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Sex Education for Rose Nabirye,

primary schools
P5, Greenvalley PS, Kaliro

Know your rights

Vol.10 No.11 NOV/DEC 2009 Stay in school
Say No to sex

Stay Safe during holidays

Make a
The December - January holiday
is on. It has many parties like

holiday plan
Christmas, weddings and parties.

This is the time to do

things you have Anne Kayaga Nicole,
been missing P6, Mother Care
while at school. Bunnamwaya PS,
Counsellor Liz Wakiso, says: I will do
Okello, says make the school holiday work
talking to your parents in the first week.
one of those things.
To make a holiday plan:
This is a good time to make your parents •Make a list of things you want
your friends. Talk to them about your to do during holidays. It can
growing body, friends, school or any be daily, weekly or monthly.
worries and needs. They will listen. •Start with the most important
Parents have gone through many things things in the morning when
which are happening to you now. Talking your mind is fresh.
to them will help you understand what is •Balance work and play to relax
happening around you and stay safe. your mind.
•Know what is safe and
Do not fear talking to them. If your dangerous to your life.
parents have no time, politely ask them to
spare some time for you. Ask for advice from your
parents, teachers, elders,
Find the best time to talk with them when brothers and sisters about your
they are not very busy or tired. You can holiday plan.
talk to them at tea time or when you are
doing work together.

sa ,E ri a a n d Jo e
Venne tim
. Use holidayanger.
PS, Kampalast out o f d
relax but ay

HELP! I was defiled HIV basics:

Blowing condoms like ballons
I was defiled at 9 years. Some children pick used condoms from
At 12 years, the same the rubbish and blow them like balloons.
man defiled me again. I Can’t they get HIV from them? Mafabi
am now 16. Can I accuse Peter, 10, P5, Tororo Education Center
this man of defiling me in
courts of law? Girl, Nebbi HIV is a virus that causes AIDS. You can get infected with HIV
Yes, you can still accuse this man. Defilement is a serious crime. Report the man to from a condom which contains semen, blood of an HIV positive
the authorities because he defiled you. Defilement is when a man has sex with a girl person. Do not play or blow used condoms. You should not pick
who is below 18 years or if a woman has sex with a boy below 18 years. Ronald anything from dust bins or rubbish pits.
Sekaggya, Principal Legal Officer, Judicial Service Commission
When a condom has just been used, the virus

What do you like or

is active in fluids. If these fluids get in contact
with any wounds in your mouth you can

dislike about your

get infected with HIV. You may have a cut or

wound in the mouth and you don't know. So
parents/ guardians? HIV can enter your body through such a cut.
HIV lives mainly in fluids like blood, vaginal
Send your letters to PO Box 22366, fluids and semen.

WIN prizes
Kampala and Dr Paul Semugoma,
International Hospital Kampala
Young Talk is for teachers and pupils in p5, p6 and p7
2 Young Talk, Nov/Dec 2009

busy holidays Mwesigye Adolph

of Kawere village,
Mubende feeding
During holidays, Music dance and
have a chance to do drama a cow
activities that will “During my P7 holiday I Keep away from alcohol
build your skills and will join a music, dance and and sex. Invite your
knowledge. Young drama club at the church friends home. Your
talkers speak about in Mayuge.”Akweny
their holiday plans. Esther, P7,12, Rimage parents will be happy to
Classic PS, Lugazi, meet them.
Rear chicken Mukono
Abenakyo Rhodah, 12,
P7 of Mother Care PS, Teddy Juma, a teacher
Bunnamwaya, Wakiso at City Parents School
says: I will spend the says: Do some work
holidays with my aunt and at home like
sell eggs. I will use some of cooking,
the money to buy clothes, washing,
shoes, books and pens. cleaning,
Rearing chicken or fetching
growing crops such as water and
maize and beans is a firewood.
good holiday activity. Ask Identify
your parents or guardians people in
to help you start farming. your community
who can teach you skills
Play football such as crafts, bricklaying,
“An idle mind is a devils hairdressing, tailoring and
workshop. I will join the computer.
village football team to

Dangers in your environment

keep me busy. I will dig, When you visit relatives
slash the compound, look or friends, you may meet
after my grandparents children with wrong
cattle in the village." behaviour. Some children
Ssewaali Abdul,
Mother care PS,
have been forced into sex
during such visits. Abstain
My sister got pregnant
Wakiso. from sex, do not tell lies,
steal or fight. If one forces
during holidays
Discover your talent during you into sex, shout for help Kayongo Denis, 13, P7 Hope Children’s Center
this holiday. What is it that and report them. Inform Temangalo, Wakiso, wrote: "My sister got pregnant
you can do so well? Maybe your parents or guardian during her holidays. She got a Sexually Transmitted
you are a good singer and where you are going and Disease. She was sent away from home and school. She
need to join the church whom you are going with.
gave birth to a baby whom she cannot care for."
Sex is not for you yet. You are still young. Wait.
Most pregnancies happen during holidays.
Meet Henry, a friend • Pregnancy can happen even
I will work in vacation before a girl sees her first
Thank God, I did my Primary During my vacation, I plan
Leaving Examinations (PLE) to work with my brother menstrual period.
this November. Papers were at his art company making
not so hard. So I hope to necklaces earrings and craft • Pregnancy can happen the
pass. We celebrated the
P7 leaver’s party at school.
cards. I also plan to have
some good time with my first time you have sex.
Guess what! friends.

I got on the floor and

mimed Bread and My friend was Beware of child sacrifice
butter by Radio and Nakitto Flavia, P6, Viannet Junior PS, Kampala wrote: “Child sacrifice
Weasel. It is my killed and defilement are still going on. Some people sacrifice their children to become
favorite song. Keirungi Constance, 9, Jenny and
Jessy PS, Zana, says: "My friend spent rich. I heard of a man
Friends and funs most of her time watching films in who sacrificed his
praised me saying: video halls and visiting friends during twins to become
'Our man! Our holidays. One day she was killed on rich in our village.
man!' Music and her way back home at night." Young Talkers, be
dance keep my careful. Move
Sorry for the death of your
mind occupied.
friend. Moving at night with a friend and
or in lonely places alone is avoid dark places.
dangerous. For example, Strangers may
if you are going to collect
firewood or water, go with kidnap you for
friends or an adult. sacrifice.”

Young Talk is for teachers and pupils in p5, p6 and p7

3 Young Talk, Nov/Dec 2009

As your friends celebrate completing

Primary Leaving Examination, you
Join secondary or vocational school
may worry about money for joining community to ask them to register
secondary and which school to join. you if they offer USE.
The good news is that government
has started Universal Secondary You can also join technical education
Education (USE). It is free and near if you want to do carpentry,
you. hairdressing or brick laying.
Government has built technical
Aggrey Kibenge from the ministry schools in every sub county. If
of Education says: USE is meant to things do not work out, you can
help children access education from also find someone to train you in
their homes. To qualify you must hairdressing, tailoring, carpentry or
have scored between Aggregate 4 bricklaying. There are many people
and 28. USE does not provide for around your community who can
boarding fee. teach you these things.
Some of the children are directly
admitted by the school but you can Do not waste your life. Take
also go to the nearby school in your " Pupils of Kibanga PS holding advantage of opportunities
brooms in their crafts lesson around you.

Know your boredpyim ples
Knickers do not cu control
es on my clean water everyday to
I have many pimpl no
ickers to the pimples. If there is
face. If I use my kn ples
it cure the change see a doctor. Pim
wash the face, can They
hab, P6, come during teen age.
pimples? Aweko Na es in
di. are caused by hormon
Kabalega PS, Masin the body. They may sta
for about three ye ars .
Knickers do not have Almost everybody gets
medicine to cure pimple pimples. Do not fear
Some times your knick it is normal to have
Find your way home without trouble may be dirty wi th ba cte ria
which may affect your
face. Do not squeeze, Dr Paul
scrub or rub pimples Semugoma
Help John, he has to get home on time. But
with any piece of International
a long the way, there are many dangers. cloth. Bath the Hospital
Find the safest way for him to use. face twice a day Kampala
using soap and

Watch out for Swine Flu

Alvin Semakula, 11, P6, City coughing and sneezing.
Parents School, Kampala A person with swine flu may
wrote: There has been an have sudden fever, cough,
outbreak of Swine Flu in tiredness, coldness, headache,
sore throat, runny nose,
Uganda this year. Stay sneezing, stomach upset, loss
indoors to avoid infection of appetite, diarrhea, painful
during holidays. Good muscles, legs or joint pain. If
advice, Alvin. Swine flu is also you get any of these symptoms,
called H1N1 influenza. see a doctor immediately. Stay
home until the fever has
Some people in Uganda
been treated. Drink a lot of
including students have water. Do not drink coffee
been affected by Swine or soda. They increase
flu. The World Health diarrhea. Always wash
Organization your hands regularly;
says: Swine flu is do not share cups or
plates. Do not cough
spread from one or sneeze into your
person to another fingers.
through breathing,

Young Talk is for teachers and pupils in p5, p6 and p7

4 Young Talk, Nov/Dec 2009

My body itches especially

at night. I don’t have any
rash. Could I be suffering

Young TALmKpala
from AIDS or other STDs?
Birali M, 16, P6, Bujoloto PS,
P.O. B0X 22366 Ka
It is likely that you are NOT suffering
from AIDS. Also, if you have never had
A teacher gave us an sex, it may not be a sexually transmitted
exercise. He told me to disease (STD). There are many things
take books for marking to which can cause itching. It may be
the office. He demanded for allergies of the skin or biting insects
sex but I refused. Whenever like mosquitoes and fleas. The only way
he comes to class, he chases one can know if they have HIV is by
me away from lessons, what taking an HIV test.See a medical doctor
can I do? Girl, Anava PS, about it. They will diagnose and suggest
Arua treatment for it.
"We like reading Young Talk."
Thank you for saying NO to the Pupils of Kyanjuki PS, Kasese Is it true that if I wash
teacher's demand for sex. Talk to the my vagina using OMO, it
school administration to transfer will become big. Gimono P,
you to another stream if the school P6 New Hope PS, Bugiri
has more than one stream. If this is
difficult, tell your headteacher about You cannot enlarge the size of your
it. Be strong and don’t let anyone vagina using omo. Instead omo is such
scare you. You have a right to a a powerful detergent which damage the
bright future. skin slowly. This may bring you health
problems or even infection. Be positive
Will I start menstruating about who you are. Love and appreciate
if I have sex every day? yourself then no one will try to make
Balinaomugisha D, 12, P6 you be someone else.
Kabalega PS, Masindi
Do girls also get
Menstruation is when the egg is erections? Oloya C,16,
released from the ovary to the Pakwelo PS, Gulu
uterus and it is not fertilised.
The menstruation periods start It is not possible for girls to erect
at different times for different because their private organ is not
women/girls. It is controlled by designed in such a way. The penis is
hormones and not by playing sex. It " We are too young to have sex. elongated and has the capacity to erect
is common to feel sexually excited, Pupils of Agiermach PS, Nebbi when stimulated but not the vagina.
during menstruation period. This is
normal and natural. Cousellors Dr Paul
As we grow up through teenage years, having sex. You may get erections and Semugoma and Liz Okello
When I look at a girl, our bodies change in preparation release sperms at night (wet dreams).
sperms come out.
Schools of
to make us adults. A boy grows a This is natural and normal. Do not
Sometimes I feel like having beard, pubic hair, the voice breaks and feel ashamed of it. It means you are

the year
sex. How can I prevent this? other changes. Inside the boy’s body, growing properly. But it is not a sign
Pirwoth G, Oturgang Boys’ hormones are produced which makes for you to start having sex. You are still
PS Nebbi him aware of other people. You feel like young and developing.
City Parents Kampala sent 62,
St. Paul's Community had

E 50. Kapteret PS in Kapchorwa

sent 34 while Ayelembe PS

A H AT Please of Arua sent 35 letters. You

can make your school a star by
advise writing to Young Talk.

In Young Talk April 2009 Bahati L, of Bundibugyo

Demonstration PS asked for Young Talkers’ advice. He
Kabuye Adviseof S covia g
said: “My parents are drunkards. My uncle Dan Kabuye P6, Kitebi a ighbourin
“A teacherne
Kampala says: In PS, He says he
got me a tomato business but my parents our class, school loves me.
there is a girl who e to town to
demand for money. I look after my young sit wants to take m
of our desk. When s in front in th e lodge. Is
sisters and brothers. I cannot concentrate in th sleep with him
is teaching, she br e teacher ace to sleep
class.” Thirty seven of you advised Bahati. You all win ings her bums a lodge a good pl
and puts them on s w ife. She
exercise books. my legs, then in? I also fear hi ocan
she begins to shak ” B er
e them. I am might beat me, kpa PS,
worried, what can , A ri
• Lubega Kefra, Kazo Junior School, I do? Send Scovia, 14, P7
your advice to PO advise to
Kampala, said: “The Uganda Constitution says Box 22366, Nebbi. Send your pala
Kampala, Ugand 6 K am
parents must pay for their children’s school fees, a. PO Box 2236
but not the children to give parents money.” Uganda.
• Tell your parents you don’t have the money.
Continue helping your sisters and brothers.
Kamunyu Mark P7, St Paul Community PS, Straight Talk FOUNDATION
Rukungiri 4 Acacia Avenue, P O Box 22366, Kampala, Tel: (031) 262030/1,E-mail: info@straight-
• Report their drunkenness to the area Local Council or probation, President C. Watson; Executive Director: J. Wiltshire, Print Director: T.
officer for child protection. Asinguza Yvonne, Kyanjuki PS, Agutu, Editorial Manager: M.Akello Editors: G.Awekofua, J Abongowath, F Ouma, P
Kilembe, Kasese Kiwuuwa, J Nafula, Chief Designer: M. Kalanzi, Designer:, Gb. Mukasa, AB Dentine,

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