 Signaling Co''unication Channel 1SCC2
and Manage'ent Co''unication Channel 1MCC2 'anage'ent tra//ic etc#
.i//erences b,+ T-MPLS and MPLS-TP
3)M header and the interpretation o/ di//erent /ields inside the header /or' the base /or the set o/
di//erences bet+een T-MPLS J MPLS-TP#
So'e o/ the di//erences are listed belo+#
T-MPLS uses reserved @Label %-A as 3)M identi/ier
+hereas MPLS-TP uses @Label %'A as 3)M identi/ier#
T-MPLS uses the type o/ @E4A or @-4A values o/ MEL 1Maintenance Entity Group Level2 to indicate the
nesting o/ 3)M
+hereas MPLS-TP uses label stac% to indicate nesting o/ 3)M#
MPLS-TP uses Ti'e-to-Live 1TTL2 to trace the M-P path and 'onitor the loopbac% status
+hile T-MPLS uses TTL in the %& packet header label to identi/y Manage'ent Entity Group
-nter'ediate Point 1M-P2: TTLKM-P hopsE4 and M-P processes the 3)M /ra'es +ith MELK0
and TTLK"#
MPLS-TP uses TTL in the SP or P! label only#
)ssociated Channel 1)Ch2 and G)L
P" AC%
)n E8a'ple o/ P=
)ssociated Channel 1)Ch2 and G)L 1"2
)n E8a'ple o/ LSP
MPLS-TP -'ple'entation in Pac%et Transport Net+or% 1PTN2
Part C
Send %& packet bet+een MEP,M-P in PTN net+or%#
.etect /ault and per/or'ance through %& packet e8changes
Generate alar' and related process
MPLS-TP 3)M 'echanis' is i'ple'ented in current PTN products li%e T-MPLS G#!440 or MPLS D# 4F44
3)M pac%et is sent,received,handled by PTN e:uip'ent 1nor'ally using &PG) 5ard+are to handle 3)M
The C7 interval can be up to '*'ms per %& packet#
&ault can be detected +ithin %0ms +hen $ pac%et 'issed 1$L'*'msK%0ms2 +hich trigger protection
-'ple'entation 3ptions
MPLS-TP 3)M "ption %: G-)Ch plus D#4F$4
MPLS-TP 3)M based on D#4F$4 1dra/t-bhh-'pls-tp-oa'-y4F$4-0!#t8t2 Manuary 44 "04"
*se (&C HH!C G-)Ch pac%age
Support proactive,on-de'and CC,C7 )-S (.- L< LCG TST )PS LM .M
<ased on 3)M total solution and /ul/ill operator;s re:uire'ents
MPLS-TP 3)M 3ption ": <&.,LSP Ping E8tension
*se other -ET& dra/ts /or &Ch '!( header and %& P)* payload area
*se (&C HH!C G-)Ch pac%age
<&. e8tension supports proactive CC,C7,(.- LSP Ping support on-de'and CC,C7 ne+ tools /or
other /unctions
G#)ch plus D#4F$4
D#4F$4 /ra'e /or'at:
*se MPLS data plane 1Label: 4$2
*se G-)ch
*se 3pCode to identi/y 3)M type
G#)ch plus D#4F$4 1"2: 3)M P.* &ra'e .e/initions
a# Tunnel label: "0 bits
value K 4$ G)L
b# TC: $ bits tra//ic classi/icationN
c# S: 4 bit
7alue K 4 'eans botto' o/ stac% 1<oS2N
d# TTL: ! bit
7alue K 4 or MEP to MEP hops E 4N
'ime to !ive 1''!2# ) packet has a li'ited
li/eti'e in the net+or% to avoid Bo'bie
packets# .esigned to hold a ti'esta'p
and decreased by each router#
e# Channel type: identi/y it is an 3)M pac%etN
/# MEL: Maintenance entity levelN
con/igurable de/ault K @FAN
g# 7ersion: -denti/y 3)M protocol version set to
h# 3pCode de/ine 3)M P.* pac%et type
i# TL7 o//set: ! bits
related to 3)M P.* type
7alue K 0 'eans TL7 o//set one byteN
?# 3)M P.* payload area: 3)M P.* pac%et
%# End TL7 ! bit
identi/y end o/ 3)M P.* pac%et
G#)ch plus D#4F$4 1$2
"pCoe de/ine 3)M P.* pac%et type
D#4F$4 CCM Period 7alues
CCM P.* &or'at
&lags &or'at in CCM P.*
D#4F$4 CCM
CS& P.* &or'at &lags &or'at in CS& P.* CS& Type 7alues
CS& period values
D#4F$4 CS&
E3am,les of a reverse defect indication of a client link falt stats indication4
D#4F$4 CS& 1"2
D#4F$4 CS& 1$2
0+ "!M
0+ "!M
0+ "!M
S+ S+ S+
ogical MIP
ogical M"P
Tra33ic Loop-(ac)
CFM Loop-(ac)
Than% Dou O

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