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Our planet, Earth is the only one on which life, as we

know it, exists. Life on Earth is dependent on many
factors. Most life-forms we know need an ambient
temperature, water, and food. The resources available
on the Earth and the enery from the !un are necessary
to meet the basic re"uirements of all life-forms on the
What are these resources on the Earth?
These are the land, the water and the air. The outer crust
of the Earth is called the lithosphere. #ater covers $%&
of the Earth's surface. (t is also found underround.
These comprise the hydrosphere. The air that covers the
whole of the Earth like a blanket is called the
atmosphere. Livin thins are found where these three
exist. This life-supportin )one of the Earth where the
atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the lithosphere
interact and make life possible is known as the
Livin thins constitute the biotic component of the
biosphere. The air, the water and the soil form the non-
livin or abiotic component of the biosphere. Let us
study these abiotic components in detail in order to
understand their role in sustainin life on Earth.
*. #hat are the factors on which the life on Earth
-. .efine the followin terms/ Lithosphere,
0ydrosphere, and 1tmosphere.
2. #hat is 3iosphere+
4. 5ame the different components of a biosphere+
The Breath of Life: Air
#e have already talked about the composition of air. (t
is a mixture of many ases like nitroen, oxyen,
carbon dioxide and water vapour. (t is interestin to
note that even the composition of air is the result of life
on Earth. (n planets such as 6enus and Mars, where no
life is known to exist, the ma7or component of the
atmosphere is found to be carbon dioxide. (n fact,
carbon dioxide constitutes up to 8%-8$& of the
atmosphere on 6enus and Mars.
Eukaryotic cells and many prokaryotic cells need
oxyen to break down lucose molecules and et
enery for their activities. This results in the production
of carbon dioxide. 1nother process which results in the
consumption of oxyen and the concomitant production
of carbon dioxide is combustion. This includes not 7ust
human activities, which burn fuels to et enery, but
also forest fires.
.espite this, the percentae of carbon dioxide in our
atmosphere is a mere fraction of a percent because
carbon dioxide is 9fixed' in two ways/
:i; <reen plants convert carbon dioxide into lucose in
the presence of !unliht and :ii; many marine animals
use carbonates dissolved in sea-water to make their
%. 5ame the various component of the
>. .iscuss the atmosphere on 6enus and
$. #hy oxyen is needed by livin cells.
?. 0ow @arbon dioxide is Aixed in our
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The Role of the Atmosphere in Climate Control
#e have talked of the atmosphere coverin the Earth,
like a blanket. #e know that air is a bad conductor of
heat. The atmosphere keeps the averae temperature of
the Earth fairly steady durin the day and even durin
the course of the whole year. The atmosphere prevents
the sudden increase in temperature durin the dayliht
hours. 1nd durin the niht, it slows down the escape of
heat into outer space. Think of the moon, which is about
the same distance from the !un that the Earth is.
.espite that, on the surface of the moon, with no
atmosphere, the temperature ranes from F*8GH @ to
**GH @.
8. List three important roles of the atmosphere.
*G. #hat is the temperature rane on moon+ 1nd
The Moement of Air: Win!s
#e have all felt the relief brouht by cool evenin
bree)es after a hot day. 1nd sometimes, we are lucky
enouh to et rains after some days of really hot
weather. #hat causes the movement of air, and what
decides whether this movement will be in the form of a
entle bree)e, a stron wind or a terrible storm+ #hat
brins us the welcome rains+
1ll these phenomena are the result of chanes that take
place in our atmosphere due to the heatin of air and the
formation of water vapour. #ater vapour is formed due
to the heatin of water bodies and the activities of livin
oranisms. The atmosphere can be heated from below
by the radiation that is reflected back or re-radiated by
the land or water bodies. On bein heated, convection
currents are set up in the air. (n order to ain some
understandin of the nature of convection currents, let
us perform the followin activity/
**. Dlace a candle in a beaker or wide mouthed
bottle and liht it. Liht an incense stick and take it to
the mouth of the above bottle :Aiure *;. #hich way
does the smoke flow when the incense stick is kept near
the ede of the mouth+
*-. #hich way does the smoke flow when the
incense stick is kept a little above the candle+
*2. #hich way does the smoke flow when the
incense stick is kept in other reions+
The patterns revealed by the smoke show us the
directions in which hot and cold air move. (n a similar
manner, when air is heated by radiation from the heated
land or water, it rises. 3ut since land ets heated faster
than water, the air over land would also be heated faster
than the air over water bodies.
!o, if we look at the situation in coastal reions durin
the day, the air above the land ets heated faster and
starts risin. 1s this air rises, a reion of low pressure is
created and air over the sea moves into this area of low
pressure. The movement of air from one reion to the
other creates winds. .urin the day, the direction of the
wind would be from the sea to the land.
1t niht, both land and sea start to cool. !ince water
cools down slower than the land, the air above water
would be warmer than the air above land.
On the basis of the above discussion, what can you say
*4. The appearance of areas of low and hih
pressure in coastal areas at niht+
*%. The direction in which air would flow at niht
in coastal areas+
!imilarly, all the movements of air resultin in diverse
atmospheric phenomena are caused by the uneven
heatin of the atmosphere in different reions of the
Earth. 3ut various other factors also influence these
winds F the rotation of the Earth and the presence of
mountain ranes in the paths of the wind are a couple of
these factors
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