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ENG 1PI Grade Nine Applied English (Mrs.

Course Description:
The Ministry of Educations Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10
English, Revised 2007 policy document states:
This course is designed to develop the key oral communication, reading,
writing, and media literacy skills students need for success in secondary school
and daily life. Students will read, interpret, and create a variety of informational, literary, and graphic
tets. !n important focus will "e on identifying and using appropriate strategies and processes to improve
students comprehension of tets and to help them communicate clearly and e#ectively. The course is
intended to prepare students for the $rade %& applied English course, which leads to college or
or!place preparation courses in $rades %% and %'.(
!t )uron )eights Secondary School, the E*$%+, course the"e is:
Good #ersus E#il
The Absolutel True !iar o" a #art Time $ndian -replacement cost .%'.&&/
%even #las o" &ster and %us'ense ()2*+00,
Two E*$%+, 0ooklets -replacement value .1.&& each/
(nits o) *tud+ (order su,-ect to change):
2egends of )eroes and 3illains -$reek, *orse, 4hinese, +ersian, *ative *orth !merican
Early Stories -5ing !rthur 2egends, 6olk Tales/
Modern )eroes and 3illains -our novel study, short drama, short stories, assorted 7lm/
E#aluation Categories (indi#idual assign"ents "a+ change)
$er" .or! /01
1. 'eading and 2iterature:
3includes novel, short stories, drama, myths
-analysis89ui::es8unit tests/
4. .riting:
3paragraphs, personal essays, news reports, informal responses

5. Media&6ral Co""unication:
3 7lm study
*u""ati#e .or! 501
;+ersonal Essay -%1</
;6inal Eam -%1</
ENG 1PI...Things to Know
In a few short years, you may be eligible to apply to the vast number of
college and apprenticeship programs ofered in North America. Therefore,
this course is designed to get you ready for that. Also, this is a room
where being respectful really matters.
1.Class is one hour. Be ready to go when the bell rings. This means your behind must
be placed in your chair seat in what I like to call The Attentive Student Position.
2.Come to class with your textbooks, the correct binder, paper and writing utensils. I
keep spares in the room so you may borrow these occasionally. Try to remember your
own supplies as best you can. Most importantly, you will need your brain (but I dont
keep extras of those around) so remember yours!

3.I allow reasonable bathroom breaks, but dont take advantage of this freedom to
wander. If you use bathroom breaks to socialize, you will either make up the time at
lunch, or I will request that one of the hall monitors escort you.
4.I do not permit any cell phone use during class. They are to be powered of and put
away (not in your pocket, not under the book on your desk, not sitting on your lap).
This is your warning! If you use your cell phone during class, you will be sent to
the Main Ofce to discuss the matter with your VP. Cell phones distract and
interfere with my teaching and your learning.
5.Take your personal listening devices of and put them into your backpack before you
enter the room. You will be allowed to use them sometimes during seatwork but you
will be expected to keep the volume turned down to a healthy level.
6.As per the school rule about classroom cleanliness, please do not bring food to class.
Water is acceptable. Gum must fnd its way into the garbage when you are done with
7.Expect regular parental and administrative contact.
8.All absences must be validated and you should expect to make up missed work.
Expect to write missed tests/quizzes at my convenience (which will probably happen
in your MSIP class so you need to be sure you go!)
)ave a great semester=
If you dont go after what you want, youll never have it. If you dont ask, the answer is
always no. If you dont step forward, youre always in the same place.Nora Roberts
This part is for your parents!
1. If there is a no buses day due to inclement weather, I will still hold a meaningful
class, so send your child if she or he can get here safely.
2. If I have any concerns, I will give a call home. If you need to reach me, please call me
at the school (519-896-2631). To leave me a voicemail, please dial extension 5069.
3. I do not assign homework for the sake of giving homework. Quite often, we begin
activities in class so that I can make sure students understand the lesson. I will then
expect them to fnish their class work in MSIP or at home. I regularly check to see if
students are keeping up. I also ofer revision opportunities which students can complete
on their own time.
4. I have a website where you and your child can go to fnd information about
assignments and tests. Go to msg1pclassroom.weebly. Keep checking back as the
Here are some important dates for the term:
1.Interim Report Day
2.Parent/Teacher Interviews -
3.Midterm Report Card
4.Your fnal exam will occur sometime during January
website will get updated as we work our way through each unit of study. The frst ofcial
marks will be posted at midterm as per our department policy.
5. It is a good idea to encourage your child to read every day. Reading improves writing!

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