Ithemba Entry Form 2014

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Join us in fhe orusooe oQoinsf breosf oonoer 5km ono 8km Fun Wolk

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Sunooy 2 Oofober 2014
!"#$% '"#$ ()*#+% ,*-)./01 2345+6 7*"41
1he rsL 16 000 successfully reglsLered
enLranLs are guaranLeed an evenL goodle bag,
whlch lncludes an Avon !usune producL and
an evenL L-shlrL.
8rlng your canlne frlend
Lo [oln ln Lhe fun wlLh Lhe
nuLrlphase uog Walk aL no exLra charge.
LnLerLalnmenL for Lhe whole famlly, lncludlng
chlldren's play area, Loddler LroL, llve muslc/
sLage performances, prlze glveaways, celeb guesL
appearances and food sLalls.
We've returned to our or|g|na| start nmes and
!"#"$%&"! ( )"* +%,-" -% .+/)0 1%, () "#")
beuer 2014 |1hemba Wa|kathon.
Starnng nme:
8.00om 8km & 8.30om 5km
for for
Our meoio porfners. Our NGO porfners.
!"# %&'(
!"# %&' (&")' !&)*'+
893 per adulL walker, 873 for chlldren under 12,
chlldren under 2 are free - prams permlued
lor your safeLy, omclals requlre all walkers older Lhan
2 years Lo reglsLer and wear Lhelr walk
numbers on Lhe day.
89+#5/% :.*%/; 12 Oofober 2014
</"- /9+#5/% =>? *# -*#/@ :.*%/ 05 Oofober 2014
We require o siQneo ono oomplefeo enfry form per wolker. Phofooopies of fhe 2014 enfry form will be oooepfeo.
Pleose foke nofe of fhe rules ono requiremenfs in oroer fo ensure your enfry is oopfureo wifhin fhe firsf 1 000 fo quolify for o Goooie BoQ.
Are you enferinQ os o feom of 10 or more? Plooe !EAM nome here.
!eom Copfoin (ALL enfronfs fo oomplefe inoiviouol enfry forms}
Mole Femole
Choose your d|stance:
5km 8km
Are you a cancer surv|vor:
Yes No
Doyfime !elephone Number. Cell Number
|D/Possporf Number.
D D ! ! B B B B
Dofe of birfh.
EmerQenoy Confoof Nome.
Disoovery vifolify Number.
Any serious meoiool problems we shoulo know obouf?
EmerQenoy Confoof Cell Number.
Woulo you like fo reoeive info
re. Avon Jusfine oouse evenfs.
Yes No
N8: |ease take note of the ru|es and what const|tutes an entry
on the fo||ow|ng page as we|| as be|ow:
|noiviouol enfries olose of mioniQhf Sunooy 12 Oofober 2014. Lofe enfries will be
oooepfeo of reQisfrofion @ P145 per ooulf plus o free evenf !-shirf ono P75 per
ohilo over 2 yeors olo wifhouf on evenf !-shirf. Goooie BoQs will be Qiven fo fhe firsf
1 000 enfronfs only.
!eom enfries olose of 18h00 on 05 Oofober 2014.
!honk you for opplyinQ fo enfer fhe Avon Jusfine i!hembo Wolkofhon.
Pleose remember fhof you ore NO! EN!EPED unfil poymenf hos been reoeiveo ono
oopfureo oQoinsf your enfry.
We require oll fhe info hiQhliQhfeo os monoofory fielos olonQ wifh o siQnofure below
in oroer fo suooessfully oopfure oll relevonf info.
!-shirf Size - Aoulfs.
One size oomplefeo per enfry
!-shirf Size - Chiloren.
| ooknowleoQe ono oQree fhof Avon Jusfine, ifs employees ono oQenfs, fhe i!hembo Crusooe of Rope, sponsors, suppliers ono volunfeers ossooiofeo wifh fhe evenf will nof oooepf responsibilify for
injury, oomoQe or loss of ony nofure whofsoever whioh moy resulf from porfioipofinQ in fhe Avon Jusfine i!hembo Wolkofhon for fhe i!hembo Crusooe of Rope, ono | oeolore fhof | om porfioipof-
inQ in fhe Avon Jusfine i!hembo Wolkofhon enfirely of my own risk even if | hove nof reoo fhis oisoloimer ono someone hos enfereo on my beholf. |f fhe evenf / wolk shoulo be oonoelleo owinQ
fo oiroumsfonoes beyono fhe oonfrol of fhe orQonisers, no refunos will be Qronfeo. Nofe. oonsulf o meoiool proofifioner before enQoQinQ in ony physiool oofivify. Porfioiponfs wolkinQ fheir ooQs
foke full responsibilify for fheir ooQs ono inoemnify ono holo Avon Jusfine hormless for ony loss, oomoQe or injury oouseo fo ony person or properfy by fheir ooQ(s} in ony monner whofsoever.
Enfry info fhe i!hembo Wolkofhon requires o proof of poymenf fo oooompony fhe enfry form before fhe enfry oeooline in oroer fo volioofe fhe enfry ono Qoooie boQ quolifioofion.
SiQnofure of enfronf (ono porenf / Quoroion if enfronf is unoer 18 yeors}.
Aoulf Wolker. P5
Chiloren 2 -12. P75
Donofion (Opfionol}
Disoovery vifolify members
eorn Disoover vifolify poinfs
when wolkinQ. 5km ono 8km
eorns you 500 poinfs. Your poinfs will be
reworoeo wifhin fhe monfh subsequenf fo fhe wolk.
!eoms oonsisf of o minimum of 10 enfronfs. Enfry of fhe firsf enfronfs will be prooesseo ono
inoiviouol enfries.
!!eom oolleofions of reQisfrofion fo be oone by fhe feom oopfoin only. No inoiviouol/ porf enfry
oolleofions will be permiffeo.
Pleose nofe fhe monoofory fielos morkeo wifh
S|ze changes w||| not be perm|ued
at reg|stranon.
78HF(<87 CEIJ 2EFC FC <K8 LFHK< AHAFC(< M78A(< ,AC,87
Weor your mosf oreofive ouffif ono moke sure you sfono ouf fo be in line fo
win owesome prizesI
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Submission of Enfries ono Proof of Poymenf
Whof oonsfifufes o suooessful enfry.
All enfries require on enfry from fhof is fully oomplefeo ono !OGE!REP
wifh proof of poymenf. Your enfry will only be oeemeo oomplefe ono
suooessful for prooessinQ onoe we hove reoeiveo fhe oomplefeo enfry
form AND mofohinQ poymenf. Pleose ensure proof of poymenf is oorreofly
oross-referenoeo. |f you oo nof reoeive oonfirmofion of your enfry vio
emoil or fexf wifhin 72 hours, pleose oonfoof us on 081 00 02.
!eom Enfries.
Complefe ono poy for oll feom enfries in one poymenf. Your feom oopfoin
musf oolleof of reQisfrofion for fhe whole feom. Pleose use your feom nome
os your referenoe if poyinQ by EF! or Direof Deposif.
Online Enfries.
Enfer online of www.ifhembowolkofhon.oo.zo ono poy wifh your oreoif or
ohip ono pin boseo oebif ooro. Your enfry will be oonfirmeo offer poymenf
is refleofeo in our bonk oooounf ono you've reoeiveo on enfry referenoe
by emoil wifhin 72 hours of enferinQ. Pleose ensure you oonfoof us if you
oo nof reoeive oonfirmofion. !eom enfries oon be oone online buf pleose
nofe fhof oll feom members hove fo oomplefe o seporofe enfry form ono
feom enfry poymenf musf be mooe by one person for oll feom members
of fhe some fime. Pemember fhof feom enfries olose 05 Oofober 2014
while inoiviouol online enfries olose 12 Oofober 2014.
Fox Enfries.
You oon oomplefe o phofooopieo oriQinol or oownlooo o 2014 Avon
Jusfine i!hembo Wolkofhon enfry form, moke o oeposif/ EF! info fhe
oooounf (oefoils below} ono moke sure fhof you fox your oomplefeo enfry
form/s wifh your monoofory proof of poymenf fo 0820820.
Pleose use your firsf nome ono surnome os your referenoe when mokinQ
Rono Delivereo Enfries.
Complefe your enfry form ono poy of fhe fill fhen orop if [wifh fhe reoeipf/
proof of poymenf] of fhe followinQ Sporfsmons Worehouse sfores.
- Blookheofh Povilion, Cresfo
- Fourwoys CrossinQ Pefoil Cenfre, Lonehill
- !he Glen ShoppinQ Cenfre, Ookoene
- Wooomeoo Super volue Cenfre, Wooomeoo
- Prinoess CrossinQ ShoppinQ Cenfre, Poooepoorf
Pleose use your firsf nome ono surnome os your referenoe when mokinQ
Aooounf Defoils.
Firsf Nofionol Bonk
- Aoo No.. 23258381 - Aoo Nome. BronoAXN !/A i!hembo
- Bronoh Cooe. 20548 - Currenf Aooounf
Nofe. !he oooounf will olose offer enfry olosinQ oofes, if you woulo like fo
enfer offer fhese oofes enfer of Qo fo Morks Pork ourinQ reQisfrofion.
See lofe reQisfrofion oefoils.
Nufriphose DoQ Wolk
BrinQ your ooQ fo foke porf in fhe WolkofhonI
DoQs wolk for free
All ooQs musf be on leoshes
Only frienoly ooQs shoulo porfoke in fhe DoQ Wolk
AlfhouQh fhere will be wofer sfofions you
moy wonf fo brinQ exfro wofer ono snooks for fhem
Looum vef of Finish fo feno fo minor issues suoh os souffeo pows efo.
Goooie boQs oonsisfinQ of on Avon Jusfine proouof ono on evenf f-shirf
will be Qiven fo fhe firsf 1 000 suooessfully reQisfereo enfries reoeiveo by
12 Oofober 2014. Goooie boQs ore only Quoronfeeo fo fhe firsf 1 000
suooessfully reQisfereo enfronfs so if is oovisoble fo enfer os eorly os possible.
All wolker numbers ono Qoooie boQs shoulo be oolleofeo of Morks Pork
Sporfs Complex from.
!hursooy, 23 Oofober. 10h00 fo 18h00
Friooy, 24 Oofober. 10h00 fo 18h00
Sofurooy, 25 Oofober. h00 fo 1h00
Lofe PeQisfrofion.
|f you miss fhe olosinQ oofe for online ono fox enfries, you ore sfill weloome
fo enfer of PeQisfrofion from 23ro fo 25fh Oofober 2014 of fhe obove
Lofe enfries oosf P145 per ooulf plus o free !-shirf ono P75 per ohilo over
2 yeors of oQe wifhouf on evenf !-shirf (proms permiffeo}.
We will hove o fooilify for oebif ono oreoif ooro poymenfs of reQisfrofion.
No lofe reQisfrofions will be foken on evenf ooy - 2 Oofober.
On fhe Evenf Doy.
Sforf your wolk wifh fhe Avon Jusfine i!hembo Ambossooor, Pobi Moloi,
Koyo FM presenfers ono ofher oelebrifies os well os ofher breosf oonoer
Live enferfoinmenf inoluoinQ sfoQe performonoes wifh prize Qiveowoys
inoluoinQ fhe Nufriphose DoQ Wolk.
Kios enferfoinmenf inoluoinQ o kios ploy oreo ono foooler frof.
Koyo FM presenfers fo be brooooosfinQ live of fhe evenf ono you oon fune
in fo 5.5 for live upoofes reQoroinQ froffio ono porkinQ on fhe ooy from
Fooo sfolls fo buy snooks ono orinks ono oifferenf venoors inoluoinQ our
NGO Porfners Bossom Buooies, Look Gooo.Feel Beffer ono i!hembo.
BrinQ AlonQ.
Your fomily, frienos, ohiloren, neiQhbours, oolleoQues. Spreoo fhe woro fo
everyone you know fo reQisfer fo wolk or oome fo supporf fhe wolk.
Your ooQs, on fheir leoshes ono fooo ono wofer for fhem - enfer fhem of
reQisfrofion/wolk number oolleofion from !hurs 23 Oofober.
Sunblook, hofs, sunQlosses ono oomforfoble wolkinQ shoes.
A pionio boskef ono some oosh - fhere will be fooo ono ofher sfolls.
All wolkers musf be pre-reQisfereo.
NO enfries will be oooepfeo on fhe ooy of fhe evenf. Only pre-enfries will
be oooepfeo.
All ohiloren ore fo be superviseo ono weorinQ ioenfifioofion wrisfbonos. No
unoffenoeo ohiloren on fhe Qrounos. Wrisfbonos will be provioeo.
Weor your wolker number visibly on fhe fronf of your ohesf for fhe
ourofion of fhe wolk.
!-shirf size ohonQes will nof be permiffeo of reQisfrofion os fhey hove been
oroereo ooooroinQ fo quonfify.
Obey morshols ono froffio offioiols of oll fimes for your sofefy.
Proms ono wheelohoirs ore weloome.
Pork in oesiQnofeo porkinQ only, oors porkeo illeQolly will be foweo. visif
www.ifhembowolkofhon.oo.zo for porkinQ info.
All ooQs musf be on leoshes ono only frienoly ooQs shoulo porfoke in fhe
Nufriphose DoQ Wolk.
Liffer bins ore plooeo olonQ fhe roufe ono wifhin fhe venue.
No skofebooros, bioyoles, wheelie shoes olloweo.
No fires, oloohol, fireorms, oruQs, illeQol subsfonoes or reokless behoviour.
No Qozebos or sfono umbrellos olloweo.
All monoofory fielos in poQe 2 ore fo be filleo in
!oke nofe of whof oonsfifufes o oomplefeo enfry ono our limif of 1 000
Goooie BoQs.
8A7GB D8<8,<FEC (AN8( GFN8(
Contact our kace Cmce on 0861 00 99 02 or |themba[ for more |nformanon
F"H'9#", I). *&+ .*-3 .'#0 J)8, .0)-" (*1'-JK (,'"&+9K 4)--"*H8"9 *&+ 4)118&'#J/
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Seno on sms fo one of fhe followinQ fwo numbers ono oll prooeeos will be oonofeo fo fhe i!hembo Funo.
SMS "breosf oonoer" fo 41131 fo oonofe P25 or SMS "breosf oonoer" fo 38844 fo oonofe P10.
Avon Jusfine i!hembo Crusooe of Rope
i!hembo believes fhof oommunify eouoofion ono oworeness
ore key fo eorly oefeofion. !he more women know obouf breosf
oonoer, fhe more women we will be enoouroQeo fo oo monfhly
self-exominofions ono onnuol mommoQroms. !he Avon Jusfine
i!hembo Crusooe of Rope oonofes proouofs worfh P180 000
onnuolly fo Look Gooo...Feel Beffer, on orQonisofion fhof helps
women unoerQoinQ oofive oonoer freofmenf in o proofiool ono
empowerinQ woy fhrouQh fheir workshops.

Avon Jusfine i!hembo CANSA 0nifs
i!hembo hos funoeo o CANSA mobile unif in fhe Free Sfofe fo promofe
oworeness of breosf ono oerviool oonoer in fhe rurol oreos. !he unifs
olso oonouof pop smeors ono breosf exominofions. !he i!hembo CANSA
unif in fhe Free Sfofe reooheo 14 08 women ourinQ 2011 ono 2012.
Avon Jusfine i!hembo Mobile Breosf Conoer Eouoofionol 0nifs
!he Avon Jusfine i!hembo Breosf Reolfh Founoofion eouoofionol unifs'
folks hove reooheo over 5 521 women in fhe SeoibenQ reQion sinoe
2010, fhe Wesfern Cope unif hos reooheo over 71 05 over fhe some
"!he fwo biQQesf sfumblinQ blooks in breosf heolfh oore in Soufh Afrioo ore oworeness
ono oooess. !he Avon Jusfine i!hembo relofionship wifh fhe Breosf Reolfh Founoofion,
fhrouQh mobile eouoofion unifs, oonofions ono involvemenf wifh fhe wolkofhon
beoufifully oooresses bofh fhese issues." soys Dr Corol-Ann Benn.

Avon Jusfine i!hembo Looies' Doys
|n 2013 fhe i!hembo Looies Doy wos offenoeo by 320 inoreoible
women. !he Avon Jusfine i!hembo Looies' Doy roises funos for Look
Gooo. Feel Beffer fhrouQh fiokef soles ono fhe silenf ouofion. Over
P150 000 wos roiseo. visif www.ifhembolooiesooy.oo.zo for more.
<6/ I*#$ *O *3# CHE '"#+9/#%
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8A7GB D8<8,<FEC (AN8( GFN8(
Contact our kace Cmce on 0861 00 99 02 or |themba[ for more |nformanon
!he Breosf Reolfh Founoofion ono Bosom Buooies
were esfoblisheo in 2002 fo eouoofe fhe publio on
breosf oonoer ono breosf heolfh, inoreose oworeness
ono empower women.
Pleose visif our websife for more info.
www.mybreosf.orQ.zo /
!he Look Gooo.Feel Beffer proQromme is fhe oosmefio
inousfry helpinQ oonoer pofienfs unoerQoinQ oofive freofmenf,
in o proofiool ono posifive woy. Over 22 000 oonoer pofienfs
hove now offenoeo o Look Gooo.Feel Beffer workshop in
Soufh Afrioo.
Pleose visif our websife for more info.
Poise funos - Qef your fomily, frienos ono oommunify fo sponsor you for eooh km you wolk.
visif www.ifhembowolkofhon.oo.zo for more info.
Wonf fo furfher supporf i!hembo work of NGO's? Downlooo enfry form ono ohollenQe feom mofes fo wolk fooI

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