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11, 12 Februr!,2"1#$ CHITRAKOOT, M%&! Pr%e'&
Swami Vivekananda-His dreams on Development of India
All India Deputy Organisnig Secretary,
Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh BMS!
Ne" Delhi
Look back ,therefore, as far as you can , drink deep of the eternal fountains that
are behind , and after that , look forward , and march forward and make India
brighter , greater, much higher than it ever was - Swami Vivekananda (omplete
S"a&i )i*e+ananda,s drea&s can %e understood through his
&essages, Speeches, -on*ersations and .etters "ritten to *arious people$
/e "as &o*ed %y the pathetic conditions o0 poor people li*ing
throughout India$ /e aggressi*ely attac+ed the caste syste& pre*ailed in our
Society "hich lead to inhu&an Social discri&ination and do"n 0all o0 the
do"n trodden people$ /e "as also *ery &uch distur%ed "ith the apathy o0
educated people to"ards their country and country&en$ As per &y little
+no"ledge, I classi0y his drea&s into 0ollo"ing categories-
1$ 2roper education 0or co&&on deno&inator
3$ All round de*elop&ent o0 "o&en
4$ Indian de*elop&ent
5$ Re&o*al o0 caste discri&inations
6$ Uni*ersal har&ony 7 2eace
8$ A"areness o0 sel0-respect a&ong &asses
S"a&i9i 0ounded the reason 0or the do"n 0all o0 India$ /e said-I
consider that, the great national sin is the neglect of the masses, and that is
one of the causes of our down fall. -o&plete :or+s -6;333!$ At the sa&e
ti&e, he also *isualized the 0reedo& o0 India$ /e strongly 0elt that India "ill
e&erge as glorious as e*er$ E*en today his thoughts are &ore rele*ant$
Un0ortunately, sa&e situations still pre*ails today also in di<erent shapes
and 0or&s$ So, it %eco&es necessary 0or us to ha*e a 0resh loo+ into his
thoughts, to understand his drea&s and put all e<orts to re%uild India in that
direction $
Indias Development-Dreams of Swami Vivekananda
The Dreams ----
1. Our co&&on people ha*e learned the "or+ ethic= %ut our educated
intelligentsia ha*e not, e>cept "hen it concerns their o"n sel0- interest=
and so, they e>ploit the co&&on people, either re&aining lazy
the&sel*es or %y hard "or+ 0or their o"n sel0 ?ad*ance&ent$ @his has
to %e changed$ /u&an )alues Manage&ent ,-3-211!
2. Education on national scale, self-discipline , hard and
cooperative work and the humanistic impulse these are four
means by which under developed India will become a fully
developed nation, "ith enor&ous disciplined energies released 0ro&
her *ast population$ :e thus 0ree oursel*es 0ro& 0eudal past and
%eco&e a &odern progressi*e de&ocratic nation consisting o0 one
se*enth o0 the hu&anity$ /u&an )alues in Manage&ent $-6; p1A !
3. It is Dhar&a that eBualizes a strong &an and a "ea+ &an in society$ I0
the restraint o0 Dharma is not there , the strong will have all the
Kama and Artha and the wea will !e de"rived of even elementar#
human satisfactions = and that "as "hat o%tained in our 0eudal Social
order , "here the ha*es &onopolized all the good things o0 li0e and the
ha*e-nots "ere le0t to li*e a near-ani&al .i0e $ @his is "hat "e ha*e to
change 0ully in our de&ocratic state, %y in0using &oral, ethical and
hu&an *alues into our society$
$. Re&e&%er that the nation li*es in the cottages$ But, alasC No%ody
e*er did anything 0or the&D$@he 0ate o0 a nation does not depend
upon the nu&%er o0 hus%ands their "ido"s get, %ut upon the
conditions of masses$ -an you raise the&E C( !)u *+,e -&e. b/0
their lost individuality without making them to loose their
innate spiritual nature? T&+' +' -) be %)(e (% we will do it-
%&om"lete 'ors-()2*-3+,
(. India has to learn 0ro& Europe the conBuest o0 e>ternal nature, and
Europe has to learn 0ro& India the conBuest o0 internal natureD$ :e
ha*e de*eloped one phase o0 hu&anity, and they another$ It is the
union o0 the t"o that is "anted$ -o&plete :or+s -6;318!
-. E*ery Nation ,e*ery &an, and e*ery "o&en &ust "or+ out their o"n
sal*ation -o&plete :or+s -5$483!
.. All the &e&%ers o0 a society ought to ha*e the sa&e opportunity 0or
o%taining "ealth, education or +no"ledge -o&plete :or+s $6$158 !
The mind boggling !uestion)-
'e have to sit and consider this one great /uestion0 1ow to infuse
human values into our national life and thus overcome our accumulated
"ro!lems challenging our national aims of total human develo"ment.
-S"a&i )i*e+ananda
I 0eel this Buestion is rele*ant e*en today on "hich "e ha*e to churn our
I(%+( /)('-+-u-+)(;-
:hile thin+ing a%out the i&ple&entation S"a&i9i,s drea&s, "e ha*e to
ta+e the prea&%le o0 our constitution seriously and "or+ de*otedly, to "to
ensure the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of
the nation#$ Re0; 2rea&%le o0 Indian -onstitution!$ I strongly 0eel that, in
independent India, our -onstitution &ust %e the guiding 0actor 0or us$
Pre'e(- I(%+( S/e(r+) ;-
@oday,s India has t"o 0aces $:e ha*e to consider %oth "hile thin+ing
the 0uture o0 the country$
The one side of the coin111
Indian de&ocracy is the &ost success0ul and po"er0ul instru&ent o0
our progress$ -o&&on citizen is e<ecti*ely using this syste& to
e>press his opinions$
India has de*eloped in di<erent "al+s o0 li0e also e&erging as a
po"er0ul nation at glo%al le*el$
It ad*anced in &any signiFcant Felds li+e Science, @echnology,
Econo&y, Industry, Education, -o&&unication, etc$
Indians a%road are playing a *ital role in &any countries, econo&ies
and social li0e and %ringing laurels to India$
Indians &igrated to other countries too are contri%uting those
countries as "ell as India$ @hey are %eco&ing %oon to India$ 2erception
o0 G%rain drainH has changed to G%rain gainH$
.i+e that, perception a%out o*er population is also changing$ @he
young generation has turned into asset 0or us$ GDe&ographic di*idendH
is a ne" concept %y "hich India has got &ore chances o0 de*eloping
Bualitati*e &an po"er$
In national security angle also, India has e&erged as one o0 the &ost
po"er0ul centre at the glo%al le*el$ @he 2o+hran %lasts ha*e pro*ed its
T&e )-&er '+%e )2 -&e /)+(111
All the a!ove develo"ments are the one side of coin. 2hat gives the
Inde"endent India3s shining "icture which "ut entire world in sur"rise. 4et us
see the other side of the coin, the star realities which are haunting us for
decades and maing India to !ow her head in shame.
Illiteracy is increasing a&ong rural poor and ur%an slu&s$
Ra&pant and un%ridled co&&ercialization o0 education has lead to
denial o0 accessi%ility to education to &any sections$
E*en a0ter 86 years o0 Independence, still 53I o0 people li*es %elo"
the po*erty line$
Jar&ers, "ea*ers, la%ourers are co&&itting suicides due to utter
po*erty and lac+ o0 li*elihood 0acilities$
Kap %et"een rich and poor is "idening day %y day$
@he Secularist thin+ers, politicians and :est oriented intelligentsia
tarnishing the i&age o0 India, its culture and traditions$
Blind i&itation o0 ne" econo&ic policies initiated %y :orld Ban+, and
%lind i&itation o0 :estern culture has contri%uted &ulti-0aceted
pro%le&s in India$
Adoption o0 "rong de*elop&ent &odels L policies is increasing
continuously$ -o&&on &an resisting this De*elop&ental Models$ :ar
%et"een en*iron&entalists and proponents o0 De*elop&ent too are on
the rise$
Negligence o0 *illages and high pro&inence to ur%an areas is leading
to social tensions and unchec+ed &igration to ur%an areas 0ro& rural
Modern technology is +illing 9o%s$
Day %y day &oral )alues are decreasing a&ong the educated$
Un0ortunately, literate people turned into %ane instead o0 %oon$
Ra&pant corruption a&ong educated$ /ighly educated people are
%ehind &ost o0 the sca&s$
National So*ereignty "hich has %een a sacred principle, so 0ar is %eing
progressi*ely eroded %y International 0unda&entalists, @rans-national
terroris&, International Jinancial -orporations, International
underground e&pires o0 narcotics Ldrugs, %odies etc$
T&e W! )u-3
An ordinary &an gets con0used a0ter o%ser*ing the situations
that pre*ail today$ So&eti&es e*en our policy &a+ers too get con0used
and surrender to circu&stances$ @hey 0eel isolated and directionless$
@his is %ecause= they don,t ha*e a"areness a%out our country and lac+
o0 +no"ledge on the directions gi*en %y our National /eroes$ S"a&i
)i*e+ananda had sho"n us a clear cut path also$ 5# "lans are 66..
to reach these masses of India. 'e have to follow the "lan laid down
!# our ancestors, that is to !ring all the ideals slowl# among the
masses. 7aise them slowl# u"0 raise them to e/ualit# .Im"art even
secular nowledge through religion Re%uild India -4-23M!$
In his speeches, he had clearly presented his *ie"s, o%9ecti*es,
priorities and so&e preconditions 0or the all round de*elop&ent o0
S"a&i9i &entioned the Ob4e/-+,e )2 e/)().+/ 56((+(*$
According to hi& --7emem!er that the nation lives in the cottage 6
the fate of nation %de"ends, u"on the condition of masses. &an #ou
raise them8. 62his is to !e done and we will do it$ State, Society and
Socialis& $-6;p143 !
According to S"a&i9i, plan should %e ai&ed at the de*elop&ent
o0 the lo"er strata o0 the people $Mere increase in per capita inco&e or
KN2 "ill not help the people at large i0 a hand0ul o0 the& en9oy the
"ealth$ @his is "arned %y S"a&i9i in ne>t Saying$
Indian and "roduce can su""ort 9ve times as man# "eo"le as there
are now in India with comfort ,if the whole thing is not taen o: from
them .%;tate ,;ociet# and ;ocialism ?-6-p143-44 !
Un0ortunately, the policy &a+ers, rulers and leaders o0
Independent India ha*e 0orgotten S"a&i9i,s &essage 7 &ission and
adopted their o"n or %orro"ed *ie"s thus %rought this country in
today,s condition$ It is ti&e to introspect and adopt suita%le strategies
to &a+e India a great nation as drea&t %y S"a&i9i$
/e had also suggested the Pr+)r+-+e' )2 E/)().+/ P6((+(*7
Open #our e#es and see what a "iteous cr# for food is rising in the
land of <harata, "rover!ial for its wealth= 'ill #our education ful9ll this
want8 >ever, with the hel" of 'estern ;cience set #ourselves to dig
the earth and "roduce food ? stu:s- not means of mean servitude of
others ?!ut !# discovering new avenues to "roduction, !# #our own
e@ertions aided !# 'estern ;cience .-o&plete :or+s )N;1A3-A4! $
%&E-'()DITI()* +(& DE,E-(%.E)T /
I0 there is ineBuality in nature, still there &ust %e eBual chances 0or all
?or i0 greater 0or so&e and 0or so&e less ?the "ea+er should %e gi*en
&ore chance than the strong$ -o&plete :or+s $8;41M !
@hese poor! are all gods ?&en and ani&als= and the Frst gods "e ha*e
to "orship are country&en$ -o&plete :or+s $4;4O1!$
:e ha*e only to raise the& poor 7 lo"er classes ! "ithout %ringing
do"n any%ody $State ,Society and Socialis& $c5;133 !
In the land o0 Bharata ,e*ery social rule is 0or the protection o0 the
"ea+ $ -o&plete :or+s $6;64N !
Machines do not sol*e the po*erty Buestion= they si&ply &a+e &en
struggle the &oreD
-i*ilisation is the &ani0estation o0 Di*inity$ -o&plete :or+s$ 6;4OA!
.i%erty is the Frst condition o0 gro"th$ -o&plete :or+s $ 4;356-58 !
A -o&plete 2hilosophy o0 li0e "ill %e a happy %alance %et"een the
rights 7 pri*ileges on the one hand and the duties 7 responsi%ilities on
the other$ /u&an )alues in Manage&ent; -4-2M!$
Pings are li+e parents to their su%9ects, and the su%9ects are the +ing,s
children$ @he su%9ects, in e*ery respect, loo+ up to the +ing and stic+ to
their +ing "ith unreser*ed$ State ,Society and Socialis& $-5;p1O4 !
E*eryone has to learn to do a day,s honest la%our and then, only they
en9oy the 0ruit o0 it in the 0or& o0 "ages and salaries$
One &ust ad&it that, la", go*ern&ent, politics are phases not Fnal in
any"ay$ @here is a goal %eyond the& "here la" is not needed$ /u&an
)alues in Manage&ent -5;p18! $
No pri*ilege 0or any one, eBual chances 0or all= let e*eryone %e taught
that the Di*ine is "ithin and e*eryone "ill "or+ out o0 his o"n
sal*ation$ -o&plete :or+s$ 5;3M8-MN !
I "ant root and %ranch re0or&s$ Re%uild India -4;231 !
:e ha*e to gi*e %ac+ to nation its lost individualit# and raise the
masses. Ele*ation o0 the &asses "ithout in9uring their religion$
-o&plete :or+s $5;5A1 7 6;3M !
I&itation is not ci*ilization$ I&itation, co"ardly i&itation ne*er &a+es
progress $.earn e*erything that is good 0ro& others %ut %ring it in, and
in your o"n "ay a%sor% it, do not %eco&e others$ -o&plete :or+s $
4;4A1-A3 !
All this &e&%ers o0 society ought to ha*e the sa&e opportunity 0or
o%taining "ealth, education and +no"ledge$
I %elie*e that the Satyayuga "ill co&e "hen there "ill %e one caste,
one )eda, and 2eace and /ar&ony$ @his idea o0 Satyayuga is "hat
"ould re*i*i0y India, Belie*e it$ -o&plete :or+s $6;41 !
Jor the last t"o decades, the Ko*ern&ents in India are
i&ple&enting Ne" Econo&ic 2olicy in the na&e .2K polices$ @his has
lead to concentration o0 "ealth, un%ridled corruption, and highest
pro&inence to &aterialistic li0e$ A neo rich class is e&erging$ Blind
i&itation o0 .2K policies has %een creating ne" type o0 tur&oil in
society$ :e ha*e to co&e out o0 this i&itation &ania and 0ollo" our
o"n "ays, &odels policies and de*elop co&prehensi*ely$ At the sa&e
ti&e, "e should re9ect the :estern 2hilosophy "hich considers world as
a market) and accept Indian thought which considers world as one family)"
In this connection, I suggest the following for the Integral
development of India$-
Synergize Education, E&ploy&ent, Ethics, Ecology and Econo&ics$
All the de*elop&ent policies &ust %e Qco&&on deno&inator oriented
Q$ Re9ect any plan, sche&e, policy "hich is anti poor$ Stress should %e
gi*en on GAntyodayaH$ @here should not %e any e>ploitation o0 poor$
Adopt eco 0riendly culture and Eco- &atching @echnology$ Encourage
region speciFc technology$
Nature to %e &il+ed not to %e +illed$
Modernization need not %e :esternization$ Best o0 :est has to %e
adopted$ -on*ert :estern technology according Indian needs$
All old is not gold$ Upgrade Indian old technology, Pno"ledge syste&s,
and Social syste&s as per &odern needs $Re9ect any syste& "hich
hinders the progress o0 nation$
2ut reasona%le restrictions on consu&ption$ Opti&u& production and
eBuita%le distri%ution should %e the %aseline o0 our policies$
Esta%lish la%our intensi*e industries or esta%lish&ents %ut not -apital
intensi*e, auto&atic and high end technology oriented industries$
@reat .a%our as hu&an capital$ Shi0t 0ro& Investor centric thining3 to
la!our centric thining . So, that "e can pro*ide "or+ to &ore hands$
:estern concept o0 collecti*e %argaining is not consistent "ith /indu
*ie"$ It should %e replaced %y National co&&it&ent$
Ser*ice &oti*e has to %e i&parted a&ong the %ureaucracy Instead o0
si&ple Qwor and earn3 &oti*e$ .i+e that %usiness&an has to change
Qhuge "ro9t at an# cost3 &ind set$
Intelligentsia should co&e out o0 Intellectual sla*ery$
@reat 0a&ily L/o&e as production unit instead o0 0actory$
2rotect Ja&ily syste& $Ki*e highest i&portance to "o&en in 0a&ily
li0e$ She is the i&portant 0actor o0 our Econo&y$ She sa*es &oney also
creates "ealth$ At the sa&e ti&e, she also i&parts G;ansaras to
@he goal should %e not only happiness o0 onesel0 %ut happiness 0or all$
Ki*e /u&an 0aceLorientation to present Ad&inistration, .egal, 2olitical
S"a&i )i*e+ananda has propounded QVe%(-+/ Hu.(+'.8 "hich
contains &aterialist gro"th along "ith spiritualistic gro"th$ Since, last 16
decades, he inspired generations throughout the "orld %y his /u&anistic
approach$ /e put GVe%(-+/ +%e6' %e0ore the society$ /e says ?these
conce"tions of the Aedanta, must come out, must remain not onl# in the
forest, not onl# in the cave, !ut the# must come out to wor at the !ar and
the !ench, in the "ul"it, and in the cottage of the "oor man, with the
9shermen that are catching 9sh and with the students that are stud#ing.
%Re%uild India $-4;p45!$
H+' ,+'+)( b)u- I(%+9' r+'+(* :'3 ;6e- Ne: I(%+ r+'e< )u-
)2 -&e 5e'(-'9 /)--*e, *r'5+(* -&e 56)u*&$ )u- )2 -&e &u-' )2 -&e
='&er.(, -&e /)bb6er, (% -&e ':ee5er>77 Le- &er e.(-e 2r).
-&e 2/-)r!, 2r). .r-', (% 2r). .r0e-'7;
L*+ ,S -*S.LV* +. /01* 2IS 3-*0/S I4+. -*0LI+I*S
B))0 2)r Re2ere(/e';
1$ -o&plete "or+s o0 S"a&i )i*e+ananda
3$ -hicago addresses %y S"a&i )i*e+ananda
4$ Rousing call to /indu Nation %y S"a&i )i*e+ananda
5$ State Society and Socialis& %y S"a&i )i*e+ananda
6$ Re%uild India %y S"a&i )i*e+ananda
8$ Manage&ent 7 /u&an *alues %y S"a&i Ranganathananda
N$ @hird "ay %y Dattopanth @hengadi
A$ Sandesha @arangini -olo&%o to Al&ora speeches! -@elugu
M$ Melu+o Nesta&a )arious incidents on S"a&i9i li0e !-@elugu

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